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SOCOM 4 gameplay trailer


BTW for the guy that said Kyoto, it isn't. It's not even Japan. It's probably Hong Kong, Taiwan or maybe one of the east coast cities in China. But not Japan.
Mik2121 said:
BTW for the guy that said Kyoto, it isn't. It's not even Japan. It's probably Hong Kong, Taiwan or maybe one of the east coast cities in China. But not Japan.

Yeah, I've got a feeling it might be Guandong or Taiwan, going by the setting and the street markings.

Looks great, though. Nice and clean in regards to polys.
I just want to to see some stealth and sneaking. I don't care about these big action scenes and I hope that's not the direction the series is going in.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
lacks next Gen sparks:D

seriously, still dont get Zipper's logic this generation. Their strategy feels unfocused.


Underwhelming. Didnt like what I saw from what that trailer and with just a few months before this launches, worried I am.
After looking at the graphics of this game I have to tell myself...



Pylon_Trooper said:
Yeah, I've got a feeling it might be Guandong or Taiwan, going by the setting and the street markings.

Looks great, though. Nice and clean in regards to polys.
It's China, seeing how the road signs were in simplified Chinese. AFAIK Taiwan uses traditional Chinese.

Safe Bet

CryptiK said:
Cool so all you guys have played Socom 4 yeah? cool then I wont buy..
You don't have to play it to understand it has absolutely nothing to do with SOCOM proper.

For starters...


Yes, the SOCOM games have never been sims, but they had a feel of authenticity that has been completely thrown out the window for some unexplained reason.
Safe Bet said:
You don't have to play it to understand it has absolutely nothing to do with SOCOM proper.

For starters...


Yes, the SOCOM games have never been sims, but they had a feel of authenticity that has been completely thrown out the window for some unexplained reason.

Those unexplained reasons are probably related to the fact that they want to sell their game to mainstream.


I've said it before, this is not SOCOM: US Navy SEALS anymore. This is Call of SOCOM: US Navy Battlefield of Modern Warfare. It's a shame to see the direction this game has taken. The SP is not the same as it used to be, but the game isn't really focused on the things that made it great SP wise.

My greatest fears will be for the MP. Regen HP and reviving teammates. In a SOCOM? Seriously? Zipper lost touch with it's community. They felt the need to cash in on the MW buzz. At this point I'm worried it won't even play and feel like a SOCOM in MP. And that's a damned shame. In a generation plagued with "me too", this SOCOM could have stood out like the one's of the past. We need something different feeling to play, we needed a real full budget SOCOM. Yeah, it was unforgiving on people who were not skilled enough to think and shoot at the same time, but so what?

The thing that really baffles me here is that Zipper has MAG to mess around with. Why put all these influences into SOCOM from other games? While we don't know how this will pan out fully as no one played MP yet, it's just not sounding too good at this point of time, and it's really making me worried for my number 1 go to shooter on consoles that was the perfect blend of PC and console shooter into one incredible MP experience that no other game matched.


Safe Bet said:
You don't have to play it to understand it has absolutely nothing to do with SOCOM proper.

For starters...


Yes, the SOCOM games have never been sims, but they had a feel of authenticity that has been completely thrown out the window for some unexplained reason.
Yet you havent played the game.. and you know how its is going to be... please..


It's so hard for me to look at this game objectively as I've been a huge SOCOM fan since the start. I think the visuals look really good and I'm excited to try this new flavour of SOCOM.

Then again, if I was someone who never played a SOCOM game before I don't know if what we've seen so far would be enough to get me interested. I think it's going to be a game that is largely ignored unless they can manage to blow people away with the final game and receive some very strong reviews.


J-Rzez said:
My greatest fears will be for the MP.

This was brought up in the last podcast: "A lot more similarities (to older SOCOMs) in online multiplayer than in SP"

I would wait until we see MP since they have made many hints on the forums that old school fans will love the MP and we just have to wait and see.


demolitio said:
This was brought up in the last podcast: "A lot more similarities (to older SOCOMs) in online multiplayer than in SP"

I would wait until we see MP since they have made many hints on the forums that old school fans will love the MP and we just have to wait and see.

Regen HP and reviving teammates is not a way to instill comfort in the hardcore SOCOM fans. This is by far my favorite console shooter. It's one of the very few shooters that can compete with the great hardcore PC shooters as far as competition, teamwork, and strategy goes. If what was said comes true, this will all be diluted from the formula in which made SOCOM so damned great.

I'm one of Zipper's biggest fans and supporters here, and I can say I don't like where they're taking this great IP. They have MAG to mess around with to cater to a more "mainstream" gamer. Next up, copious amounts of auto-aim. :(

At this point the only thing that will change my tune is a hands on with the title, as I'm really worried about the gameplay as well now with said changes, and fear of other changes that may come bundled with it. Get me a beta key Zipper. I won't break NDA, and I'll be able to sleep better at night. :lol

Doel said:
Then again, if I was someone who never played a SOCOM game before I don't know if what we've seen so far would be enough to get me interested. I think it's going to be a game that is largely ignored unless they can manage to blow people away with the final game and receive some very strong reviews.

That's the rub here. They're seemingly changing SOCOM to be more accessible like a CoD, but they haven't shown anything spectacular enough to get it noticed by said casuals. It feels like their changes are going to waste if they don't get a huge new crowd, and they lose the mindshare of those who love SOCOM.

We need some MP footage, as these SP showings really haven't shown myself anything to be excited over unfortunately at this point. MP will have to be the redeeming factor here.

Safe Bet

CryptiK said:
Yet you havent played the game.. and you know how its is going to be... please..
They've already said the protagonists are UN operatives which means the are not under SOCOM command which means there is absolutely no reason the game should be named SOCOM.

SOCOM always tried to portray Spec Ops authentically in so far as aesthetics are concerned. One look at the trailer shows Zombie Zipper have thrown all military authenticity right out the fucking window.

But yeah, keep trying to throw about that "you haven't play it yet" bullshit rhetoric and ignoring my actual point in your effort to damage control.

Lagspike_exe said:
But if SOCOM II was released today with next gen sound and graphics, it wouldn't be a mainstream game because of its gameplay.
I'm not talking about gameplay.

I am open to change.

What I am talking about is the complete abandonment of the SOCOM theme/story/look.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I have a hard time believing this is going to be good with how much "move" is being attached to it. I still have hope though.


Really some of you say you are huge fans yet you write them off so causally?You seen a trailer ok it has lot of gun fighters but does that mean what the game has become? No it does not.

As for the multiplayer we know nothing, all we know they could have a mode for vets.


Alienshogun said:
I have a hard time believing this is going to be good with how much "move" is being attached to it. I still have hope though.

It was designed for the DS3 first and the Move was added a lot later in the development when Sony asked them to. So it really is balanced for the DS3 while they're trying to make the Move work for those who want to use it. I personally think the people that use the Move online are going to get stomped by the hardcore SOCOMers including me who will stick to the DS3. The only time I'll use the Move is for SP on a second playthrough.

Basically, I wouldn't worry about the Move ruining the game since it was just an add-on and a second option for the game. I don't think they'll be making sacrifices in the game for the Move and punish the DS3 players.

Loudninja said:
Really some of you say you are huge fans yet you write them off so causally?You seen a trailer ok it has lot of gun fighters but does that mean what the game has become? No it does not.

As for the multiplayer we know nothing, all we know they could have a mode for vets.

The SOCOM forum is horrible at getting all worked up when we know nothing about MP. Roper and Dunham have made hints that the vets would be pleased and I'm inclined to believe them since we've seen nothing. I just love how the smallest of changes turns the forum into a flame fest. Zooming in on L1 instead of up on the D-pad is one of those changes, and I personally think it's for the better.

I played every SOCOM every night to the point where I bought no other PS2 games, so I consider myself a rabid fan. But I also know SOCOM 2 is dated by today's standards in a lot of areas and Zippers knows keeping it the same would hurt reviews and the mainstream I think. I tried to go back and play SOCOM 2 one night and couldn't believe how dated it was to the point where I couldn't believe it was the same game. Times change and the developers know they need to keep making the series modern to keep it relevant. The problem is balancing that with pleasing one of the harshest communities in the gaming world who want nothing to change.

Believe me, I don't like everything SOOM 4 has shown so far, but I'm not going to say I'm not getting the game already without seeing anything from MP or trying it out. I left my clan due to the fact that they all already said they weren't getting the game yet they post daily about it for some reason. I'm giving Zipper a chance before I go nuts because Zipper has made the most addicting games in the past, so I'm sure they know how to do it again.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
demolitio said:
It was designed for the DS3 first and the Move was added a lot later in the development when Sony asked them to. So it really is balanced for the DS3 while they're trying to make the Move work for those who want to use it. I personally think the people that use the Move online are going to get stomped by the hardcore SOCOMers including me who will stick to the DS3. The only time I'll use the Move is for SP on a second playthrough.

Basically, I wouldn't worry about the Move ruining the game since it was just an add-on and a second option for the game. I don't think they'll be making sacrifices in the game for the Move and punish the DS3 players.

I understand that, but it's also being promoted as a move title like crazy.

Like I said, I'm still holding out hope.


Gold Member
That's not SOCOM.

Good thing it is just SP though. But I always loved the tactical, stealth aspects of SOCOM SP. Now it just looks like another me too CoD clone.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Socom is running into the same issue Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six has.

The old fans are not going to be happy that this game is moving to a more casual crowd where the money is better.

The ones who can deal with it and adapt are the ones who will be happy while those who are still clinging to old ways and desires are going to be continually bitter.


Bumblebeetuna said:
Also, is this stuff about regenerating health and reviving teammates true? Has that been confirmed somewhere?
Yes, in their podcast but it was only being talked about for SP. Obviously most assume that health regen is for MP too, but no one knows for sure.


AltogetherAndrews said:
What a bunch of spoiled, bitter little cunts you have all become.

Yeah, what the fuck to all you "cunts" that are disappointed this isn't looking to be the SOCOM you all loved in the past to be. Are you all so self entitled that you have gall to be upset that even the SP has been detached from the SOCOM name from what we know to date?

Unless you're being sarcastic, which I doubt, you come off more of a "cunt" posting shit like this than the fans upset the direction has been taken here so far.
Safe Bet said:
SOCOM II was a mainstream game.

SOCOM II also sold to something of a captive audience since most developers in that generation couldn't be bothered to make a competent online experience for the PS2. SOCOM II was half-competent (it gets knocks for dumb shit bugs like dropping players from rooms if someone was talking while the match went from lobby to load screen) and had no strong competition on the platform.

This isn't the PS2 and there are a lot more developers competing in the online space for your gaming dollar on PS3.


BattleMonkey said:
"realistic shooters" on consoles are dead, simple as that.
The 6700 people still playing Confrontation 20 months after a complete failure of a launch disagree.


The Take Out Bandit said:
SOCOM II also sold to something of a captive audience since most developers in that generation couldn't be bothered to make a competent online experience for the PS2. SOCOM II was half-competent (it gets knocks for dumb shit bugs like dropping players from rooms if someone was talking while the match went from lobby to load screen) and had no strong competition on the platform.

This isn't the PS2 and there are a lot more developers competing in the online space for your gaming dollar on PS3.

SOCOM 2/3 did things that even todays games lack in features. Give them the credit where it's due. Yes, the code breakers shit was annoying. Yes, random dc's suck. But those game breakers are gone, and random dc's still happen in many games.

Safe Bet

The Take Out Bandit said:
SOCOM II also sold to something of a captive audience..
I'll give you that, but I'll counter with MW.

That game became what it is only after it changed to a modern setting with authentic portrayals of military personnel and equipment.

It's like someone at Zipper thought MWII sold like it did because of ONE small chapter featuring Black Ops in Blue Jeans.

I would also cite the Tom Clancy factor.

His stories are as outlandish as can be but his portrayal of military personnel and equipment never strays from fact.

The trailers we've seen scream of off-hand amateur fantasy bullshit.


How the fuck did this idea of changing SOCOM into a action hero fantasy game even get off the ground?

It's a complete betrayal of the fanbase and a complete misunderstanding of what the market wants.


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