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Should one of the console manafactures go free online?


Infrastructure and staff cost quite a bit of money

Google could since they know everything about you and sell your soul

If Amazon ever got into the console business they could. They'd be making more money off selling your info, using your info, and selling you stuff, then they would from charging ~$5 a month. They also have their own powerful infrastructure.

Dear lord, imagine if Amazon got into direct competition with MS and Sony. That would be nuts.


Steam would lose far more money from it than would be worth it for them. They wouldn't do it.

I think overall it would drop their revenue and profit pretty significantly. It would be the worst move they could make.That would send them into an Exodus away from Steam. Steam is just embedded into the PC gaming scene that it's hard to start up a new distribution platform. But if they did that, you can be sure people would flood into GOG instead. Steam is in a VERY comfortable position and I don't see them wanting to upset that.
The fundamental difference to consoles is that the reason many people choose Steam and continue to choose it is because it offers the best feature feature set on the platform, not because they simply have no other choice. And part of that feature set is being free.

PC is open,you can look the pc-manafactures stock price recent years.


they should all be free. online pay is a fucking ruse of the highest order. i have been voting with my wallet as well, even if it hurts to not play some uc4 occassionally.


Although all 3 should be free but if I have to choose one it would be Nintendo. They have Wii and Wii U... They got 10 years to sort their problems and infrastructure but no. Ps3 online is still leaps ahead tan what Switch is offering.


They all should of course, but like many others, I think subscriptions make the least sense for Nintendo and will bite them in the ass quite a bit. They should take a page out of PC developers and recoup the costs with cosmetics and cards (I can't believe I'm saying this, bwuerk). Like PC, the core demographic of adolescents that are willing to pay large sums of money for gaming is relatively tiny on Nintendo. But there's a huge potential market for secondary consoles and more casual gamers (dont forget DS had a similar market size as Steam, but that extended market didn't consist of adolescents I don't think). These are better fleeced via microtransactions than having to pay money upfront. The subscriptions will likely deter many more people than attract them.


It's way too early. Expect like 2 gens of it and after that maybe Microsoft or Sony (probably the former) will go free online to sell more consoles but even that's not likely to happen.


I wish that they'd just have a subscription for their game rental services and leave online multiplayer accessible for everyone. As a multi-platform owner it's unfeasible for me to pay for every service, resulting in me not having access to parts of games that I bought unless I have another subscription and I'd would thus sooner ignore DLC and/or buys games on other platforms where I can access those parts. Just XBLG and PS+ alone would already be €100+ each year.

I don't want more subscriptions than I already have, I'm getting sick of all the subscriptions these days.


Well Nintendo should!

Sony won't because their number one. MS won't because their moving to a games as a service model.

None of the services seem worth the money and do things cheap android apps will do for free.



The time to reject it was when Sony went there. But people just bent over instead.

Why not when ms went there? That's a lot easier since it hadn't been made a precedent at all and no one had shown that it works yet. And half the console people had not already been conditioned to see it as par for the course (even arguing that ms had better service cause they charged). Hell, ms got people to pay without even offering them incentives like a game library to play while they were subbed.

That was really the time to stop it. By the time Sony did it, many people saw it as why ms was better and Sony had gotten their foot in the door with the free games (which then ms copied because they had to win people back after their flub).


I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what you're saying here. The statement just isn't good English. Is this saying that PC gamers are no better because we allowed digital only to happen on the platform essentially? Because PC games have never been able to be resold. Even physical disks had one time use CD keys. Like floppy disk days, sure I guess? The transition to digital has not only saved devs and publishers money and increased their profits, but also helped to reduce the cost to consumer often.

Digital is markedky more porfitable than physical.

CD keys >>>> account based drm. One just means you have to have the cd. The other one allows for the game company to still have control over if you have access to the game (account banned...lose your games. Snafu in their system and account gone... Lose your games. Company goes under... Lose your games. Company decides to remove access... Lose your game <- Amazon has done this with a book. Point being it is possible and has happened with other digital media).

I haven't paid much attention to PC gaming but I am dismayed people were so easily swayed to account based drm (not all drm is equal). So yeah, PC gamers may not have accepted pay online which is good but they accepted other horrible stuff.


They should all go free.

Especially ms since they're putting their games on pc with the same Xbox live infrastructure, same azure servers etc. I wish some media would press hard on them about this but nobody seems to care.

I'd keep my sub because the free games are worth it but you shouldn't be paying to play part of the game you already bought

I wish Sony stuck to being free this gen it would be forced Microsofts hand. Since Sony charge and now Nintendo I don't see any of them giving up the billions it'll bring in


It's definitely making it more difficult to be a multi-console owner. Seems like this is the first console generation where I might not be picking up any other consoles due to the subscription fee requirements for online play.
I wish Sony stuck to being free this gen it would be forced Microsofts hand.

If that was the case MS would have been completely outdone.

Honestly though the money they all bring in makes it cemented. The one who can afford to make it free again is MS but their xbox division likely needs it to be profitable compared to the rest of MS's divisions.

Either way peer to peer is cancer and paying for it doubly so. I was thinking perhaps there would be a way to get nintendo to backtrack but I'm not seeing it. It's way too much money on the table for them to give it up now that they started down this route.


If that was the case MS would have been completely outdone.

Honestly though the money they all bring in makes it cemented. The one who can afford to make it free again is MS but their xbox division likely needs it to be profitable compared to the rest of MS's divisions.

Either way peer to peer is cancer and paying for it doubly so. I was thinking perhaps there would be a way to get nintendo to backtrack but I'm not seeing it. It's way too much money on the table for them to give it up now that they started down this route.
I think if Sony was still free this gen MS would have backtracked it aswell, they would have gotten slaughtered if not. They wouldn't really have had a choice in the matter.

I still think charging for online is going to backfire for Nintendo because Nintendo is a side console for most people, I think their MP focused games sales will drop a lot. I know I'm not gonna buy Mario Kart any more if I have to pay to go online. But yeah, I can't see anyone backtracking it now that all 3 charge.
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