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Seattle: Sikh man shot, allegedly told to "Go back to your own country"

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Haven't seen this posted yet, unless it got rolled up into some other thread.


Kent police are looking for a gunman who allegedly walked onto a man's driveway and shot him, saying ”Go back to your own country."

The victim, a 39-year-old Sikh man, was working on his vehicle in his driveway in Kent's East Hill neighborhood about 8 p.m. Friday when he was approached by an unknown man, Kent police said, after talking with the victim.


Homeland Security Fail
The victim described the shooter as a 6-foot-tall white man with a stocky build. He was wearing a mask covering the lower half of his face, the victim said.

We gotta ban white people. You know, until we can figure out what the hell is going on.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I used to go to Bangrahs in high school and college with Sikh and Muslim friends - they sort of bonded over the music. Racists have assumed Sikhs were muslims my entire life. I'd like to tell you it's because Lawrence of Arabia confused them, vis a vis "turbans" but it's actually because they are pig ignorant.

Super extra observation: Racists don't care about any distinction beyond "brown."


anyone wanna bet that he got shot because he looks like a muslim?

Why would anyone bet what is obvious.


The sheer stupidity is that the picture above is the 9/11 hijackers. And yet people will fear the bearded and turbaned Sikh grandpa on the plane. The majority of terrorists are not bearded and turbaned men, they are young, wear jeans and t-shirts, are clean shaven, blend in and don't stand out ie. Tsarnaev brothers etc.

How many dead or shot Sikh men is this now? The killings after 9/11, the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, etc. But nah, we need a Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement agency. We need to be reminded of fake massacres like Bowling Green and theoretical acts in Sweden but not Quebec and Kansas and now Kent etc.


White American terrorism is getting out of control

Getting? The FBI and domestic intelligence has stated for years that the greatest terror threat is now domestic far right and white hate groups. Things like the Cliven Bundy ranch standoff, the seizure of the Oregon wildlife sanctuary, people like Dylan Roof and the church shooting, the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting etc.

It will only get worse going forward.


I saw a doc on PBS about the OKC bomber and throughout the whole thing you're wondering why aren't guys like him and the groups who radicalized him being taken seriously?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
And here I am a bearded Indian man with a turban planning a road trip to Portland

Maybe I should stick to Canada.

This incident is a sad outlier. there's a huge Indian and south Asian community in Seattle and especially the eastside suburbs. You'll be safe and not particulalrly stand out-y.

Kent is a five minute drive from Seattle but it's also kinda rough in places. You would not end up there by accident and most of Kent is perfectly safe too.


And here I am a bearded Indian man with a turban planning a road trip to Portland

Maybe I should stick to Canada.

I don't wear a turban but I do have a beard (although not to long). Honestly it's fucked. The beard doesn't even matter at this point I'd say. Just have brown skin
As a high school teacher in Kent I fear for my students' well being each day already, and now this. I really hope we can do better.

Time to remind my students on monday that people aren't entirely shitty and we need to stand in solidarity against this type of ignorance and hate.


Minorities get concealed weapons permit if you have the ability to after being harassed or endangered. Acts like these can be discouraged since the perpetrators are people that can't understand reason but they certainly can understand a bullet to the face.


US needs IQ tests along with mental health assessments when handing out guns.

Scary that the guy thought it was fine to go after a Muslim anyway but you gotta be pretty fucking dumb to mix up Muslims and Sikhs.


Minorities get concealed weapons permit if you have the ability to after being harassed or endangered. Acts like these can be discouraged since the perpetrators are people that can't understand reason but they certainly can understand a bullet to the face.

If they've come to kill you because they think you're a threat and you turn out to actually be a threat, it's not going to be pretty.

Similar to the idea that you can stop a school shooter with a gun. Yeah, in theory, but it's likely to cause more problems than it solves.


If they've come to kill you because they think you're a threat and you turn out to actually be a threat, it's not going to be pretty.

So acting in self defence is a threat? If people are threatened by the someone's ability to act in self defence, w/e. If they come to challenge such said threat, it's a crime, and you defend yourself .

It's already not pretty. I did rather have it be even uglier but have the ability to defend myself / my friends.


So acting in self defence is a threat? If people are threatened by the someone's ability to act in self defence, w/e.

It's already not pretty. I did rather have it be even uglier but have the ability to defend myself / my friends.

I guess i phrased it poorly, think of it this way. You hear that that minority family in the neighborhood just bought a gun. What would they be doing that for? Then the local racist fills in the blanks.


I guess i phrased it poorly, think of it this way. You hear that that minority family in the neighborhood just bought a gun. What would they be doing that for? Then the local racist fills in the blanks.

That's a decision up to the family. They have the right to shoot anyone who comes on their property to threaten them. They can move. They can lie low and hope that nothing happens to them, which is the mostly likely scenario.

Personally I'll install security system and have weapons readily available.


Ignorance is turning out to be the real threat. Crying shame.

Glad the victim's okay. And fuck the ignorant piece of shit that did it.
US needs IQ tests along with mental health assessments when handing out guns.

Scary that the guy thought it was fine to go after a Muslim anyway but you gotta be pretty fucking dumb to mix up Muslims and Sikhs.

There was, but because Trump loathes Obama with a passion, lifted that so now any mentally ill can purchase.


We gotta ban white people. You know, until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

It's sad. Sad that other minorities get all the blame for what a few people did. But when a white man does something wrong, which has been happening for years now, especially to Sikhs in America, nothing happens.

How many taxi drivers have to be killed, how many Gurdwaras/Temples need to be shot at, how many Brown Men with or without Turbans need to be shot before someone says something?

No change in gun laws, barely get any media coverage, Indian politicians like Nikki Hayley won't even try to use their power/voice to make a difference.

Worst of all, the media portrays every muslim as one with a turban. Yet none of the 9/11 hijackers had one. C'mon man. This is ridiculous.
What pisses me off about these assholes, and people like Trump, who keep pushing this xenophobic, anti-immigration "go back to your country" mentality is just the stupidity of this mentality to begin with. This country is built on fucking invading foreigners, and unless you are native american, we are all descendant of immigrants. Being able to immigrate applies only to white people I guess to these fucking assholes.

I don't want to live in this country anymore so much, because I feel like it associates me with the scum of the earth sometimes.


anyone wanna bet that he got shot because he looks like a muslim?

I wouldn't say that Sikhs look all too similar to muslims, but I guess brown skin, a beard, and some headware is all the same to bigots.

For shame GOP. Instead of shitting on liberals for being against the freedom to vomit out hate speech why don't you reign in your men and tell them to stop shooting/ killing people they are too lazy to learn anything about.


I wouldn't say that Sikhs look all too similar to muslims, but I guess brown skin, a beard, and some headware is all the same to bigots.
That's exactly the problem. In reality, they are generally quite different, if you know what you're looking at. And they're worlds different in what they believe.


I grew up in Kent. Kent is one of the most multicultural towns in Washington and we all got along together pretty damn well, too. I'm gutted that this happened there.
Why would anyone bet what is obvious.


The sheer stupidity is that the picture above is the 9/11 hijackers. And yet people will fear the bearded and turbaned Sikh grandpa on the plane. The majority of terrorists are not bearded and turbaned men, they are young, wear jeans and t-shirts, are clean shaven, blend in and don't stand out ie. Tsarnaev brothers etc.

How many dead or shot Sikh men is this now? The killings after 9/11, the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, etc. But nah, we need a Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement agency. We need to be reminded of fake massacres like Bowling Green and theoretical acts in Sweden but not Quebec and Kansas and now Kent etc.

The thing is, racists don't actually care if someone looks "dangerous" or not. (When was the last time an Indian, Sikh or Jewish person committed a violent crime in the US that made the news?) It doesn't matter to them. They aren't worried about their own or their family's safety being threatened by the people they hate. That's just an excuse. They are actually worried about someone else's (different) views and culture existing along with their own. Period.


Am I being over sensitive to be annoyed at the headline saying allegedly rather than just taking the victim at his word?


Am I being over sensitive to be annoyed at the headline saying allegedly rather than just taking the victim at his word?

Media always uses "Allegedly" when reporting a crime before the trial or conviction AFAIK.

Just how fucked up these psycho racists are to randomly try and kill people who they aren't even sure are the right "targets". And revoking background checks on gun ownership at a time like this will only exacerbate shit like this and make it easier for these terrorists.


While it's good to recognize that Sikhs are not Muslim, I think we should also stress that attacking Muslims is not okay either...

In events like this, I often see the sentiment that "It's terrible because he wasn't a Muslim," which has unfortunate implications.
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