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Sony: no news is good news?

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Uh, I never suggested my advice to friends was a big deal. But it is a big deal if there are lots of people like me out there, who bought a PS4 at launch and are now finding themselves wondering when there is going to be something exciting to play on it.

It's not hard to find out, you know.

March : inFamous/MGSV
April : FFXIV/Daylight
May : MLB/Watch_Dogs/Planetside 2

No solid dates for anything after May except Destiny, Evil Within, Batman. However, Helldivers is slated somewhere June/July.

Of course, if you don't care for said games, then the argument doesn't hold any weight, naturally.
It's not hard to find out, you know.

March : inFamous/MGSV
April : FFXIV/Daylight
May : MLB/Watch_Dogs/Planetside 2

No solid dates for anything after May except Destiny, Evil Within, Batman. However, Helldivers is slated somewhere June/July.

Of course, if you don't care for said games, then the argument doesn't hold any weight, naturally.

Which what is happening people don't care for certain games and then saying Sony not showing anything .
The OS stuff i agree with the games part is very far from the truth .
Ask people what MS showed for last 2 months other than Titanfall and Sony has them match .
It's because Sony does a piss poor job promoting those games. It's like they are sent to die, because games are so difficult to find on the PS Store. When I look at the European store, I see a section for the top selling games, for DLC, for PS+ and the all games section. Even if you filter the store for just the games released in the past 7 days, you get too much flotsam. How on earth are curious customers supposed to *discover* new indie games?

I don't give a shit about Sony's piss-poor promotion, to be perfectly honest. I'm talking in the GAF-enthusiast circle, the group who doesn't need to be 'marketed' to know what games are coming.

I'm unhappy about how Sony is marketing inFamous at the moment, but that doesn't detract the excitement of the game for me. It's their loss that the game will probably garner less sales, not mine.
The majority of people buy the product because they want to own it, you are in the minority. Others on the internet who are saying "it's gathering dust" "there's literally nothing to play" are just playing an internet role, a troll, the vast majority of people who own a PS4 are still playing fifa, CoD etc....

Well, my PS4 is gathering dust. Does that mean I'm a troll?

Oh and apart from adding Twitch streaming what else have the XB1 updates done bar fixing broken functionality?

The twitch functionality, and the app on the XB1 are pretty fantastically implemented features. But beyond that they've already made some great improvements to the friends list, party chat, etc.

The PS4 could certainly use a "favorites" feature in the friends list, and yet right now we have no idea if or when that feature could be coming. Microsoft kept people in the loop for the past few months that fixes were coming, and then previewed those fixes prior to the update arriving. Just having someone from Sony updating people and letting them know certain things are coming would be really nice, but that firmware team in Japan seems to live in their own universe, with no contact with the outside world. Just like it was during the PS3 years.


I feel the same. The xbox PR people seem to be much more enthusiastic about their console than Sony's PR people. I definitely wish I had gone with an xbox one at this point.

maybe they are enthusiastic because at $100 more and selling less, it's all they can be? If i had gone with xbox one, i'd have rented the same decent third party games ( fifa, nba 2k14, bf4), i wouldn't have gotten resogun/outlast/don't starve/closure for free on ps+, and i'd have rented dead rising 3 instead of killzone. Energetic PR isn't making that difference better in MS's favor. The big tradeoff is Infamous vs Titanfall, i'm fine with either, and then both have a lack of games until the fall.
There are so many events in the annual rotation now - E3, GDC, TGS, Gamescom, three PAX events (or are we up to four?), San Diego Comicon, etc. - that the "big" companies are somewhat reluctant to drop news into empty space rather than just waiting for a trade show to do a reveal.

Personally, I think it's stupid. The amount of extra mass media exposure an E3 reveal got you used to be important, because E3 was the only time video games were likely to warrant mention in "normal" non-enthusiast media. That's old thinking, though. The reveal of a new GTA or Halo is news that's going to be carried by most major outlets regardless of when you reveal it, so it's honestly better to just do it during a slow news cycle rather than jockeying for position with everyone else dropping their bombs at E3 or PAX Prime.

That's my take, anyway. I'm sure there's a marketing guy who has reams of data as to how much more hits E3 drives in terms of traffic or how spending months working on trailers and "vertical slice" demos for a trade show that aren't actually a part of the shipped game isn't an enormous waste of time when you could just announce the game in January and not have to bother. He might even be right!


Infamous ads are everywhere on the internet.
My facebook page always has a sponsored Infamous post up top and even youtube video starts with a second son advert.
I think they're going for more internet based publicity this time around


This phoney narrative that Xbox One has "games!" is transparent, made up drivel, these consoles just launched, neither of them have games raining down from the sky. That is how launches are. That is how launches have been for 3 decades now.

UK price cut, lagging behind sales, doing only 140k in NPD, almost every multiplat performing and running worse than on the 100$ cheaper console are all bad news. And in merely 6 or so hours, you might get more of bad news and numbers of how many Dead Rising 3 zombies have been run over

If you think that constitutes as "engaging with the community" and "hyping the product" then you have a thing or two to learn. They are trying already to save this console, which is worrying considering it just launched, hardly inspiring news that fills owners with warmth.

No news is much preferred to the kind of news Xbox One has to deal with.
You didn't actually address my previous post. You just accused me of thinking Sony "gave me shit" or something. I don't know, you're not making much sense regardless. You're angry over something you have no control over and it shows. If you're not going to act like an adult then I won't treat you like one, hence the comma splice comment. :)

Oh, and sorry but I only have a bachelor of science in technical writing, not a doctorate. :'(

An adult that instead of discussing the subject, would rather shrug it away and question the mind state of the opinion giver. Let's take into account that it's an opinion about a device I paid for.

This corny wordplay you're trying to pull off (and failing miserably), is only making you look like you're more interested in killing discussing than anything else.

Maybe you should take a bachelor in social sciences, or communication sciences. Next time stick to the issue, instead of claiming the issue are those with a issue. Any other day I would've called you a shill. It's Thursday though, therefore I don't give a toss about comma splices and bachelors of science in technical damage control.


maybe they are enthusiastic because at $100 more and selling less, it's all they can be? If i had gone with xbox one, i'd have rented the same decent third party games ( fifa, nba 2k14, bf4), i wouldn't have gotten resogun/outlast/don't starve/closure for free on ps+, and i'd have rented dead rising 3 instead of killzone. Energetic PR isn't making that difference better in MS's favor. The big tradeoff is Infamous vs Titanfall, i'm fine with either, and then both have a lack of games until the fall.

The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on bringing boring indie games to its console and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.
This phoney narrative that Xbox One has "games!" is transparent, made up drivel, these consoles just launched, neither of them have games raining down from the sky. That is how launches are. That is how launches have been for 3 decades now.

UK price cut, lagging behind sales, doing only 140k in NPD, almost every multiplat performing and running worse than on the 100$ cheaper console are all bad news. And in merely 6 or so hours, you might get more of bad news and numbers of how many Dead Rising 3 zombies have been run over

If you think that constitutes as "engaging with the community" and "hyping the product" then you have a thing or two to learn. They are trying already to save this console, which is worrying considering it just launched, hardly inspiring news that fills owners with warmth.

No news is much preferred to the kind of news Xbox One has to deal with.

Are bad NPD numbers going to make me have a worse time playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare tonight? Because that's never happened to me before. I thought this was a thread about wanting OS updates and new games to play.
Well, my PS4 is gathering dust. Does that mean I'm a troll?

You are in the minority. (You were worried there would be a lot of people like you) Sony are unable to cater to you at the moment, but the majority are being catered for fine with 3rd parties, indie games and a small range of 1st party titles. Also, Titanfall because every post needs to have that word in it.


I don't give a shit about Sony's piss-poor promotion, to be perfectly honest. I'm talking in the GAF-enthusiast circle, the group who doesn't need to be 'marketed' to know what games are coming.

I'm unhappy about how Sony is marketing inFamous at the moment, but that doesn't detract the excitement of the game for me. It's their loss that the game will probably garner less sales, not mine.

What country ? Because I:SS is everywhere in the UK. The TV spot is never off the tv.
The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on boring indie games and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.

Then go on Craig's List and make the trade.

Also, usually when using the phrase 'the fact of the matter is...' it is proper to follow up with facts, rather than baseless negative claims.


An adult that instead of discussing the subject, would rather shrug it away and question the mind state of the opinion giver. Let's take into account that it's an opinion about a device I paid for.

This corny wordplay you're trying to pull off (and failing miserably), is only making you look like you're more interested in killing discussing than anything else.

Maybe you should take a bachelor in social sciences, or communication sciences. Next time stick to the issue, instead of claiming the issue are those with a issue. Any other day I would've called you a shill. It's Thursday though, therefore I don't give a toss about comma splices and bachelors of science in technical damage control.

I have no interest in killing the discussion when there's NO discussion to be had in the first place. You and a select group of others who were clearly not around for previous console droughts are demonstrating how impatient and ignorant you are with near-daily threads while ignoring criticism and advice from people who have experienced these droughts already. It was funny at first but now it's just downright annoying. It's not worth discussing.


@yosp blocked me on twitter last month, after I called him out about the lack of apps/functions on PS4 (youtube, tune in, mp3, dlna etc). I never used bad language or anything. He'd made some tweet touting how awesome "Standby" mode was after a trip he'd gone on, and I'd chirped something to the effect that Standby mode wasn't giving me youtube, mp3, dlna, etc and that maybe Sony should get get to work on that rather than "Stand by".

So, he blocked me. Fair enough. He's not on twitter to field my criticisms, or respond in kind. And I was a bit dickish about it, I suppose.

But Sony's really done nothing (visbily) in months to improve that situation. Not even a promise of "coming soon". Now that they have my money, frankly, they seem a lot less interested in my concerns. Concerns about the lack of games, apps, or media playback /streaming options etc.
What country ? Because I:SS is everywhere in the UK. The TV spot is never off the tv.

Sony's marketing of inFamous now is primarily reusing a lot of B-roll footage that's available since Gamescom. They're keeping so many cards close to their chest to the point that they're basically not revealing anything new in terms of content for the past 5 months.

I feel that inFamous could benefit stronger if they marketed it by being a bit more open, and giving the game a bit more selling points...

Leak a bit of the story narrative and characters, try to sell the game through its comic-book superhero narrative. Right now, it's selling its super-hero premise on the prior franchise history of it being inFamous.

Show the open-world in a nicer, grander scale. We know there's a huge explorable world that's ripe for traversal, yet we only started seeing bits of it... last month. Even a video of Delsin basically flying through the city like Spiderman would make gamers more excited than him jumping around in a small environment.

I can respect their choice to keep things bottled up. But I don't think it's the best decision from a business perspective.
The PS4 could certainly use a "favorites" feature in the friends list, and yet right now we have no idea if or when that feature could be coming. Microsoft kept people in the loop for the past few months that fixes were coming, and then previewed those fixes prior to the update arriving. Just having someone from Sony updating people and letting them know certain things are coming would be really nice, but that firmware team in Japan seems to live in their own universe, with no contact with the outside world. Just like it was during the PS3 years.

I can't disagree with you there as Sony have never been that forthcoming but then again the same was true of MS until the XB1 launch and the myriad friends and party issues surfaced. Most of the recent communication has been 'hey it's going back to the way that worked so well on 360 Sony copied it'.

I guess my position is that in a new product launch securing and improving core functionality is priority one and that usually means concentrating on 'under the hood' stuff that consumers never see except when the console locks up. Features get added once everyone is happy with the base libraries and then you wind up with a team split between sustainment and improvement. Given that Sony plainly admitted they didn't realise how much people cared about DLNA functionality they wouldn't have planned time to add that feature so now the conversation at Sony is likely 'Gamers want DNLA which of these planned features/improvements do we delay to get that in sooner?'.


Are bad NPD numbers going to make me have a worse time playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare tonight? Because that's never happened to me before. I thought this was a thread about wanting OS updates and new games to play.

No this thread for the last few pages has been about you and your dislike for PlayStation and PlayStation games, pretty much all of them. Do not act obtuse about this, you have outright said these things.

And that is fine, enjoy your Titanfall to your hearts content, just like the people who are interested in Infamous will enjoy that.

Both consoles have a similar library, there arent many new games for either, both are having launch droughts just like every console launch in history.

Despite your best efforts, there isent a big difference between them.

This is what you said:

So for that reason it's not a wise strategy to sit back and chill. You need to keep your community engaged. You need to keep good news trickling, even if it's minor, because it all helps foster a sense of excitement around your platform.

They are "chilling" because they do not have to estinguish a fire like the Xbox team does, there is no community engagement here unless you think Major Nelson spinning numbers is engaging. Sense of excitement about what? The platform is not doing hot right now, its the opposite.
Are bad NPD numbers going to make me have a worse time playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare tonight? Because that's never happened to me before. I thought this was a thread about wanting OS updates and new games to play.

Can't the same be said for people playing games on there PS4 .
I have no interest in killing the discussion when there's NO discussion to be had in the first place. You and a select group of others who were clearly not around for previous console droughts are demonstrating how impatient and ignorant you are with near-daily threads while ignoring criticism and advice from people who have experienced these droughts already. It was funny at first but now it's just downright annoying. It's not worth discussing.

Grammar police AND discussion police?

It's my 4th console launch,(.) I haven't really talked about this before,(.) and I don't need advice from a cornball about some videogame related drought. If it's not worth discussing, why don't you simply.... you know?


No this thread for the last few pages has been about you and your dislike for PlayStation and PlayStation games, pretty much all of them. Do not act obtuse about this, you have outright said these things.

Haha, come on. He (greatly) preferred the PS4 when both systems launched. I remember his posts at the time.

They are "chilling" because they do not have to estinguish a fire like the Xbox team does, there is no community engagement here unless you think Major Nelson spinning numbers is engaging. Sense of excitement about what? The platform is not doing hot right now, its the opposite.

So no one should be excited for Titanfall and Xbox One updates like twitch integration due to "worse sales"? I would also say that both of those are pretty "community engaging" as they both involve interaction via internet.
Grammar police AND discussion police?

It's my 4th console launch,(.) I haven't really talked about this before,(.) and I don't need advice from a cornball about some videogame related drought. If it's not worth discussing, why don't you simply.... you know?

I like this thread being here even with the inherent console war crap that comes with it. Sony needs to have constant push back from consumers insisting on our desire for additional features. Please keep posting about your desire to see greater features available on the PS4.

But by all means, keep your comments relevant and civil so that the mods dont end up closing the thread over it. This is a worthwhile topic that does not require any vitriol.


Grammar police AND discussion police?

It's my 4th console launch,(.) I haven't really talked about this before,(.) and I don't need advice from a cornball about some videogame related drought. If it's not worth discussing, why don't you simply.... you know?

I wasn't the only one giving you advice to be patient. But considering how entitled you're acting, I'm not surprised that you're not actually listening to anyone.


Some of these posts make me think this is their first console launch. It's been 4 months and we're belly aching about Microsoft having announced 3 more games than them that don't even have release dates.
I don't remember anyone dogging Sony for showing The Order. And that DC stuff was w/ the E3 demo (understandably).

Mixed Signals
If anything, my brief time seeing The Order: 1886 left me a bit confused. On a technical level, I’m somewhat concerned about the game, and I’m concerned that it seemed a bit more generic than I was hoping it would be. Then again, I’m also left excited about the prospect of seeing more, of gaining a better understanding of the game’s lore, direction, and purpose. Hopefully, we’ll get a deeper, more in-depth look soon.
The footage left people with some very mixed impressions, from the poor technical performance to the poorly chosen bit to show. I remember skimming through the reveal thread, which eventually turned into a debate about how poor the showing was.

Besides, I didn't say it was undeserved. Just that, sometimes, it's probably best to hold stuff back. Can't say I share many of the complaints, I haven't got a PS4 or a Vita so I'm not particularly bothered by anything Sony is doing right now, but I also can't understand people criticizing one company while others are doing the exact same thing (I'm talking about games only).


Haha, come on. He (greatly) preferred the PS4 when both systems launched. I remember his posts at the time.

I trust that your browser is working and you can read his posts here. He obviously is not into his PS4, which is perfectly fine.

But this pretense that Xbox One has so many games to play is bullshit, and how MS is supposedly interacting with the community. Both consoles are light on games, that is perfectly natural for newly release consoles.

So no one should be excited for Titanfall and Xbox One updates like twitch integration due to "worse sales"? I would also say that both of those are pretty "community engaging" as they both involve interaction via internet.

What is Infamous and the streaming PS4 has had since launch? Is this how this "debate" is going to work, the PlayStation games and services just do not "count"?

They announced PlayStation Now, are heavily rumored to show their VR next week, they unveiled Uncharted 4 at that game show, yet Sony are being "quite"?

You are allowed to be as excited as you want, but do not push that narrative on a entire community and push it as the universal truth.
They are "chilling" because they do not have to estinguish a fire like the Xbox team does, there is no community engagement here unless you think Major Nelson spinning numbers is engaging. Sense of excitement about what? The platform is not doing hot right now, its the opposite.

Updating their customers on OS improvements is "putting out a fire"? Releasing a native Twitch app is spinning numbers? The sense of excitement I'm feeling is about how entertained I've been playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare, and how fantastically the Twitch integration works on the console. My enjoyment of any console has never been affected by the NPD numbers.
Are bad NPD numbers going to make me have a worse time playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare tonight? Because that's never happened to me before. I thought this was a thread about wanting OS updates and new games to play.

Titanfall is not a game that every PS4 owner wants to play. Neither is Garden warefare.

Infact to be honest, I dont even see what your issue is here. Its clear the xbox one is the console for you. When more games release, you are only going to complain that there are more people playing COD:2014 on the Xbox one or that There is no Sony Answer to Halo anniversary in the Hoilday.

Lets be real here. Are you even hyped about the annouced and upcoming PS4 games outside of indies? I honestly dont think you are.

You strike me as a fair man, you didn't want to accept Microsofts bad PR and messaging in the run up to the Xbox ones launch. So you bought a PS4 instead. But make no mistake, given what your tastes are going by your post/thread history and your current attitude towards the PS4, your needs are best served by the Xbox one. Im sure if you sold your PS4 tomorrow, you wouldnt miss much. I think you own a PS4 simply on the princple of it being a more a powerful console and because of microsofts fuck ups if im honest.


Updating their customers on OS improvements is "putting out a fire"? Releasing a native Twitch app is spinning numbers? The sense of excitement I'm feeling is about how entertained I've been playing Titanfall and Garden Warfare, and how fantastically the Twitch integration works on the console. My enjoyment of any console has never been affected by the NPD numbers.

I cannot believe you actually, on purpose, pretend that you did not understand what "putting out a fire" meant? Them cutting the price of the console in the UK, spinning the tech difference in multiplatform games, sales etc is putting out a fire. These do not constitute as "engaging the community", this is not "good news", this is bad news. Ive already said this, its in the first post you quoted of me.

PS4 already has streaming, has a big game in Infamous the same month as Titanfall, they also have a bunch of games announced that we know practically nothing of. What is the difference between Halo and Uncharted 4? Nothing, we know nothing of them, same ordeal from both companies.

There is practically no difference between the two consoles as of this point, not from a game release stand point, that is not even up for debate. The Xbox One does not have "more games!", you just happen to like games on Xbox One than on PS4, you have outright said this, in this very thread, so naturally it seems to you like Xbox One has more games, because of your personal tastes.


I do wonder if Sony are spreading themselves to thinly, VR, streaming and other consoles to support.

Bold One

Sony's marketing of inFamous now is primarily reusing a lot of B-roll footage that's available since Gamescom. They're keeping so many cards close to their chest to the point that they're basically not revealing anything new in terms of content for the past 5 months.

I feel that inFamous could benefit stronger if they marketed it by being a bit more open, and giving the game a bit more selling points...

Leak a bit of the story narrative and characters, try to sell the game through its comic-book superhero narrative. Right now, it's selling its super-hero premise on the prior franchise history of it being inFamous.

Show the open-world in a nicer, grander scale. We know there's a huge explorable world that's ripe for traversal, yet we only started seeing bits of it... last month. Even a video of Delsin basically flying through the city like Spiderman would make gamers more excited than him jumping around in a small environment.

I can respect their choice to keep things bottled up. But I don't think it's the best decision from a business perspective.

I respectfully disagree, Games and Films have gotten into the habit of selling the spectacle so much that they end up showing too much, blockbusters are especially guilty of this opting to show the biggest set-pieces for the wow-factor inevitably leaving the final experience flat.
I do wonder if Sony are spreading themselves to thinly, VR, streaming and other consoles to support.

Speaking of other consoles, Soul Sacrifice : Delta was released recently, and Freedom Wars is getting quite a bit of story/character reveals right now.
I respectfully disagree, Games and Films have gotten into the habit of selling the spectacle so much that they end up showing too much, blockbusters are especially guilty of this opting to show the biggest set-pieces for the wow-factor inevitably leaving the final experience flat.

Like I said, I understand that, and I respect their choice.

However, I feel that their choice is weakening their marketing options, and they may end up losing some sales because of that.

Marketing doesn't really matter to GAF, because we can filter through them and find out whether or not the game appeals to us with/without marketing, but marketing matters to a broader audience.
The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on bringing boring indie games to its console and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.

Not trying to be a troll....right...The Xbox One's OS is complete and utter garbage, new update to friends list or not. The PS4's OS is at the very least much snappier and not filled with a bunch of worthless crap.
The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on bringing boring indie games to its console and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.

The fact of the matter is, you can't use that leading statement and then follow it up with an opinion because that's not how the words work. I've got Titanfall and I've played way more awesomenauts on my ps4 since Tuesday than I have Titanfall. So I guess it's now a fact that ps4 is a fun place to play

I'm pretty sure those in charge of the OS are also not those in charge of helping 3rd parties bring their games over. In fact I'm 100% certain that's what the title pf "3rd party relations" is for, and that guy doesn't also sometime code the OS

The one's OS is maybe the fucking worst ever. It's only usable with voice commands
What's with gamers and their overly dramatic exaggerations? They showed The order, The show and Infamous recently, there is GDC and e3 is not far away, they will show plenty. Cannot expect big announcements every month

My only gripe with sony is how they keep everyone in the dark about OS features/improvements. Seriously where is yuo tune, DLNA, mp3, UI fixes, etc..... This does piss me off.


Not trying to be a troll....right...The Xbox One's OS is complete and utter garbage, new update to friends list or not. The PS4's OS is at the very least much snappier and not filled with a bunch of worthless crap.

You're the one talking about trolls?

How about you bring some decent arguments instead of this nonsense.
Infact to be honest, I dont even see what your issue is here. Its clear the xbox one is the console for you.

My issue here is I bought a PS4 at launch, and I'm finding myself not as engaged with it as I hoped I'd be. As I said in previous posts in this thread, it's a very well designed piece of hardware, and the price is right, but I just haven't found as many games to keep me playing it, and unfortunately I don't see much else to change that til the fall, hopefully.

Lets be real here. Are you even hyped about the annouced and upcoming PS4 games outside of indies? I honestly dont think you are.

Absolutely, as I just mentioned on the previous page. I'm very excited about any new Uncharted game, and The Order has had me intrigued since the trailer last E3. Beyond that there aren't a lot of games we know are coming.

You strike me as a fair man, you didn't want to accept Microsofts bad PR and messaging in the run up to the Xbox ones launch. So you bought a PS4 instead. But make no mistake, given what your tastes are going by your post/thread history and your current attitude towards the PS4, your needs are best served by the Xbox one. Im sure if you sold your PS4 tomorrow, you wouldnt miss much. I think you own a PS4 simply on the princple of it being a more a powerful console and because of microsofts fuck ups if im honest.

No, I own a PS4 because I generally find myself buying every console. lol

As long as there is a game I want on a console, I usually end up buying it. I bought the XB1 at launch as well. I own a Wii U too. ;)

I cannot believe you actually, on purpose, pretend that you did not understand what "putting out a fire" meant? Them cutting the price of the console in the UK, spinning the tech difference in multiplatform games, sales etc is putting out a fire. These do not constitute as "engaging the community", this is not "good news", this is bad news. Ive already said this, its in the first post you quoted of me.

I cannot believe you actually, on purpose, pretend to not know what I'm talking about when I talk about keeping a community engaged. I've spelled it out pretty clearly. Microsoft has always done a better job of keeping people up to date on what they're working on. With Sony we have no clue when an OS update is coming, and we probably won't find out til a day before it launches. This should have changed by now.

As I've already stated as well, NPD numbers don't really matter to me. I've only commented on what I like about the consoles, and what I don't like. You keep bringing up sales numbers, for some reason, as if that should mean a lot to all of us.

PS4 already has streaming, has a big game in Infamous the same month as Titanfall, they also have a bunch of games announced that we know practically nothing of. What is the difference between Halo and Uncharted 4? Nothing, we know nothing of them, same ordeal from both companies.

I'm actually more excited for Uncharted 4 than I am for a Halo 5 fyi.

There is practically no difference between the two consoles as of this point, not from a game release stand point, that is not even up for debate. The Xbox One does not have "more games!", you just happen to like games on Xbox One than on PS4, you have outright said this, in this very thread, so naturally it seems to you like Xbox One has more games, because of your personal tastes.

Yes, and I've been very clear about what I enjoy and don't enjoy. I've just shared my opinion in this thread and others about my experiences with both consoles. I've never once proclaimed my opinion is the only opinion.

I wish there were more PS4 games I wanted to play. I think much of what Sony has announced has been kinda been there done that. Much of the exclusive stuff from Microsoft has seemed more fresh and exciting to me. I think the XB1 OS handles many things better than the PS4 OS.

There it is, that's where I stand.
The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

It's totally fine for you to feel that way. I'm glad you stated it was just how you "feel." However, a lot of people liked Resogun, Outlast, and Don't Starve. So obviously your opinion is just that, an opinion. One that a lot of people see differently.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on bringing boring indie games to its console and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.

I and many of my friends picked the PS4 because of the "boring" indie games. We've been have a blast with Awesomenauts. I played Resogun a ton with my friends. Sure we also play AAA tiles, but I like the mixture. Relegating all indies to "boring" and a "waste of time" is extremely myopic.
But what about the fans who have one? What happened to "for the gamers" or whatever it was?
What did you expect?
We got news(media previews) on Infamous, TheOrder1886 and MLB14 last month.
We got exclusive indie like Outlast and Towerfall.(by Titanfall-"exclusive" standards)
Infamous is out in a few days.
GDC is in a few days.

Sony can't have huge announcements every week.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Some of these posts make me think this is their first console launch. It's been 4 months and we're belly aching about Microsoft having announced 3 more games than them that don't even have release dates.
Console Warz have always been fought by inches but yeah; a lot of these folks sure do seem to be experiencing their first Feb/March following a new console release, don't they? Not so surprising given how long the last gen lasted.

Personally, I already have a backlog on the PS4.
The indie games the PS4 has offered are terrible. Resogun is fun for a day, outlast is terrible, and don't starve is insufferably boring. I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just stating how I feel.

Sure, the PS4 has some great exclusives coming; I actually got a PS4 just because of MLB The Show. The fact of the matter is, the xbox one looks like a fun place to play while the PS4 is getting more dull by the day. I wish sony would quit wasting their time on bringing boring indie games to its console and improve the damn OS to make it more usable. It's a joke compared to the one's OS at the moment.

BS, outlast and resogun are great as is dont starve. Not every has the same tastes as you amazing concept.

The x1 looks like a fun place to play for you, all is ere is more Bro macho mindless shooters. sony's history of great and varied first party games speaks for itself. Infamous is next week, ps4 has had more steady releases then x1. What does x1 have after TF? nothing until fall.

The x1 OS was a joke at launch period, Ps4 Os is outstanding with some tweaks to organization are needed, both were lacking a bit at launch but x1 is a clutetred, mess designed around voice, ugh. X1 was a massive step down from 360 OS wise.
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