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SHENMUE 3 Kickstarter (PC/PS4) Thread 2: New KS Record at $6.3m

that's the $1800 tier, i got the $1200 tier which doesn't feature a character with my figure.

i'm actually really looking forward to seeing how that all pans out. like, what images do they need for kenji miyawaki to have an artist's reference? what will the final 3d model look like? i guess finding out is at least a year off at this point.

lucky sod :p

The most i could fork out was that 600 dollar tier. No idea what i'll put in the guestbook though.

I'd imagine a front and profile view would be enough for anatomy, along with some close ups of your face with various expressions.

When we hit $11m.

Post of the year haha.


When we hit $11m.
appearing on a polygon headline soon

but really, i think the paypal campaign will maybe last until february. as long as the PC version isn't added to the slacker backer site, we know there will at least be another month or so left before it ends.


That's way more than I was expecting it to get without the urgency and active push something like a Kickstarter campaign gives.
yeah, it's slightly more than average for slacker backer campaigns. it gives me hope that, if left to run for another few months (plus pc version added/upgrades for KS backers), that $7 million is an achievable goal.


double post, but the paypal total just updated since the 29th december



that's over $20,000 in five days, it seems to still be holding pretty strong even after the extension on the end date.

starting to think there's actually a chance of breaking $6.6/6.7 million this month alone if it continues like this.


Bloody brilliant.

We're gonna hit that 7 million people. I say june/july

I want my magic maze.

We're coming for you 11 mill
if the money coming in stays at this level (which it might/might not), i can definitely see 7 million by then. that's if the paypal even stays open that long. imo it should probably stay open until the prototyping phase is coming to an end, so it isn't interrupting development when they start main production but they have the maximum amount of time to get as many stretch goals in as possible.

$11 million aint' happening though. hope isn't totally lost for the magic maze system. we know they're experimenting with implementing features on unhit stretch goals out of the extra overhead provided by UE4 proving more efficient than expected, so maybe that'll be something they sneak in there.

honestly, i'd love to hit the chobu stretchgoals, as far away as they are. there was talk the part time job stretch goal would be to expand chobu enough to have a harbour/port area where ryo could drive a forklift again.
I think they should just leave it open until the end of the year. Im sure an e3 announcement of the hd versions would boost the campaign.

Regardless, we have an extra $200,000. Thats a good chunk of change to hire some more talent.

Things are looking good.


I think they should just leave it open until the end of the year. Im sure an e3 announcement of the hd versions would boost the campaign.

Regardless, we have an extra $200,000. Thats a good chunk of change to hire some more talent.

Things are looking good.

right now unless people are willing to go borrow a dreamcast, they can't really experience the series, and even then if they live in NA they can only play the original unless they want to get an xbox or import a PAL copy of shenmue II. that's outside emulation mind you, but dreamcast emulation is really spotty these days. current builds of nulldc break shenmue II, and demul is a resource hog.

HD remasters would probably bring a new wave of people interested in the series on board. it's all well and good us just going on, and on, and on about what's great about shenmue, but it really is one of those games you can only appreciate if you sit down, play it, and just find yourself in a trance-like state of enjoyment. total immersion.

even then, i really think more people need to play shenmue II to know if they want to back 3. the relaxed nature of the original doesn't really gel with certain types of people and hampers their ability to get into the game, but it doesn't necessarily mean they hate what shenmue does, just the pacing.

the first hour, two hours of shenmue II should be sufficient to know whether you want to keep playing this game, where the original shenmue can take until maybe disk 2 to know if you want to keep going. that's why it's important that both games are rereleased at the same time IMO.
I agree. Id also add a "wait" option in shenmue 1 hd, and maybe increase the number of free battles that take place against sailors / bullies. That way, it will appeal to a larger audience.

Still a bit bummed that free practice is out of shenmue 3
I agree. Id also add a "wait" option in shenmue 1 hd, and maybe increase the number of free battles that take place against sailors / bullies. That way, it will appeal to a larger audience.

Still a bit bummed that free practice is out of shenmue 3

I can get behind this. When Ryo is walking in the red light district and docks, especially at night, he should be attacked Yakuza style. That would go a long way towards helping modern low attention span gamers into the series. Make it happen elsewhere too just not as often. Maybe increase the frequency as the game progresses since he'd be more on the radar of the Mad Angels.


I can get behind this. When Ryo is walking in the red light district and docks, especially at night, he should be attacked Yakuza style. That would go a long way towards helping modern low attention span gamers into the series. Make it happen elsewhere too just not as often. Maybe increase the frequency as the game progresses since he'd be more on the radar of the Mad Angels.

Nooooo. Get away with that nonsense. If people want Yakuza they have about 7 different games...
Nooooo. Get away with that nonsense. If people want Yakuza they have about 7 different games...

I love Shenmue the way it is and wouldn't want any change but I also want modern gamers to want Shenmue 3 as well. I worry that without more action, modern gamers couldn't appreciate Shenmue as much since they're used to constant feedback and violence. Making sailors attack Ryo randomly when he's walking alone near bars or the docks at night at least would make some sense especially after he's built up a reputation.


I love Shenmue the way it is and wouldn't want any change but I also want modern gamers to want Shenmue 3 as well. I worry that without more action, modern gamers couldn't appreciate Shenmue as much since they're used to constant feedback and violence. Making sailors attack Ryo randomly when he's walking alone near bars or the docks at night at least would make some sense especially after he's built up a reputation.

While I understand what you are saying I totally disagree. Shenmue was very deliberately paced so by the time you reach disk 3/4 and frequency of battles ramp up with the Mad Angels it feels earned. Not to mention the frenetic action and set-pieces in Shenmue II provide a real sense of escalation as Ryo gets deeper in his quest to find Lan Di.

I do think adding a wait option as in Shenmue II would make complete sense for a HD remaster and that would really help speed up the pacing concerns.


While I understand what you are saying I totally disagree. Shenmue was very deliberately paced so by the time you reach disk 3/4 and frequency of battles ramp up with the Mad Angels it feels earned. Not to mention the frenetic action and set-pieces in Shenmue II provide a real sense of escalation as Ryo gets deeper in his quest to find Lan Di.
Agreed. Let Shenmue be Shenmue.

I think some sort of separate battle mode that unlocks moves and locations as you progress through the story would be the best way to handle it.
The only change I want for myself would be dual analog controls. The day I get to control a non-tank Ryo will be glorious. I don't mind a lack of waiting because it gives me a chance to play Space Harrier.

Neo Rasa

I wouldn't mind the controls being updated a little bit, but I'd hate for there to be more combat because it was already so perfectly set up in the first two games. The combat is a little more interesting than Yakuza's in some ways because it has the DNA of Virtua Fighter in it (while Yakuza draws heavily from the Dynamite Cop games), though the AI isn't particularly challenging for most of both games' fights.

Still keeping that more complex combat system intact with better AI would make it pretty interesting even today, quality combat over quantity. The slow pace of Shenmue would probably be better received today as a much larger number of players would be interested in a game with lots of down time where you just roll around and chill out. And it's not like the Yakuza games are huge mega hits even with the constant fighting action.
I wonder if Shenmue 3 will start in the summer of 1987 or if some time will be spent before Ryo moves on between locations. I'm hoping that somehow we're able to move on to '93 when Yu was in China learning martial arts and have him as a secret fight.


i'd also say to leave the pacing of shenmue alone. not accounting for the fact it is way too much work for sega to consider to do, it also isn't in the spirit of the game.

the original shenmue embraces the ordinary to such a strong degree that it becomes part of the charm, even if there are times when you're not doing a whole lot and have to fill the free time up with activities.

the ordinary styling of the original shenmue is in part what makes shenmue II a lot more exciting too, and i love the contrast.


the ordinary styling of the original shenmue is in part what makes shenmue II a lot more exciting too, and i love the contrast.

Well put. I think there's a quote from Suzuki from recently translated Shenmue making of video, where he describes trying to capture the feeling of the mundane. And frankly no game I've played since has that ability to capture every day routine of life.




new year, new update

KS/paypal rewards poll results, and the shenmue.link homepage has been renovated

personally, i don't agree with the result of the poll. people in favour of making the KS rewards available to paypal backers outnumber those against individually and combined with those who voted for the neutral option, albeit the for and against votes are surprisingly close in terms of number.

but whatever.


Same opinion about the poll. You have over two-thirds of the backers saying it's alright, how do you come up with that result?


Same opinion about the poll. You have over two-thirds of the backers saying it's alright, how do you come up with that result?
i think it was based on how close the numbers were "for" and "against". i can understand the thought pattern that brought them to that conclusion, even if i definitely disagree.

considering many of the KS exclusive rewards are digital items (i.e more easily created and generated than physical items), in limited amounts (meaning there is incentive to impulse-pledge to get them), and in the higher tiers (helping bring in more money for the project per pledge)- i honestly think this was a damaging decision from awesome japan even if they thought they were doing right by fans.


I'm sure they're happy they don't have to make more rewards, those get expensive. Just make the damn game and make it good please ;)


I'm sure they're happy they don't have to make more rewards, those get expensive. Just make the damn game and make it good please ;)
actually a lot of the KS exclusive rewards were digital, which are certainly a lot less expensive than the physical rewards which are available to paypal backers.


Same opinion about the poll. You have over two-thirds of the backers saying it's alright, how do you come up with that result?

I'm guessing they wanted to err on the side of keeping their original promise. They were only going to change it if they had a majority of the backers - or at least 50% - explicitly wanting otherwise. Instead they had more than a third not really caring, and a similar amount of people for and against.
I don't get all the people who want the rewards to be exclusive. Don't make them available close to the release of the game, fine, but for slacker backer? Why not? I'm in favor of whatever gets them more money.
I don't get all the people who want the rewards to be exclusive. Don't make them available close to the release of the game, fine, but for slacker backer? Why not? I'm in favor of whatever gets them more money.

Yeah, getting more money is the only thing that really matters tbh, annoying of those 4000 people!


i just think it's a case of some people not looking at the bigger picture, but what's done is done.

now we just need to keep the pressure on awesome japan to get the PC version available to slacker backers, and get the kickstarter add-ons/upgrade systems in place so existing pledges can be increased/add additional copies.

other than that, i don't expect to see another shenmue 3 update until the big february one in time for magic monaco on the 27th. considering what we've seen so far is from around october, it'll be very exciting to see new materials with an extra four months of work put into them.
It is weird though, as I'm sure the 15k who voted, obviously must know what it took to get to this point with Shenmue, we are so lucky to be where we are, so shortsighted, I guess I'll still be one of 40 odd with my own vending machine chibi lol, can't imagine many more would have splashed the cash on that anyway.

Feb is gonna be awesome! Can't wait.
Yeah, not adding the other tiers to Paypal is really weird to me. With many of the rewards being digital, it wouldn't take much and it would literally just bring in more money. Really confused by this. I guess some of the Kickstarter backers are selfish and don't want their precious rewards being "over-saturated" in-game? Oh well.


Yeah, not adding the other tiers to Paypal is really weird to me. With many of the rewards being digital, it wouldn't take much and it would literally just bring in more money. Really confused by this. I guess some of the Kickstarter backers are selfish and don't want their precious rewards being "over-saturated" in-game? Oh well.
i'm making a guess now the decision is being reversed. we're not happy, the dojo isn't happy, and neither are majority of the kickstarter commenters. if the decision swung the other way, they could at least point to the poll results as justification. it just doesn't make any sense as it stands.


I haven´t even noticed a single poll? Aren´t the backers supposed to get mails with information regarding this stuff?


I haven´t even noticed a single poll? Aren´t the backers supposed to get mails with information regarding this stuff?
yes. there have been around two-three updates regarding polls for this KS exclusive items for PayPal backers thing, and you should have received an email alert.

it's likely caught in your spam filter or somehow undelivered. they're sent automatically, and i've been receiving mine just fine, so we know the problem isn't manual error at least.


Wow... I'm lost here...

Which items are considered "Kickstarter Exclusive Rewards" exactly?

So I went back and read the description for the $120 pledge:

A Shenmue series favorite and now a Kickstarter exclusive. An actual capsule toy that will appear in the game! Get one of four random figures: Ryo, Shenhua, Chai or the Forklift.

Does it means that toy capsules are Kickstarter exclusive also?


Wow... I'm lost here...

Which items are considered "Kickstarter Exclusive Rewards" exactly?

So I went back and read the description for the $120 pledge:

A Shenmue series favorite and now a Kickstarter exclusive. An actual capsule toy that will appear in the game! Get one of four random figures: Ryo, Shenhua, Chai or the Forklift.

Does it means that toy capsules are Kickstarter exclusive also?
if the reward is on the KS page but not on the PayPal page, it's KS exclusive.

don't pay any attention to the flavour text on the item descriptions.


if the reward is on the KS page but not on the PayPal page, it's KS exclusive.

don't pay any attention to the flavour text on the item descriptions.

Oh ok.

Well, I just realized there are about 19 rewards for Slacker Backer vs 39 rewards for Kickstarter.

So about 20 Kickstarter exclusive rewards more or less >_>
I think they should just leave it open until the end of the year. Im sure an e3 announcement of the hd versions would boost the campaign.

Regardless, we have an extra $200,000. Thats a good chunk of change to hire some more talent.

Things are looking good.

I really think this could happen. In the spirit of living up to last year's conference, Sony knows this would be a mini-megaton in its own right, and as you say, it's more exposure for 3 too.

There was that image I've posted a few times on this site before of Yu, Gio, Adam and some other people (translators?) celebrating at some drinking place and looking very chuffed. It was taken a couple of months ago. At the risk of getting my hopes up, I do believe that was picture was taken to capture the moment, or soon after, the legal wranglings were all sorted and Shenmue HD Collection was given the go-ahead. I feel it in my plums.


Oh ok.

Well, I just realized there are about 19 rewards for Slacker Backer vs 39 rewards for Kickstarter.

So about 20 Kickstarter exclusive rewards more or less >_>
i wouldn't worry about the numbers exactly. a lot of the KS rewards added in the later days were kinda rubbish flung at the wall to see what would stick, and a few were left totally unclaimed, but stuff like allowing backers to be rendered as capsule toys seems like a reward that'd still be very appealing and makes zero sense to be kept exclusive to KS backers.

i dunno. in context of the whole campaign, this isn't an enormous goof even if it does leave a bad taste in my mouth.

at least we know the game development is going incredibly well.


I really think this could happen. In the spirit of living up to last year's conference, Sony knows this would be a mini-megaton in its own right, and as you say, it's more exposure for 3 too.

There was that image I've posted a few times on this site before of Yu, Gio, Adam and some other people (translators?) celebrating at some drinking place and looking very chuffed. It was taken a couple of months ago. At the risk of getting my hopes up, I do believe that was picture was taken to capture the moment, or soon after, the legal wranglings were all sorted and Shenmue HD Collection was given the go-ahead. I feel it in my plums.

though realistically, unless we can identify anybody from sega at that table, it's unlikely that a HD collection was the reason the picture was taken. as we all well know by now, shenmue and shenmue II are still in the hands of sega and there's not a whole lot yu or gio, or boyes can do to make it happen if sega aren't budging for whatever reason.

still, i firmly believe we'll see some kind of announcement happen this year. i don't think sega can ignore the money on the line.


i wouldn't worry about the numbers exactly. a lot of the KS rewards added in the later days were kinda rubbish flung at the wall to see what would stick, and a few were left totally unclaimed, but stuff like allowing backers to be rendered as capsule toys seems like a reward that'd still be very appealing and makes zero sense to be kept exclusive to KS backers.

i dunno. in context of the whole campaign, this isn't an enormous goof even if it does leave a bad taste in my mouth.

at least we know the game development is going incredibly well.

Yeah... well I'm just glad Shenmue III is getting made by Yu Suzuki, nothing else is more important than that to me.
Awful Japan strike again.

They've done more harm than good to Shenmue 3. All the negativity surrounding the revival of the series stems from this stupid company.

smh x 100000000
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