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So the DS came out 10 years ago

Couldn't see any threads or anyone talking about this, guess everyone is caught up in their new Pokemons, Smash Bros, Dragon Ages or whatevers this week.

So yeah the DS is now 10 years old, doesn't feel like that long ago when the system came out. For me it went from a system I thought was going to be the next Virtual Boy for Nintendo when it was announced (a system with 2 screens, how the heck is that going to work) to arguably my favourite Nintendo system ever made.

With fantastic games like Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows (as well as Portrait of Ruin & Order of Ecclesia), Henry Hatsworth Puzzling Adventure, Metoes, Space Invaders Extreme, The World Ends With You, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, All the Layton games, Ghost Trick just to name a few (I could go on forever listing games for it). The system had an amazing line up and pretty much covered all genres.

It was Nintendos first foray into online game and while it wasn't the smoothest of experiences, playing games like Mario Kart DS, Pokemon Diamond or Tetris DS online where fun, really wish I had of gotten around to playing Phantasy Star 0 online through, it sucks all the WiFi Connection servers got take down earlier this year :(

I remember picking it up on launch day down here in Aus (came out a few months after the US in Feb 05) and playing away at Metroid Prime Hunters First Hunt, Mario 64 DS, Asphalt Urban GT and Wario Ware, being kinda amazed at the graphics the thing was putting out. I kinda wish I hadn't of traded my DSPhat up for a DSLite, I know the thing was ugly and would easily be the worst looking handheld Nintendo had ever made, but damn if the design wasn't iconic.

So anyone have any launch day memories of the system they want to share of the system or just gush about the amazingness of the line up.


2004 was one of the best years for gaming in general. The DS was a great little machine but I'm glad the DSi came out as the OG one was awful looking to be honest.
I remember like it was yesterday.

I was down in Southwest Florida on vacation and had to drive for quite a while to find it. I got the Urbz Sims spinoff and Super Mario 64 DS, and it came with the Metroid Prime Hunters demo which I played to death. Blew my mind to be playing Super Mario 64 on a handheld back in the day.
2004 was one of the best years for gaming in general. The DS was a great little machine but I'm glad the DSi came out as the OG one was awful looking to be honest.
DSi is hands down one of the most elegant amazing looking handhelds not called the Game Boy micro ever.


10 years? God damn. The best handheld, with both great 1st and 3rd party support. I remember playing through Metroid demo so many times, while waiting for Mario 64 DS.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It was one of those things that they announced and you were like "okay"...? Another handheld? Even after it came out, it wasn't a hit out of the gate... but a year later...

Who knew that it would signal Nintendo's re-ascendance after the declining N64 and Gamecube years? And who knew that it would herald the coming of the casual market which is what the mobile game space now revolves around?

The blue ocean strategy was brilliant. I'll be honest and say something controversial: before the DS it was uncommon to hear of women playing games. 10 years later that sounds insane. And it isn't that women are only playing casual shit now, but the fact that a major marketing push in that direction was made in that direction is what normalized it in culture.


Wow, time has flown. What an incredible system. I knew it would be something unique from the start. I used to draw concept are of the system during school to hype myself. What a great launch and what a great system.


it was so weird watching the system being the center of mockery, to its somewhat humble launch and frankly horrible first few months, to actually start taking off because of nintendogs and then explode into popularity with the ds lite. i've never seen a platform actually transform like that one did.

it may be my favorite gaming system. i'm sure i could make it my only gaming system for another year or two and just buy games i skipped out on - the dragon quest rpgs, various platformers, last window, etc. it and the ps2 are very similar in that regard.

Dee Dee

Congrats you POS that broke on the hinges 3 months after I got it! :D

I am now going through the DS library on the 3DS so all is good.

I still miss pictochat however.


God damn... the world was brighter on that day...
actually it was brighter the day the DS Lite came out but y'know...


I grew up with Nintendo but later got the PS1 and PS2 (they were just "cooler", you know). I wanted to get the PSP as well when Sony delayed it for a whole year in Germany/Europe so I grabbed the original DS instead. Best gaming decision of my life. Phoenix Wright, Layton, Trauma Center, Kawashima, WarioWare, Another Code, Hotel Dusk, Elite Beat Agents and so many more. So good.


The Nintendo DS was a great region-free handhled with amazing games, like 999, Phoenix WRIGHT series, radiant historia, the Mario and Luigi RPG games to name a few.

Funny story: I originally got an NDS just to play the SNK vs. Capcom Card game! This one was originally released with a game breaking bug that was fixed in the EU release and SNK even replaced people's original copies with the fixed ones!

Afterwards I got to like this white little fella and had some great times. My first NDS got lost at one point so me and my bro bought another one. We found our old one eventually and having 2 NDS was great when we had family over since our cousins could play Cooking Mama XD.

Oh and early on my NDS fell and it's hinge broke so to fix it, I had to buy a case for it which got the job done for the most part =)

We still have our NDS somewhere, but happy 10th anniversary and thanks for all the great games!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Kirby Canvas Curse was, I believe, the moment when GAF first gave the DS the time of day...


i got the machine in early 2005 with SM64 and Warioware. those were interesting experiences but i didn't more games until MKDS and ACWW came out at the year end.

the GBA didn't help since it also got some of its final games in that same year and i was still rocking some of my fav GBA games like the Metroids between SM64DS and Wario sessions.


Bought this when Advance Wars DS came out in Australia.

Absolutely one of the greatest systems ever released and without counting Ive easily got about 100 games from it. Such diversity of ideas and it finally enabled some classics (Chrono Trigger) to come to PAL regions finally.

3DS happily continuing the trend too, and I couldn't do without either now.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
10 years since Super Mario 64 DS released.


And I just saw a brand new copy of it still for sale at Target. And the Target is only a few months old, so it was actually fresh stock.


Is it still good to buy? Or will I be disappointed?

i don't know if it's ever been a good buy. i tried it on the 3ds because you can use the slide pad instead of the d-pad, and it's really hard to control. even though you can move in eight directions a lot easier than the d-pad, mario seems to want to head in only four at a time. really, the thumb nub was probably the best way to control him.

there are extra characters and 30 extra stars, as well as local multiplayer for minigames which was still a thing in 2004.



Oh the memories!


And I just saw a brand new copy of it still for sale at Target. And the Target is only a few months old, so it was actually fresh stock.

they updated the numbers in march and it has sold 11.03m units.

super mario 64 for the n64 sold 11.63m units.
Dat tank design yo.

I was one of the original haters, especially because it had the PSP to compare to and was just such a different system.

And then I just happened to pick up one on launch day at a local Gamestop because they had leftover stock. Still one of my favorite systems ever
especially after the DSLite came out


they updated the numbers in march and it has sold 11.03m units.

super mario 64 for the n64 sold 11.63m units.

Top selling 3D platform games of all time:

1) Super Mario Galaxy: 12.22M (as March 2014)
2) Super Mario 64: 11.91M (as December 2006)
3) Super Mario 64 DS: 11.03M (as March 2014)

Got dam.
Received one late in 2010 from my mommy as a gift. Still play it even though I have a 3DS as well. The battery life of the DS Lite is pretty awesome.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I can't believe they did it twice with the Wii as well. Weird-ass underdog system supporting casual gamers that completely blew away the competitors. The second time around it was just as surprising.

But that's a topic for the 10 year Wii thread in 2 years...
The timing for the dual screen and touchscreen was just perfect. If they had left that for another generation they wouldn't have been able to compete with smartphones/tablets. Remember when the DS came out touchscreen was still a novelty and not the widespread craziness we see today. As was 3D graphics on portables, but the PSP was a bit sharper on that front.

I luckily have so much more I can play from the DS library because I was a PSP guy. I have a 3DS XL so I'm prepared to catch up on the cool stuff I missed.

2004 was one of the best years for gaming in general. The DS was a great little machine but I'm glad the DSi came out as the OG one was awful looking to be honest.
GTSA, MGS3, PSP launch and so much more. It was a damn good year.

There are members today who were only 3 years old when it came out.
Making me feel old god damn it.
The system that renewed my passion for gaming.


So many quality games on it. Phoenix Wright, Trauma Center, The World Ends With You, Advance Wars, Final Fantasy (all of them!), Rhythm Heaven, Dragon Quest, Picross, Ghost Trick, Hotel Dusk, Bangai-O Spirits, Castlevania...


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's also been over 10 years since the Reggielution.

I think we're pretty well sick of him by now... seems like a puppy dog CEO type... but at the time he looked like a mob boss, pretty out of place compared to the old Nintendo.


Wow. I still have my bulky launch unit.

I remember being so excited to play Mario 64 again, but this time with the ability to control four characters, a multiplayer mode, and the other changes that version brought. I also remember thinking how much of a step-up this system was from the GBA.

And wow, maybe a year after launch, I actually bought my first Wi-Fi router, just so I could use it with Mario Kart DS. It's crazy that at the time, wired internet was the norm for me.

It does kind of feel like it's been 10 years since then, but that's still pretty surprising.



This is my receipt of my Nintendo DS purchase from launch day.
I've carried this receipt in my wallet for ten years now... No specific reason as to why other than because I could (and something, something, Nintendo obsession).


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This is my receipt of my Nintendo DS purchase from launch day.
I've carried this receipt in my wallet for ten years now... No specific reason as to why other than because I could (and something, something, Nintendo obsession).

I'm impressed it held up that well in your wallet. I have receipts from 2 weeks ago in my pocket that look worse than that.

I still have my GC and Wii receipts somewhere... actually if I opened up my console boxes there are probably a lot in there.


I'm impressed it held up that well in your wallet. I have receipts from 2 weeks ago in my pocket that look worse than that.

I still have my GC and Wii receipts somewhere... actually if I opened up my console boxes there are probably a lot in there.

I probably tossed my Wii receipt.
I used to carry around my GCN receipt (it was the first console I ever purchased with my own money), but... I think it disintegrated, lol. Or I just lost it during a wallet transfer.

Anywho, the DS is by far one of the greatest systems in general ever made.
I actually found myself petering out on Nintendo handhelds upon the release of the DS. The DS felt like a system without focus after the superb GBA. A lot of the games always felt too experimental. They were either trying to pull off full 3D games without proper analog controls like Mario 64 and Metroid (which I felt played awkwardly even with the nub), or they were trying full touch only games like The Legend of Zelda that I didn't particularly care for (and the 2D Mario game heralded the beginning of the drab New Super Mario Bros series that I despise). Compared to what the PSP was doing at the time I felt like I was just missing out on the system that I really wanted, a true successor to the original GBA design, which was basically what the PSP was.

There are definitely some great games that I enjoyed like Castlevania, but it was mostly in spite of the systems other features. It was the games that tried to simply play the most traditionally that I enjoyed the most.

I'm glad they found great success with it and I still bought a 3DS but just like this gen I only play the Vita because, once again, it has the same design mentality as the original GBA, which I feel was the pinnacle of handhelds, and is why I consider the Vita to be the best Handheld of all time (for me personally).


Nice coincidence. I just recently dug out my DS lite to play some Picross 3D and maybe to finally finish Mother 3 after dropping off so many times.

I am positively surprised by the fact that the battery is as good as ever despite heavy use over all those years since I bought it. Can't say the same for most modern pieces of electronics.

And as usual a special shoutout for my favorite game on the platform:

I remember being a kid and waiting for this was like agony. It came out in November and I had to wait until Christmas?? I scoured every review and news article out there, nothing escaped my frantic searching for information. Finally I got it in my hands and it was beautiful

I did the same thing with the Wii a couple years later, only I refused to wait until December, so I waited in line to pick one up on launch day and that was my Christmas present
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