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Sonic Mania (8-15-2017, SEGA/Taxman/Headcannon/PagodaWest, PS4/XB1/PC/NX)

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I know a few people are kinda bummed by that reveal, but I really like it. Besides being just a really solid design, I like that it's something new in both a new badnik and the idea of having a specialized squad of bots as antagonizers. I don't have anything against old faces or zones showing up, but I'm more intrigued by the fresh ideas that Mania is bringing to the table.
I know a few people are kinda bummed by that reveal, but I really like it. Besides being just a really solid design, I like that it's something new in both a new badnik and the idea of having a specialized squad of bots as antagonizers. I don't have anything against old faces or zones showing up, but I'm more intrigued by the fresh ideas that Mania is bringing to the table.

Same here.


Why are people bummed about the reveal? They have a Sonic panel at SXSW next Thursday, where they're supposed to be revealing a ton of new stuff for Mania and 2017. This was just meant to be a tiny bit of info to tide us over until then. Wasn't meant to be huge.


Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the Hard Boiled Heavy members. This game's striking all the right chords for me and I'm happy about the potential of a set of original villains that look in line with the classic designs. So glad they weren't just hyping up yet another Metal Sonic return

I'm not disappointed by this reveal but they've really been drip feeding Mania to us. The game's supposed to be longer than Gens but all we've seen are two Green Hill acts, one Studiopolis act and one Mirage Saloon act. But Sonic Team showed every single level and boss in trailers for Generations, which is much worse.

I know a few people are kinda bummed by that reveal, but I really like it. Besides being just a really solid design, I like that it's something new in both a new badnik and the idea of having a specialized squad of bots as antagonizers. I don't have anything against old faces or zones showing up, but I'm more intrigued by the fresh ideas that Mania is bringing to the table.

I feel the same. Mania understands what worked about Classic Sonic aesthetically and gameplay-wise, so everything new it brings to the table feels right. It's nice to finally have a classic Sonic game like it.


Sonic burns the bridge while standing in a waterfall, that irks me but the potential for hidden paths is still great.

No, he doesn't. In the video, he's above a waterfall. And I'm with War Raichu, Sonic is behind waterfalls at other times. If he was in a waterfall, I'd expect to see some water splashing off of him.


Why even tease that?

Wasn't there that theory that the villain is actually
Egg Robo, based on those portraits in Mirage Saloon & the fact we haven't seen Robotnik yet
? I could see this being a very small way to stoke fires on this theory.
It kind of seems weird that they're drip feeding information.

I've thought for a while that this whole "hype cycle" is really bizarre. Way too quiet for something that's likely only 1-2 months from release. We barely know more than 3 levels and that's really it. No release date, no special stages, no idea of the game's length in stage/boss count, no definite answer on a retail release yet.

Next week should yield the info we need, but honestly if they hold back beyond that in terms of vital info, I'd consider that some sort of red flag could go up, for whatever reason, just doesn't seem right IMO.
The level design and visuals have me extremely impressed, a huge improvement over act 1 and I'm actually really excited to see what else they do with the later levels. If this and 2017 wind up being great, I'll be pretty damn happy. I played Generations for a WHILE and was actually in the top 5 of the leaderboards for a bit, I set will be playing the new game if they try and keep that same style of gameplay
I have the PS4 Collectors Edition pre-ordered from way back when it was first announced, but the moment Best Buy pull their thumb out, I'll cancel it and pre-order the Collectors Edition for the Switch instead. I could pre-order it elsewhere, but wouldn't get the GCU discount. It just says "Coming Soon" with no option to buy. The portability opportunities for this console makes it the most viable platform for this game in particular (for me)


Collector's Edition is available for pre-order, but it includes a digital download code (lmao)

That has been the most baffling decision in all of this. I mean, I sort of understand a digital-only approach for a game like this (sort of), but having a collectors edition of a digital only title is just taking the piss. Might as well just sell a figurine.


That has been the most baffling decision in all of this. I mean, I sort of understand a digital-only approach for a game like this (sort of), but having a collectors edition of a digital only title is just taking the piss. Might as well just sell a figurine.
It's infuriating. They're able to do a huge special edition but not even sell the game physically. I guess tomorrow's SXSW panel will be the last chance to get one (at least by release).
It's infuriating. They're able to do a huge special edition but not even sell the game physically. I guess tomorrow's SXSW panel will be the last chance to get one (at least by release).

Yep, it's do or die basically for any vital info. I've said it before, they've been way too quiet regarding important info on the game, and it's due this Spring?

Some would go "they don't need to spoil us, I like the quiet", a legit point, however, this is Sega, and like any other publisher, they need to keep us informed on a regular basis. No-one said they have to spill all the beans regarding every stage and whatnot, but why do we only know about three stages (Green Hill, Studiopolis, and Mirage Saloon)?

Where's the release date? Where's the long leaked/rumored physical release? Price? Any bits on story?

I almost wonder if they lack confidence in the game.

I'm not worried about Project Sonic 2017 since it's right on time tomorrow for the game's normal unveiling point looking back on Unleashed and Gens (Colors was a bit later in May).

Anyway, I am still expecting a Switch-only physical release and would be surprised at it happening on other systems since basically all retailers that have mentioned it only ever listed Switch, with an CS rep at Argos only bringing up the possibility of other systems when someone asked, though they still only listed it for Switch. Said listing is gone now though.

Speaking of which, the Switch trailer is STILL going and is just under 4 million views, the original is only at under 2.5 million views. Fucking insane. o_O


but why do we only know about three stages (Green Hill, Studiopolis, and Mirage Saloon)?...

I almost wonder if they lack confidence in the game.

Nah I think not exposing any more than three zones is a wise move.

It's a Sonic game, akin to the originals. Story? Likely minimal.

Three zones is enough to be very representative of what to expect. Equally, a long reveal of a release date way out is getting dull. I reckon a tomorrow reveal and a June release, and that would suit me fine.
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