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Satya Nadella reveals Microsofts new mission statement, ‘tough choices’ ahead


I wasn't talking about the Start Menu, I was talking about the Start Screen, you know, the Windows 8 style UI. For a build or two, it looked like this:

That vertical orientation of the tiles tells me this was aimed more at tablets in portrait mode than desktops or laptops, since those layouts (which WIndows 10 has returned to) are more horizontally oriented.

The only problem with the current rendition of the Start Screen is the fact that there's too big a margin at the top of the screen, which means the bottom tiles get their text pushed off the screen and force you to scroll down.

Dude that's literally tablet mode... what are you doing?

This is what Desktop looks like with metro apps/desktop apps in the start menu:(Weather app live tile is a buggy in this build.)


This would make sense if it weren't for the changing landscape that is steam machines. Why purchase hardware that is limited ahead of hardware that is not?

Steam Machines has to prove itself before making that assumption. I'm not saying that they couldn't do it but it will have to prove itself in the living room area. It's basically the same as that modular phone...it can upgrade and all that but it still has to prove itself. Also, both PS4 and Xbox One are more than just gaming machines. Steam machine will go for the hardcore but what about netflix, hbo go, hulu and all these other apps being released and then with Windows 10 apps being apart of Xbox One platform...it would be easier for apps to run on it than on a Steam Machine (which I believe is Linux based).

Even with Steam Machines...it will be limited at a certain point (as all computers are and you'll have to upgrade the system). Upgrading your hardware isn't something that "regular" people like to do. Consoles exist because, 1 games, 2 friends, 3 ease of use. Steam machines does aspire to do the last bit but we have to see about that. Steam is trying to be what Xbox is in the console world while Xbox is trying to be what Steam is in the PC world...and one is definitely harder than the other.
I wasn't talking about the Start Menu, I was talking about the Start Screen, you know, the Windows 8 style UI. For a build or two, it looked like this:

That vertical orientation of the tiles tells me this was aimed more at tablets in portrait mode than desktops or laptops, since those layouts (which WIndows 10 has returned to) are more horizontally oriented.

The only problem with the current rendition of the Start Screen is the fact that there's too big a margin at the top of the screen, which means the bottom tiles get their text pushed off the screen and force you to scroll down.

Some setting got screwed up your settings I think - I've been on every build since 9xxx (forget the exact number) on an internal release schedule and never seen that issue.
Looks like I will be joining Xbox's ecosystem after all.

For me personally, a PS4 and X1 does not make sense. And the few good exclusives I miss out on are just annoying as I'm not spending another $400 for an additional console. But upgrading my PC and getting back into Windows with 10, I wouldn't mind playing some of MS first party efforts in the slightest.



Thurrott thinks it is going to see the ax. He is saying the "touch choices" are referring to Mobile.


Paul is usually pessimistic about this kind of stuff.

After Build and all the announcements of iOS and Android native code support plus a bunch of other stuff, I don't see Windows 10 mobile getting the axe any time soon.

We will bring together Xbox Live and our first-party gaming efforts across PC, console, mobile and new categories like HoloLens into one integrated play.

Not to mention that Nadella specifically refers to mobile going forward.


I wasn't talking about the Start Menu, I was talking about the Start Screen, you know, the Windows 8 style UI. For a build or two, it looked like this:

That vertical orientation of the tiles tells me this was aimed more at tablets in portrait mode than desktops or laptops, since those layouts (which WIndows 10 has returned to) are more horizontally oriented.

The only problem with the current rendition of the Start Screen is the fact that there's too big a margin at the top of the screen, which means the bottom tiles get their text pushed off the screen and force you to scroll down.

It's interesting that you say this actually... as one of the most common complaints for Windows 8 was the horizontally oriented start screen. The arguement was that whilst swiping left and right is natural on a tablet, a PC user only has a mouse wheel, and scrolling down on that to scroll the screen to the right was very unnatural.

Damned if you do...


It's interesting that you say this actually... as one of the most common complaints for Windows 8 was the horizontally oriented start screen. The arguement was that whilst swiping left and right is natural on a tablet, a PC user only has a mouse wheel, and scrolling down on that to scroll the screen to the right was very unnatural.

Damned if you do...

Not really, he just has his tablet mode start screen all kinds of unorganized.

You can do both horizontal and vertical on Windows 10 tablet mode.


But games help. I'm not saying it's an end all be all, but it's added value.

Since MS is all about Windows 10 now It just makes no sense for MS not to try to help the Xbox out by getting it to play PC games and help the PC out by putting previous Xbox exclusives on PCs running Windows 10.

For Windows Phone. They'll have at least one more kick at the can with Windows 10 branded phones.

I think 95% of gamers will continue to game on Windows with or without Xbox games. I also think that some gamers will skip buying an Xbox if the Xbox doesn't have any exclusives.

Maybe MS doesn't believe that or care. Maybe they will start placing all Xbox games on Windows 10. I think they will continue to have Xbox exclusives. I don't know. Time will tell. I do know they will do whatever makes them the most money.


I think 95% of gamers will continue to game on Windows with or without Xbox games. I also think that some gamers will skip buying an Xbox if the Xbox doesn't have any exclusives.

Maybe MS doesn't believe that or care. Maybe they will start placing all Xbox games on Windows 10. I think they will continue to have Xbox exclusives. I don't know. Time will tell. I do know they will do whatever makes them the most money.

Xbox console is just a step away from becoming a full fledge PC OS.

It's up to Microsoft how they want to handle the transition.

In the end, Nadella's vision has been pretty clear how the company's philosophy is to encourage everyone to have a Microsoft account for some reason on any device.


From "Mobile first, cloud first"

To "Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more"

Seems like the future of Microsoft is more about software and less about hardware, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.


I think 95% of gamers will continue to game on Windows with or without Xbox games. I also think that some gamers will skip buying an Xbox if the Xbox doesn't have any exclusives.

Maybe MS doesn't believe that or care. Maybe they will start placing all Xbox games on Windows 10. I think they will continue to have Xbox exclusives. I don't know. Time will tell. I do know they will do whatever makes them the most money.

Really, if you are a fan of MS being part of the console market I believe that you should be hoping for their PC efforts to fail.

Why? Because if they succeed on PC (that is, start providing the premier distribution platform most people buy their games on) then they can get their 30% there without staying in the costly hardware business. If they fail, then providing a console and console exclusives still makes sense for them, as that is where they get their cut.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
selling the xbox division?


Can you? How?

Metro apps are organized by category and tiles, when you drag a tile out of a category it makes a new category. You can do this horizontally until you run out of screen space.

selling the xbox division?

Yes, that's exactly what he said.

Really, if you are a fan of MS being part of the console market I believe that you should be hoping for their PC efforts to fail.

Why? Because if they succeed on PC (that is, start providing the premier distribution platform most people buy their games on) then they can get their 30% there without staying in the costly hardware business. If they fail, then providing a console and console exclusives still makes sense for them, as that is where they get their cut.

Microsoft's PC involvement gives them the money and infrastructure that allows them to invest into making their console ecosystem better....

Windows 10 team = Xbox OS team.

Windows gaming team = Xbox gaming team.

Xbox Live team = Azure team.
Some setting got screwed up your settings I think - I've been on every build since 9xxx (forget the exact number) on an internal release schedule and never seen that issue.
I guess it was a weird bug, because I've never enabled tablet mode on my test desktop.

It's interesting that you say this actually... as one of the most common complaints for Windows 8 was the horizontally oriented start screen. The arguement was that whilst swiping left and right is natural on a tablet, a PC user only has a mouse wheel, and scrolling down on that to scroll the screen to the right was very unnatural.

Damned if you do...
The scrolling was kinda bad, but the wide layout of the Start Screen was perfectly fine.


Metro apps are organized by category and tiles, when you drag a tile out of a category it makes a new category. You can do this horizontally until you run out of screen space.

Ah ok, that's what I'm talking about though. On Windows 8, running out of screen space meant scrolling horizontally. On Windows 10, running out of screen space means scrolling vertically. Scrolling horizontally in Windows 8 was always seen as a "tablet first" design choice, so it's weird to now hear the opposite complaint being levied at scrolling vertically.

The scrolling was kinda bad, but the wide layout of the Start Screen was perfectly fine.

You can still fill a widescreen layout on Windows 10 (I have). It's only the scrolling that's changed orientation.


They are, if you're using Windows 10 then you're already essentially running Xbox on PC.

  • Microsoft titles will be sold through a universal store that will be on every Windows 10 device, including Xbox One.
  • All content you own is tied to your Microsoft account, the same account you use to log-in to any Windows 10 device; this allows for cross-buy.
  • No matter the device you will be using the same servers to game on, this allows for cross-platform play.(party chat across Windows 10 PC and Xbox One.)
  • This is not GFWL as Xbox is built into your operating system and the DRM is tied to your Microsoft account just like how your account works on Xbox One.


This is what they revealed in January and briefly alluded to in March at GDC....but we've heard nothing concrete about how this will work in reality.

What have big publishers been saying? Are they on-board with cross-buy?
I would gladly pay $59.99 to the Microsoft Store if I could have Fallout 4 on both Windows 10 and Xbox One. But it seems to me that there are no 'big' publishers signing-up to have their games sold this way.

Is Microsoft purposely holding back Xbox-Windows10 info until Xbox One gets updated to Windows 10 later this year?
Or are we destined to just get leftover Humble Bundle games sold through the Microsoft Store for cross-buy?


Such a badass name "Satya Nadella"

If I ever meet him, I really want to compliment him on his name. His parents were OP and chose an awesome name for him.

Sorry for derailing the thread, but I cannot stop thinking about what an awesome name that is.


I just hope they don't lock their PC ports in Windows 10 store and keep selling them on Steam.

They will go to the Microsoft Store because

1. That's where they will get their profit from.
2. That's where your Microsoft account is so they can reference what you own (that's how Killer Instinct will already have everything that you own on Xbox One now, on the PC when it is released)
3. They don't control Steam and will be competitor in that space.

bizzquik said:
This is what they revealed in January and briefly alluded to in March at GDC....but we've heard nothing concrete about how this will work in reality.

What have big publishers been saying? Are they on-board with cross-buy?
I would gladly pay $59.99 to the Microsoft Store if I could have Fallout 4 on both Windows 10 and Xbox One. But it seems to me that there are no 'big' publishers signing-up to have their games sold this way.

Is Microsoft purposely holding back Xbox-Windows10 info until Xbox One gets updated to Windows 10 later this year?
Or are we destined to just get leftover Humble Bundle games sold through the Microsoft Store for cross-buy?

Microsoft said that publishers have the choice of cross-play/cross-buy (as that makes sense).

Xbox with Windows 10 won't be released until later as they are now finishing up development for the desktop version of Windows 10 and moving to mobile (and then probably Xbox, and then Hololens).


I think the tough choices is the Nokia hardware purchase, that is money down the drain. Skype is still quite a mess, Nadella should be kicking their doors down and sorting them out. Xbox and PC is a fine balancing act if they take it seriously for once, they'll have to cave on something.


As long as they don't try to force exclusivity of third party games on PC or try and otherwise lock out PC features or the open nature of the platform, I'm fine with seeing more competition , even though I see no value in MS exclusives or their Xbox ecosystem thus far

The Flash

I think the tough choices is the Nokia hardware purchase, that is money down the drain. Skype is still quite a mess, Nadella should be kicking their doors down and sorting them out. Xbox and PC is a fine balancing act if they take it seriously for once, they'll have to cave on something.

He's taking Xbox and PC more seriously than Ballmer ever did, maybe even Gates. My money's on them caving on Nokia and Windows Phone.


As long as they don't try to force exclusivity of third party games on PC or try and otherwise lock out PC features or the open nature of the platform, I'm fine with seeing more competition , even though I see no value in MS exclusives or their Xbox ecosystem thus far

No value in cross-platform, cross-buy, party chat to Xbox One, messages to Xbox One, ability to stream to, control, add friends, redeem codes, record video, take pictures and generally bring all your Xbox friends and community to your PC gaming experience?

I'm not trying to be insanely fanboyish... but no value?

Xbox as a pc service in 5 to 7 years, would be my bet.

Xbox as a PC service in about a month actually.

Xbox as a platform on-going into the future.


Steam Machines has to prove itself before making that assumption. I'm not saying that they couldn't do it but it will have to prove itself in the living room area. It's basically the same as that modular phone...it can upgrade and all that but it still has to prove itself. Also, both PS4 and Xbox One are more than just gaming machines. Steam machine will go for the hardcore but what about netflix, hbo go, hulu and all these other apps being released and then with Windows 10 apps being apart of Xbox One platform...it would be easier for apps to run on it than on a Steam Machine (which I believe is Linux based).

Even with Steam Machines...it will be limited at a certain point (as all computers are and you'll have to upgrade the system). Upgrading your hardware isn't something that "regular" people like to do. Consoles exist because, 1 games, 2 friends, 3 ease of use. Steam machines does aspire to do the last bit but we have to see about that. Steam is trying to be what Xbox is in the console world while Xbox is trying to be what Steam is in the PC world...and one is definitely harder than the other.

My points aren't really geared towards this gen, but more for next gen and how the playing field will sort itself out. I just don't see an "Xbox" branded hardware next gen. I see something similar to steam machines where u can game on several platforms. Steam machines will be inevitable because pricing will come down. There may even be point this gen where the cost of a steam machine with similar specs to the Xbox will be cheaper than the One. Steam machines are a no brainer to gamers because gaming on PC is really cheap (sales, no online pay).


No value in cross-platform, cross-buy, party chat to Xbox One, messages to Xbox One, ability to stream to, control, add friends, redeem codes, record video, take pictures and generally bring all your Xbox friends and community to your PC gaming experience?

I'm not trying to be insanely fanboyish... but no value?.

Yep. I see no value in it for me. It offers nothing meaningful to my tastes or what I already use on PC.


I think the tough choices is the Nokia hardware purchase, that is money down the drain. Skype is still quite a mess, Nadella should be kicking their doors down and sorting them out. Xbox and PC is a fine balancing act if they take it seriously for once, they'll have to cave on something.

Xbox brand isn't making them money either. Hence merging it with Windows 10. The "Xbox" brand will be obsolete next gen (imo). In its place will be a more well rounded ecosystem on PC. From their they will let u use windows 10 (which includes gaming) on different platforms (tv, console variants, etc). U are also staring to see Sony do this with playstation now (samsung tvs). Nintendo is rumored to be talking to Google about android. Everything seems to be pointing to games as a service (all digital). I hope not, but seems that way to me.


They are, if you're using Windows 10 then you're already essentially running Xbox on PC.

  • Microsoft titles will be sold through a universal store that will be on every Windows 10 device, including Xbox One.
  • All content you own is tied to your Microsoft account, the same account you use to log-in to any Windows 10 device; this allows for cross-buy.
  • No matter the device you will be using the same servers to game on, this allows for cross-platform play.(party chat across Windows 10 PC and Xbox One.)
  • This is not GFWL as Xbox is built into your operating system and the DRM is tied to your Microsoft account just like how your account works on Xbox One.

I love to have Windows 10 as OS on my pc, but after GFWL there's no chance I'm gonna tie all my games to a Microsoft account.

I'm also not eager for a console-like locked ecosystem on pc.

I really hope that Microsoft keeps bringing their games to Steam too, and gives us a choice which ecosystem to use. Microsoft adding value to pc-gaming is great. Microsoft attacking existing ecosystems by forcing exclusivity for 1st and 3rd party games to their own ecosystem is NOT a good thing...


That's nice, I guess you'll just have to ignore it and continue to just use Steam.

Well no, I encourage the competition and seeing if they can develop something useful to the devices I have or if they create some that interact outside their bubble etc. Right now they don't have much compelling to me, but that isn't to say that can't change that later.


I love to have Windows 10 as OS on my pc, but after GFWL there's no chance I'm gonna tie all my games to a Microsoft account.

I'm also not eager for a console-like locked ecosystem on pc.

I really hope that Microsoft keeps bringing their games to Steam too, and gives us a choice which ecosystem to use. Microsoft adding value to pc-gaming is great. Microsoft attacking existing ecosystems by forcing exclusivity for 1st and 3rd party games to their own ecosystem is NOT a good thing...

Steam is a console-like locked ecosystem on PC, why do people not have a problem with this?
I love to have Windows 10 as OS on my pc, but after GFWL there's no chance I'm gonna tie all my games to a Microsoft account.

I'm also not eager for a console-like locked ecosystem on pc.

I really hope that Microsoft keeps bringing their games to Steam too, and gives us a choice which ecosystem to use. Microsoft adding value to pc-gaming is great. Microsoft attacking existing ecosystems by forcing exclusivity for 1st and 3rd party games to their own ecosystem is NOT a good thing...

There is about a 0% chance microsoft will release 1st party titles on steam. Killer Instinct and Gears are both already announced on the Win 10 store.


He's taking Xbox and PC more seriously than Ballmer ever did, maybe even Gates. My money's on them caving on Nokia and Windows Phone.

My thoughts on PC and Xbox are they can't give the best of Xbox Live across all platforms and expect Xbox console owners to still pay for it. They either make it so appealing with dedicated servers, discounts, promotions across many Microsoft offerings and services to make a subscription viable beyond the console like Video/Music freebies/discounts, apps, games, Office, Skype minutes, One Drive storage etc. for a flat free or multiple tiers or they make most Xbox Live standard features free or to a degree like online play free for everyone but you need to pay for discounts/promotions and other premium features. I don't think they can get around it if you want to offer the best feature set for everyone.

I think they'll probably go for a bit of both because bundling their services could be quite appealing but the core pillars, online play, friends, sharing will be free across all Windows 10 platforms.

Windows Phone/Mobile is here to stay, they'll just admit the hardware purchase was a waste of money.


Xbox brand isn't making them money either. Hence merging it with Windows 10. The "Xbox" brand will be obsolete next gen (imo). In its place will be a more well rounded ecosystem on PC. From their they will let u use windows 10 (which includes gaming) on different platforms (tv, console variants, etc). U are also staring to see Sony do this with playstation now (samsung tvs). Nintendo is rumored to be talking to Google about android. Everything seems to be pointing to games as a service (all digital). I hope not, but seems that way to me.

As a custom hardware that is now both redudant (with Win 10 HTPCs) and costs millions in R&D to MS's baseline every few years?
Yes, probably.

But as a service/ software brand? They spent billions building "Xbox", and I think it has achieved enough recogition that they will probably keep it honestly, no reason that I can imagine to dump it.

Obviously, the "name recognition" is far stronger in NA and UK than the rest of the world, but it's a base.

I think the "tough choices" Nadella refers to are a switch from hardware to software for the Xbox Division (which has already been initiated), a serious look at their phone division (even if they'll give it a good try with a Win10 version and flagship phones), and probably the motion detection area among a few other things that haven't worked as well as they expected when comparing to R&D cost imo.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
It looks like their strategy is to merge Windows and Xbox together, possibly even sharing first party exclusives between the two platforms. That would be a pretty great thing in my view.


I love to have Windows 10 as OS on my pc, but after GFWL there's no chance I'm gonna tie all my games to a Microsoft account.

I'm also not eager for a console-like locked ecosystem on pc.

I really hope that Microsoft keeps bringing their games to Steam too, and gives us a choice which ecosystem to use. Microsoft adding value to pc-gaming is great. Microsoft attacking existing ecosystems by forcing exclusivity for 1st and 3rd party games to their own ecosystem is NOT a good thing...

Steam needs competition
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