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Sometimes I'm afraid that my ceiling fans will come off and kill me


Junior Member
I know this is a ridiculous fear so I still run the fans but I can't stop thinking about what would happen if it came off the ceiling spinning rapidly and hit me in the head. To be clear, this isn't something I constantly think about. But the thought does enter my head at least once a day.

Does anyone else have this fear?

Or does anyone else have fears that are as stupid?

ETA: GIF of bedroom fan:


Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Don't watch that SNL Dead Poets Society skit OP!!!


Junior Member
This is part of the reason I never turn mine on. If I die due to a stupid fan bonking me on the head my family would be very disappointed.


Heh, I used to have this unreasonable feeling that my computer monitor would blow up in my face.


You realize you could die anywhere, anytime right? To add to your anxiety, your computer's battery could randomly explode in your face and kill you as you're reading this post.


Mine wobbles around a lot more than I'd like, so this is pretty much why I don't sleep with it at max speed, even if it's been solidly attached for a good 20 years minimum.


Unless it's an industrial fan you'll be fine. A regular ceiling fan isn't going to cut you up if you're between the blades. A fan falling on you would just really hurt. Maybe some broken bones at the worst.


As a kid, I used to climb on top of my bunk bed and let it smack me upside the head a bunch as a gag. Did it all the time with a wooden fan, didn't really hurt. Afaik it didn't cause any long term damage but that prolly depends on who you ask.


Junior Member
You fuckers saying you've had fans fall on you is only making my anxiety worse. LOL.

I'm not too worried about the one in the living room, but the one on my bedroom is a little wobbily.


I replaced the one in my dining room, it had 8 bolts and a wooden steel frame connected to the beams in the ceiling. I could probably swing from it and the ceiling would come down before the fan would.

shit. did I shut the door hard enough?

i used to dream i would wake up in strange neighborhoods in the middle of the day, wandering the streets. and I would always somehow end up inside these houses, and then the houses would end up on fire somehow.


Quoting a bike-helmet study published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, he wrote that 235 kg (520 pounds) or 2,300 newtons of force would be needed to crush a human skull, almost twice as much force as human hands could possibly muster.Jun 4, 2014

I'd say you're fine

That's the first thing displayed from googling "how much force is required to crush a human skull"

Along with "how much does a ceiling fan weigh"
The heaviest fan that should be supported by an outlet box is 35 pounds. If it weighs more, the building structure must support it. Whatever you do, make sure the junction box is supported well enough to hold at least 50 pounds. That's the weight of an average ceiling fan.


I actually did get killed by a ceiling fan and I can confirm that it sucks. however, as a ghost I do get to haunt the shoddy handymen who installed it for me for the rest of eternity, so it has its perks


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
That's good to know. When I'm at a friend's house I sometimes jokingly (and drunkenly) put my hand near her ceiling fan as though I'm going to put my hand in it whereupon she always makes me stop. Now I know I can actually put my hand in it and come out uninjured.

Edit: Although I'm sure she'd be annoyed at whatever damage I caused to the fan itself.


I'm more worried about it spinning fast and hitting me than the weight.

I do know it is an unreasonable fear though.

Mine go pretty fast.

they have those ceiling fans on extendable posts that when you flip a switch it slowly starts to descend....
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