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Shoot the Core! - Gaf Shoot ‘em Up (aka Shooter/SHMUP) Reference Thread

Dave Long

It's great that there are more shooters coming all the time, but I think folks developing new games need to be aware that it won't be so easy to compete with average product now.
I dunno. I just read over on the shmups forum that this game is probably going to be a retail release. Not 100% confirmed but there is a regular and limited edition mentioned so....


fatty said:
Ikaruga (XBLA) – Costing only $10, this is a steal. If you are starting off with this one, you may want to consider using the Easy difficulty so you don’t have to worry about the polarity aspect of the game (based on the colors black and white, depending on what color your ship is determines if you absorb or get killed by an enemy’s shot). But once you become a bit more comfortable with the system, don’t hesitate to bump it up to normal, the game becomes much more satisfying.

I'm a total shmup noob, but I've been playing the Ikaruga trial and having quite a lot of fun. Are you sure the polarity aspect of the game isn't active on Easy? I've definitely been absorbing black bullets when black and white bullets when white.

I've read that if you put in around 8 hours of game time into Ikaruga that infinite continues will be unlocked. If that's true and I can use them to get thru the game despite lacking skills then I'll probably buy it. Then once I've beaten the game once, I can start trying to do it properly. Even if these are the only Achievements I'll be able to get, I'll still be happy.

Target: Eboshidori 10
Target: Buppousou 10
Target: Uzura 15
Target: Misago 15
Target: Tageri 15


Curufinwe said:
I'm a total shmup noob, but I've been playing the Ikaruga trial and having quite a lot of fun. Are you sure the polarity aspect of the game isn't active on Easy? I've definitely been absorbing black bullets when black and white bullets when white.

I've read that if you put in around 8 hours of game time into Ikaruga that infinite continues will be unlocked. If that's true and I can use them to get thru the game despite lacking skills then I'll probably buy it. Then once I've beaten the game once, I can start trying to do it properly. Even if these are the only Achievements I'll be able to get, I'll still be happy.

Target: Eboshidori 10
Target: Buppousou 10
Target: Uzura 15
Target: Misago 15
Target: Tageri 15

In Hard when you shoot a ship it explodes and scatters white or black dots all over the place. Sometimes screen fills with them so you have to avoid all that mess.
Eccocid said:
In Hard when you shoot a ship it explodes and scatters white or black dots all over the place. Sometimes screen fills with them so you have to avoid all that mess.

Yeah, the polarity aspect is still in place. The difficulty just affects suicide bullets I think:

Easy = no suicide bullets
Normal = suicide bullets when you kill an enemy of the same color
Hard = enemies always release suicide bullets

The achievements for getting A-ranks aren't too brutal, since the max rank for each stage is S++, so you have some room for mistakes. That being said, if you want those achievements, you'll still have to memorize every stage from beginning to end pretty much.

The dot eater achievement is pretty easy too.


I went ahead and bought it and I have managed to beat the first three bosses on Easy and also get the Dot Eater Achievement. Well worth the $10.

I love how there are only two or three people on the Leaderboard who have finished level 4 and level 5 with the Dot Eater rank. They must have superhuman reflexes and patience.


Curufinwe said:
I went ahead and bought it and I have managed to beat the first three bosses on Easy and also get the Dot Eater Achievement. Well worth the $10.

I love how there are only two or three people on the Leaderboard who have finished level 4 and level 5 with the Dot Eater rank. They must have superhuman reflexes and patience.

Actually, you won't find the best Ikaruga players on XBLA because the 360 version isn't 100% arcade perfect. They still play on Dreamcast or PCB (don't worry, 99% of the players won't notice any difference).

Here's an insanely good run (on hard, not world record but damn close):



chapters 4 and 5 are mind blowing.
sfried said:
It's not "Shoot the Core!", it's "Destroy the Core!".
It's whatever Konami wants it to be actually.
Sometimes it's shoot the center, other times it's shoot the core, maybe it's destroy the mouth, whatever.

Yes Boss!

Finished my J-360 shooter collection! Fifteen titles total if you add in DoDonPachi R and Radirgy (both not in photo). The system will be twenty strong by next summer. A far cry from the fifty to sixty shooters released for the Saturn but J-360 has so many Cave heavy-hitters that are special. Hopefully there are another two to three years of shooting fun for the system!

Yes Boss! said:
Finished my J-360 shooter collection! Fifteen titles total if you add in DoDonPachi R and Radirgy (both not in photo).

Very nice! I have 11 in my J-360 disc-based shooter library and it's one of my favourite aspects of my collection for any system.


Yes Boss! said:
Finished my J-360 shooter collection!
That is awesome! Nice collection there.

I have also begun collecting these 360 shooters. My most recent purchase was DoDonPachi DFK Limited Edition. It's an expensive hobby though. :)

Yes Boss!

JustAnotherOtaku said:
Very nice! I have 11 in my J-360 disc-based shooter library and it's one of my favourite aspects of my collection for any system.
I'm gonna keep collecting them, good or bad, through the life of the system.

Guess I might add Senko no Ronde and the sequel but I'm still not sure what those are or if they qualify. It was hard enough to actually buy Strike Witches.

Notable misses in my collection: I only have the SE of Ketsui since I was gone when it released and play-asia just pushed a two-year-old standing order for the SE through. Don't have the LE of Espgaluda II..but worked out well because I would rather have supported the region-free version.

And it drives me nuts that the LE of Deathsmiles is in a non-standard box. Thankfully Cave has kept them consistent since then.

Can't wait for Pink Sweets!

Oh yeah, forgot about the five-odd XBLA releases. Gotta say, the J-360 shooter collection is getting mature! It is over the hump and on its way to greatness!
Yes Boss! said:
Guess I might add Senko no Ronde and the sequel but I'm still not sure what those are or if they qualify. It was hard enough to actually buy Strike Witches.

Ah, I forgot about the 2 SnR games now that you mention it. That takes me up to 13.

Notable misses in my collection:

I think all I'm missing is Shikigami no Shiro 3 (have it on J-Wii), Strike Witches and Shooting Love.

Oh yeah, forgot about the five-odd XBLA releases. Gotta say, the J-360 shooter collection is getting mature! It is over the hump and on its way to greatness!

Definitely. Can't wait for the Radiant Silvergun release date announcement!

Yes Boss!


Since you have a japanese Wii, and I recall you buy VC stuff, do you know if there is anything cool that was released in the last year (shooter or otherwise) that would be must-haves? Home for the holidays and I just got back to my J-Wii.
Yes Boss! said:

Since you have a japanese Wii, and I recall you buy VC stuff, do you know if there is anything cool that was released in the last year (shooter or otherwise) that would be must-haves? Home for the holidays and I just got back to my J-Wii.

On the VC? The two that come to mind immediately are Waku Waku 7 (Neo Geo) and Super Hang-On (Virtual Console Arcade). I can't think of anything else right now, but I'll have a look through my J-Wii later to see what I downloaded this year.

If you are counting retail releases, there wasn't too much Japanese exclusive Wii releases this year. Tales of Graces was late last year but still well worth it if you are a JRPG/Tales fan. Taiko no Tatsujin 3 was just released and I enjoyed it too. In fact, looking at my Wii collection, TnT 3 was the only Japanese game I bought all year. The rest were US versions.
Yes Boss! said:

Just VC. The Waku Waku 7 looks good...going by the wiki and youtubes. I'll try that one!

It's great - one of my favourite Neo Geo games and probably one of my favourite 2D fighters too. It has some great characters and is just generally a lot of fun. If it shows up on the PS3 as a Neo Geo download I'll rebuy it in a heartbeat. Actually I'm still trying to track down the Saturn version too for a decent price.

Yes Boss!

JustAnotherOtaku said:
It's great - one of my favourite Neo Geo games and probably one of my favourite 2D fighters too. It has some great characters and is just generally a lot of fun. If it shows up on the PS3 as a Neo Geo download I'll rebuy it in a heartbeat. Actually I'm still trying to track down the Saturn version too for a decent price.

Cool, I'll get it! Neat that they have some Sunsoft stuff up.

Speaking of Saturn, I just gave Kingdom Grand Prix a whirl. What a strange one that is!
Yes Boss! said:
Cool, I'll get it! Neat that they have some Sunsoft stuff up.

Speaking of Saturn, I just gave Kingdom Grand Prix a whirl. What a strange one that is!

Nice one :)

Haven't played that one myself, you may have seen in the pickup thread that I got Fighting Vipers for the Saturn a few days ago so looking forward to spending some time with it! Love FV2 on the DC but for some reason never bought the original.

Yes Boss!

I'm at my mom's house and she has an older 36" CRT. Got my saturn hooked up to it and I'm playing some games I own but never really played! Best holiday ever. Kingdom Grand Prix is too weird so I'll play that down the line. Settled on Metal Black which is a bit clunky but totally unique. Reminds me of Syd Mead's Terraforming. I'm loving it! I'm bringing my Saturn back to europe with me and going to work on completing my Saturn shooter collection next year. No fighters just yet...I'll get those in a year or two.
Yes Boss! said:
I'm at my mom's house and she has an older 36" CRT. Got my saturn hooked up to it and I'm playing some games I own but never really played!

Sounds great! I got my old CRT back from my bro a few months back and now have a dedicated SD corner of my room for hooking up pre-current gen consoles too. So much better than having them look poor on my HDTV.

I'm bringing my Saturn back to europe with me and going to work on completing my Saturn shooter collection next year. No fighters just yet...I'll get those in a year or two.

That'll be well worth the effort, so many great Saturn shmups. I keep looking at my Saturn collection and thinking it should be bigger but truth is, I have the vast majority of the must-have exclusives and own the fighters on other consoles, so without them it means there's a lot less to buy! :p


completely off topic but Waku Waku 7 is one of my favorite games. I do not have the saturn version either, just can't shell out that kind of cash for it. Funny since I buy every LE of region free shooters coming from Cave.

Yes Boss!


NCS emailed me back on my query about the Hori Radiant Silvergun RS-1 RAP SE. They are planning on offering it for preorder. Guess it will work like the Twin Stick...they will take preorders then if they go to production they will sell them.

So, has anyone else played Strike Witches? I've been playing it over the last week or so, and I think it's actually pretty good game. It has its problems and it's not particularly great or anything, but it's still pretty fun. I just got my 1000/1000 on it, so here's my review:

+ Character selection. There are 12 different girls you can select for your team, and each of them have their own abilities. Of course, some of them are [a lot] more powerful than the other, but it gives nice variety.
+ Bullet patterns, level design, and enemy variety is pretty good for the most part.
+ Pretty robust story mode. There are four preset teams you can play the story with. There's lots of dialog and all of it's fully voiced. This is probably awesome if you're a Strike Witches fan who can read Japanese. I guess.
+ Bosses are [mostly] good, but some of them last too long, since each boss has multiple phases. The only boss that I think kinda sucks is the one on stage 4, since half the time on Normal mode you can kill him without having to dodge anything.
+ Decent set of achievements. There are four skill-based achievements for 1cc'ing normal, hard, and very hard, and one more for no-missing the game on any difficulty. The rest are for playing story mode, using every character, etc.

+/- The scoring system is okay, but it's extremely simple. Enemies drop medals and you collect them. Collect 100 and their value increases, collect 200 and their value maxes out. Getting hit or letting them drop off screen does not reset their rank or anything, so just collect as much as you can for a high score.
+/- The game is pretty easy. Normal is an easy 1cc. Hard and Very Hard are more challenging, since you take more damage when hit (up to 50% of your lifebar) with thicker bullet patterns and faster moving bullets, but it's still not a very difficult game to clear. Your health also refills between each stage.

- Some randomness. The stage 5 boss in particular is complete bullshit. During his 4th phase, he has a few different attacks he can use, and he seems to choose them randomly. Here's the problem: he has this one laser attack that will immediately hit you as soon as it fires. You can't dodge it on reaction, so you have to be moving preemptively in order to avoid it. Very annoying.
- Lack of a proper 'enemy incoming' warning. Enemies can come from anywhere on the screen, even from multiple directions at once. So it can be really annoying when you accidentally back into one that just spawned behind you and lose 50% of your health. :|
- Terrible graphics. The models for the girls are okay I suppose, but everything else looks awful. Nearly every enemy is pure black, with white hexagons and some red blotches on them, and the backgrounds are dull and repetitive.
- Completely forgettable music. I probably couldn't identify a single song from this game, even after playing for as long as I have.
- Online leaderboards only track Normal mode.
- Can't save or download replays from the leaderboard.

I think that covers everything. That may seem like a negative review, but overall I think it's a pretty fun game and I like it quite a bit. I'm not sure I'd recommend it to everyone, but I'm glad I bought it. I'd give it a 7/10.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So, my brother went CRAZY and bought me an Ipad 3G 64GB for Christmas.
I immediately thought about the new DDP and Esp for iOS.
Do you guys have any idea if those games run well on the iPad and if it's ideal to play those games on the pad?
Are there any other that I should have a look at?


So I finally took The Red Star out of it's wrapper. This is a pretty fun game!The difficulty level has gone up pretty gradual so as not to infuriate me right off the bat! Reminds me of Cannon Spike.... although that played very different..but still


My copy of Crimzon Clover just shipped out. Can't wait to get my hands on it. I also think RefleX, Hellsinker and Diadra Empty are better pc shmups than Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Yes Boss!

What is the method people use to play Under Defeat? Normal or reverse? And does it really matter...like, am I gonna have trouble in the later levels if I stick to normal, which seems easier for me?

Yes Boss!

That game is gonna be so great if it comes with those!

March 24th for a release date, according to that site.

J-360 is such an amazing system. Constantly, delivering.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Any word on new PS3 shmups? I'm anticipated for Sine Mora and probably Mamoru-kun.
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