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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I always missed when I tried to throw stuff at enemies. Sonic's spastic movement didn't help matters.

Really? It locks on like a homing attack. I guess you could miss if you were trying to throw from way far away, but if you're close enough for a homing attack you won't miss a throw.

But, I mean, you could just homing attack. :p
Really? It locks on like a homing attack. I guess you could miss if you were trying to throw from way far away, but if you're close enough for a homing attack you won't miss a throw.

But, I mean, you could just homing attack. :p

Well yeah, i always relied on homing attack. I was just referring to the couple of times I tried the Magic Hands.


You know, as much as I've played Sonic 2, I never really understood how the tunnels worked exactly in Chemical Plant. It seems like it'd take you in a random direction each time you entered one.
Sparks make a good case against Marble Zone Act 1 and designs similar. Too much linearity ain't gonna cut it, which means more varied routes. On the other hand: I'd like to be careful with themed gimmicks, making sure they'll well-placed and interesting to mess around with, little-concerning the sheer quantity of them (although he's probably referring to their total absence in many fan-games).

Great read.
Marble Zone is also snail levels of slow at times, it makes old school castlevania staircase traversal seem lighting quick by comparison.

I didn't really notice that Sonic3 & Knuckles is much more plentiful with stage gimmicks than Sonic 2 until it was mentioned in that thread, probably one of the main reasons I prefer S3&K.
Stage-traversal gimmicks are a real-cool idea, until they become the whole level itself. There should be a fine between up-and-down route platforming, and all of this S3&K stuff that the kids like to use.
Sonic colours is the best 3d sonic game to come out post SA2, even better then generations I feel.
Well you aren't alone with this thought, i'm with you as well for one. Though I feel Generations is the more instantly replayable, though i'm sure you would understand being Mr Speed Highway and all.

Stage-traversal gimmicks are a real-cool idea, until they become the whole level itself. There should be a fine between up-and-down route platforming, and all of this S3&K stuff that the kids like to use.
This is basically the difference between DKC2 and DKC3.
And what kids are using S3&K awesomeness? wasn't the thread claiming it was in fact quite the opposite?


I would if Sega dropped the tools into an upcoming Sonic game. All I can do is crawl back to Mega Man Powered Up and wonder why no one else puts a stage creator in their platformers.

I made a thread about this on SEGA Forum a few months back and people were acting like it'd be too difficult to make levels with premade objects. I definitely would like a level creator myself.
I would if Sega dropped the tools into an upcoming Sonic game. All I can do is crawl back to Mega Man Powered Up and wonder why no one else puts a stage creator in their platformers.
Because they feel the same way about modders: hopelessly-outnumbered!

Oi. A level creator/editor wouldn't be a bad idea. Forces you to get creative, and experiment more.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Sonic colours is the best 3d sonic game to come out post SA2, even better then generations I feel.
I agree with that. Sonic Generations offered more replay value for me in the end, though. It's one of those games that I just like to pop in to soar through any level which I'm super-familiar with.

It's just a little too bad it ended on the note which it did (re: Time Eater boss, lengthy Planet Wisp levels).
This is basically the difference between DKC2 and DKC3.

Ugh, tell me about it. Every single new level is some new, silly gimmick. Now for some, that might sound pretty cool, but they're so hit and miss, I find myself replaying the stages that just focused on making the traditional platforming fun instead of "Ok, now you're an elephant and you're afraid of rats!"

Also, waaaaaay too many collectibles. It's like they thought, "Man if they liked that stuff in the last game, wait until they see this new one!" Too many gimmicks, too many collectibles, too many ideas that went against the free-willing, direct spirit of DKC2
I made a thread about this on SEGA Forum a few months back and people were acting like it'd be too difficult to make levels with premade objects. I definitely would like a level creator myself.
While i'd say that sonic stage design is among the trickiest to do effectively they should still consider it, created content is all the rage everywhere these days so why is one of the most perfect genres for it getting shafted?

Because they feel the same way about modders: hopelessly-outnumbered!

Oi. A level creator/editor wouldn't be a bad idea. Forces you to get creative, and experiment more.
Dimps are just afraid that Sonic Gaf would shame them with superior stage design.
Didn't Sega have a stage creator on their website a while back when they were promoting Episode 1?
Well that just taunts me further, though they were probably using it to steal fans stage designs.

Ugh, tell me about it. Every single new level is some new, silly gimmick. Now for some, that might sound pretty cool, but they're so hit and miss, I find myself replaying the stages that just focused on making the traditional platforming fun instead of "Ok, now you're an elephant and you're afraid of rats!"

Also, waaaaaay too many collectibles. It's like they thought, "Man if they liked that stuff in the last game, wait until they see this new one!" Too many gimmicks, too many collectibles, too many ideas that went against the free-willing, direct spirit of DKC2

I'll always disagree on the collectables point in the sense that all the fluff like the brother bear trading items and banana birds aren't actually worth anything in the main game and are only useful for moving towards the rather lame hidden ending, basically no stages are hidden behind these (aside from bosses dropping vehicle upgrades but that's just basic world progression).
Everything else in the stages is the same as DKC2, bonus coins in bonus barrels and the DK coin. Though I guess on the whole it does show the beginning of Rare's collectable fetish which would swallow DK64 whole.

Now as for the more pressing issue on stage gimmicks, yes it is a very mixed bag, all three mill stages sit comfortably in shitsville, fish food frenzy is poorly implemented and poisonous pipeline is the laziest gimmick stage i've ever seen with the bottom of the barrel idea of reversed movement controls (and worse is that it's the finale stage before the final boss). But that said some are pretty clever, Ellie hate may be high but bobbing barrel brawl is the absolute nuts.
On the whole I still prefer the oversaturation of gimmicks in 3 to the barely any gimmicks of 1, barely.
2 is on a whole higher plane of platforming existence with Returns and Jungle Beat as its right and left hands.


playSEGA was pretty cool, the sonic level creator was nifty

then i got bored of it, and i quit, and when I registered there was nothing about having to cancel in order to avoid being charged, but then they charged me again for a subscription sometime later, would of put me in trouble with my bank if i didn't have extra money in my paypal account at the time, was like 40 dollars. After dealing with them for 2 weeks they got me my money back. lol

Anyways, as long as Iizuka-san is in charge, we will never see a Sonic game with a custom level creator. He doesn't believe in them.

Eurogamer: LittleBigPlanet is a platformer that allows players to create levels and customise characters. Any plans for similar features in future Sonic games?

Takashi Iizuka: It's something the team is not looking into at the moment. Sonic games, it's pretty clear that how good the level design is directly affects the quality of the game.

The team believes the speed and the tempo is crucial. Sonic Team are the professionals at doing it. It's hard to leave it up to the users because it's quite difficult.

We have, however, allowed this feature through PlaySEGA, which allows our users to create their own levels. But in terms of future Sonic games, this is not in the plan.

Sonic Team are the professionals, leave it to them



In other news Sega is stupid. If they a LBP 2D style Sonic game, imagine all of the money they could make off of selling tile sets, new characters, and the music bundles.


Really minor and random,
but does anybody else miss having the boss's name slowly typed on the screen when you fought them?

I really loved that in the Adventures,
especially against Perfect Chaos
, and I wish it was done for future games.

Just finished playing some SA1, so it came up it my head :p


Really minor and random,
but does anybody else miss having the boss's name slowly typed on the screen when you fought them?

I really loved that in the Adventures,
especially against Perfect Chaos
, and I wish it was done for future games.

Just finished playing some SA1, so it came up it my head :p

To be honest, I haven't really experienced a boss battle that felt like it was "serious" since Sonic Adventure 2. And Sonic has stopped taking itself as seriously for a while now. I kinda wouldn't want to see it like that anymore.


The whole "Colors started as Generations Wii" theory makes some sense given the amount of classic enemies in the game. I forgot there were so many.

Iizuka pretty much confirmed that in Japanese interview that was translated by Dark Schala, said both games started development at the same time.


To be honest, I haven't really experienced a boss battle that felt like it was "serious" since Sonic Adventure 2. And Sonic has stopped taking itself as seriously for a while now. I kinda wouldn't want to see it like that anymore.

Yea I actually felt like the boss battles had something at stake in the Adventures. I'm okay with either "mood", but I just want the boss name typing again :)


Also, SA2 added subtitles underneath the boss's name in addition to the typing.

BIOLIZARD:prototype of the Ultimate Life Form

Coooooool :)


There was also that spec sheet that would scroll inside its own window as G.U.N. boss mechs was introduced... I tend to like superflous detail like that as long as it isn't overblown:



They can bring it back I guess, but have it be faster and skippable

So reading that post on Sonic Retro solidifies Chemical Plant as my favorite classic Sonic zone. After all these years, I have yet to traverse every route. I'm going to have to do that some time soon.

qq more

Chemical Plant was such an awesome level with awesome music. Everything about the level was amazing. ...Except for the stupid bottomless pits. The level was truly worthy of representing Sonic 2 in Generations.
Chemical Plant was such an awesome level with awesome music. Everything about the level was amazing. ...Except for the stupid bottomless pits. The level was truly worthy of representing Sonic 2 in Generations.

Generations version was too linear, it needed more of a maze feel like the original zone design.
Apparently. Is Robotnik's robot military incompetent enough to let GUN invade and form a garrison, anyway?

Does Iizuka think this stuff through? I think he does. Spent more time on the story than the game itself!



US only Sonic Trivia contest on the SEGA Blogs. Winner gets a nifty tablet.
Whoever wrote that quiz is amazing, since one of the joke answers to the question "Owning both Sonic 4: Episode I and Episode II allows you to play as which extra character?" is "Ken Balough".

Also, the big anniversary sale is now live:


Contents vary by platform.

OMG Aero

Y'know, a trivia sheet that didn't basically sound like a Sonic 4 Episode 2 advertisement would've been a lot nicer.
What is the difference between Tegra 3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II and the other mobile platforms?
A: On Tegra 3, the game Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II is almost like the full console version.
B: Sonic the Hedgehog collects gold coins faster than Sonic on other mobile platforms.
C: None of the above

How fast is Sonic 4: Episode II running on a Tegra-3 device?
A: 5fps
B: 10fps
C: 20fps
D: 30fps

Wait a minute...
B: Sonic the Hedgehog collects gold coins faster than Sonic on other mobile platforms
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