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Scariest Horror Games


I know I might be odd one here but I personally never can get myself immersed in first person horror games. I personally find third person much more immersive and I also live animation so I want too see my character move. I guess this why I prefer Evil Within, Silent Hill and Dead Space to Resident Evil 7 or Amnesia.

This is a really interesting subjective point that there's just no real way for developers to "win."

I'm personally much more affected by first-person horror, because I feel as though I am the character, and all the dangers are coming right at me, whereas others are more terrified by third-person horror because they identify and empathize with the visible character and more directly see the consequences of their actions played out upon him/her.


...That's exactly what I'm talking about and I've phrased it, like, three different ways at this point.

Yeah, that's what I was referencing too from the get go. I got a feeling it was intentional for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Everything about PT was so well made that it didn't make sense to me that something like that would go unnoticed and unfixed if it wasn't intentional.


Yeah, that's what I was referencing too from the get go. I got a feeling it was intentional for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Everything about PT was so well made that it didn't make sense to me that something like that would go unnoticed and unfixed if it wasn't intentional.

Well then I just have to disagree and feel the opposite.
I think syncing the monster and the light's on/off cycle is effective, but having them out of sync, especially only partially, makes it seems like an accident and opens the door the crack that allows my mind to laugh at it instead of be unnerved, which is the antithesis to horror.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm still trying to find a truly terrifying experience from a game.

I found Outlast boring.

Alien:Isolation was tense in some situations but also annoyed me more than anything else, cause dying sent you way back in certain areas.

SOMA is the only game I can think of that actually had a good frightening sequence for me and that was during the deep-diving underwater section, but that was such a short part.
I don't find gaming horror to be scary in any sort of fulfilling way.
It's just tension while you push forward and anticipate the next inevitable screaming monsterface suddenly appearing in front of your face accompanied by some high pitched noise.

It's a shock effect playing on our instincts and fight or flight reflex but it is hollow and ultimately unfulfilling.

I like ghost stories but horror gaming sucks.
Jumpscares can have a place if extremely sparingly used and if creators can control themselves and not rely on it non stop.

It's the difference between the original 80s "The Woman in Black" movie and the remake starring Harry Potter.
The difference between the book "The Ring" and the movie "The Ring" (american remake in particular).
The difference between classic M.R James ghost stories about events and apparitions that gradually gnaw away at a person's sanity and modern horror which is a series of shallow jack in the box esque shocks with no subtlety.

VR "horror" is the best option if you like this type of one trick jumpscare pony.


The nicest person on this forum
This is a really interesting subjective point that there's just no real way for developers to "win."

I'm personally much more affected by first-person horror, because I feel as though I am the character, and all the dangers are coming right at me, whereas others are more terrified by third-person horror because they identify with the visible character and more directly see the consequences of their actions played out upon him/her.

I think its because in first person I know Im not personally in danger even with VR, but in third person the character Im controlling IS in that world and he/she could be killed. I also like in some games the character's animation change base on if he/she is injured which to me really add to the immersion.


If you like point and click adventures check Scratches.

It gave me the worst scares in my life in any medium.


I honestly haven't played a lot because I'm a big wimp, but has to be the original Amnesia for me. I ended up having to play during the day because I was just too scared to advance playing at night with headphones.
Playing the first half of RE7 with the lights off, late at night was one of the most horrifying experiences (in the best way possible).


I think its because in first person I know Im not personally in danger even with VR, but in third person the character Im controlling IS in that world and he/she could be killed. I also like in some games the character's animation change base on if he/she is injured which to me really add to the immersion.

Right, it's basically an individual's capacity for "personal immersion" versus "relation."


Playing the first half of RE7 with the lights off, late at night was one of the most horrifying experiences (in the best way possible).

I'm debating whether to play a horror game tonight with a storm raging outside.

If you like point and click adventures check Scratches.

It gave me the worst scares in my life in any medium.

*Looks up GoG library*

Apparently got this at some point.

The Argus

Generally I find games that aren't supposed to be creepy the most frightening. Nintendo 64 platformers filled me with dread, especially water levels. Your REs, Condemneds, FEARs all rely on jump scares that don't really affect me after the first scripted segment.

...That's exactly what I'm talking about and I've phrased it, like, three different ways at this point.

I see the sync issue in the GIF, but did you actually notice it during the demo? Seems like a bug that would only be noticed after numerous playthroughs or viewings. I'd hardly call it laughable.


PT fucks me up in a way nothing has ever. The complete dread the sound design creates just engulfs me in fear. I don't even want to play that game in a fun "Let's turn off the lights and get spooked!" kind of way. It's just too much for me.

It's weird cause I don't even feel like I scare easily. I can play your typical Amnesia/ Outlast horror game just fine.


The nicest person on this forum
Right, it's basically an individual's capacity for "personal immersion" versus "relation."

I say there is room for both, I just don't want to see third person horror games disappears but at same time I know that third person horror games require much more budget than first person.

Daffy Duck

The potential this game would've had.



I never saw this part....


Nothing comes close to the first two thirds or so of Resident Evil 7 in VR. If the last third or so was better, the game would be my favourite horror game ever.

I'll throw in Condemned: Criminal Origins.
The subject matter and presentation create a horror atmosphere that scares as much as the combat and gore. VR Remake please...


Outlast in a pitch-black room with the surround sound cranked up is fucking terrifying.

Edit: 4k and 60fps for better immersion.
Most horror games I really love never truly scare me, but they just have something about them that they do well and they create an immersive atmosphere. For example Silent Hill 2 is my favorite horror game ever, but it never scared me; it has a great story, memorable characters and an amazing soundtrack.

I feel the same way as you do about horror games OP; having to actively move the story forward is what makes these games more effective to me than any movie.

Here are a few other games I really like:

The Fatal Frame series (especially 2)
Silent Hill 3
Rule of Rose
Haunting Ground
Siren: Blood Curse
White Day
Outlast 1 and 2
Resident Evil 7


i've never been 'scared' playing a game until i played horror games in VR. it's not even a matter of having a "scaredy cat" threshold, just the sheer element of presence will set off your natural instincts


I never really get scared by any horror movie or game. I’m just not scared by those things.

But in terms of quality, Silent Hill 2 is definitely an art piece. It has great immersion and made me think a lot about the story.

As for pure horror, I agree with people who said VR. Resident Evil 7 did scared me a little.


Neo Member
While not the scariest if you're looking for stuff to play Albino Lullaby is pretty unsettling, it's episodic though and the second episode has an expected release of late March of next year. No announcement yet for the third episode.

Not sure I have anything else to suggest that somebody else won't say a dozen times over though, maybe the demo for Grave from Broken Glass if you can find it but the project for it looks to be in perpetual limbo otherwise.


I think the scariest thing I've played by myself is VTMB's hotel area?

Still wish I'd kept a save there so I could show friends it.


SNES clock tower and of course Fatal Frame. Extra point for Haunting Ground too.

Calling on Wii, Theresia and Nanashi game on DS also scary as heck.


Alien Isolation for me.

and PT of course is mindblowing,,
god why had this thread to remind me of it? Still salty.. :((


Fatal Frame II/Project Zero II Wii Edition

One of the few games that actually raised the hair on my neck. Great moments of scary stuff. Some jumpscares, but hey ghosts have those. Great atmosphere.

Resident Evil Remake

Maybe not the scariest, but the tension in the game is amazing. Till this day the Mansion in Arklay Mountains remains creepy. Itchy. Tasty.

Eternal Darkness Sanity’s Requiem

We need more Lovecraftian horror and while its not scariest of the three, the atmosphere is amazing and the story is spread over thousands of years. Plus, Maximillian Roivas autopsies. MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYES!!! THE DARKNESS COMES

Dead Space for your action needs. Great sound design.


the only one i've managed to play would be alien isolation but i didn't find it that scary which is probably why i managed to play it lol. the alien doesn't do anything for me. if anything it's just intense not scary. at times i was glad to be dealing with the alien instead of those stupid robots. god they are annoying as hell.

i'm still trying to convince myself to play the amnesia games. i also want to try resident evil 7 biohazard.
SOMA, as others have mentioned, has some amazing horror environments and moments. Very immersive design and excellent sound design.

Until Dawn, while campy, is also a good time with a few scares. And if you've had PS+, you already have it.

And, like others have said, REmake. Getting the characters and environments on the level was a real accomplishment. No other remaster really comes close. And that level design, goddamn. It's a great game and a great horror game.


I only played the re7 demo in vr but that was some scary shit. The vr element just takes it a step further than traditional horror games.

Soma has a real scary atmosphere I thought. Played with headphones it's a great experience, some brilliant sound in that department.

Outlast was scary at first. The problem is the element of horror goes after the first couple of hours because for me it turned from a game where you slowly creep around to one you just figure out, it becomes a bit predictable.

Alien isolation was great, actually the androids were scarier than anything else. It's a great game and does the originals justice.

I couldn't finish PT. I kept going round in circles after the featus in the sink thing


Clive Barker's Undying is one of my favorite scary games, but I haven't had a chance to replay it. Don't know if I should. :)


Plane Escape Torment

This is the scariest game not many know about. You have a limited amount of time to rescue family members in a randomly generated castle and when you die you need to restart (iirc). The feeling of dread and horror of the unknown is unmatched, beats all the other games mentioned in this thread. If you haven't tried it and you're a fan of horror games, you must play this.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Condemned: Criminal Origins
RE7 VR. The early hours of this are unforgettable. If you haven't played RE7 before, make sure it's in VR.
Alien: Isolation
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