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So are they seriously thinking about having other playable characters besides Ryu (hope not)?

For specific missions. Imagine infiltrating the Chi You Men base while switching between Ryo, Shen Hua, and Ren, like a GTA V heist. And you'd be utilizing each characters' unique abilities.


Physical reward tiers aren't that profitable for the Kickstarter. People taking about physical copies and steelbook editions... the costs to produce and distribute them aren't insignificant.

If you want to maximise each individual pledge for the tiers, non-physical rewards such as meetups and design collaborations and letting backers name shit are much more efficient.

This. I suppose a lot of people underestimate the time and money it takes to handle physical rewards. You have to keep in mind that people with no experience in this field have to handle thousands (or even ten thousands) of orders, you have to think of the space this takes to stock etc.


What Gavin and Bluth said above.

"If you run, you stand a chance of losing. If you don't run, you've already lost." :p
If we're supposing that they're trying to get somewhere, I'm just telling them to get off the treadmill. It's wasted effort and makes them look stupid.
This. I suppose a lot of people underestimate the time and money it takes to handle physical rewards. You have to keep in mind that people with no experience in this field have to handle thousands (or even ten thousands) of orders, you have to think of the space this takes to stock etc.
That may be true but Bloodstained already set the precedent. If those guys could now people demand Shenmue to do it too.

In fact they're already doing it for PC so why not PS4?

Iga was taking physical copies of his game for FIVE platforms!
For specific missions. Imagine infiltrating the Chi You Men base while switching between Ryo, Shen Hua, and Ren, like a GTA V heist. And you'd be utilizing each characters' unique abilities.

Hmmm, Ok I guess that might be kinda neat. Guess we'll see.

Edit: Oh man, Conan playing Shenmue would be hilarious, have they ever done older systems on Clueless Gamer before?


i don't think shenmue will get on clueless gamer mostly because it's just a fancy paid-for ad spot, but hey. any kind of mainstream exposure would be nice.


Stats updated, slowly ticking up after a little bump up the past two days:

Also, if you missed it yesterday, I made another backer news-episode in my shenmuetalk-series:

Found out another friend attempted to back this but had problems with the payment procedure but it seems to work for a lot of other people so he'll try again. Wished for Shenmue I+II HD edition though. Also convinced my brother to put down $29. We must try to keep selling this to more people.


I have a feeling it wouldn't make it on Clueless Gamer considering each game they've looked at has usually been an Xbox One version. Wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft have sponsored it in some way. It's extra marketing for recent titles essentially.


Junior Member
Fighting for Shenmue to get on clueless gamer is such a waste of everyone's time and energy. I'd rather try to get people to learn about the Kickstarter campaign.
People who stream games on twitch/YouTube should try to play Shenmue 1 and 2. I think that's way more efficient.

And as for the voice acting, I wish people would stop treating Shenmue III as a nostalgia project. The end goal is for Shenmue III to be successful so that we can get Shenmue IV. Bad voice acting won't help us get new people interested in the series. Bad voice acting won't fly in 2017. Bad voice acting will make people think that Shenmue is a parody or a funny game, and it's neither. I'm sure Corey Marshall means well (and loves the publicity), but I'd prefer if he stayed as far away from Shenmue III as possible.


The original games are relatively hard to get a hold of. They should have organised this better, getting some online personalities aboard but rushing things and keeping it all under wraps to protect Sony's precious megaton was more important than making the campaign successful.

And as for the voice acting, I wish people would stop treating Shenmue III as a nostalgia project. The end goal is for Shenmue III to be successful so that we can get Shenmue IV. Bad voice acting won't help us get new people interested in the series. Bad voice acting won't fly in 2017. Bad voice acting will make people think that Shenmue is a parody or a funny game, and it's neither. I'm sure Corey Marshall means well (and loves the publicity), but I'd prefer if he stayed as far away from Shenmue III as possible.
I kind of agree. I get the fan's intention and Shenmue's VA can be insufferable to endearing depending on who you ask, but it really harms people taking the project seriously in the age we live in.
Another weekend with zero updates I see. A bit of a shame this seems to be the trend. Most people are off work on weekends and they could utilize this time to push out updates and content to engage people with the kickstarter and get more pledges. They haven't even pushed out an update after the Twitch stream summarising it or anything. A little disappointed by this.


It is normal for a professionally run KS to not update on weekends. I think it's a mistake for a high profile campaign since you are wasting momentum. Though we didn't have much.


Another weekend with zero updates I see. A bit of a shame this seems to be the trend. Most people are off work on weekends and they could utilize this time to push out updates and content to engage people with the kickstarter and get more pledges. They haven't even pushed out an update after the Twitch stream summarising it or anything. A little disappointed by this.
This includes the people running the KS. :p


This includes the people running the KS. :p

They seem to be off more than just the week ends ..............



Will there be a Conan/ Clueless Gamer Episode as a roundup for E3? Might be nice to give Shenmue a Spot there.

Conan has visited E3 the past couple of years however the segments had him on the show floor playing games and interviewing people, I don't see him doing anything with Shenmue 3 in that format for the E3 video if he did one this year.

J2 Cool

It was on the cusp of 3.74 this morning, and just went up and down on 3.73 over and over instead

It's slowly crawling to 4 million. wait another 5-6 days.

250,000 seems like a fucking mountain to climb at this point. Until its above 4 million, I don't feel comfortable about the final push. Making 25k a day, which would be consistent movement its still going to take 10 days. It could just be crossing 4 million moving into its final stretch, which puts pressure on it making a million its last several days. It will definitely get a push then but its fans contributed mightily to start, not sure if that will be possible.

$30 on the 3rd is really what to look at for its crossing 4mil and setting it up well enough window.


What is wrong today? I think in the last 9 hours it actually lost money. Or is the KS site broken?
It can happen, since you can always cancel a pledge. Some KS campaigns even have been trolled (funded a couple minutes before the end, then a drop under the goal just seconds before the end).

It will definitely get a push then but its fans contributed mightily to start, not sure if that will be possible.
Not sure either...

Usually, the kickstarter progress slowly but continuously because people interested discover the campaign a bit late, but I'm pretty sure virtually anyone interested in Shenmue 3 has heard about it now. The E3 announcement made it even more frontloaded as usual, and that killed the momentum later.

I'm not even sure it'll see as great a bump near the end as usual KS. With 3.7M now, it should reach 7-8M at the end with usual behavior, but I wouldn't be surprised it doesn't reach those milestones. Even 6M doesn't seems like a given now.

They REALLY need to find compelling rewards so that many people already in boat upgrade their pledge... because they may have already gathered a large percentage of people interested.
Nope, not just you.

This KS is pretty much stagnating and I don't think that between now and the last day anything major will happen to push that thing further forward.

Adding a physical PS4 version and the $30 on the 3rd campaign will definitely give the kick-starter a nice boost. I'm probably going to do a PSA thread on GAF in regards to the $30 on the 3rd campaign. It's gonna need as much exposure as possible!
I don't understand the negativity. 2 weeks ago Shenmue 3 was a punchline. Now it's actually happening, in some form.

Stop worrying and enjoy the ride. It's got nearly 2x the original goal. It's happening. That's infinitely better than what we had 2 weeks ago.


I noticed that Pillars of Eternity, game that got just under $4m on KS, had a publisher come on while it was in development. Were the Western games media upset about that the way a lot of them are about Sony's involvement in the Shenmue 3 KS?



Obsidian Entertainment, the developer of Fallout: New Vegas and South Park: The Stick of Truth, today announced that they are entering into a partnership with Paradox Interactive to launch their upcoming role-playing game (RPG), Pillars of Eternity.

Pillars of Eternity, an RPG inspired by classic titles such as Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment, was funded via Kickstarter in late 2012, raising $4.5 million through both backer pledges on Kickstarter and Obsidian’s own website. Feargus Urquhart, CEO of Obsidian Entertainment, stated that every dollar raised through the crowdfunding campaign will be spent solely on the game’s development.

“This game would not have happened if not for the passion and generosity of our backers, and their faith in us to create the game they wanted,” said Urquhart. “How we are developing Pillars of Eternity has not, and will not be, changed; we will deliver the game we promised to our backers, and we will deliver it this year. Having Paradox as a partner, with their expertise in independent games like Pillars of Eternity, lets us put all of our focus on making an incredible game.”

Paradox will assume key marketing and distribution responsibilities for the title, which will support Obsidian by allowing them to concentrate entirely on development.

Fox Mulder

They REALLY need to find compelling rewards so that many people already in boat upgrade their pledge... because they may have already gathered a large percentage of people interested.

At least the game is happening regardless of what they get now, anything else just improves it.

it was risky to try shenmue 3 even without releasing the first two to jump start interest. Even more so with a poorly communicated kickstarter with vague info and bullshit about Sony's involvement out the gate.

The audience for this was always going to be small but the games have spiked on ebay and people are buying them after this announcement. I doubt existing shenmue fans are just now rushing out to pay peak prices for the games now. Someone new to the franchise might not have even pledged yet after just buying the prior games on older consoles.

J2 Cool

I don't understand the negativity. 2 weeks ago Shenmue 3 was a punchline. Now it's actually happening, in some form.

Stop worrying and enjoy the ride. It's got nearly 2x the original goal. It's happening. That's infinitely better than what we had 2 weeks ago.

You're largely right. It was such a behemoth when that E3 announcement happened. 1.98m to 2m in a span of 8 minutes at like 3:30pst. 300 new backers. The fans, who stuck around and grew in passion over 14 years really showed up and made themselves heard and funded this thing quickly.

I think it's just hit a ceiling in how much money they can give to it right now, but theres no less desire to see the game made. This is Shenmue's reintroduction to the world is something that's hard to keep in mind. I think it will be supported its best to the end of this KS, and beyond it. If its allowed more donations to pool in, Shenmue fans will fund the game they want to see made.

These stretch goals, Yu's broader vision of Shenmue are so ideal and wanted, that fans passion to see the absolute best is driving it to frustration. But whatever happens, its an amazing showing and theres a lot to be proud of and excited for. And I think Yu himself feels that way too and that's what will matter in the end. That synergy to making this 3rd game.

I really hope Sega chips in and says they'll release HD versions. It only seems right. But knowing Sega, they would probably ask for KS money to fund them haha. An announcement of that would be really great though, a real battle cry that the series is still kicking, beloved and taken care of.


I don't understand the negativity. 2 weeks ago Shenmue 3 was a punchline. Now it's actually happening, in some form.

Stop worrying and enjoy the ride. It's got nearly 2x the original goal. It's happening. That's infinitely better than what we had 2 weeks ago.

Exactly, this just shows that the thirst for Shenmue is huge. EVEN AFTER 14 YEARS.


I really hope Sega chips in and says they'll release HD versions. It only seems right. But knowing Sega, they would probably ask for KS money to fund them haha. An announcement of that would be really great though, a real battle cry that the series is still kicking, beloved and taken care of.

We all are hoping the kickstarter will show SEGA our support of a HD remake. If they can they should try and capitalize on 3's success. I really hope they do it to gather more support from new players.


Junior Member
That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.
That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.

Just ignore it, the Conan producers definitely will ;)
If Sony is not funding the project then why not announce it on Xbox One as well? I think it will be a good bonus for them to have the Xbox One players to pay a bit. Personally I could be interested to participate if the game will be on Xbox One otherwise no, I do not own a PS4 and my PC is only a laptop so why I should contribute if I can't play the game.


I noticed that Pillars of Eternity, game that got just under $4m on KS, had a publisher come on while it was in development. Were the Western games media upset about that the way a lot of them are about Sony's involvement in the Shenmue 3 KS?



Some people were annoyed but sensible people realize that publishers handling nothing but distribution is perfectly fine for a crowdfunded project. The developers still own the IP and they still get a much larger cut of the finished product than they would in a traditionally published game. The developers also save the time and money it would take to set up the distribution methods and ad campaign from scratch. Everybody wins.


That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.
Even though it's doomed to fail, it still brings exposure to the project.


Shenmue 1&2 anime adaptation by madhouse, can i have it?
Dreaming it's free.... i think that'd would help revitalice shenmue again, if they also announce the HD versions l

As for the KS campaign, i'm sure lots of people are waiting to see if they add a PS4 retail release (that's my case actually), no retail box for PS4 makes the game feel like a lesser thing, it's a matter of appreciation and i'm sure most people agree.


I noticed that Pillars of Eternity, game that got just under $4m on KS, had a publisher come on while it was in development. Were the Western games media upset about that the way a lot of them are about Sony's involvement in the Shenmue 3 KS?
I'm starting to think that all that FUD comes from pro MS sites
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