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Sony is Building a Hostage Crisis!!!!! (List of Games to Kickstarter)


Well, there it is.

It will/has basically become a platform for developers to audition for publishers.

Which is funny because it started out as a platform for developers to be free from publishers.

The publishers will always win.

Sony won't be the publisher of the game. They merely serve as a promoter to its kickstarter campaign.
Fine with this if its third party games that may not have been made otherwise. No reason for this to be the case with first party projects though even if as much of a cult hit as a Parrappa or Legend of Dragoon
Well I find it foolish to willingly take risks associated with funding a game without the real benefits (profit). For now we're getting games we might have never gotten otherwise funded by a Kickstarter projects but how long until even bigger publishers like Sony start putting games there that they would have funded themselves if Kickstarter wasn't an option? Again people are happy when they think they know what they're getting by putting down the money but in fact they have no idea. So in that sense you could consider it even more foolish than pre-ordering.
The benefit is that... the game is being made.

The budgets for these games are ridiculously large (40+ million). Sony starts putting games they would have funded regardless to cover the cost of 2 or 3 million of the budget? Yea, I'll consider that as an issue when it remotely becomes a reality.


I would totally plonk down $100 for a spiritual successor to Legend of Dragoon (with the original soundtracks of course). Just saying...


Don't remember who said it (think it was Jim Sterling?), but he had talked to someone at Kickstarter - and they said that when big projects hits Kickstarter - for whatever reason - it also raises interest in other projects. If that is true the big projects will not canibalise the smaller indie ones - but rather bring attention to them.

Anyway, if this is what it takes for us to get Beyond Good and Evil I am all for it no matter what.


Saint Titanfall
Sony won't be the publisher of the game. They merely serve as a promoter to its kickstarter campaign.

What would even lead you to that conclusion, Their investing money into it and it's PS4 exclusive on consoles. Of course they're publishing it,


Silent Hills all the way!
Also maybe MS should follow this path and see about a Lost Odyssey 2 if possible (I admit I have no idea about who owns the rights to what in that case).
It's getting kind of embarrassing,really... Other websites are beginning to talk about us :/

I mean, a game that people are begging for 14 years finally gets released, and suddenly lots of salty people are throwing random negativity at it...
Gaf overall is such a great place to hang out and discuss things, but its times like this that really puts us in a really bad light and it becomes really hard to defend us from criticism since shit posting, concern trolling, ignorant complaints and just general shitty behaviour always tends to become visibly prominent and make everyone look bad when its clear that its just a vocal minority.

Its one of the reasons i tend to stay out of No Mans Sky threads now since the amount of shit you have to read just makes my blood boil.


The benefit is that... the game is being made.

The budgets for these games are ridiculously large (40+ million). Sony starts putting games they would have funded regardless to cover the cost of 2 or 3 million of the budget? Yea, I'll consider that as an issue when it remotely becomes a reality.

Better to think ahead. I just think if you take a risk you should also receive potential profit that's all. Like I said just a game getting made is enough for people funding these projects but I'm not sure it's fair. After all you're not paying for the game to be made you're paying for the chance of the game being made. It's very unlikely that something like Shenmue 3 would be cancelled after receiving crowd-funding but legally you're in a tough spot if it ever comes down to that with any project.

Not that there's any real problem here. Nobody is forcing people to fund anything. If people are paying for these things then great. I assume they're doing so willingly not because they feel they have no other choice.

What "real" benefits?

Wether you pledge before development or buy after development you're getting Shenmue 3 regardless.

Profit mainly.

Only one of those options gets you the game for sure. Only one of those options lets you confirm in 2-3 years what you're getting.


No doubt.

I'm not interested in Shenmue myself, but I would be irritated as well if a long lost game I loved was heading to another platform than I owned. It wouldn't make me question the idea of kickstarting games with corporate help though, if the only alternative was to remain in the limbo they were all those years.


Paying for the game as in paying for the development. Nobody knows what kind of game they're getting when they put money down for Shenmue 3 right now. It's 2 and half years away at least. Something unexpected might happen. It might suck. It might even be cancelled. I just have found out that waiting for the final product I have more information on which to base my purchase decision. I also realize that my opinion would probably be different if Shenmue 3 was something I'd anticipated for a decade. Not that it doesn't expect to other games. I had big hopes for Kickstarter when it started and I do realize it has given us some games that we wouldn't have gotten otherwise but I'm not ready to take risk that belongs to publishers while they reap the real benefits.

What "real" benefits?

Wether you pledge before development or buy after development you're getting Shenmue 3 regardless.


A rising tide lifts all boats. The numbers and stats have shown that more exposure on Kickstarter through high profile projects has only helped chances of small indie creators on the service.

Whether you think Kickstarter is "supposed" to be used for certain kinds of projects and not for others, as long as it's within the rules, Kickstarter is quite content to let the market and the audience decide these things for themselves.


- Suikoden 6 (w/Yoshitaka Murayama directing, Junko Kawano and Fumi Ishikawa on design, Miki Higashino & Keiko Fukami on music)
- Shadow Hearts 4 (development by feelplus/Marvelous, directed by Matsuzo Machida)
- Alundra 3 (development by Matrix Software)
- Proper JRPG BoF6 (directed by Makoto Ikehara, art by Tatsuya Yoshikawa)

All of these franchises are dead without some kind of divine intervention, none of them are first party (although Sony might own the rights to Alundra), and they shouldn't be hugely expensive projects. Also they'll never receive the proper care they deserve even if their publishers greenlight those titles.


This, all of this, only this, this alone, maybe more of this.
- Suikoden 6 (w/Yoshitaka Murayama directing, Junko Kawano and Fumi Ishikawa on design, Miki Higashino & Keiko Fukami on music)
- Shadow Hearts 4 (development by feelplus/Marvelous, directed by Matsuzo Machida)
- Alundra 3 (development by Matrix Software)
- Proper JRPG BoF6 (directed by Makoto Ikehara, art by Tatsuya Yoshikawa)
I like you.


There are two inevitable outcomes from increase risk aversion:

  1. Stagnation leading to an inevitable collapse


  2. a market correction wherein risk becomes more acceptable.

The current market state is temporary and its precisely because they can rely on stop gaps and risk mitigators like this kickstarter market test strategy that the cerebral state continues. Absent these down the road following a steep decline in growth/profits we would start to see a handful of publishers start to take more risk because they feel forced to do so and would have little to lose thanks to market stagnation. This risk, in a stagnating market, would (should) drive consumer support and lead to success prompting other previously risk averse parties to follow suit. That correction cannot occur so long as publishers are afforded more and more ways to mitigate risk at the cost of the consumer. Instead, if allowed to continue, it would lead to decreasing consumer satisfaction culminating in market wide backlash and collapse.

TLDR: Risk Stop gaps (often at the cost of consumer) are prolonging the current risk averse state of the market not alleviating it .

false dichotomy. The actual answer is
  • 3) create risk adverse products customers like

Big game production is similar to big film productions: it is collaborative, risk averse, and success comes down to knowing what makes the audience happy. Companies like EA and R* have a good idea of what sells and what keeps AAA retail console game fans happy. And the fact that they have record profits shows this. The same goes for companies like Disney. The games and movies these companies make go through a fuck ton of q&a and feedback.

And it works. Why? Because the mass market doesn't want risky movies or games. They want to buy their ticket or game and get an expected experience. Furious 7 grossed 1.5 billion USD ww, gta V was over 2 billion @ last count. And as far as I know, the people who experienced those things were satisfied despite extreme risk adverse nature of the products. That is why there will be a Furious 8 and a GTAVI.

And on a side note, GTAIV had a couple of risky elements: a dark story with human pathos and driving that required skill. Both were eviscerated by fans. It is the big games that take big risks that fail.


It's kind of funny, the Ouya did the same thing, albeit with indie games. They'd double the take in a Kickstarter in exchange for like a 6 month exclusive.

And I think were just plain funded completely, like that Jumpman game
Yeah that's right. Ouya did something similar but they were the ones being scammed, funny enough
Again people are missing the truth of what many kickstarter projects are and that is very often a means to gain the momentum to bring these projects to the larger investors needed to see it through.

Shenmue wasn't the first to use this approach, as previously stated, it's just such a long sought after title that it triggered up the salt storm.
The good thing about Sony willing to collaborate on risky titles with their developers is that we are much less likely to end up with a scenario like Broken Age.


It's easy to bash Kickstarter until it helps fund something you really want. Shenmue is my first and if there are other games that seem worthwhile then I would consider it. I'm not just going to throw several hundred dollars down again because I liked an old game though - it has to offer me something special that is still relevant like Shenmue. I'm sure there will be some funding failures along the way and that's the way it should be.


Kickstarter allows developers to move away from publishers...NAWT

Technically it still would do. Shenmue is only getting partial funding of an undisclosed amount and marketing from Sony. The game itself is entirely 3rd party by Ysnet. I imagine anything else Sony get involved with would be similar
- Suikoden 6 (w/Yoshitaka Murayama directing, Junko Kawano and Fumi Ishikawa on design, Miki Higashino & Keiko Fukami on music)
- Shadow Hearts 4 (development by feelplus/Marvelous, directed by Matsuzo Machida)
- Alundra 3 (development by Matrix Software)
- Proper JRPG BoF6 (directed by Makoto Ikehara, art by Tatsuya Yoshikawa)

All of these franchises are dead without some kind of divine intervention, none of them are first party (although Sony might own the rights to Alundra), and they shouldn't be hugely expensive projects. Also they'll never receive the proper care they deserve even if their publishers greenlight those titles.

Sony own the Alundra IP. They need a kick in the ass, not a kickstarter!
I'm fine with Sony helping kickstart third party properties they don't own.

If they start kickstarting they're own IP however, it will not be a good look.
Well, there it is.

It will/has basically become a platform for developers to audition for publishers.

Which is funny because it started out as a platform for developers to be free from publishers.

The publishers will always win.

To be fair if you want to make aaa games kickstarter will never give you all the money you need to make it. I haven't seen a kickstarter hit 80 million yet. Devs know this it is unpractical for some devs to make the game they want all on kickstarter. It sucks I know but it's how the world goes round.
Gaf overall is such a great place to hang out and discuss things, but its times like this that really puts us in a really bad light and it becomes really hard to defend us from criticism since shit posting, concern trolling, ignorant complaints and just general shitty behaviour always tends to become visibly prominent and make everyone look bad when its clear that its just a vocal minority.

Its one of the reasons i tend to stay out of No Mans Sky threads now since the amount of shit you have to read just makes my blood boil.

It is also concerning that any negative opinion on this subject is rejected as simple "concern trolling" or "brand loyalty".

It does set a potentially dangerous precedent. It may end up being a great thing, but it could go the other way. Don't discount others opinions just because they are different from yours.

Hopefully this goes well, as there are many old IPs that I would love to be rebooted in this manner if done right.
With Shenmue III and Final Fantasy VII my (and many others') biggest dreams are already coming true.

Now all that's left for me would be (Remakes or HD Remasters with new models):

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica
Resident Evil Outbreak File #1 & #2
Bushido Blade

All very important to me, just not quite on Shenmue III- or FF7-level.

All I want is a new Tie-Fighter.
Yeah I also want X-Wing or TIE-Fighter VR but (unfortunately) that's EA's business now.
Wellllll at least next time we'll have no doubts about whether Sony has a hand in the game or not.

I'm just going to say this: Mega Man Legends 3.


The thing is, how many fanbases out there clamor and beg for games to be localized or made in the past only for them to not support it or wait for it to go on sale once those games actually come out?

There are probably a ton of situations like that. Anyone can go on the internet and talk about how they'd love X game to be made without any intention of supporting or purchasing the game. (Like the Tales fanbase not buying Graces f even though they kept talking about how Namco wouldn't localize games just because it wasn't Vesperia.)

With this Kickstarter, at least Sony or Sega or whoever it was who agreed to let Yu Suzuki launch it basically told the Shenmue fanbase who kept asking for a sequel to put their money where their mouth was. I don't really fault publishers of niche games for wanting to do that.

I just hope that it all turns out for the best.


With the inherent High Risk of games these days I am willing to Kickstart just about damn near anything I love if it'll prove to publishers and developers that there is enough interest in that IP to warrant a new game being made. There are so many things that might not ever exist again that have just been completely written off and if this is the way to get them back then I am all in.

Skies of motherfucking Arcadia. Do it. Please do it. Please please do it. That game is to me like what Shenmue is to Huber. I would cry until my tear ducts bled if I could get another one.
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