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So Metal Gear's "Quiet" figurine features squishable boobs.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10571
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I really need to follow him on Twitter the screen caps in this thread are hilarious
Everyone should follow Kojima



Yep, when I go to war thats what i want to wear. Not kevlar, not even camouflage.

Nope, I want to wear a bikini top and torn up tights that show my thong.

I may not have remembered the gameplay trailer properly, but i'm pretty sure quiet
can turn invisible
so she wouldn't need

Probably a reason why she wouldn't really need kevlar either if they don't know where she is and that she is a sniper.

Why not wear the bare minimum in that hot weather ;)

+ snake has his shirtless outfit too, why isn't he wearing kevlar, bla bla bla


Oh but they will when I wave around with the true reason for her exposure and I will do so for several months after MGSV's release.

This is perfect. Henceforth this shall be the "you should feel ashamed" meme.

I get thew feeling that's gonna backfire on you. The explanation will most likely be incredibly stupid and people trying to defend it will be laughing stocks.


Why is this offensive? Do boobs not move?

Some people are offended because it's overt sexualization of a woman in a medium (video games) that has a horrible track record for presenting women as anything other than sexualized toys for the men who play video games to interact with. That coupled with Kojima's insistence that Quiet will be a deeply meaningful character and not a sexualized toy... it's fairly obvious why some people are offended.
Also known as "racism".

Racism and noting the characteristics of a particular culture are not the same thing. At all.

Japan's videogame industry (and certainly its toy and anime industry as well) is pretty clearly not operating in the same way that Western gaming industries are these days, and one of the ways they aren't is when it comes to dealing with the increasingly-raised issue of women and their treatment in games and media at large.

I'd love to see a compelling argument to the contrary, and certainly it merits a longer discussion than just "lol Japan", but to pretend that the continued ignorance of the "problems" with women in games on the part of Japanese developers is not related to their culture is disingenuous.

I love Japan, their culture, and certainly a great deal of their games. But there's a pattern here, and it's worth of discussion without trotting out racism when it's got nothing to do with that.


A story about suicidal child soldiers is something worth telling. However it shouldn't be told in a game that instead uses it for cheap shock-value in-between its jokes about silly box decals and guards who need to go poop really badly. It'd be like the next Michael Bay Transformers movie having a subplot about sexual assault in the military. And I doubt anyone critically thinking about this is viewing that and thinking "THAT SKULLFACE! I'M GONNA GET HIM FOR WHAT HE DID!" but is instead realizing that every line, every story turn, every decision made is done so by the developers. It's up to the developers to defend those decisions, not a fictional character.

This seems like such a bizarre way of looking at things to me. So a game can't have anything serious in it if there are non serious elements as well?


Some people are offended because it's overt sexualization of a woman in a medium (video games) that has a horrible track record for presenting women as anything other than sexualized toys for the men who play video games to interact with. That coupled with Kojima's insistence that Quiet will be a deeply meaningful character and not a sexualized toy... it's fairly obvious why some people are offended.

Are the people offended men or women?
As long as Quiet's legacy isn't reduced to "That broad with the squishy boobs" I think we should be fine.

If she is reduced to that well then people will understand why some people dislike such things


I feel like I should have seen this coming.

Edit: I'm actually surprised there aren't more figurines with "soft" features.


Y'all will be ashamed when you hear Quiet's amazing backstory, from the same writer who gave us the Beauty and the Beast squad.

It's actually a squeaky toy. Great for pets.

I would actually buy it if they squeaked like a pets toy. I can already think of the gag gift possibilities.
is Japanese a race now?


If you're not sure google some US official anti-Japanese world war 2 propaganda and notice the differences between that and anti-german propaganda, it's hard to argue with a straight face that they're down to anything but racism.


I get thew feeling that's gonna backfire on you. The explanation will most likely be incredibly stupid and people trying to defend it will be laughing stocks.

There is no reason to be upset. The odds are very likely in our favor. We will have to accept it how it comes and I think the shamers(#TeamKojima) will have it this time.


Get a life. Stop indicting the entire country.

Tell that to Anthony Bourdain and any other "celebrity traveler" and get back to me. Telling me I'm "indicting an entire country" is pretty absurd. But that's fine if you assume that, I'm not here to be toxic, just engage in conversation. :)


Are the people offended men or women?

Both, naturally. Sex-negative feminists will obviously be offended because they're... well they're sex negative. Whereas sex-positive feminists will be offended because of the context it exists in. Then you'll have the people who're offended for other various reasons. Men and women will exist on both the offended and the "why're you so offended" side.


Yeah, all supersoliders go into hostile environments looking like strippers, it's totally realistic what's the problem here guys it will totally be explained after the ending credits

Well super soldiers aren't real but if Civil War was to have Captain America go into a hostile environment dressed like a stripper I'd be okay with that. Those Hydra goons wouldn't know what to do!
Tell that to Anthony Bourdain and any other "celebrity traveler" and get back to me. Telling me I'm "indicting an entire country" is pretty absurd. But that's fine if you assume that, I'm not here to be toxic, just engage in conversation. :)
Yeah throwing an entire culture and country under the bus is really a great way to engage in conversation. It's definitely not toxic.
I can't believe there's a 14 page thread just for this. It's a fucking toy.

It is just a fucking toy but the problem is that the fucking toy has squish-able boobs like it was designed by someone that had never touched a real woman

A toy and a representation of what's wrong with the industry. On one hand.. tee hee! boobs are fun!
On the other hand everyone likes to pretend video games are art and all high brow business.

We need to grow out of this.

It's juvenile. Can you imagine a FemShep doll like this?


This seems like such a bizarre way of looking at things to me. So a game can't have anything serious in it if there are non serious elements as well?

There's a difference between having "non-serious elements" and being so absurd that old school G.I. Joe cartoons would be jealous of how silly your fiction is.

If Schindler's List had an elongated fart gag or something, that would be equally as jarring.
This seems like such a bizarre way of looking at things to me. So a game can't have anything serious in it if there are non serious elements as well?

I'm not really interested in getting too mired in this debate. But for me, I think what I'm expecting from story-telling that tries to shift gears is an appropriate amount of self-awareness. I don't think there's a Literature class out there that lays out "you can't have poop jokes and serious commentary about the nature of war in the same story." However, you can place me in the camp of people that has an exceedingly difficult time taking Metal Gear's plot seriously the older I get. The "deep" stuff just doesn't seem that deep anymore and the anime silliness isn't helping the situation in the least. I might check out V (still haven't played Ground Zeroes). But anytime I find myself going down the rabbit hole of trying to re-familiarize myself with the Metal Gear lore in preparation for playing any of the Solid games, I just find it mostly embarrassing.

Contrast that with something like Metal Gear Rising as presented by Platinum. I actually had a good time with that game. And that's primarily because the it seemed to crank the stupid up to 11 while simultaneously realizing that it was stupid.


Yeah throwing an entire culture and country under the bus is really a great way to engage in conversation. It's definitely not toxic.

You're over exaggerating. Extremely. Clearly there's no point in even attempting to explain myself because from the get-go you've misunderstood me, and that's fine. Don't let it ruin your day. Have a good one.


Some people are offended because it's overt sexualization of a woman in a medium (video games) that has a horrible track record for presenting women as anything other than sexualized toys for the men who play video games to interact with. That coupled with Kojima's insistence that Quiet will be a deeply meaningful character and not a sexualized toy... it's fairly obvious why some people are offended.

For some reason, the obvious constantly needs to be mentioned in threads like these.


King of Gaslighting
Why is this offensive? Do boobs not move?

The argument that I think people are making is that they are designed to flex because that is the primary focus of the character.

It's a pretty thing argument really. They designed a character with malleable breasts. Shocking.


A toy and a representation of what's wrong with the industry. On one hand.. tee hee! boobs are fun!
On the other hand everyone likes to pretend video games are art and all high brow business.

We need to grow out of this.

It's juvenile. Can you imagine a FemShep doll like this?

My feelings exactly.

I think with Gamergate and stuff like this, we see that there is a significant portion of gamers who feel gaming is super cool and mature, but can't handle criticism. If you critique an aspect of a game, you are listed as a hater, and thus your opinion isn't valid.
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