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Ryse: Son of Rome D.I.C.E 2013 Presentation

I'd prefer 900p and better textures and effects than 1080p and downgrades everywhere else. I hope it turns out well and I have confidence in Crytek's technical abilities. Where I continue to have concerns are in their ability to tell a story or design compelling game play. They have failed at that in all their games to date and I'm hoping this is different. It had better be because Ryse is the only game I'm getting on my Xbox One till Titan fall. I'm not into racers or zombies and I'm going PS4 for all my multiplats. At this point I'll say Ryse has potential.
The light change on the gif in question is one that goes from something that looks indoors (with three additional light sources), to being outside in a cloudy day.

If you go outside at 8 in the morning you will notice that movie like self shadowing is non existent, same does occur when clouds block the sun, this is because the light you receive is being diffused, so there is a low key.


People jumping through major hoops to downplay how good this game looks. It's funny to watch.

Indeed, It's just another X1 thread...

Ryse looks great, but the graphics were never my concern, the gameplay was, and after the last few videos my faith is slowly coming around, but I'll never have full faith until I try it for myself.

Man...Nov is gonna be expensive. Two consoles and 2-3 games for each. Between Ryse, Killzone and battlefield my(console)eyes will be graphically taken care of :).

Southside Jim

Neo Member
Looks dope, but I've been more heartened by positive impressions of the combat. From the moment this was unveiled, I was in as it seemed to have been pulled directly from my id. Chunky, weighty, third-person, free-flowing action set in the Roman period. Yessir!


Cevat has certainly improved as a presentator. I also like his enthusiasm about this matter which is shining trough from those tweets of his.

Hopefully they'll come up with a PC game worth my time and money. I wouldn't mind being a Crytek fan once again.
Cevat has certainly improved as a presentator. I also like his enthusiasm about this matter which is shining trough from those tweets of his.

Hopefully they'll come up with a PC game worth my time and money. I wouldn't mind being a Crytek fan once again.

The only real games crytek still makes are Ryse and Homefront 2. From then on they will completely F2P so I see no future for crytek
Looks downgraded based on those GIF's. This one especially.

- No more self shadowing on the inner areas of the helmet
- No more particles floating around in the air
- Less shadow detail with crushed blacks on the left, neck, chin etc
- Overall lighting seems less believable (why is it so dark? There obviously is at least one similar light source, it's bouncing off his helmet)
- Less detailed overall (OP mentions capture differences)
- DoF lesser quality (lower aperture, more blur, less visible detail, clearer in the bottom right of the second gif)


It is just a lighting change. Like Cevat, said nothing has been compromised. Remember the beachhead scene from e3? Stream featured a completely different lighting:

The lighting of the scene changed... not the quality of the rendering.

AKA.. they did not place hero lighting...

Look at presentations how they did the cinematics in Crysis 3. They purposfully place multiple lights around the characters to "hero" light them. That screen shot from the most recent build does not have those helper lights.... That is really the only difference. You can tell by looking at the speculars.

In the old build, you see multiple specular highlights. In the new one.. you see just one... because there is no hero lighting implemented (it does not mean a downgrade... just an unfinished scene).

To show what I mean look below.

World lighting:

Hero lighting (manually placed lights to accentuate the character).

Perfect post, sums it up quite nicely. World lighting is more natural, as it should be. Hero lighting seems artificial. Good call Crytek.


Like when?

Btw when was the time when You were right?

Examples I can think of just recently, the poly count change with Marius, the average frame rate achieved on Crysis 3 1080p at high settings on some lesser GPUs, the number of characters on screen at a time in the Sorcerer demo etc etc.

Didn't a crytek guy say they took out the lod on the character models?

Sorry, meant to write poly count instead of LOD.


Examples I can think of just recently, the LOD change with Marius, the average frame rate achieved on Crysis 3 1080p at mid to high settings on some lesser GPUs, the number of characters on screen at a time in the Sorcerer demo etc etc.

Didn't a crytek guy say they took out the lod on the character models?


Examples I can think of just recently, the poly count change with Marius, the average frame rate achieved on Crysis 3 1080p at high settings on some lesser GPUs, the number of characters on screen at a time in the Sorcerer demo etc etc.
Marius is the only thing and it was accurate approximation given the amount information we had. Rest is Your imagination.


formerly cjelly
He just tweeted this comparison, too.

Bottom one is the new one, right? Cos that looks a hell of a lot better. And certainly more complete.



I think graphics and resolution is the least of this game's problem, The game looks amazing but then I realize this is a Crytek game and after Crysis 2/3 I'm not feeling very confident in them making a great game.

Reminds me of Guerilla Games.


Amazingly dishonest to call it "Full HD" regardless of upscaling.

He knew exactly what that entailed and said it anyways. This really irks me.

...with that said, I just pre-ordered the game despite doubting the gameplay because of graphics. I'm bad :p

But ugh, that Full HD tweet really bothers me now. I hate dishonesty and semantic trickery like this.


Wow, so it's always been 900p?
I'd love to see what the people who've been saying that they can definitely notice the resolution drop have to say to this.



That full HD tweet is some fucking bullshit though. He knows EXACTLY what that means. I hate this misinformation PR nonsense.

I can believe that.

Anyway, that seems new threadworthy. I'll have a thread up a moment if no-one objects?

Yeah, it seems thread worthy to me.


He just tweeted this comparison, too.

Bottom one is the new one, right? Cos that looks a hell of a lot better. And certainly more complete.


The armour on the guy on the right in the first image looks really weird. Almost like smoothed out tinfoil. It's looking amazing in the more recent image though. Massive props to Crytek for these graphics.


Why not compare those images at 1080p? The bigger versions show a level of blurriness in the new one not present in the first one.

Because one shot is downsampled from 1440p bullshot and second one is taken from twitch stream.
You cant judge IQ from any of them.
Yeah, very interesting. Even DF didnt notice it with hands-on.

I'm curious if they are using some of their temporal supersampling tech for upscaling.

I wonder now if all footage we have seen so far (including the 1080p combat vidoc) actually runs at 900p too, because pixel counting on those came up with 1080p too...

Anyway, if the IQ of the game running matches that vidoc, I'm more than ok with that. Whatever they are using for AA there does a damn fine job.


You can't remove tweets from other users. The answers you see when expanding the tweet depends on the number of answers. I often encounter this issue.
You can hide from your account... the twitter is yet displayed in the account that made the tweet but not in yours anymore.... so I can see the tweet if I acess the creator account but not in the replied account.

I did the test.. and the FAQ says that.


Yeah, very interesting. Even DF didnt notice it with hands-on.

I'm curious if they are using some of their temporal supersampling tech for upscaling.
DF didn't make a hands-ons to check the resolution... I guess they posted what CryTek said to them.


According to nearby staff, Ryse is a native 1080p game and the underlying tech is dubbed the "new CryEngine". - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-hands-on-with-xbox-one

Nearby staff seems the guys that showed the demo for them.... MS or CryTek.


DF didn't make a hands-ons to check the resolution... I guess they posted what CryTek said to them.


Nearby staff seems the guys that showed the demo for them.... MS or CryTek.

They would notice if it was blurry, so scaling had to be quite good and probably dark, blue theme of the beach scene with tons of particles effected helped to cover IQ loss.
900p I knew it.
Doesn't matter game will still look awesome.
Chobel and Ford will probably be a bit more judicious in the future which is a good thing. Can't trust these execs.


900p is good enough given what they are showing off.

What I am more interested is how much more at ease we will feel pertaining to connecting with virtual characters in games with great stories with nearly this or this level of visual fidelity. That is the bigger picture that should excite most of us; not the trivial resolution stuff that unless otherwise actively detracts from visual experience, should be left in the background. By the end of the generation, games on both systems may end up with native resolution of 720p upscaled to 1080p because other aspects will be pushed to limit on these closed boxes.

So, it's time to get priorities in order.

Marius is the only thing and it was accurate approximation given the amount information we had. Rest is Your imagination.

I saw your posts about sorcerer demo myself and so it's not his imagination. Anyway, I'd rather not drag this out.


FordGT is not going to be pleased.

It's all good frame buffer is 1080p native and the game still looks fantastic so I'm happy.

I care not if XOne is the best looking console as I have a gaming PC to play games like BF4 at 1080p when PS4 and XOne won't.
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