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SAURIAN - An Open World Dinosaur Survival Experience (Kickstarter)


Congrats to the devs on funding!



As some here may already know, this is indeed a Gaffer-made project!

I have been part of Saurian since the days of its very creation where it was nothing more but a mere shared dream between a small congregation of friends. I cannot be more excited to see how far it has grown since then!

I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who is supporting the project and our crowdfunding campaign. With Saurian, we set it as our goal to shape the public's perception of dinosaurs, often heavily influenced by the popular culture, towards what the animals actually looked and lived like eons ago. It is our honor and responsibility to the public to recreate these animals and the ecosystem they occupied with equal care and respect. Every step of Saurian's development is carefully built on the moving foundation of the ever expanding knowledge science is uncovering about dinosaurs each month. With your help we will be able to bring scientifically accurate representations of these animals to the mainstream media, including some of the most popular big-name dinosaurs, in a format that is easily digestible and yet equally educational to laymen and enthusiasts alike.

Maybe, but the T-Rex without feathers just looks much more badass IMO.

As some here may already know, this is indeed a Gaffer-made project!

I have been part of Saurian since the days of its very creation where it was nothing more but a mere shared dream between a small congregation of friends. I cannot be more excited to see how far it has grown since then!

I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who is supporting the project and our crowdfunding campaign. With Saurian, we set it as our goal to shape the public's perception of dinosaurs, often heavily influenced by the popular culture, towards what the animals actually looked and lived like eons ago. It is our honor and responsibility to the public to recreate these animals and the ecosystem they occupied with equal care and respect. Every step of Saurian's development is carefully built on the moving foundation of the ever expanding knowledge science is uncovering about dinosaurs each month. With your help we will be able to bring scientifically accurate representations of these animals to the mainstream media, including some of the most popular big-name dinosaurs, in a format that is easily digestible and yet equally educational to laymen and enthusiasts alike.

Please deliver on the gameplay! One of the reasons I'm unsure if this game is because of the gameplay. Make sure the mechanics are fun, and the characters control well.

I know quite a few big name paleontologists have been sharing news on this kickstarter, so I believe you when it comes to the science.
Two stretch goals down

We need to hit More Dinos and Multi.

As some here may already know, this is indeed a Gaffer-made project!

I have been part of Saurian since the days of its very creation where it was nothing more but a mere shared dream between a small congregation of friends. I cannot be more excited to see how far it has grown since then!

I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who is supporting the project and our crowdfunding campaign. With Saurian, we set it as our goal to shape the public's perception of dinosaurs, often heavily influenced by the popular culture, towards what the animals actually looked and lived like eons ago. It is our honor and responsibility to the public to recreate these animals and the ecosystem they occupied with equal care and respect. Every step of Saurian's development is carefully built on the moving foundation of the ever expanding knowledge science is uncovering about dinosaurs each month. With your help we will be able to bring scientifically accurate representations of these animals to the mainstream media, including some of the most popular big-name dinosaurs, in a format that is easily digestible and yet equally educational to laymen and enthusiasts alike.

Have my children.


As some here may already know, this is indeed a Gaffer-made project!

I have been part of Saurian since the days of its very creation where it was nothing more but a mere shared dream between a small congregation of friends. I cannot be more excited to see how far it has grown since then!

I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who is supporting the project and our crowdfunding campaign. With Saurian, we set it as our goal to shape the public's perception of dinosaurs, often heavily influenced by the popular culture, towards what the animals actually looked and lived like eons ago. It is our honor and responsibility to the public to recreate these animals and the ecosystem they occupied with equal care and respect. Every step of Saurian's development is carefully built on the moving foundation of the ever expanding knowledge science is uncovering about dinosaurs each month. With your help we will be able to bring scientifically accurate representations of these animals to the mainstream media, including some of the most popular big-name dinosaurs, in a format that is easily digestible and yet equally educational to laymen and enthusiasts alike.

Let's see those stretch goals fly, and congrats!
We need to hit More Dinos and Multi.

Have my children.
The campaign will be nearing at least $75k tomorrow, $80k or more if the pace keeps up. I'd say the dynamic environment goal is a given and post impact survival is very likely. More dinos and multiplayer will depend on the content of updates, media coverage, and the pace of the final stretch


The campaign will be nearing at least $75k tomorrow, $80k or more if the pace keeps up. I'd say the dynamic environment goal is a given and post impact survival is very likely. More dinos and multiplayer will depend on the content of updates, media coverage, and the pace of the final stretch

Anyone got an in with any youtubers? I sent the kickstarter link to the best friends, but this isn't their kinda game.
Nearing $80k

New stretch goals revealed
Two Medicine Formation - $300k
A new game location set in a different time period with a whole swath of new dinosaurs to fill out the ecology. The Two Medicine formation would be a substantial addition to the game complete with its own playables, Gorgosaurus and Styracosaurus.

Console Ports - $400k
Reaching this stretch goals means we can begin development on console ports of Saurian for PS4 and/or Xbox One. This has been highly requested by fans and backers and we would love to take hold of the opportunity to bring Saurian to as many people as possible.

So far, campaign has reached:

Spectator Mode
This will allow the player to control an invisible entity to explore the environment of Hell Creek and observe our complex AI interacting with each other as they strive to survive this harsh world.

Genetic Variant Skins
This allows the player to choose alternate skins for each of the 4 playable dinosaurs. These skins will fit with known genetic colouration variants in animals: albinism, leucism, melanism and piebaldism.

Character Customization
Choose different body styles and features, birth marks, hues, and pattern variations to create a one-of-a-kind look for your character. All these options will be constrained to realistic ranges in the animal's variation, but players will have a large selection of values to choose from to create a completely unique animal!


My son is going to be all over this. Although, I must admit to them stating, 'several extinct...' made me chuckle. They make it sound as if they were recently extinct :)

What I do like about this Kickstarter is the breakdown of where the money will go. That's a really nice touch.
Two Medicine Formation huh? I hope they're not biting off more than they can chew. Two Medicine has some unnamed Daspletosaurus species there. I wonder how they'll tackle that?


Console stretch goal.... That better happen.

Not reaching that stretch goal does not mean we will never consider doing a console release. We would merely put it further down the pipeline; we will definitely consider it regardless.
Reaching the stretch goal will help us tackle console versions sooner and grind down possible bugs and glitches that come with it. After all, Dev Kits don't come cheap.
Not reaching that stretch goal does not mean we will never consider doing a console release. We would merely put it further down the pipeline; we will definitely consider it regardless.
Reaching the stretch goal will help us tackle console versions sooner and grind down possible bugs and glitches that come with it. After all, Dev Kits don't come cheap.

Please consider handhelds too. I know they're not as powerful, but who knows what the NX portable would be?
Saurian continues to tear through stretch goals like a pack of raptors in the long grass

Post Impact Survival down
Post Impact Survival will be essentially a new version of the main map that takes place after the end-Cretaceous meteor impact. It will be a post-apocalyptic version of Hell Creek that will be much, much harder to survive in. Hell Creek was far enough away from the Chixulub impact site to avoid the immediate and widespread destruction often portrayed in documentaries, but the fallout and ash cloud spells eventual doom for all animals larger than a cat. Resources like edible plants, suitable prey and fresh water will become progressively harder to acquire, and the other animals in the ecosystem will become progressively more desperate to survive. Its only a matter of time...
Yay! It's now over $100,000 in funds. I wonder what kind of hardware I'll need to play the game though.

The fact that it's on Unity makes me a bit worried about the performance. Let's see if those promised improvements on multithreading will make it into the game by the time it's out.


I'd prefer they rejiggered the stretch goals and made Two Medicine Formation lower. VR should be higher. So should multi. I'd bump VR to where TMF is, and put the latter in multi's place.
I'd prefer they rejiggered the stretch goals and made Two Medicine Formation lower. VR should be higher. So should multi. I'd bump VR to where TMF is, and put the latter in multi's place.

That's not really how "this is how much this costs" works, though.
I'm guessing it will stop somewhere around $200k if it gets the usual late push. MP is great, would love to play this game with friends.


The Isle is doing much of this already, with a life cycle for T Rexes coming soon, and flying dinosaurs also. However, The Isle has serious issues with servers crashing or resetting every ten to twenty minutes... Surely this won't suffer the same problem.

And hey, more dinosaur games are always good...


45 hours to go, may all of our congratulations go to the team. Push your final backs if you can now! They're almost at VR support!


Only 21 hours left, I hope people push that little more for VR support. Could be interesting to run around in dinovision
I'm fine with the feathers – although I thought T-Rex feathers were supposed to be brightly-colored? – but those lips are a bridge too far.


Unconfirmed Member
I think it's perfectly understandable why people don't like feathers. Before feathers, those dinos looked otherworldly and alien, with feathers, they look familiar. Something you can relate to, cause let's face it, most of them are just big birds with teeth. A lot of the mystique is taken away that way.

Mock it all you want, but i think it's fair to feel your childhood fantasies were ruined by that ;)

Personally I like both, I liked them better without feathers, but doesn't matter to me.

Really psyched for this game in any case. Missed the Kick starter due to lack of funds though :/ will there be paypal options?

I was checking What's On Steam and I noticed this game launched in early access yesterday. Any backers or buyers have impressions they can share?


I was interested in getting this game once it was out but after watching the trailer, this game looks janky as fuck. It has "positive" reviews so far but that can mean anything at this stage.
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