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Scream: The TV Series S2 |OT| I Know What You Did Last Season - Tuesdays 10/9c

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I never liked Sidney, she is exactly the same as Emma. They are both always feeling sorry for themselves and think the world revolves around them meanwhile their friends (the REAL survivors) carry on with life.

Sid: You're forgetting one thing about Billy Loomis.
Killer: Yeah? What's that?
Sid: I fucking killed him.

I think by the end of Scream 4 she has a higher body count than some of the killers.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Finally got to ep 3. Hell yeah, much better than 2!

You guys were right about the hotel guy though :( Poor poor hotel guy.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Thinking a lot about audrey and that bookend.

Seems too out of character but I guess I understand the circumstance. Ah I dunno...

They are friends she was too fast to grab that


Tears in the rain
30 mins left until stabby fun. Wondering if anybody croaks tonight. And if yes, if it'll beat the Corkscrew Royale of last week. In any case....at this point the cast is still in the dark over a slasher being around. Hopefully they are clued in tonight. Hype.


Guys, is this series an actual sequel of SCREAM? I only watched it as a child.

Also -- I am caught up (episode 3, haven't seen the one that came out today). I really think Maggie is responsible. Noah would be too obvious and I like him too much :(


Tears in the rain
Guys, is this series an actual sequel of SCREAM? I only watched it as a child.

Also -- I am caught up (episode 3, haven't seen the one that came out today). I really think Maggie is responsible. Noah would be too obvious and I like him too much :(

It's completely separate, as per the wishes of Harvey Weinstein. They wanted to reference the "Stab" movies from Scream as existing in their universe but he refused that.
It's completely separate, as per the wishes of Harvey Weinstein. They wanted to reference the "Stab" movies from Scream as existing in their universe but he refused that.

Scream itself is just a weird series as to how many copycat killers there are in such a short timeframe.


Tears in the rain
I've been really enjoying this "killer texting as Jake" storyline Brooke has going on. It's creepy but funny as hell on the other end.
Okayyy, Zoey, Audrey, Noah....this party is all sorts of crazy.

Edit* also, Emma's weird dreams give off tons of Nightmare on Elm Street vibes. And I like it.


They are going for it and succeeding wildly this episode.

edit: This one obviously all in Emma's head. (all the suspects were doped up out of their minds)


Good episode. Had to catch up on it later as i was doing other things. Also damn at Zoe shooting Noah down because of Audrey. PLEASE dont force more of a triangle.

God damn at the ending tho.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My thought process during the episode

Oh this is hot
Oh this is creepy
Oh this is hot
Oh this is creepy

Fun episode. I usually don't enjoy hallucination or dream sequences, but these were all well done. LOVED the homage to Carrie at the very end of the episode. Glad that the show finally dropped on Jake's disappearance.

Stavo's iPad background was the painting Saturn Devouring His Son. I wonder if that was a clue from the writers. I'm still leaning on Sheriff Acosta being the killer, and maybe he's noticing the same tendencies in Stavo.


Noah has pinged even harder on my killer radar this week. Interesting that we never get a hallucination visual effect of him. And the fact that Audrey just made Gustavo into a suspicious scapegoat in Noah's eyes while he was picking out an outfit.


Well that was trippy. And sort of hot at times (you know what part I mean).

Always good for a series to try something different for an episode, be it format or setting or whatever.


the tripping scene was great, but i wish the killer had been a more direct threat during the party. like i wish we had gotten a full on chase sequence with someone while they were tripping balls, instead of the killer swings once and then emma is saved


the tripping scene was great, but i wish the killer had been a more direct threat during the party. like i wish we had gotten a full on chase sequence with someone while they were tripping balls, instead of the killer swings once and then emma is saved

To be fair, most of the suspects for the killer were in the party also tripping balls.
Weird episode with the drugs.. But this series is really good! Too bad when I try to recommend it they are always put off with the MTV tag..

Shit is about to go down now Jake has been discovered! Like how when you go in this show with a zero mind, you always see the potentional murders... great series!

Think it isnt Emma.. Maybe the dad will save her on some point in this season to rule him out. For me, kieran being the killer would be funny since he seems like one of the few 'normals'


Watching episode 3 right now. Man that was absolutely rough. I have no clue who's the killer, but whoever it is they're absolutely freaking brutal...


"Y'know, by the time the first body is found, it's only a matter of time before the bloodbath commences."
—Noah Foster, Pilot


Good episode. though the "Noah, it will never work because you love Audrey" thing kinda came out of nowhere. I never got that from their relationship at all

I'm really starting to think Noah is the killer. The new killer is much smarter than the previous one. Way more cruel and manipulating, laying traps, psychological attacks, using drugs and misdirection, with a focus on Audrey and following rules that he himself set out in the first season.

And I think the focus on Emma is a red herring, the killer doesn't care about her, he knows she is the "main" character and that the other characters (particularly Audrey) revolve around her.

I think there is more to it than that, but that is my theory for now.


Good episode. though the "Noah, it will never work because you love Audrey" thing kinda came out of nowhere. I never got that from their relationship at all
I took that as Zoe being way way way way less chill sober. Noah/Audrey isn't romantic- at least not on Audrey's end.


I took that as Zoe being way way way way less chill sober. Noah/Audrey isn't romantic- at least not on Audrey's end.

I HOPE it isnt romantic on Noah's side as well. Not only would that be cliche as hell it would also be annoying as fuck cause i like them as a Power Duo NOT as some stupid "im pining for you but you are a lesbian" storyline that matters like nothing.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
I HOPE it isnt romantic on Noah's side as well. Not only would that be cliche as hell it would also be annoying as fuck cause i like them as a Power Duo NOT as some stupid "im pining for you but you are a lesbian" storyline that matters like nothing.

Don't worry zoe is gonna be the next one killed so it's moot. I still believe she was introduced to go
I HOPE it isnt romantic on Noah's side as well. Not only would that be cliche as hell it would also be annoying as fuck cause i like them as a Power Duo NOT as some stupid "im pining for you but you are a lesbian" storyline that matters like nothing.

I really really really hope that they don't do the stupid love triangle thing any more than they already have. Audrey and Noah are best buds, they don't need sexual tension.

This episode was great otherwise. It's clear this killer is more obsessed with Audrey than the rest. Of course that could be a red herring, but we'll see once more bodies start dropping. I have a feeling the next victim is gonna be Mr. Branson. They've set up Stavo as too mysterious so he's gonna be around for a while longer, same with Eli, and Zoe isn't gonna die until she bangs Noah I'm guessing. We've gotta have at least one more body outside of the main cast before somebody big dies.


The Audrey-Noah kiss was awkward. That was stupid and out of the blue, especially the follow-up. Wasn't a very good episode until the ending.


Just chiming in to say that shot of the killer mad dashing through the forest was pretty fucking terrifying.
IA! I was not expecting that. Also, I think that chase scene was longer based on the promo pictures released:


We didn't see this.

So the show is back to Tuesdays at 10PM.

So let's adjust our schedules shall we?
I wonder what this means for the international viewers as the new episodes go up Tuesday morning on Netlifx.
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