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Shadow of the Colossus Trailer PS4 (E3 2017)


Also, sometimes the "bloomy" sky in SotC felt more like a bug, because of how it would go back and forth unnaturally, depending on where you were looking, so i don't mind that they fixed that, too.
Last Guardian also fixed this, so it was likely a tech limitation of having to fake HDR.

Speaking on the "fake HDR", SotC indeed gets its unique look because Team ICO hacked together a really complicated way of attempting HDR on PS2, and it will probably be near impossible to replicate accurately. Even the PS3 remaster doesn't quite nail it at times. But the strange-looking skies and lighting works for the game since it's supposed to be a cursed land, where time does not pass normally. It looks subtly otherworldly.
I dont expect it at all. I just think it would be really, really, nice, but it would require a total reworking and new content.

Just let me dream man. I just really ultimately want to see some more Team ICO stuff, whatever it may be

My bad, I get it.

While the game does feature drastically better geometry and draw distance there is one crucial thing I don't like about the remake: It's the "cleaner" look of it compared to the original, yes really. It's lacking that bloom and foggy-ness that was a big part of the game's atmosphere and contributed to its distinct appearance.


Compare those two and you might feel that there is something that makes the remake just feel off.
The remake footage looks like a cheap indie project slapped toghether in Unreal Engine, as weird and provoking as it may sound to some. Almost everything else looks like an improvement, but the downscaled bloom and fog doesn't make it look quite right.

I also think they should have went for a more realistic look in this remake. During the time this game came out it was visually above almost anything else due to its "real" looking style.
The Minotaur Colossi in the remake for example looks almost cartoonish and too stylized compared to what the PS2 original was trying to achieve in 2005, in my opinion

I think it's ultimately conjecture as to whether these things were artistic intent versus just technological limitation, and I think it's reasonably possible that it's the latter. As a poster above mentions, the lighting system on the PS2 was a real work around. So then the argument essentially becomes sort of a vinyl vs. digital - is the "warm" feel of vinyl the artistic intent or tech limitation? Some people prefer vinyl, but that doesn't have anything to do with artistic intent, that's just the medium

Your screenshot to me is actually an example of what a great job they've done. They've completely captured the otherworldly feel, the lighting, the skyboxes, the effects - and brought it into a high definition. This (short of Wander's face) really is what I would think it would look like if it were made today.

It would be really nice to hear that Ueda is involved, at least in some sort of executive producer role in this, just for feedback. I feel like that would put a lot of the concern to bed (although I imagine there would still be people being like "Nah, man, he's forgotten what his own aesthetic was all about!") Sony cutting him out entirely would be a really strange decision, when you consider his close relationship with them over the years, and how closely identified with these games he is. Also Kenji Kaido (the now often forgotten key team member).


Speaking on the "fake HDR", SotC indeed gets its unique look because Team ICO hacked together a really complicated way of attempting HDR on PS2, and it will probably be near impossible to replicate accurately. Even the PS3 remaster doesn't quite nail it at times. But the strange-looking skies and lighting works for the game since it's supposed to be a cursed land, where time does not pass normally. It looks subtly otherworldly.

everyone should look at this, even if they dont have any idea what 95% of it means
it's a great look into just how much crazy tech was in sotc on ps2 (...and why it ran at 15fps)



Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Still gone buy it. Ugly face or not

That's the bottom line. They could have just put out the PS2 version in 4K, I'd still buy it. I will be buying this version as well.

everyone should look at this, even if they dont have any idea what 95% of it means
it's a great look into just how much crazy tech was in sotc on ps2 (...and why it ran at 15fps)


SoTC was a game truly ahead of it's time.
Main focus for me is the soundtrack. Just don't mess up the soundtrack. Wander face can be improved so will wait until they start showing his model more openly.
The thing I'm most impressed with about this game is the fur rendering now. It's not just5 fuzzy looking textures it's actual strands that sway and shake which looks amazing and does a lot to sell the creatures.

I'm also a sucker for DOF and they seem to be using a nice implementation

I do agree that the Wander model looks a little goofy but it seems hard translate his face from back then to something modern without it looking way off.

Still holding out for a photo mode, that would be incredible for this game

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
While the game does feature drastically better geometry and draw distance there is one crucial thing I don't like about the remake: It's the "cleaner" look of it compared to the original, yes really. It's lacking that bloom and foggy-ness that was a big part of the game's atmosphere and contributed to its distinct appearance.


Compare those two and you might feel that there is something that makes the remake just feel off.
The remake footage looks like a cheap indie project slapped toghether in Unreal Engine, as weird and provoking as it may sound to some. Almost everything else looks like an improvement, but the downscaled bloom and fog doesn't make it look quite right.
That, to me, looks like an example of what a great job they've done. There's nothing 'cleaner' looking about the new screenshot to me, everything just looks more detailed and complex, but the atmosphere and the intent of the original ambience seems perfectly preserved if you ask me..

I also think they should have went for a more realistic look in this remake. During the time this game came out it was visually above almost anything else due to its "real" looking style.
The Minotaur Colossi in the remake for example looks almost cartoonish and too stylized compared to what the PS2 original was trying to achieve in 2005, in my opinion
That's an interesting thought, but I think it'd cause a massive backlash. I think they are going as realistic as they can, given the constraints of the original's art direction: PBR for a much more cohesive look of everything, realistic fur, highly detailed textures. Keep in mind also that Bluepoint is a very small team. It would be unrealistic to expect them to have an army of people required to make something even more photoreal.


Yeah they did some crazy stuff, complete disregard for performance though. :p

Yeah, but for some reason it didn't bother me much back when I played SotC on PS2. Playing the original release now feels pretty rough, especially compared to the more stable PS3 remaster, but I think that I'm just more mindful/sensitive when it comes to performance in console games these days.

I say that because the FPS issues in The Last Guardian really bothered me. My first playthrough of the game was definitely negatively impacted by the frequent framerate struggles that dulled the impact of so many key moments in the game. I think it made me even angrier knowing that I wouldn't have had those issues if I was playing on a PS4 Pro, which felt like total bullshit to me.

My first playthrough of TLG will forever be tainted by the performance issues that the game has on a standard PS4, and I think that's part of the reason why it's my least favorite of the three Team ICO games thus far. I still love it, of course, but those FPS drops irk me every time I replay the game.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I say that because the FPS issues in The Last Guardian really bothered me. My first playthrough of the game was definitely negatively impacted by the frequent framerate struggles that dulled the impact of so many key moments in the game. I think it made me even angrier knowing that I wouldn't have had those issues if I was playing on a PS4 Pro, which felt like total bullshit to me.
Oh man, you have NO idea how much smoother the game runs in 1080p in Pro (I can't speak for 4K mode as I didn't play it). Just the opening scene, I've tested it on Pro, with and without the Pro patch applied, with and without Boost mode.
- No pro patch / no boost (basically, stock PS4 experience): Choppy as hell.
- No pro patch / boost enabled - still choppy, but not that bad
- Pro patch: finally steady 30FPS with no drops.


Oh man, you have NO idea how much smoother the game runs in 1080p in Pro (I can't speak for 4K mode as I didn't play it). Just the opening scene, I've tested it on Pro, with and without the Pro patch applied, with and without Boost mode.
- No pro patch / no boost (basically, stock PS4 experience): Choppy as hell.
- No pro patch / boost enabled - still choppy, but not that bad
- Pro patch: finally steady 30FPS with no drops.
This angers me to no end.


Yeah, but for some reason it didn't bother me much back when I played SotC on PS2. Playing the original release now feels pretty rough, especially compared to the more stable PS3 remaster, but I think that I'm just more mindful/sensitive when it comes to performance in console games these days.

heh, I had a similar experience. Played SotC on PS2 when it came out, loved it, didn't even realize there were supposed to be performance issues until I read about others' impressions afterward. Then I tried playing it on my PS3, before I decided to buy the HD collection, and it was a total mess.

I've noticed framerate dips every now and then in TLG so far, but it hasn't really bothered me at all. (Speaking of which, how fucking long is this game?! I've been playing it on and off for like two months and feel like I'm still not close to the end, right now in
the water puzzle/diving pool


This will be the 3rd platform I've gotten this game for. Maybe I'll actually play it this time
(1st purchase = gift for my sister, 2nd = PS+ free game).


You guys are crazy 😜 😁
That, to me, looks like an example of what a great job they've done. There's nothing 'cleaner' looking about the new screenshot to me, everything just looks more detailed and complex, but the atmosphere and the intent of the original ambience seems perfectly preserved if you ask me..
Yep exact same thoughts.


Junior Member





Yes I am aware of this project, and don't get me wrong - it's fucking awesome and looks like the best remaster of RE4.

However, I'm referring to a remake with overhauled assets, lighting, and visual effects - not just textures only.

This SOTC trailer looks miles better than the PS2 version because of a new engine.


I missed the PS2 generation and this remake/master or whatever you may call it looks like the perfect way to experience a classic
While the game does feature drastically better geometry and draw distance there is one crucial thing I don't like about the remake: It's the "cleaner" look of it compared to the original, yes really. It's lacking that bloom and foggy-ness that was a big part of the game's atmosphere and contributed to its distinct appearance.


Compare those two and you might feel that there is something that makes the remake just feel off.
The remake footage looks like a cheap indie project slapped toghether in Unreal Engine, as weird and provoking as it may sound to some. Almost everything else looks like an improvement, but the downscaled bloom and fog doesn't make it look quite right.

I also think they should have went for a more realistic look in this remake. During the time this game came out it was visually above almost anything else due to its "real" looking style.
The Minotaur Colossi in the remake for example looks almost cartoonish and too stylized compared to what the PS2 original was trying to achieve in 2005, in my opinion
Accept that this is a 'visual fidelity > atmosphere' approach into your heart.
That's one part they just need to leave the he'll alone. The original soundtrack was perfection.. if they touch it, there will be blood.
I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record but this sentiment keeps triggering me lol.

What is wrong if they go bigger and crisper with the soundtrack? Keep the songs as they were but up it to match the new visuals. We will ALWAYS HAVE the originals. They're not being erased. But imagine getting the chance to play this game for the first time again. Having new or fresher soundscapes will go a long way to aid in that (along with the new visuals). I get chills thinking about it and you guys keep crushing it.

Mind you, SotC's OST is my favorite. Xenogears is up there too, so you bet I was excited when they announced and released Myth. I view this as having a similar impact, especially if they stay a bit more true to the source material.

I grew up with Beauty and the Beast as my favorite Disney flick. I skipped it in theaters because I read it was too close to the original. To my surprise, I actually very much enjoyed the film once I picked it up on blu-ray. Imagine these Disney remakes opted to just reuse the original songs instead of trying something new. Then it'd be an even bigger waste of time despite you viewing the originals as something that can never be topped. Imagine your parents saying that about the original versions not being able to top the fairy tales lol. I'm getting carried away, but my point is, newness stands out for a new generation and honestly helps celebrate the classics. I don't compare to see which is better, but more as a sign of the times and the progress since. It's fun.


The only thing that would improve the soundtrack for me is if it's performed by an actual orchestra, like the score for the last guardian. I heard it wasn't originally performed by an actual orchestra the first time (which took me by surprise).

Aside from that, I have to stress again, PLEASE no changes to the core game. Extra/unlockable content? Go crazy with it. But playing the game from beginning to end should be exactly the same as the original but with improved graphics tech, a legit orchestra performing the score, and a new optional control scheme. Aside from that don't mess with the classics plz.
Yeah, but for some reason it didn't bother me much back when I played SotC on PS2. Playing the original release now feels pretty rough, especially compared to the more stable PS3 remaster, but I think that I'm just more mindful/sensitive when it comes to performance in console games these days.

I say that because the FPS issues in The Last Guardian really bothered me. My first playthrough of the game was definitely negatively impacted by the frequent framerate struggles that dulled the impact of so many key moments in the game. I think it made me even angrier knowing that I wouldn't have had those issues if I was playing on a PS4 Pro, which felt like total bullshit to me.

My first playthrough of TLG will forever be tainted by the performance issues that the game has on a standard PS4, and I think that's part of the reason why it's my least favorite of the three Team ICO games thus far. I still love it, of course, but those FPS drops irk me every time I replay the game.

I haven't tried it yet, but I hear dropping the game to 720p on a standard PS4 helps performance. Not ideal, but it's something.
Sif you all aren't going to play this with Next gen fur and enjoy the fuck out of stabbing them fuckers in their weakspots.

Saying it has to match the OG is absurd. I hope they make the horse riding better though


I hope they change up the trophies from the PS3 version. Hunting down every lizard in the world and eating every fruit (including the ones in
the secret garden
) were both tedious exercises in frustration.

I hope they make the horse riding better though

They are offering an improved control scheme, which should go a long way in that regard.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but Game Informer got confirmation that Ueda is involved with the project


Threadworthy. Been waiting for this, thanks for calling attention to it.

I hope they make the horse riding better though

Still maintain that Agro is the best horse in gaming. Besides the borked grip issues of the EU/remaster, I really don't think they need to touch anything about the controls, they hold up remarkably well.


That, to me, looks like an example of what a great job they've done. There's nothing 'cleaner' looking about the new screenshot to me, everything just looks more detailed and complex, but the atmosphere and the intent of the original ambience seems perfectly preserved if you ask me..

Glad i'm not the only one. Mean the fog and bloom are clear and present in the remake but with way better looking assets. Looks like an incredibly faithful remake to me.
Im so torn on the visuals. I totally understand that it doesn't have that old feel, that was undoubtedly because of the tech limits, yet it created something really unique. But on the other hand, the new version looks like it makes the game feel different, but that's not necessarily a bad thing for the game... It's hard for us fans who've been used to this game looking like this.

They definitely need to improve Wander and the Colossi.

Also, Id really like some collectors edition.



The remake footage looks like a cheap indie project slapped toghether in Unreal Engine

LOL! that statement is ludicrous! and I am baffled how you can even say that looking at the footage. To get that level of artistry done right in even UE4 is a mountainous task and beyond impossible to pull off by a random indie team, especially "slapped together".
Which don't exist! 👿

Apologies if I'm propagating misinformation. I had thought the remaster was based on the EU version grip controls, which is why they were so different. So was the theory that the more stable 30fps framerate was actually the issue -ie. the games physics was based around a framerate of 20-25fps and Wander's grips works less well when stabilized at 30fps? I recall someone in another thread making that speculation.


Junior Member
The thing I'm most impressed with about this game is the fur rendering now. It's not just5 fuzzy looking textures it's actual strands that sway and shake which looks amazing and does a lot to sell the creatures.

I'm also a sucker for DOF and they seem to be using a nice implementation

I do agree that the Wander model looks a little goofy but it seems hard translate his face from back then to something modern without it looking way off.

Still holding out for a photo mode, that would be incredible for this game
Agree with all the points and photo mode for this would be marvellous!
Apologies if I'm propagating misinformation. I had thought the remaster was based on the EU version grip controls, which is why they were so different. So was the theory that the more stable 30fps framerate was actually the issue -ie. the games physics was based around a framerate of 20-25fps and Wander's grips works less well when stabilized at 30fps? I recall someone in another thread making that speculation.

That could be easily tested with PS2 emulation. I haven't tried it, but I'm curious enough to do it now.
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