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Ryse: Son Of Rome |Reviews| It's going to be a bloodbath!

Don't worry, I won't react negatively to any bait. I'm practically immune at this point lol.

Dark Sector is tyte

I love how you can't admit this game is bad.

I'm still really excited about it, and I think for good reason. You have to also consider one other important piece to this entire thing is that I've watched full level playthroughs multiple times by different people. We're talking an hour+ straight of nothing but Ryse singleplayer campaign footage and gameplay. I sat through this and loved it. There's no way I won't like this game. The only question really remaining for me is just how good a game will I end up determining it to be. For me to view this game in a negative light, there would have to be a very negative turn for the worst at some point during the game that ruins it for me. That may or may not exist, but so far I'm not seeing it. I've said this enough, but I think it deserves repeating. A game isn't bad just because others hate it. If I don't hate it, or if I'm excited about it, really nothing else matters. Now, I understand that people don't like this game, and I accept and respect that, but I don't really see why people can't understand and accept that I have a very different opinion. I see a game with a setting I enjoy, and I think it looks pretty damn awesome. Is that really such a terrible thing? Come on, I think it's safe to say we can move on now. The game got the kinds of reviews that some people wanted, expected or thought it deserved. I don't feel particularly required or forced to fall in line with some of the negative opinions on this game. If that makes me the subject of a hilarious joke I can't comprehend, I'm okay with that. And that's probably the last I'll say on the matter until the time comes where I can play it myself. :)
I wonder if the scores would have been higher if this were a $20 kinect game with just 3 hours gameplay with the same graphics but your right arm as the weapon and your left as the shield
I bet I'll probably like it. Reviewers don't seem to share my opinions and tastes alot of times.

I am enjoying the fuck out of Killzone Shadow Fall, and Knack looks great too. People who own it have told me they're enjoying it as well :) I bet Ryse will be the same way.

shame about the campaign length though.
So for laughs I started playing Far Cry again, and it struck me that Crytek are basically the poster-children for how fucked up priorities in modern games are. People rightly complained about Crysis 2, saying that it was a huge step down from the original game. Ryse is like the natural evolution of that principle, updated to today's standards by making the failure even bigger and flashier.

In under 10 years they went from their first game, a graphical showcase like the rest but one where the player was given tools, a map marker and a pat on the back to say good luck; and they ended up at a game where even a positive review admits that you can literally put down the controller and let it play itself. Bravo lads. Bravo.


Played some Ryse today.

The reviews seem to be alright. Very shallow game!

On the other hand, it's surely a graphical showcase.
So for laughs I started playing Far Cry again, and it struck me that Crytek are basically the poster-children for how fucked up priorities in modern games are. People rightly complained about Crysis 2, saying that it was a huge step down from the original game. Ryse is like the natural evolution of that principle, updated to today's standards by making the failure even bigger and flashier.

In under 10 years they went from their first game, a graphical showcase like the rest but one where the player was given tools, a map marker and a pat on the back to say good luck; and they ended up at a game where even a positive review admits that you can literally put down the controller and let it play itself. Bravo lads. Bravo.
I support this message.


so all the launch titles across the board suck?


Since when did it become a crime for framerate to drop once in a while?
Not so long ago you stated that "any game below 30 FPS is unplayable mess" (quote not perfect, but pretty close in spirit), and now when DF proved that game pretty much always in 26FPS range with drops into tens in some scenes its ok, because this is xbone game.

What a sound and swift 180, you are true xbox fan, its in your DNA.

P.S. Who cares about heavy use of FMV in another Crytek "masterpiece" - i can't blame developers that they wanted to see game running in 1080 on xbone at least from time to time ;)


Far Cry turned to shit like 3/4 in, I remember stopping that game dead once the mutants started to show up. Never bothered to finish it, even though I was enjoying it so much in the beginning.

If I wanted to shoot brain-dead enemies that just ran straight at me, I had Painkiller and Serious Sam at that time to play instead.


You absolutely don't, unless you're taking part in a conversation about people's reaction to a game and can't even be bothered to look into a response without dismissing it out of hand. When you're making a point to expend energy sharing your own experience (which is at odds with many others), it rings flat to see you, and it is fair to say this based on your words, attacking the character of people as grounds to not even *hear* their opinion.

No one is saying "your enjoyment is wrong," but you're discussing something. If you want to interact, it's a reasonable expectation that you assess people's words based on merit. I didn't have the highest opinion of you coming into this, just because I've seen off-hand comments you've made toward others, but I wanted to have the exchange (partly because I wanted to hear your reaction in light of your own enjoyment of the game) and you'll see my words reflect that.

Without deliberate "bite" to this, you're sort of wasting air in a conversation if you only treat it as a one-way pass of words. If you feel satisfied criticizing people personally as a way to avoid bringing appropriate outside ideas into a conversation, then I can't very well use you as a point of reference to think about it, now can I? All you've brought is off-topic negativity.

Whatever. Play the game and see for yourself. Many people actually like it, and believe these and many reviewers are wrong. Not a big deal.

I am sorry you find it hard to believe that some people find it hard to stomach those people in the video you posted.

I have made no offhand comments. I have brought no negativity. In fact, I am saying that the games in question may be good once people play them for themselves, as witnessed with knack.

Are you the person in the video? If so, know that your first impression is quite important. Watching a video, and having your audience cringe such that they feel compelled to close the window is not a personal attack.

If you are not the person it the video, then please speak for yourself and not others. You obviously really did not like knack when you played it. That is fine, but is seems many here including myself do like the game. We have concluded that the reviewers were wrong in many places, and did not experience co-op as well as other things.

I do not need reviewers.
Thankfully, with the advent of Twitch streaming, the "reviewers" stock value will drop even further.

I am done with this. This whole thing started as a point that reviewers are often wrong and, as with knack, they were wrong. Wrong for many here and myself.

It may be the same for this game. We will see when people here post impressions.


Not so long ago you stated that "any game below 30 FPS is unplayable mess" (quote not perfect, but pretty close in spirit), and now when DF proved that game pretty much always in 26FPS range with drops into tens in some scenes its ok, because this is xbone game.

What a sound and swift 180, you are true xbox fan, its in your DNA.

P.S. Who cares about heavy use of FMV in another Crytek "masterpiece" - i can't blame developers that they wanted to see game running in 1080 on xbone at least from time to time ;)

This guy is not an idiot.


The only thing about Ryse is people knew expectations going in...Knack was a sucker punch
Knack seemed like a mediocre family title from the very beginning. No one expected much from it.

Ryse is being marketed as one of the Xbox One's showcase launch titles. It even has TV ads.

Ryse getting such low scores is a bigger deal IMO. Isn't a sequel rumored to be in the works or trademarked or something?


The Edge article described the visuals and set pieces is glowing terms. I would give it a look just for that. Sounds like the ultimate rental otherwise.


Unlimited Capacity
I'm still really excited about it, and I think for good reason. You have to also consider one other important piece to this entire thing is that I've watched full level playthroughs multiple times by different people. We're talking an hour+ straight of nothing but Ryse singleplayer campaign footage and gameplay. I sat through this and loved it. There's no way I won't like this game. The only question really remaining for me is just how good a game will I end up determining it to be. For me to view this game in a negative light, there would have to be a very negative turn for the worst at some point during the game that ruins it for me. That may or may not exist, but so far I'm not seeing it. I've said this enough, but I think it deserves repeating. A game isn't bad just because others hate it. If I don't hate it, or if I'm excited about it, really nothing else matters. Now, I understand that people don't like this game, and I accept and respect that, but I don't really see why people can't understand and accept that I have a very different opinion. I see a game with a setting I enjoy, and I think it looks pretty damn awesome. Is that really such a terrible thing? Come on, I think it's safe to say we can move on now. The game got the kinds of reviews that some people wanted, expected or thought it deserved. I don't feel particularly required or forced to fall in line with some of the negative opinions on this game. If that makes me the subject of a hilarious joke I can't comprehend, I'm okay with that. And that's probably the last I'll say on the matter until the time comes where I can play it myself. :)

I'm just saying it is ok to like bad games. Liking a bad game or hating a good one is perfectly normal.


Far Cry turned to shit like 3/4 in, I remember stopping that game dead once the mutants started to show up. Never bothered to finish it, even though I was enjoying it so much in the beginning.

If I wanted to shoot brain-dead enemies that just ran straight at me, I had Painkiller and Serious Sam at that time to play instead.

Agree with this. That is where an otherwise enjoyable game turned to garbage. I think I slogged through it and finished it though but it was a terrible game for that last part.
Well, that made me want a next gen God of War from this 3rd person perspective. Would be AMAZING.

I like Ryse. Not enough to 1) spend $60 on it or 2) buy an Xbox One.


Brad on GB seemed to think the game was alright, but it did lack a bit of depth. I do really like the setting and how damn good it looks.

I still kind of want it, but maybe not for $60, with these scores I wouldn't be surprised if it was on sale at Black Friday. Might pick it up then.
Far Cry turned to shit like 3/4 in, I remember stopping that game dead once the mutants started to show up. Never bothered to finish it, even though I was enjoying it so much in the beginning.

If I wanted to shoot brain-dead enemies that just ran straight at me, I had Painkiller and Serious Sam at that time to play instead.

This is true, but I think that the scope and ambition it exemplified versus that of Ryse is pretty clear. Trigens notwithstanding.
Anyone else been looking at Kotaku and EDGE reviews and thinking.. the way they sorta like it gives me permission to get this game despite the negative assault everywhere else?
Wow, it really is the Knack of the XBone

Hmmm. Ryse may be a little repetitive [and pretty] but at least it somewhat interests me. I have no desire at all to play Knack. Knack seems like a game they cobbled together while brainstorming and decided, "why not? They'll pay full price for it because we'll charge a premium".
Entrecôte;90731591 said:
Anyone else been looking at Kotaku and EDGE reviews and thinking.. the way they sorta like it gives me permission to get this game despite the negative assault everywhere else?

This attitude is weird. Two reviews say it's not the worst game ever made and you now have "permission" to get it? It sounds to me like you already made up your mind to get it and just want to see opinions which support that preconceived notion.


Reading the Edge review makes Ryse, with all its flaws, sound more interesting than anything on PS4.

Resogun is cool but not my cup of tea(don't have the time/yearning for high-score games these days).

Xbone's lineup is flawed but interesting. Reminds of the Wii U lineup. Both are far better than Sony's tepid offering.
Hmmm. Ryse may be a little repetitive [and pretty] but at least it somewhat interests me. I have no desire at all to play Knack. Knack seems like a game they cobbled together while brainstorming and decided, "why not? They'll pay full price for it because we'll charge a premium".

If you knew Ryse's development history... you would say that of it too.
Not so long ago you stated that "any game below 30 FPS is unplayable mess" (quote not perfect, but pretty close in spirit), and now when DF proved that game pretty much always in 26FPS range with drops into tens in some scenes its ok, because this is xbone game.

What a sound and swift 180, you are true xbox fan, its in your DNA.

P.S. Who cares about heavy use of FMV in another Crytek "masterpiece" - i can't blame developers that they wanted to see game running in 1080 on xbone at least from time to time ;)

Sorry, you got that wrong. I'm referring to games that consistently display terrible performance, as Dead Rising 3 once did in its early showings, which made it completely unplayable, and others agreed around that time also that it was unplayable. That is no longer the case for DR3. It's certainly not the case for Ryse. There's entire level playthroughs available online from the finished game, and the performance is great. I think you're mistaken to associate my comments to mean something they obviously do not, and never did. I'm not so crazy unrealistic in my expectations as to expect a game will never occasionally drop below its target framerate. BF4 on both the PS4 and Xbox One occasionally drop to below 60fps, but that fact does little to change the fact that the game is much more often than not a consistently reliable 60fps. The game is not significantly hurt by performance. Neither is Ryse based on available footage of entire level playthroughs. It displays strong performance beginning to end. Watch the below video.


There's nothing miraculous about a game occasionally dropping below its target FPS. People keep throwing out the "xbox fan, xbox fan, hey, you're an xbox fan" charge, but I don't know how much weight that carries when people keep relying on these petty instances of occasional dropped frames to paint an entire game with a broad and inaccurate brush of bad or terrible performance. It's like, "Hey look, we've got some instances of dropped frames, look how low it goes," totally ignoring the overall performance. It seems insanely childish to me, but I'm done discussing it.

Of course, but I have a very strong feeling you have hyped yourself up for a disappointment here.

If I'm wrong, I will be the first to come on and admit that when I get the chance to play it, but I can tell from the footage I've watched I'm going to like this game.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like every OT ever made.

Not true at all. Hell, just take a gander into the Killzone: Shadowfall OT. A game that's doing much better than Knack on Metacritic, but is full of highly negative (justifiably, in my opinion) impressions about the gameplay in the OT.
Can we just get one thing straight? When you say "fuck the haters, I'm going to buy this game even though the impressions from people who, unlike me, have actually played it say that it's awful" you are not taking some grand stand against The Haters or The Man; you are bending over and getting forcibly fucked by a gigantic canoe wielded by a multi-million dollar marketing machine which thrives on generating defensive reactionary sentiment and irrational hype in order to take your money from you.
I love how you can't admit this game is bad.

To be fair this happens to a lot of people. They get hyped up during the reveal of a game, and love the setting it presents, that no matter how poor the game turns out to be, they're still buying it. No amount of negative impressions can change their stance at a certain point.
Can we just get one thing straight? When you say "fuck the haters, I'm going to buy this game even though the impressions from people who, unlike me, have actually played it say that it's awful" you are not taking some grand stand against The Haters or The Man; you are bending over and getting forcibly fucked by a gigantic canoe wielded by a multi-million dollar marketing machine which thrives on generating defensive reactionary sentiment and irrational hype in order to take your money from you.
Nah the game's good mate. Enjoy it!
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