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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m


Awful Japan strike again.

They've done more harm than good to Shenmue 3. All the negativity surrounding the revival of the series stems from this stupid company.

smh x 100000000
if it helps, they should be fading into the background as shibuya's marketing of shenmue 3 starts to take hold closer to release, and then after the game comes out we never, ever have to hear from them again.

it's a real shame yu never got his first choice of using 8-4.
Not as bad as I expected, and generally fair. Still, it does grind my gears a bit that Schafer can barely get bad press despite being shady, and Shenmue 3 gets it without trying.

Most certainly a fair article, but any unnecessary negativity that arises from other outlets stem from the incompetence of awesome japan.

I just hope IGN, Kotaku, etc dont twist the recent news. And even if they do, the root cause is still there. This will certainly happen again in the future as we have already seen.


fairly even handed article out of gamespot, but the point does need to be made that awesome japan and ysnet are two different entities, and awesome japan can definitely be pinned as those in charge of the paypal campaign and the continued kickstarter updates.
Most certainly a fair article, but any unnecessary negativity that arises from other outlets stem from the incompetence of awesome japan.

I just hope IGN, Kotaku, etc dont twist the recent news. And even if they do, the root cause is still there. This will certainly happen again in the future as we have already seen.

Other than the part timer who works holidays, has Kotaku written an article that has been unfair?


Other than the part timer who works holidays, has Kotaku written an article that has been unfair?
i think they bungled it a few times in regards to asserting sony was funding shenmue when we know they're absolutely not, and then not providing any kind of amendment, retraction, or follow-up to correct themselves

jason schreier was pretty courteous to us when that contractor/freelancer posted that insane rant about the placeholder boxart on the kickstarter, and fairly accepting it demeaned and cheapened kotaku.

honestly, polygon is a worse offender because they come off like an uninformed ranting grandpa who sits around watching too much fox news, except instead of obama taking their guns, they're screaming about yu suzuki taking their money.
Hey! Look! A new article that gets everything correct!

Engadget / Joystiq - Some 'Shenmue III' backers won't get their rewards after all


Is it just me or is this insanely wrong? The headline makes it sound like existing backers won't get their rewards which is not the case at all.


This section of the article suggests that they won't even get a physical copy of the game on the PS4. This has to be one of the worse headlines and articles on Shenmue 3 to date. How does it not get any better? This is insane.


Just add another to the pile of journalists regurgitating an incorrect story instead of investigating at source (i.e, looking at two Kickstarter updates for slightly over a minute).

Must be nice having a job where nobody gives a shit if you fuck it up.


Tbh the only thing PayPal backers might be missing out on is the $80 rewards which might be a bit of a bummer and I wish was offered but isn't too major. Just really cool and affordable for most backers.
I had tweeted him before about having a virtua like fighter in the game, 1 v 1 two player set up and he retweeted it.

may be nothing but still would be a nice feature to have an actual virtua like fighter mode in the game
It would be cool but Shenmue 3 probably takes place before the release of Virtua Fighter. I wonder if he'll be able to put any Sega properties in it at all. That might be asking too much.
It would be cool but Shenmue 3 probably takes place before the release of Virtua Fighter. I wonder if he'll be able to put any Sega properties in it at all. That might be asking too much.

You dont have to have VR, just a fighting game engine (which isnt easy) and use the characters from the game and maybe a few VR characters. Use areas of the game to set up a fighting area. Such as streets, homes, mountain areas whatever

Imo, they already are making a fighting engine, they already make locations. So a lot of the work is there. To make it all work like virtua fighter does take work though but would be cool to choose from a large seleection of characters from the series to fight.

I always thought having a large sega arcade in a shenmue hub world store that also has an app on the system menu would be pretty big for sega in general. Just allow the games to be played in the world of shenmue but bring out the full store in a sega like special store with genesis, saturn, dreamcast , arcade games. Sega is probably the biggest arcade company that could really get this done. They have a ton of stuff.


If it's a 1v1 mode you want, I expect they will do the same as Shenmue II and allow access to the game's big one on one fights after completing it.

They better include *all* fights though. Burns my ass you can't replay the Eileen and Izumi fights, but I guess they were omitted because they're secret and not tied to the main story.
You dont have to have VR, just a fighting game engine (which isnt easy) and use the characters from the game and maybe a few VR characters. Use areas of the game to set up a fighting area. Such as streets, homes, mountain areas whatever

Imo, they already are making a fighting engine, they already make locations. So a lot of the work is there. To make it all work like virtua fighter does take work though but would be cool to choose from a large seleection of characters from the series to fight.

I always thought having a large sega arcade in a shenmue hub world store that also has an app on the system menu would be pretty big for sega in general. Just allow the games to be played in the world of shenmue but bring out the full store in a sega like special store with genesis, saturn, dreamcast , arcade games. Sega is probably the biggest arcade company that could really get this done. They have a ton of stuff.

That sounds cool and a lot like I'm hoping for. The closer the fighting system is able to be to Virtua Fighter the better. I'd like to know how liberal Sega is being with their properties with this. It would be easy to justify Ryo running into a VF character in some kind of tournament should Sega allow it.

Also, if Sega allowed Sega products, like arcade games, console games, etc, as DLC, they could potentially make quite a bit of money. I'm pretty sure Shenmue fans are likely to purchase those sorts of things even if they have (several) other means of playing the titles. I generally don't like to use emulation but I'd pay good money to be allowed to go to the hotel or whatever and play Sonic or Fantasy Zone in Ryo's downtime. It's not like the previous games were held to that level of realism in terms of release timing as we've seen with the Saturn in the living room, capsule toys etc. The only things that were really held to that kind of standard were the arcade games.

Also, I agree with Spaghetti. I'd be surprised if we don't get a 1v1 mode of some sort.


Any recommended place I can catch up to the other Shenmue stories quickly? Or would it just be more of a wikia hunt?

I don't want to play them, just a synopsis or few will do.
Any recommended place I can catch up to the other Shenmue stories quickly? Or would it just be more of a wikia hunt?

I don't want to play them, just a synopsis or few will do.

I get the feeling that a lot of the people who post in this thread regularly aren't very familiar with where one might find summaries because we play the games regularly. Are you curious about whether or not to back the game?

I'll try to post a really quick story summary while trying not to divulge too much.

Ryo Hazuki was a high school student whose father was a somewhat renowned martial arts instructor. One day, Ryo came home to find his housekeeper and the student who lives with them incapacitated outside and his father in the dojo being confronted by men in suits and a man in traditional Chinese clothing. The man demanded a traditional stone mirror and claimed that his father was killed by Ryo's father. Ryo, having gone his life idealizing his father then witnesses his father's death as the men leave with the mirror. Ryo then decides to abandon school to learn his father's history and how it ties together with the man and the mirror.

In Shenmue 1, Ryo learns that the mirror is actually a part of a pair (the dragon and phoenix) and that the man, Lan Di, is a prominent member of the Chi You Men, a large Chinese cartel (think the Triad). The majority of the conflict in Shenmue 1 revolves around Ryo's struggles with a local Chi You Men satellite gang, the Mad Angels, which mainly consists of foreign sailors and dock workers as he aligns with a member of a rival Chinese smuggler and his son. In parallel, there is a psychological conflict as Ryo must center himself and struggle with his desire for revenge and his increasing distance from everyone who was close to him. As Shenmue 1 ends, Ryo learns that Lan Di has most likely returned to Hong Kong and finds a way there.

In Shenmue 2, Ryo is a man who is completely lost having never really left his medium sized Japanese home-city. He loses all of his money and has no direction. As the game progresses, Ryo learns more about the mirrors, his father and the man who killed him. Again, Ryo faces conflicts on two fronts: psychological and physical. Psychologically, Ryo gets guidance from a Taoist scholar and martial arts instructor who warns Ryo not to get lost in his quest for revenge and to seek a more enlightened path. Physically, Ryo again aligns himself with a local gang, this time one whose leader is less honorable but way cooler, against a Chi You Men satellite gang. Ryo travels with the leader of this gang, who sees in Ryo a chance for profit and adventure, to Kowloon, a legendary slum city which at the time Shenmue 2 takes place was many times more dense than NYC, where eventually they fight through the Chi You Men satellite's headquarters only to arrive as Lan Di is leaving.

As Shenmue 2 ends, Ryo finds himself in the village in which the mirrors were created hundreds of years ago to meet a mystical girl who shares a spiritual bond with Ryo in what is quite possibly the most zenlike and captivating moments in gaming.

Shenmue 2.5 involves 14 years of yearning and speculation from an obsessed fanbase.

Gameplay wise: Shenmue 1 plays like a classic PC adventure game mixed into an open world (in fact it is likely the first open world adventure title). You spend the majority of the game looking for clues and trying to figure out where to go. Meanwhile, every character in the game is living their own lives and if you talk with people at certain times you will get different experience making the game seem truly like a living world. Secondary to the main adventure game is a Virtua Fighter inspired fighting system and a lot of other gametypes thrown in such as racing, QTEs, and work simulation. A lot of Shenmue fans would argue that it is one of the only titles that gets QTEs right.

Shenmue 2 plays very similar to Shenmue 1 except that the fighting system is more prominent and "work simulation" is optional for the most part. One thing I think is really cool about Shenmue 2 is it makes meditation a play mechanic.

I hope that helps.

Is it still possible to make a pledge without Paypal?

I think at this point, paypal is your only option.


cliff notes version of shenmue:

OG shenmue - your father is murdered by a triad in a dress over a paperweight. you follow a trail of breadcrumbs that leads nowhere until your sneak fuck housekeeper tells you she's been keeping a letter from you. the letter is not only in chinese but BACKWARDS CHINESE. after discovering how to use a mirror with a chinese lady, you sneak into an antique dealer's warehouse, break their stock, and threaten to fight the owner's son. they only forgive you because you have a sweet jacket.

so anyway it turns out your dad had another paperweight hidden in his creepy basement, but gollum from lord of the rings tries to steal it and gets defeated by a QTE that literally results in a button press in a really metatextual way that i didn't realise until just now. turns out your father's killer is going to hong kong, so you guilt trip your friends and family into giving you the money to chase after him.

in a moment of stunning ignorance you buy a boat ticket from an obvious scam travel agency, and then beat up everybody in the place when the staff member who took your money has disappeared to fuckin' cuba or wherever. you're told to go to an arcade tomorrow (lol) to pick up your boat ticket (lol lol). SURPRISE. it's a trap by gollum. not content with having you trapped in an enclosed space, he produces your boat ticket (which probably cost money to acquire), AND EATS IT.

then, depending on how good you are at the combat, you either have the living shit kicked out of you until you're saved by your dumbass useless friend, or push gollumn's shit in until you just kinda let him run off despite him probably having significant information about where your father's killer is. either way, you go back to the travel agency to chase down the jerk who set you up, who thankfully did not have the brains to immediately skip town after setting a trap for you.

long story short, you actually make him cry until he offers to a trip to the philippines, but ryo is unphased by this bribe to a beach paradise and instead wants another boat ticket to hong kong. unable to provide, the travel agent reveals gollumn is part of a harbour street gang and that they pick on people who work there, despite most of them having access to heavy machinery that can easily run over or impale people.

ryo gets a job driving a forklift, which the shenmue series would forever be associated with despite being a small part of the first game. he also gets to race them in the mornings in the worst health and safety violation ever made.

so you make a bunch of trouble at the harbour in order to get noticed. you save a homeless dude who happens to be fucking mr miyagi or whatever who teaches you a move which is effectively just chopping fuckers in the neck. the move is incredibly effective. you also get into a fight with three dudes on motorcycles, two of which you totally fuck up WHILE THEY'RE RIDING THE MOTORCYCLE, and third you beat into paste behind a warehouse. he also tells you some information about a big black market deal by the street gang, but also admits he'll be killed for it. he's also never seen through the whole game again, HMMMMM. ryo doesn't give a FUCK.

ryo causes more trouble that gets his coworkers beaten the fuck up, and his lady friend, who has that japanese unrequited love thing going on despite them both wanting to bang, gets kidnapped. you borrow a motorcycle from a friend at 1am and ride to the harbour to some ripping guitar tunes, and go make sure even more of this street gang won't be able to eat solids for months.

you get your friend back, but you make a deal with the street gang leader that you'll break the legs of that antique dealer's son so this TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY gang leader will take you to your father's killer. you agree, despite probably being able to beat the fuck out of everybody in the room, and then take the lady home. you also lose your friend's motorcycle helmet. there is a song on the ride home that is in japanese and english, but clearly not sung by a native english speaker. it is 90s as fuck, but also kinda nice.

you turn up for work the next day to find out you've been fucking FIRED. so instead you go see your hot-dog slinging american friend who i've neglected to mention until now. he teaches you a move which is effectively kicking people in the head. twice. then he goes back to america because he's broke and nobody wants to buy his hot dogs (this is a legitimate subplot in the game you can discover if you talk to npcs and connect the dots).

so anyway, night falls and you prepare to fight the antique dealer's son. you let him in on your plan while trading blows, until the pair of you get serious and end up knocking each other the fuck out. meanwhile, the TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY gang leader attempts to crush the antique dealer's son with a pole with a lump of concrete attached to it. you pull him out of the way and suddenly you're both in fighting condition again. the gang leader invites you to hell, but it's really just the back of a bunch of warehouses. so then you beat up 70 people

yes, in shenmue, a game that values calmness, the ordinary, and sometimes the mundane, you BEAT UP 70 PEOPLE. you fight an entire street gang at once, and WIN. the TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY gang leader is cornered, but the antique dealer's son wants to fight him alone. surprisingly the TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY gang leader fights dirty, but he still gets his shit rocked. turns out he knows nothing about your father's murderer besides the fact he already peaced the fuck out of japan and was on a boat or some shit.

the antique dealer and his son agree to help ryo get to hong kong, like he couldn't have done that when they first met. ryo turns up to the harbour, gets taught the incredibly helpful move of tripping people up and smashing their face, when gollum drops a steel beam on the antique dealer's son so he can't go to hong kong with you. he lives, it's cool.

so anyway ryo fights gollumn in an easier fight than the one in the arcade, and kicks him into the sea. no really. he kicks him into the sea. ryo gets on the boat to hong kong, the theme tune plays, some ancient prophecy is recited, AND THUS THE SAGA BEGINS

shenmue II:

disk 1 - WELCOME TO HONG KONG MOTHER FUCKER, HOPE YOU LIKE FIGHTING, GAMBLING, AND ARM WRESTLING. also you learn about martial arts philosophy and get your ass handed to you relentlessly.

disk 2 - I HOPE YOU LIKE BOOKS BECAUSE YOU'RE GOING TO SEE A LOT OF THEM. you also learn about the nature of revenge and more martial arts philosophy. you also learn a neat trick with a teacup, race ducks, and get involved with another harbour street gang. you also beat them up, but not all at once like last time because they beat the shit out of you when you try. shenmue II is all about ryo being told he's a dumbass meathead and he gets punished for it relentlessly. you also pay one of them $500 to meet their leader instead of just beating the shit out of them until they talk like usual. you also fall off a building and meet the han solo of the shenmue universe, ren.

disk 3 - oh boy. do you like action? good. the opening to this disk involves clandestine meetings, passwords, handcuffs, and civil engineering gone totally wrong. you also get to listen to a cassette tape, because the 80s. ryo finds the dude who wrote the BACKWARDS CHINESE letter to shed light on why his father was killed and where his killer is, but gets thrown out of a window by an obese man. the obese man later jumps out the window himself, drops about 20 feet, and is totally okay. he also knocks ryo the fuck out, and he's only saved by the martial arts philosophy teacher from disks 1 and 2.

basically from here on out you're street fighting your way into the building where the obese man is holding BACKWARDS CHINESE man. it's awesome. you spend basically the next two hours of the game kicking the shit out of anything that moves, and then end up in a situation similar to the raid before the raid was even a thing. you then beat up a man wearing feathers in a cage, and then ride an elevator for 40 floors*

*this actually happens.

you beat up the obese man on top of a skyscraper, your father's murderer apparently has a helicopter, there's an amazing deathstare, and everything wraps up nicely.

disk 4 - oh shit there's more? the game goes from balls to the wall action to a quiet trip through the forests of guilin and- OH SHIT SOME CRAZY LADY JUST JUMPED IN A RIVER IN A STORM BETTER GET IN WITH HER TOO. oh hey the lady is the same one as on the shenmue and shenmue II packaging who we've not even met yet despite her being in ryo's dreams in the first game and being a great early warning system for when you're running out of game time before the bad end.

so you go on a merry hike through guilin, nearly fall off a cliff several times, enjoy a QTE where ryo is unharmed besides his pride and getting his pants wet but in a rare turn of form must repeat it over and over until you get it right, and then UNCOVER AN ANCIENT MYSTERY WITH A CLIFFHANGER ENDING THAT EVERYBODY WILL WONDER ABOUT FOR YEARS SEE YOU IN 2017 SUCKERS HAHAHA.

that's basically shenmue.


Dang, did you copy that from some site or is it an original post? sweet summary :)

props to you, Spaghetti, if it was your creation. I'd post the citizen kane slowclap gif if I weren't on mobile.
Great summary :)

One thing that really bugs me is Kanji is based on the Chinese writing system. Shouldn't it be incredibly obvious to everyone that the characters are reversed? I mean, things like 寺 can only be written in one direction. It's not like it if you wrote it backwards it would mean something else. Maybe I should play my Japanese copy to see if they handle it differently there.


100% me. genuinely something i spent too long writing but it was totally worth it for realising one of the chai QTEs was to literally make ryo press a button by pressing a button.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Holy crap that summary. THAT SUMMARY.

Deserves to be animated. Wish I was an animator. This was amazing:

so you guilt trip your friends and family into giving you the money to chase after him.

Never thought I'd think bad of Ryo hahaha.
then he goes back to america because he's broke and nobody wants to buy his hot dogs (this is a legitimate subplot in the game you can discover if you talk to npcs and connect the dots).

Damn, my substory game was lacking all those years ago cause I totally missed any conversations about this. I mean, I always assumed he was leaving cause I'd never seen anyone buy anything (although that goes for almost every store in the game).

Also the Shenmue 2 part seems to be missing the part where a mentally unstable chainsaw maniac cuts shit up. Was this not the most memorable part of Shenmue 2 or is it just me? Amazing summary regardless!
Damn, my substory game was lacking all those years ago cause I totally missed any conversations about this. I mean, I always assumed he was leaving cause I'd never seen anyone buy anything (although that goes for almost every store in the game).

Also the Shenmue 2 part seems to be missing the part where a mentally unstable chainsaw maniac cuts shit up. Was this not the most memorable part of Shenmue 2 or is it just me? Amazing summary regardless!

Don't worry too much about Tom. He makes it back to Japan.

You're right. Spaghetti needs to add in a section about Ryo and Ren being chased by a giant and his chainsaw wielding gay lover.


thanks for all the kind words. i didn't know my incredibly flippant recollection of the shenmue series would go down this well.

and yeah, i missed that portion of disk 3 out with being attacked by yuan with a chainsaw, and also that amazing dou niu qte in the yellow head with three different outcomes, but it's really just a small part of the overall non-stop action of the kowloon section.

shenmue II in general is a surprise to people who think the shenmue series is as slow as the first. the first hours of shenmue II are structured so much more tightly, though i personally find there's nothing wrong with the original's meandering natural pace.

Damn, my substory game was lacking all those years ago cause I totally missed any conversations about this. I mean, I always assumed he was leaving cause I'd never seen anyone buy anything (although that goes for almost every store in the game).
the smoking gun is when you're looking for bars, ask tom about it and he'll exclaim "i can't afford to drink, i'm broke!"

there are a few more hints if you talk to him, honey, or other characters, but i can't remember exactly when in the game right now. it certainly makes him leaving japan a little less sudden.

Never thought I'd think bad of Ryo hahaha.
ryo is actually kind of an asshole when you think hard about it. he gets much worse through the course of the original shenmue, especially to the sailors. admittedly they had it coming, but there are the moments like in the parking lot when you press a button to make ryo almost rip tony's arm out of the socket, and later threatening to actually break limbs to get information about the long zha. he also has a habit in both games of knocking out opponents even if they're downed, which is just ice cold.

it works though, ryo gets busted down a few pegs in shenmue II almost every other minute. he was a big fish in a small pond in yokosuka, but in hong kong he's just shark bait. honestly shenmue to shenmue II has the best character development in a protagonist i've seen since mgs to mgs2, and it didn't even require said protagonist to not be playable for the majority of the sequel.



What is the deal with Rooster Teeth and their hatred for Shenmue?

The media has been down on this game ever since the moment it got announced. Literally articles were up hours after the announcement slamming it for not being "clear" enough, or how much Sony was involved.

Not trying to start anything but I really believe the disdain comes from this being exclusive to PS4. At least on consoles. I don't think you would have seen the vehement backlash initially if this was announced at the MS conference. At the time it's been the "in" thing to bash kickstarter as well. So this being a product of KS adds to that.

Not saying Awesome Japan has handled this the best. But this recent "outrage" really isn't outrage worthy and comes from the media yet again not doing their research.

It's why I always say the games media will never be taken seriously. Jason does great work at Kotaku, but aside from that most sites just want clicks.
It'd really be nice if whoever is running Shenmue 3's social media could immediately debunk these malicious rumors. I do hold AJ somewhat responsible for these constant blunders and surely they're aware of the smear campaigns that keep arising. I am assuming they're not working on this full time.



What is the deal with Rooster Teeth and their hatred for Shenmue?

I've only seen their The Know videos about the original Kickstarter and those Funhaus play Shenmue vids but it's apparent they really have it out for our game. I take exception to the the smug, matter-of-fact delivery in the video I posted.
From the video description:

Shenmue 3 Paypal backers aren't getting any rewards

Man. It's funny seeing a lie like this on a show called The Know.

The Know (we're incompetent at research)
The Know (we do our jobs badly)
The Know (nobody will call us out for this so let's just lie anyway)

Games media was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

But yo, who's excited for maybe some new Shenmue 3 screens on the 20th?
They did a similar hatchet job on Shenmue 3 when it was first announced. I'd never heard of their show until then. Apparently they have a huge following.

I'm holding out hope that Ys Net secured substantial backing from a real investor so I don't need to worry about AJ's latest screw-up and the ensuing media fallout. Sincerely been waiting for this game since Shenmue 2's credits rolled. I don't need gimmicky new media companies like Funhaus and The Know getting in the way of my dreams


They did a similar hatchet job on Shenmue 3 when it was first announced. I'd never heard of their show until then. Apparently they have a huge following.
One day we'll figure out why people have a licence to openly lie about Shenmue 3 in the media and get away with it.

It'll be a huge science experiment. There will probably be rockets, and it'll be in zero gravity.
One day we'll figure out why people have a licence to openly lie about Shenmue 3 in the media and get away with it.

It'll be a huge science experiment. There will probably be rockets, and it'll be in zero gravity.
The absolute glee they take in knocking about one of gaming' most important legends is what truly bothers me. But then I realize they don't know or care who he is; it's all for a few more hits.

The bigger story is Yu Suzuki is back and even discussing making more fighting and racing games after he wraps up Shenmue. That's the stuff I want to know about, not this dreary gaming gossip from Page 4 nonsense.


I'm holding out hope that Ys Net secured substantial backing from a real investor so I don't need to worry about AJ's latest screw-up and the ensuing media fallout. Sincerely been waiting for this game since Shenmue 2's credits rolled. I don't need gimmicky new media companies like Funhaus and The Know getting in the way of my dreams
Who knows at this point.

I've never been of the belief that $10 million is some magic number that'll make all our dreams for Shenmue 3 come true. Even then, $6.5 million isn't too far off the mark from 10 anyway, and pretty much all the major gameplay improvement and new feature stretch goals were hit. I think we'll get enough bang for our buck regardless of whether the Kickstarter success brought in a new investor.

The absolute glee they take in knocking about one of gaming' most important legends is what truly bothers me. But then I realize they don't know or care who he is; it's all for a few more hits.

The bigger story is Yu Suzuki is back and even discussing making more fighting and racing games after he wraps up Shenmue. That's the stuff I want to know about, not this dreary gaming gossip from Page 4 nonsense.
It's weird, I know. The gaming landscape owes as much debt to Suzuki as it does to Miyamoto, but because Yu's accomplishments were in the arcades he doesn't get the cred Miyamoto does for his home console efforts.


It's annoying that the PC version hasn't been added for slacker backers, but if it's not ready to be added for whatever reason, then it's not ready. At least we get definite confirmation every few weeks from Cedric that it will be added, even if AJ are solely in charge of the site.

EDIT: The PC Gamer article is factually reported, but I'm not keen on the title because it still maintains the dumb idea that paypal backers don't get anything. Seems most of the comments section did read the full article, which is more than I can say about Polygon/Eurogamer/Engadget, who's readership picked up and continued spreading a lie.
Gotta hand it to PC Gamer who once again are factual;

As I've repeatedly stated and also due to the above, it is so very sad that PC has been missing from Paypal. SO. VERY. SAD. Whoever dropped the ball on PC, AJ or YS Net, this is one of your worst mistakes! Amateurs!

Thanks for the link. It's nice to see some actual reporting being done. I wonder if polygon et al even bothered sending an email before writing up an article.

I'll be glad when this whole mess is forgotten. I wonder what kind of controversy will be made about the next update.
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