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Shenmue fans – which of the two installments in the series is the better game?


Both are definitely masterpieces - but I enjoyed the more varied locations and characters from Shenmue II (Xiuying FTW). The feeling of exploring and being lost in Hong Kong was bloody incredible. And disk 4. OMG DISC 4 OF SHENMUE II! Absolute perfection! Exploring Guilin is quite possibly my fondest memory from any videogame I’ve ever played. I can’t even put it into words what I was feeling when I stepped off that boat for the first time. And who can forget the climax of the Yellow Head Building? As much as I adore Shenmue and appreciate/love the sense of place you have in the game, I still found Shenmue II to be the slightly better experience overall. I don’t think it’ll ever be topped.
It blows my mind that someone would happily play through all of the first game, but be turned off enough by the second to not see it all the way through. That's a shame man, maybe you should give it another go some day.
It was such a long time between the 2 releases. A few months before Shenmue 2 was to be released in the states, it was cancelled because the DC was announced that it's production run had met its end, and I never got a chance to play it until it came out for the Xbox. By then there definitely was a certain amount of angst on my part, I was so ready to play the second game but the rug was pulled out from beneath my feet.

But I relented, begrudgingly bought an Xbox, begrudgingly (and eventually) bought Shenmue 2, but honestly I felt the magoc was gone. Maybe it was just a bad port.


part 1 is magical for bringing the whole engine/genre/etc out, but 2 does get past some of the pacing problems, and at times feels more action-oriented...actually 2 is my favorite because there's definite moments where it feels like you're playing a classic Shaw Brothers kung-fu flick, which was amazing. i love both but for me, it's 2 hands-down.


The first game is massively superior to the second imo.

Shenmue: Bigger budget, better graphics, english voice acting, more compelling story, better characters, better arcade games, high novelty value at the time.

Shenmue II: Detective aspect is simplified with the following mechanic, environment consists of lots of similar-looking empty buildings, essentially more of the same only not as good. Xiuying and Joy are cool though.
It could be bad memory but I really got tired of all the mundane activities in 2 presented as gameplay. It was cute for a while, but stuff like the library bullshit and loading boxes on the dock is just no fun at all. The first game is relatively mundane too, but moreso because of the story and setting. 2 sometimes feels like it's trying too hard to tell you "look, not everything is a high octane thrill ride!" and suffers because of it.

2 had amazing combat scenarios, though.
I just played through both recently and I think I preferred 1 over 2. The worst part about 2 near the end was knowing that the journey was going to end and that there wasn't anything else coming, especially after that cliffhanger. The biggest punch in the gut is that final scene that says "The story will continue" or something like that. No it won't ;_;


Shenmue 2 refines Shenmue's gameplay... the combat engine is much faster and responsitive, too.

Each sequel would be slighty better gameplay-wise than the previous one, as for the story, you can't say "Shenmue 1 was better, no, it was shenmue 2" because the story was going to be just ONE as a whole, split in many games :/


2 is the better game but 1 had a magical feel about it that I haven't experienced since. Playing it made me want to move to Japan.
Shenmue 2 for me. Better pacing, bigger and more varied environments, more fights, better arcade games and more interesting characters. Shenmue one maybe has better atmosphere, but number two is the superior game.


Shenmue for me because it had a really intimate feeling to it. It was pretty much a perfect little world, so nice and relaxing.

Shenmue 2 has a completely different atmosphere and it's really great in its own right but some QTE were just annoying.

Oh, how I wished the series would have finished on the Dreamcast. It's impossible to make a sequel nowadays because the developers aren't together anymore(and even if, they would have already been influenced by other titles like GTA) and it won't be the same graphic style. So it's impossible to recreate the same feeling, the same magic. So I hope they will never do it. I prefer being sad not having the series completed over being outraged at how they messed the game up.
I'm still waiting for a way to play Shenmue II.

Never had a 360.
Don't want to pay for a DC import.

At the time of release, I didn't realise how lucky I was being able to play Shenmue II on the Dreamcast here in the UK. I had no idea until a couple of years later that Americans were denied the opportunity to buy it.
At the time of release, I didn't realise how lucky I was being able to play Shenmue II on the Dreamcast here in the UK. I had no idea until a couple of years later that Americans were denied the opportunity to buy it.

I had no idea until I read this post that Shenmue 2 didn't get a dreamcast release in the US. Weird.

I'd say I prefer the second game but it's a tough call. I played Shenmue 2 with subtitles rather than with the poor English dub (though I do find the terrible voice acting to be a big part of the series' charm too, in a way) and I think the idea of exploring a dangerous foreign land worked better for me that way. It felt like more of an adventure than the first game and I absolutely loved the final disc's shift in tone, even if it was very light on actual 'game'.


I don't really remember the 2 games too well, but I liked 1 much more than 2, I found 2 to be a bit tedious when I got to the part where I have to climb the building and stalking Yuan, can't remember where I quit but the scenarios and the region you spend your time in weren't very interesting, I really disliked 2.
+ The anti-QTE in the barber shop. A brilliant subversion of an often criticised gameplay mechanic.

Great moment.

I was so frustrated at failing the QTE, couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. And then when it clicked… ahhhhhh. So good. Brilliant bit of game design.

And for me, I'd say Shenmue II is better (preferred the scope and atmosphere), and the level/moment where Ryo and Ren are hand-cuffed together and trying to escape stands as one of my favourite parts of any game I've played. So much fun.

EDIT: Airing the books though... oooof.


So whats the definitive version of ShenMue2 to watch on long-play on You-Tube..? Seeing as I've never played Part1 or 2, and not looking likely unless there was a perfect emulation port available for the PC...interested though to delve further into Shen Mue....
So whats the definitive version of ShenMue2 to watch on long-play on You-Tube..? Seeing as I've never played Part1 or 2, and not looking likely unless there was a perfect emulation port available for the PC...interested though to delve further into Shen Mue....

The game was all about the immersion, experience & exploration.

Watching a Let's Play will never convey that experience.


I know watching the game may not be as immersive, but with a remote chance of buying the game and getting it to work on a 360, not sure what else is the best option...


2 is more entertaining : more action, more plot, more characters, more things to do, np waiting... But 1 is more unique, very focused on the life in that Japanese city, more interactive.
I'd rather play again 2 than 1, but if you have to play one, then play the first, for culture. :)


OP covers most of my thoughts. In Shenmue 1 I enjoyed the mystery of a completely unknown story, the extreme level of details in all of the streets and shops and the more intimate dialogue throughout. In Shenmue 2 I enjoyed the increase in combat, the larger areas to explore and the kung fu training aspects. Overall I would give the slight nod to Shenmue 1.
The game was all about the immersion, experience & exploration.

Watching a Let's Play will never convey that experience.

Truth. Trying to get the Shenmue experience through a Youtube walkthrough is a pretty depressing thought in itself. @Raiden1, depending on where you live, just buy a Dreamcast and a copy of each game over on Ebay - they're relatively cheap these days. If you're in the U.S. however, then I don't know what you can do about Shenmue II, unless you already own a 360.


Truth. Trying to get the Shenmue experience through a Youtube walkthrough is a pretty depressing thought in itself. @Raiden1, depending on where you live, just buy a Dreamcast and a copy of each game over on Ebay - they're relatively cheap these days. If you're in the U.S. however, then I don't know what you can do about Shenmue II, unless you already own a 360.

You can always watch Shenmue the Movie, a 90 minute collection of cutscenes and events covering the story of the first Shenmue that was included in the Xbox version. It loses almost all of the charm of playing the game of course.
You can always watch Shenmue the Movie, a 90 minute collection of cutscenes and events covering the story of the first Shenmue that was included in the Xbox version. It loses almost all of the charm of playing the game of course.

You could watch that, and deprive yourself of one of the best video game experiences around in the process, but I wouldn't recommend that. ;)

In all seriousness, I respect that options are somewhat limited for anyone who wants to properly play the Shenmue games, but at the same time, resorting to a LP to get your sailor searching kicks makes me a little sad.
OP's opinion represents me completely. Add that I miss the option to train in Shenmue 2

Both games are masterpieces and could not choose one over the other.


As I am not about to buy a Dreamcast especially for 1 game, what chance the game working perfectly fine on a 360? (I mean ShenMue 2)
As I am not about to buy a Dreamcast especially for 1 game, what chance the game working perfectly fine on a 360? (I mean ShenMue 2)

It runs very well. They added the ability to take screenshots of the game and apply different color filters to the photos in the Xbox version. I believe the color filters don't work on 360 or something like that. Otherwise it should be good.

However, I would still strongly suggest playing Shenmue 1 first. There really aren't any other dreamcast games you are interested in? How about Crazy Taxi 2?
2 only because I've only played 1 once. I loved more fighting/action of the 2nd and all the hidden easter eggs and events.

Would love to play the first one again Sega...maybe if they were updated somehow...

OP's opinion represents me completely. Add that I miss the option to train in Shenmue 2

Both games are masterpieces and could not choose one over the other.
I cheated and ignored Jianmin to train my moves when we spared.
Two has the more enjoyable narrative and the refined mechanics/time management makes certain aspects less of a chore...

But with that said, the intimacy and atmosphere that was created in One is truly special and Two couldn't replicate it with the expanded scope.

I'm gonna have to go with One for that reason. I replay it for atmosphere alone.

Sword Familiar

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The ending of II introduces magic and I didn't like that.

This is why part of me doesn't want a Shenmue III. Part of what was "magical" about the two games was that it was based on, slightly augmented, real life. At least that's how I see it.

I'm sure that if
(when :p)
Shenmue III shows up, and if there will be supernatural elements in it, I will still enjoy it, but I would enjoy it more if they somehow explained away the flying sword as a hologram or something.


Never played this game, not even saw it in front of me! Thats a shame because by what people relate, it seems to be one of the biggest video game classics!


2, by far. Stuff actually happened, there was way more fight sequences, and the fighting system was really well fleshed out. Also the load times were way better.
I think S2 is the better game mainly because of the refined gameplay but not by much. They are 2 parts of the same experience. They feel much more connected than any other sequels. I love them both equally.
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