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Satellite Reign (Kickstarter) - Spiritual sequel to Syndicate Wars by orig. creator


Ugh, I'm going to have to show some major restraint not to get the early access version. I really should just pick up the old syndicates to scratch the itch.


Law of the West
This is probably the best game I've backed to date. The team seemingly knows exactly what most of us want and is keeping us well informed without overloading us with information.

Can't wait!
Alpha/Steam Early access coming soon.






Music sample: https://soundcloud.com/5-lives-studios/satellite-reign-ambient-01

So hyped.


Those environments don't look very destructible at all. I don't want to blow up just a few misc. props here and there, I want to lay waste to entire districts with nuclear hand grenades.


Those environments don't look very destructible at all. I don't want to blow up just a few misc. props here and there, I want to lay waste to entire districts with nuclear hand grenades.
You'd need the Magic Carpet engine for that. Man, what an absolutely amazing technological feat that was.


Ohhhhhhh that looks so nice. You can dislike Kickstarter for various reasons but it's bringing out some really nice games which would not get made without it.


Neo Member
Thanks all for the kinds words. We keep dropping off the public radar a bit due to being so wrapped up in it all, but it's reassuring to hear that people like what they see. :D


Junior Member
Sure thing, didn't pledge for Alpha for nothing. Just one question:
is it a bit foggy or is this the general lighting? The older screenshots appeared a bit clearer.

Otherwise, stocked as heck :p


Neo Member
Yeah, the earlier shots didn't have the rain effects included, which have the occasional sheets of "misty" rain pass by. We're adjusting it every other day to find a balance we like. Hopefully the rain will be dynamic in the final release, but it's a lower priority at the moment.


Junior Member
Yeah, the earlier shots didn't have the rain effects included, which have the occasional sheets of "misty" rain pass by. We're adjusting it every other day to find a balance we like. Hopefully the rain will be dynamic in the final release, but it's a lower priority at the moment.

Also, a question about the Candela SSRR used: will you also have an option to use the SSPT Global Illumination? I don't care if no PC alive can run it then, just having it there as "Ultra Advanced Option" would be great for screenshots alone. :)



Also, a question about the Candela SSRR used: will you also have an option to use the SSPT Global Illumination? I don't care if no PC alive can run it then, just having it there as "Ultra Advanced Option" would be great for screenshots alone. :)

We're waiting for them to release their GI solution so we can check it out. One issue with using GI is that we'd have to set up a system to remove some lights when it's enabled. At the moment I'm manually adding in extra lights to simulate the "bounce light" which wouldn't be required using GI, it would just make the scene overly bright. So we have to get a hold of it first to evaluate it.


So the Early Access of Satellite Reigns is out on Steam. Has anyone had a chance to give it a try? What sort of content is currently in? I pledged enough to get a key and I am really tempted to load it up, but I try not to play early access games as much as possible. I'd rather wait to see the full package. I've been itching for a cyberpunk game though so I might cave.

Edit: Just noticed the |OT|. Guess I'll get impressions there.


It's been a busy week, our launch trailer came out in preparation for release next week and our first review came out!

Even so, with Satellite Reign, the team at 5 Lives Studios has surpassed its inspiration – a bona fide classic – in almost every respect. Its story unfolds organically as you discover correspondence and corporate reports (and occasionally forcefully extract insider knowledge from an initially unwilling source), its tonally perfect, and the flexibility of play styles on offer is to be applauded.

I'm not expecting all our reviews to be as glowing but i'm a bit of a pessimist.

Mr. Tibbs

It's been a busy week, our launch trailer came out in preparation for release next week and our first review came out!

I'm not expecting all our reviews to be as glowing but i'm a bit of a pessimist.
Congratulations! As a backer and Australian, I'm very happy to see 5 Lives managed to deliver on the original pitch. Loved my time with the game in early access, and am looking forward to playing the full game.


Cool, glad to see positive reception.

I'll get this when/if the TRON look has been modded out.

Seriously, the lighting on the trenchcoats is very off putting.

I mean, I get that they wanted to make the agents easy to see.

But this can be achieved via other means like an outline around the characters, or changing the brightness/hue/saturation of the characters only...

Or via more elegant design schemes using lighter colours.


Since no one has claimed the OT I will start working on putting one together. First timer though so if anyone wants to do it, I will pass the baton to them. Once I've put in some real work into it I'll claim it in the OT thread but until them, feel free.

In the meantime if there's any particular pictures, media, information, OT titles, you feel should be included, feel free to suggest away.


So after I made my snide comment about trenchcoat lighting, my copy of Satellite Reign decided to stop working :(

Seriously though, I tried to switch to borderless window mode, causing the game to... not so much crash as to not render properly.

As in, it wouldn't render at all - leaving me with only a small title bar with the game icon, the minimize button and the close window button.

Running windows 10, on a 3440x1440 monitor. Have tried deleting the game and redownloading, as well as deleting the user data, but nothing seems to work.

I know the game is running given that the sounds still work... I just can't interact with it (because I can't see anything to interact with).

Any advice Wetwired (or anyone else able to help)?


So after I made my snide comment about trenchcoat lighting, my copy of Satellite Reign decided to stop working :(

Seriously though, I tried to switch to borderless window mode, causing the game to... not so much crash as to not render properly.

As in, it wouldn't render at all - leaving me with only a small title bar with the game icon, the minimize button and the close window button.

Running windows 10, on a 3440x1440 monitor. Have tried deleting the game and redownloading, as well as deleting the user data, but nothing seems to work.

I know the game is running given that the sounds still work... I just can't interact with it (because I can't see anything to interact with).

Any advice Wetwired (or anyone else able to help)?

I didn't do it to spite you I promise :)

Try holding ALT and load the game via steam (I assume?) you'll get prompted with the old style resolution selection. Hopefully changing settings there can help you out otherwise hit me up on PM. I've notified Mike about it to take a look at, there was some recent changes in regard to borderless windowed and fullscreen exclusive that might be causing it

Do you know if you're running in DX9 or DX11?


I didn't do it to spite you I promise :)

Try holding ALT and load the game via steam (I assume?) you'll get prompted with the old style resolution selection. Hopefully changing settings there can help you out otherwise hit me up on PM. I've notified Mike about it to take a look at, there was some recent changes in regard to borderless windowed and fullscreen exclusive that might be causing it

Do you know if you're running in DX9 or DX11?

Cool, holding down ALT worked for me. I was running DX11 (assuming that's what the option without a DX note is).

Mr. Tibbs

PC Gamer are really enjoying it, too!

Andy Kelly: Heavy Reign

I’ve been playing Satellite Reign this week, a Syndicate Wars-inspired cyberpunk strategy game, and I’ve fallen in love with its visuals. The rainy, neon city is derivative, but it looks fantastic. Floating above it, viewing the action from a satellite, you see giant video screens cycling futuristic advertisements, their reflections distorting in puddles on the street. Here’s an old tech demo showing off some of the effects the engine is capable of.

It’s what Blade Runner would have looked like if, for some reason, Ridley Scott decided to film it with a tilt-shift lens. The streets teem with traffic, pedestrians, and police drones shining their spotlights through the gloom. You can find out what I think of the game itself in my review, which should be up on the website and in the magazine soon, but if you love that particular kind of cyberpunk aesthetic, this is one of the best examples of it I’ve seen in ages.


I'm pretty tired and I didn't notice the date on the op. I though the kickstarter had just started and was considering funding and everything. I got very excited for this upcoming game. Then I saw that it was a bump and the game is out. Feels good. Will buy.

It's been a busy week, our launch trailer came out in preparation for release next week and our first review came out!

I'm not expecting all our reviews to be as glowing but i'm a bit of a pessimist.

Congratulations and thanks for the l/sos version, it means alot to me to have this game there.


Cool, holding down ALT worked for me. I was running DX11 (assuming that's what the option without a DX note is).

Awesome, I spoke to Mike, it's more likely to be an issue with the removal of the stock unity resolution selection window that used to load before the game. We're now instead loading in native res which seems to be causing issues. From what I gather he's gonna switch to load by default in 1920x1080 and allow people to change once in the game. Hopefully that will fix the issue. If not the inelegant resolution window will have to return pre-launch of the game :/

PC Gamer are really enjoying it, too!

Thanks for the heads up, I hadn't seen this snippet!

I'm pretty tired and I didn't notice the date on the op. I though the kickstarter had just started and was considering funding and everything. I got very excited for this upcoming game. Then I saw that it was a bump and the game is out. Feels good. Will buy.

Congratulations and thanks for the l/sos version, it means alot to me to have this game there.

Thanks but I have no idea what I/sos is?
In the meantime if there's any particular pictures, media, information, OT titles, you feel should be included, feel free to suggest away.
I liked |OT| In streets soaked with rain and neon. It's just a quote from the release trailer, posted in the thread about it. The 2 big screenshots in that thread may be good to use, too. As wetwired (dev, enviro artist I think) said, probably a lot of older screenshots around from the gaming being a work-in-progress with an early access. So, I guess the main thing would be to make sure any screenshots you use (like the 2 he posted) are from the most recent version of the game since the engine went through a lot of small updates. As for Art, I like the official concept art here. That very first image is rather Syndicate-esque, maybe a good introduction header image, and that 3rd pic with the combat crossfire a good gameplay header image. Other than that, not sure, good luck though I hope it looks great.


Played a shit load of SR this weekend.

Very enjoyable overall. But it's falling a bit into the Ubisoft school of collectathons trap - each district ends up feeling the same in terms of gameplay content/structure. Do the same things to end up with the same results, but in slightly different places.

In the grid district now... not sure how many zones left... 1 visible are there 2 hidden zones that have been greyed out?

The core gameplay is fundamentally quite good... enough flexibility to do stealth, go all out killing spree, etc.

But the game get's a bit easy if you're thorough about collecting stuff - it's not even just the stuff you get, but the skills make it substantially easier (especially hijack - I end up having an army of high level grunts on my team and just shooting the shit out of everything), while the challenge doesn't really rise significantly.

Also, the story been conveyed largely through skippable/easily ignorable text means that... I've skipped most of the story. I don't really know what's going on. I blame modern gaming... but really, even Syndicate Wars had some scripted story events in missions.

The agent skills system is a huge improvement over previous Syndicate games... gives me a lot more clicky and options.

Perhaps what the game needs is more ways to counteract the great ball of death that you can easily build up. Maybe it's in there and I'm simply not up to it yet - more grenades and explosives hurled.

Cars should also damage things when they blow up.

Missing the lack of climbing into cars ability... even if fast travel is more convenient. Also getting knocked about by cars and having them not do anything makes it feel like... cars are meaningless window dressing.

Still, very enjoyable game, will probably finish it unlike most games I play.

Mr. Tibbs

Positive review from PC Gamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/satellite-reign-review/

These are issues that haunt every moment of play, but otherwise, Satellite Reign is one of the most enjoyable small-squad strategy games I’ve played in a long time. I love how it blends tactical combat with an open-world structure and Deus Ex-inspired freedom. Creeping through a heavily defended enemy base unseen is a thrill, and if things go awry, there are lots of combat options to experiment with. Messing up is never a bad thing, because adapting and surviving is so much fun. Then you slip back into the darkness of those rain-lashed streets until the heat dies down, and you search the map for the next bank, military facility, or police station to hit.


Junior Member
We're waiting for them to release their GI solution so we can check it out. One issue with using GI is that we'd have to set up a system to remove some lights when it's enabled. At the moment I'm manually adding in extra lights to simulate the "bounce light" which wouldn't be required using GI, it would just make the scene overly bright. So we have to get a hold of it first to evaluate it.
Okay, this is a blast from the past but: did you implement the V2 of the kit? At least the game runs a whole lot better than 6 months ago.

Plus, Livenda promising something gamechanging in 7 days and 7 days and 15 bhours ;-)


Okay, this is a blast from the past but: did you implement the V2 of the kit? At least the game runs a whole lot better than 6 months ago.

Plus, Livenda promising something gamechanging in 7 days and 7 days and 15 bhours ;-)

No unfortunately, they dropped it too close to our release. We did get it and tried it but it wasn't compatible with out heavily modified shaders. We may look into it again later, we just couldn't justify the time spent looking into it when there was bugs to fix.

We've made a lot of in house changes to both their initial SSRR and the PBR alloy shaders to optimise and tailor them to our needs. Without going through the process of implementing the new version we have no way of even knowing if the new one is even faster than our modified version.
Reviews are coming in good... I liked the Kotaku review. Good points about being similar or influenced to Syndicate equally a good point, but not being too similar also a good point. I still play the original Syndicate a bit on Origins and though I love the overall look, pacing, and systems... sometimes the thing is a damn struggle to manage haha. Looking forward to the improves in Satellite Reign, and loving how the lighting system and cover system both look. But I think it's the huge world and lots of leveling/upgrade systems that really will keep the game in rotation.
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