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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3


If you're upset that's it's not on Xbox One, be upset at Microsoft, not Sony. Phil Spencer himself said that Shenmue III was one of the most requested game for Xbox One, so obviously they (Microsoft) knew the huge demand for it, but decided to ignore it.


Reading the IGN comment form Gio Corsi about it being a third party production with YS Net indicated to me that it's not a traditional publisher deal, but more of a partnership like what you see with No Man's Sky.

Just my take, and I still believe it's largely irrelevant how the deal is structured. Yu Suzuki put the fate of Shenmue in fans hands and we told him in no uncertain terms that we want Shenmue 3, as a result Shenmue 3 is being made and will be helped by Sony - This is a win for everyone.


I said "I'm about to Segata Sanshiro out of here" and then posted a Segata Sanshiro gif.

Shenmue fans that don't know who Segata Sanshiro is? OK.

There was a implication you were done?

I think it's a great time to be a gamer; with a lot of dead franchises getting some new life.
What risk for the gamers? If u backed it and thegame for some reason cant get finishit, everyone will be fefunded. It has happened before, dunno if was in kickstart or other crowdfunding service but the backers of a project that achieve a goal are protected my law. Thers absolutly no risk for the backers.

If the game falls through the backers don't get refunded.

If this gauging interest thru kickstarter is only way to bring impossible dead franchises into reality like:

Suikoden 6
Xenogears 2
Zone of Enders 3
Silent Hills

and countless others...


I rather take games than no games at all.

I would rather publishers just put the bloody games up for pre-order rather than using kickstarter so that you are actually getting a product or your money back if development falls through.
If the game falls through the backers don't get refunded.

I would rather publishers just put the bloody games up for pre-order rather than using kickstarter so that you are actually getting a product or your money back if development falls through.

Because Sony and Playstation 4 will disappear in the next 2 years.
This confirms no Xbox then

Well as someone who has played 1 and 2 This absolutely sucks.

I can't get annoyed at Sony as they are making this possible but it makes me sad.

I need to finish this trilogy but was afraid of this.

If it comes to pc then that's a crumb of comfort in a sense as I need a pc anyway for my work.


If Sony was already involved and is already the main publisher for the game then it would no fucking sense to use Kickstarter in whatever ways. They are selling the full game for $30 (worldwide even - ignoring the higher European price forever) and giving up additional 5% of the Kickstarter money.

To be clear, I'm glad this game is happening (even with the extremely sparse details for a project that's reached 2 million in crowd funding). The retail price doesn't conflict with the issue I have with how it was presented, and then conveniently clarified only after the kickstarter reached it's goals. I understand that others didn't see it the same way, and that's a perfectly valid issue to have with my posts on the topic. "What a good deal it is" or "the IP has been unused for 14 years" are orthogonal to my point.

And, to reiterate from earlier posts:

They should have just come out and said this on the show floor. The important thing is we're finally getting Shenmue 3, and if it needs kickstarter funding to happen, so be it.

It's really scummy for sony to outright DENY involvement on the showfloor and then flip-flop as soon as the game hits its funding goals.

Not that bothered tbh, but slightly.

I agree. I would actually prefer that MORE corporations did this. Being more responsive to your customers is not a bad thing.

My issue was with the dishonest way Sony went about it.

Whatever though. I'm just glad we're getting Shenmue 3. That's the bottom line here.

I feel like I'm being unfairly lumped in with the "ms fanboys"
who are mostly figments of some posters' imaginations to begin with
that are just "salty" about the announcement.
I'm probably being cynical because of being burned with games being vastly different from their initial concept.

That's just game development. That's why it's a concept, as in a vision of what the game may be like. With Kickstarter, you are shown the developers initial ideas versus the traditional reveal of games which are generally very far along into the process. You are complaining about something that is not only fundamentally endemic to Kickstarter, but the medium as a whole. Have a little awareness.

But I really don't think that niche games should all be funded by kickstarter or for them to be denied funding if they don't have a kickstarter first.

Why exactly? If a niche game isn't going to be made without Kickstarter, would you prefer it to not exist? That is what was happening with mid-level games last generation. They weren't made nearly as frequently, because they were risky. Developers and publishers alike shut down. Not only that, but it's not like all smaller/riskier titles are going to suddenly only get funded trough Kickstarter. It's just one more avenue for games to be made. You DO want that, right?

I wouldn't be so worried but the Bloodstained kickstarter was very recent as well.

What's the problem with the Bloodstained Kickstarter? Iga wanted to make a Castlevania game but couldn't, so he started his own company and pitched a Castlevania-like game to publishers. They weren't sold, but at least one was willing to help fund the game if it did well enough on Kickstarter. Iga even said, plain as day, that he was trying to appeal to a publisher with the Kickstarter. So, now we are going to get a Castlevania-like game from the guy who created Castlevania and who is passionate about making the game.

Look, if you just don't like Kickstarter then that's fine. There is an amount of trepidation with funding a project, because there aren't any money back guarantees. But that has nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with Sony or any other companies partnering with kickstarters. Truthfully, it's one of the main reasons Kickstarter exists.


I feel like I'm being unfairly lumped in with the "ms fanboys"
who are mostly figments of some posters' imaginations to begin with
that are just salty about the announcement.

I'm lumping you in with the Ks malcontents. This comes up every KS regardless of platform. Some people want a impossible purity from things. The world isn't made that way.


You have a game. Its fans have been begging for it for, what, 14 years. You say okay, to do this, you, you and you, we need your money. You? We dont need yours, even if you were as passsionate about seeing the series return as the rest of them. Why? Because we made a deal with a single publisher who , by the way, dont give a shit about whether this game returns unless you own their console and pony up the cash up front to ensure they get a return.

It is hilarious to me that Sony are being held up as heroes of the hardcore gaming community or, better yet, champions of the hardcore Shenmue fans. This is just good old fashioned dirty business. As usual.

Me? I'm no longer a diehard shenmue fan per this community because i wont play ball, pay for a ps4, and turn around and hand money over to reward shady behind the curtain deals

When hate for a corporate entity exceeds the love of something truly special... sobering thought.


I would rather publishers just put the bloody games up for pre-order rather than using kickstarter so that you are actually getting a product or your money back if development falls through.

You don't understand what impossible dead franchise is then.

Publisher put something on pre-order means they 1) own the IP 2) fully responsible for rise and fall of the IP.

Sony 1) doesn't own Shenmue IP 2) Is NOT making the game 3) just financially supporting it.

and for 14 years, no one picked up Shenmue. NO ONE. Not even MS, with pocket that is deeper than anyone in the goddamn IT in the WORLD.

You don't see? Without kickstarter, shenmue 3 is NOT BEING MADE. There is NO GAME. If kickstart failed, it only consolidated the belief that dominated last 14 years that THERE IS NO MARKET FOR SHENMUE.

SONY is NOT going to fund the game that is GUARANTEED to lose money.


I'm lumping you in with the Ks malcontents. This comes up every KS regardless of platform. Some people want a impossible purity from things. The world isn't made that way.

I simply want more transparency.

Just because it's not achievable in this moment does that mean it's not worth making a case for it?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
If the game falls through the backers don't get refunded.

I would rather publishers just put the bloody games up for pre-order rather than using kickstarter so that you are actually getting a product or your money back if development falls through.
I would love if publishers did that too - but guess what? They f*cking aren't doing it.

There are three Konami games listed there - Konami does NOT care about console gaming any more. They are out. Full stop.

They are a mobile company now.

That's the issue here. A lot of publishers have given up on gaming and would NEVER fund these projects.

I, and many others, are willing to take risks and put my money out there to support the development of games I want to play. These publishers won't do it on their own. It's literally the difference between certain games existing or not existing.


It's shared risk, as it's always been, but the one advantage by having Sony attached (other than the money to actually make a "good" Shenmue III a reality) is that their brand is attached -- Sony knows how important it is to not fuck it up. If they do, it will look really bad for them in a lot of ways, not the least of which being a loss in consumer trust. I think having Sony in on it, if anything, gives me more faith the project will be seen to completion. It's part of the reason I funded this.

Didn't they end up cancelling that Shenmue RPG game or whatever it was a while back? It's a riskier proposition without them.

I mean, not to harp on it, but if they can force The Last Guardian to come out...


and for 14 years, no one picked up Shenmue. NO ONE. Not even MS, with pocket that is deeper than anyone in the goddamn IT in the WORLD.

You don't see? Without kickstarter, shenmue 3 is NOT BEING MADE. There is NO GAME. If kickstart failed, it only consolidated the belief that dominated last 14 years that THERE IS NO MARKET FOR SHENMUE.

SONY is NOT going to fund the game that is GUARANTEED to lose money.

Don't try. People will not read. People don't want to understand. People prefer to have an outrage. Much easier.
I don't know why people are pissed, Sony is the one who got the most to lose if the game bombed. and we know the most diehard fans would already pay their copies of the game from kickstarter. so Sony still had to convince or hope casual fans will still bought the game when it's released properly in retail/digital store.

Sony is the one risk losing millions of dollar if the game bombed, not the fans who pledge support during kickstarter


Gotta love some of the responses. Do people not realize that NOBODY touched this IP for the last FOURTEEN years? I wonder fucking why. Sony will probably lose money on this shit lol.

This. The overreactions of some people are just fanboy level in my opinion. It is quite easy:

The IP was 'dead', i am sure a lot of publishers have had enough time since Shenmue2, to buy or fund this sequel, including platform holders. Nobody did.
Now Sony has decided to make the game possible, with some conditions, if Kickstarter was the better option, i do not know, the fact is that the game will be made, that is what people were asking for. End of story.
If you are a fan of SHenmue you should be happy. In fact sony haven't gone full exclusive here. Yes, they locked it for consoles, logical if they put money to make the game, this is a business afterall, but it allows to be on PC so anyone can play it even if you do not own a PS4. It is the same that happenend to games like DR3, only with the Kickstarter thing, which in fact is a way to gaurge real interest (a poll is not relevant since here you have to spend some money, so only people with real interest will )

I wish some other franchises like 2D metroid, or Motorstorm had the chance to revive thanks to a similar approach.
This fucking thread man:


Why can't people be happy this game is becoming a reality thanks to Sony?

Console warz.
The alternative is to open up pre-orders before the game is developed which is what they should do in order for consumers to not lose their money if the project doesn't happen.

So the pubs should lose money if people decide to cancel there pre orders later on ?
Doing pre orders don't mean shit since it gets no money into the devs hands .


Yeah Sony should have just paid for the entire game and kept it PS4 exclusive like Nintendo did with Bayo. Then people would be happier right?

Like someone said before, if you don't like this approach then back out of the KS and give up your cheaper digital copy of the game.

It seems like people want to bitch and whine but not live with the alternatives.


I simply want more transparency.

Just because it's not achievable in this moment does that mean it's not worth making a case for it?

There is as much as you can expect. Business A is behind business B to make something for customer C who has already put money in. Product D will problably happen. As much as we need to know.

Some folks (not necessarily you) expect in depth budget breakdowns and complete access to everything. I work in a field where funders throw around millions. A individual funder throwing in 1m to us won't get the break down some KS backers expect. It's utterly unrealistic the amount of disclosure they want.

There is no more at stake than some disposable income and some pleasant memories if it works out and a bit of regret and some disposable income if it doesn't.
I feel like I'm being unfairly lumped in with the "ms fanboys" [SPOILER]who are mostly figments of some posters' imaginations to begin with[/SPOILER] that are just "salty" about the announcement.

But it is ok for you to throw accusations to other people?

Thanks for doing everything in your capacity to turn this thread into a console warrior flamewar.

And I don't know why I am getting blamed for console warrior anything because I have not mentioned a console in my posts. Getting a bit "too" defensive are we?

Again it is fine but it is probably the idea or concept of "involvement". Many people (including myself of course) view involvement to have a very specific meaning. The promise of involvement does not equate to involvement.

And I think this is where you are butting heads with people because you are equating the promise of actual involvement with the involvement itself. If I promise you $100 dollars to eat a sandwich that consist of worms and shark meat. Before the sandwich is made, before you take a bite out of it, there is no money being exchanged. It is still just a promise until a condition is met.

Edit: even if we wrote a legal binding contract on napkins using ketchup and Mustard. It is still a legally binding promise but the fulfillment will only be acknowledged after the conditions are met.
So the pubs should lose money if people decide to cancel there pre orders later on ?
Doing pre orders don't mean shit since it gets no money into the devs hands .
I'd ather the publishers lose money on cancelled pre-orders than for the backers to lose money on a cancelled game. Could also be that creating a kickstarter doesn't mean shit because it doesn't guarantee a game.


Damn I walked right into a salt mine. I thought people would be over the moon Sony is funding development, I know I am. Sony can help in so many ways.

Shenmue fans are over the moon because the game is being made and knowing there's a big publisher behind makes it even better. Console warriors are just being console warriors and don't give a shit about the game, they should at least inform themselves about how Kickstarter works before starting an ignorant crudade.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My only experience with this franchise is playing number 2 on 360 with BC, and I found that to be an incredibly shitty experience, the game was bad straight up.

However, this is major brownie points on Sony's part for reviving something a lot of people on the internet seem to care about.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'd ather the publishers lose money on cancelled pre-orders than for the backers to lose money on a cancelled game. Could also be that creating a kickstarter doesn't mean shit because it doesn't guarantee a game.
That's a risk some of us are willing to take.

By all means, take the Konami, Capcom, and Sega approach and avoid putting any money into it. What's the issue? You don't have to put ANY money into the game and, if development completes, you'll be able to purchased it anyways. You don't have to take a risk.
I'd ather the publishers lose money on cancelled pre-orders than for the backers to lose money on a cancelled game. Could also be that creating a kickstarter doesn't mean shit because it doesn't guarantee a game.

We backed it. We know the risks. Don't need you or anyone else fighting our battles. Been talking about this game for 14 years. No joke, was telling my wife about it just last week. If I could make it happen, then great.

In regards to a cancelled game, you are really just worrying for nothing. I doubt Sony is gonna lay themselves on the line only to cancel.


The alternative is to open up pre-orders before the game is developed which is what they should do in order for consumers to not lose their money if the project doesn't happen.

The $60 for a preorder and the $60 (or however much is pledged) for a kickstarter go to two different places. One gets held up and the other goes directly to the development team once the kickstarter is done.
You don't understand what impossible dead franchise is then.

Publisher put something on pre-order means they 1) own the IP 2) fully responsible for rise and fall of the IP.

Sony 1) doesn't own Shenmue IP 2) Is NOT making the game 3) just financially supporting it.

and for 14 years, no one picked up Shenmue. NO ONE. Not even MS, with pocket that is deeper than anyone in the goddamn IT in the WORLD.

You don't see? Without kickstarter, shenmue 3 is NOT BEING MADE. There is NO GAME. If kickstart failed, it only consolidated the belief that dominated last 14 years that THERE IS NO MARKET FOR SHENMUE.

SONY is NOT going to fund the game that is GUARANTEED to lose money.

Most of all, this game isn't FULLY funded by Sony. That's why the kickstarter campaign is important. I think it's pretty much telling that 3rd party production is handling that one. It's the same help they would provide to an indie developper. Footing a part of the bill, not the entire one. It's not only depending on Kickstarter reaching the 2 millions... It's about the kickstarter reaching the highest number possible !!

This situation is a both direction one. Sony isn't making the game. Sony AND the people are making the game.


But it is ok for you to throw accusations to other people?

Again it is fine but it is probably the idea or concept of "involvement". Many people (including myself of course) view involvement to have a very specific meaning. The promise of involvement does not equate to involvement.

And I think this is where you are butting heads with people because you are equating the promise of actual involvement with the involvement itself. If I promise you $100 dollars to eat a sandwich what consist of worms and shark meat. Before the sandwich is made before you take a bite out of it, there is no money being exchanged. It is still just a promise until a condition is met.

If they're accurate, why not?

I've honestly learned a lot the past couple pages here. I'm not, nor at any point have been, claiming that my view on this is definitive.

It just makes me sad how many people in here have no desire to discuss anything and just want everyone that disagrees with them to shutup and die. There's a lot of "IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS COUNTRY THAN YOU CAN GET OUT" rhetoric in here.

I appreciate that you are at least debating with me in an honest manner, but the way you're going about it you come off as an inflammatory jackass, FYI.
Yakuza doesnt get Localization : "Make Kickstarter for fucks sake"
Shenmue needs Kickstarter so they know if its still popular : "Sony should have funded this those jerks"

Im just glad they make this game. I will happily fund the shit out of this.
If i can help minimize the losses they would make by funding a kickstarter then im okay with it. Shenmue is still a dead niche franchise. And it wont sell as much as many of you think it will.

Be glad that this will be made.
I got so thirsty coming in this thread due to the amount of salt — literally getting heart disease lol.

I wanna ask those arguing this is a shitty way of making a game: where was Microsoft? They knew people wanted it, why didn't Microsoft find it? Their pockets are certainly deeper than Sony's.


I'd ather the publishers lose money on cancelled pre-orders than for the backers to lose money on a cancelled game. Could also be that creating a kickstarter doesn't mean shit because it doesn't guarantee a game.

The option wasn't publishers loses money or backers lose money on cancelled game. It was no game was going to be created or it's created on these terms.

KS backers generally know the risk they take and throw in only what they can spare for entertainment. Nothing sacred about it.

Also, Sony backing with the original creators makes it very likely to succeed. It's not like suddenly everyone forgot how to code and make assets. Those projects that want $250k to remake wow with science based dragons is infinitely more likely to flop than a Sony/Sega backed shenmue 3 with yu suzuki on board.


I don't really get it at all. Shouldn't people be happy? There's no way a Shenmue game could've been done properly on KS money alone. They needed publisher funding. And Sony needed a way to determine if people were willing to spend money on such an old series. It was a win-win scenario, Ys Net proves that Shenmue has demand, Sony starts pumping in the big bucks. Everybody wins.

I don't really see how any Shenmue fan can have a problem with this considering how ridiculously hard it is getting a game like Shenmue funded in 2015. Almost every single major KS for games have had external funding and with KS only being a fraction of the actual budget. If you hate it THAT much, recall your money. You have that choice. Most of us are happy that a proper Shenmue game is happening with a solid publisher backing.


Gold Member
Yakuza doesnt get Localization : "Make Kickstarter for fucks sake"
Shenmue needs Kickstarter so they know if its still popular : "Sony should have funded this those jerks"

I don't think the one's clamoring for a Yakuza KS are the same ones complaining about the Shenmue one. ;)


Most of all, this game isn't FULLY funded by Sony. That's why the kickstarter campaign is important. I think it's pretty much telling that 3rd party production is handling that one. It's the same help they would provide to an indie developper. Footing a part of the bill, not the entire one. It's not only depending on Kickstarter reaching the 2 millions... It's about the kickstarter reaching the highest number possible !!

This situation is a both direction one. Sony isn't making the game. Sony AND the people are making the game.

The shenmue project, this one, most likely 10-15 million dollar project. 2-3 million kickstarter would definitely help and Sony probably will put the rest of money for it.

and yes, the more kickstarter money gathers the less risk sony has to handle but it is still the risk sony doesn't HAVE to have. I'm glad Sony is giving this game and gamer a chance.


I got so thirsty coming in this thread due to the amount of salt — literally getting heart disease lol.

I wanna ask those arguing this is a shitty way of making a game: where was Microsoft? They knew people wanted it, why didn't Microsoft find it? Their pockets are certainly deeper than Sony's.

A lot of people were pissed when it came to light that the deal with Microsoft prevented Shenmue II coming out for Dreamcast in NA, actually.
You don't understand what impossible dead franchise is then.

Publisher put something on pre-order means they 1) own the IP 2) fully responsible for rise and fall of the IP.

Sony 1) doesn't own Shenmue IP 2) Is NOT making the game 3) just financially supporting it.

and for 14 years, no one picked up Shenmue. NO ONE. Not even MS, with pocket that is deeper than anyone in the goddamn IT in the WORLD.

You don't see? Without kickstarter, shenmue 3 is NOT BEING MADE. There is NO GAME. If kickstart failed, it only consolidated the belief that dominated last 14 years that THERE IS NO MARKET FOR SHENMUE.

SONY is NOT going to fund the game that is GUARANTEED to lose money.

I don't see why Shenmue can't be put up for preorder by Yu then? Will you be happy if the development falls through and end up with neither your money or the game, but there had been a chance the game would be made? If yes then by all means fund the kickstarter.

That's a risk some of us are willing to take.

By all means, take the Konami, Capcom, and Sega approach and avoid putting any money into it. What's the issue? You don't have to put ANY money into the game and, if development completes, you'll be able to purchased it anyways. You don't have to take a risk.

The issue is when everybody decides to make a slightly risky game have a kickstarter before they will fund it. It would be one thing if the kickstarter money was going to be a significant portion of the Shenmue funds, but if you look at how much a game costs to make that $2 million goal is quite insignificant to the estimated overall budget of the game.
If they're accurate, why not?

I've honestly learned a lot the past couple pages here. I'm not, nor at any point have been, claiming that my view on this is definitive.

It just makes me sad how many people in here have no desire to discuss anything and just want everyone that disagrees with them to shutup and die. There's a lot of "IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS COUNTRY THAN YOU CAN GET OUT" rhetoric in here.

I appreciate that you are at least debating with me in an honest manner, but the way you're going about it you come off as an inflammatory jackass, FYI.

Sorry about that, being snarky is something that I do in many forms and i do not mean to offend. The analogies and other text is about aligning perspective because I understand what you are saying (I think) but I wanted to use an analogy or mental image for you to understand where I am coming from.
Yakuza doesnt get Localization : "Make Kickstarter for fucks sake"
Shenmue needs Kickstarter so they know if its still popular : "Sony should have funded this those jerks"

Im just glad they make this game. I will happily fund the shit out of this.
If i can help minimize the losses they would make by funding a kickstarter then im okay with it. Shenmue is still a dead niche franchise. And it wont sell as much as many of you think it will.

Be glad that this will be made.

The problem is that people think the kickstarter is just "a test". It's not, I think it's a pretty big part of the funding too, with Sony willing to help. If it was just to be fully funded, I'd say it would've been a PS4 exclusive. People don't understand that Shenmue fans are a vocal minority, a very vocal one. That's why you have more than 2,5 millions dollars for less than 40k backers. Because these people pays a lot for this return.

And I'm glad that Sony is footing a part of the bill to make Shenmue 3 a bigger game, and not a lesser experience. Because that's what this Kickstarter is all about: Making sure Shenmue 3 is coming back AND that's it's a full Shenmue experience.


Sorry about that, being snarky is something that I do in many forms and i do not mean to offend. The analogies and other text is about aligning perspective because I understand what you are saying (I think) but I wanted to use an analogy or mental image for you to understand where I am coming from.

No worries, I could definitely have handled myself better as well, so I apologize. I got stressed out when a half dozen people started tearing apart my posts at once lol.
The shenmue project, this one, most likely 10-15 million dollar project. 2-3 million kickstarter would definitely help and Sony probably will put the rest of money for it.

and yes, the more kickstarter money gathers the less risk sony has to handle but it is still the risk sony doesn't HAVE to have. I'm glad Sony is giving this game and gamer a chance.

Says the game reach 10 millions dollars. I doubt Sony will be giving less. It's not about Sony taking less risks, it's about making it a bigger game. And to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if they gave MORE if the kickstarter reach higher heights.
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