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Sony PR: ps3 supply not a problem anymore, Psp sold double than last year!


OokieSpookie said:
My take on it is rather simple.
Sony has not failed me yet with the PS1 and the PS2, so I have no reason to believe they will this time.

The PS3 also keeps close ties to japan and japanese devs, which happen to be my favorite type of games

I respect your opinion. The PS1 and PS2 were great; some of my favorite games are on those systems. Obviously I’m not sold on Sony's 3rd attempt. I wouldn’t take their past performance and assume they will do the same. Imo, when you are at the top for a long time you become very secure, maybe even have delusions of being invincible. Personally I think Sony has gotten too cozy at the top and hasn’t focused as well as they could or should have. When you aren’t at the top you have to give it your all to get to the top. MS and Nintendo have stepped up and delivered a solid game plan. They have innovated more this round and aren’t half-baked.

I love Japanese games as well, but the reality is if Sony falls from the top, games made by Japan won’t disappear... they will just move to another console.


OokieSpookie said:
My take on it is rather simple.

Sony has done alot of things right already with the PS3 but nobody ever seems to write about those because they do not get the headlines.

name them......outside of including a hdd in each unit, and adding the hdmi in the 499 model, what are these good things?

Just my opinion, but I believe the press release meant last month in regards to psp selling 2x as many units...not last yr.


ilbambino said:
2. PSP also performed better than last year , and i wouldn't consider it a failure as it has had some kind of success , Unless you consider a failure not performing on the DS level.

I dunno how notable I'd consider a meager 60k increase, given the amount of high quality software that's come out between November 05 and 06.

What I would consider a failure, and what people continue to harp on, is the software. It's not some wacky "Failure is not performing as well as the DS" standard -- aside from VCS, the software is at GameCube levels. That's a failure.

ilbambino said:
3. As for the PS3 we'll have to wait until a later date to see how it fares when compared to the competition.

Agreed, though it's disappointing the launch couldn't go more smoothly. I would've liked to have seen them doing well with it from the start.


Gold Member
Norse said:
name them......outside of including a hdd in each unit, and adding the hdmi in the 499 model, what are these good things?

Playstation Store
Free online
no brick
web browser
pcostabel said:
Playstation Store
Free online
no brick
web browser

To be fair, most of those "good things" are highly debatable.

Blu-ray, which I absolutely adore -
1. Most titles still inferior to HD-DVD in PQ quality.
2. Increased game prices.
3. More easily scratched.
4. No apparent unique advantages for gaming. (yet...)
5. Does nothing for SD set owners.

1. Well documented erratic behavior.
2. Too light.
3. No rumble.

1. Brings nothing new to the table currently.
2. Demands different types of programming that will likely occur in the later future. In the mean time, don't expect much changes from what we can get from the 360.
3. No guarantee that the technology will even give us a good leap. Most of the SPEs are weak.

Playstation Store
1. Not unique enough to set aside from competitors.
2. Cases of slow DL speeds.
3. No movie downloads.
4. Lack of content. (for now)

Free online - don't see how this can be disputed as a good thing. However...
1. No microphone stinks.

Web browser
1. Largely useless since we're using the clunky controller interface.
2. Doesn't replace a computer. (Since it isn't portable, I fail to see what this brings to the table.)

1. Not included for the 499. This response fails.
2. Less widely supported OS makes it more of a novelty.

That said, the PS3 is a good console that's quiet and great looking. I enjoy the graphics and the price alone justified the quality Blu-ray player for me. But each person has different needs and as a gaming system, the PS3, at the moment is a failure. Spewing all of these meaningless and unrealized "features" won't change that. It also looks like a desperate attempt to ignore flaws that Sony should be addressing.


PantherLotus said:
one might also argue that every PS2 game sold is a potential PS3 purchase, but I won't make that argument.
I agree. Of course not PS3 now, but PS3 at the same point as PS2 is in its cycle. I.e in 4-5 years time.

Every sold PS2 is a sale into the Playstation brand, a non-sale for the Xbox 360 and Wii and means when that consumer comes back to buy another console in 4-5 years time, its likely they'll at least look towards another playstation first.


Rancid Mildew said:
To be fair, most of those "good things" are highly debatable.

-some stuff.

why does all this matter? Do you really think any 'normal' person is going to compare wii/PS3/360 side by side, bullet point by bullet point?

They'll just buy based on what they know or have heard. To the millions of people who have a PS2 already, the playstation brand will simply mean they want a PS3 (assuming the right point in the cycle for that consumer). Doesn't matter how many or what games it has now. Doesn't matter to them if you can do background downloading or custom soundtracks.

What matters is it has 'playstation' written on it.

Some of you may not like that. Some of you would prefer a 30 minute discussion with each potential customer with a fully educated game store employee. But it doesn't happen.

Blind purchases based on brand don't really happen. But blind purchases based on a good memory of a previous purchase from the same brand *do* happen.

:damn, I can't believe I'm actually posting in this damn thread:
mrklaw said:
why does all this matter? Do you really think any 'normal' person is going to compare wii/PS3/360 side by side, bullet point by bullet point?

They'll just buy based on what they know or have heard. To the millions of people who have a PS2 already, the playstation brand will simply mean they want a PS3 (assuming the right point in the cycle for that consumer). Doesn't matter how many or what games it has now. Doesn't matter to them if you can do background downloading or custom soundtracks.

What matters is it has 'playstation' written on it.

Some of you may not like that. Some of you would prefer a 30 minute discussion with each potential customer with a fully educated game store employee. But it doesn't happen.

Blind purchases based on brand don't really happen. But blind purchases based on a good memory of a previous purchase from the same brand *do* happen.

:damn, I can't believe I'm actually posting in this damn thread:

I think you are sort of misreading my post. I completely agree with what you said. My point doesn't concern sales though. It was in response to someone who posted a list of features that supposedly should justify a 499 dollar purchase. I'm against calling every feature on the PS3 categorically good. Like I said, it is a good system but reading off the spec list doesn't mean anything.

I myself purchased a PS3 because it's a PS3 and has a Blu-ray player. But I'm not blind to the faults.
Rancid Mildew said:
To be fair, most of those "good things" are highly debatable.

Blu-ray, which I absolutely adore -
1. Most titles still inferior to HD-DVD in PQ quality. Utter crap, stop living in the past. Newer Blu Ray are far better than the first run.
2. Increased game prices. Oh nos
3. More easily scratched. Bullshit, total bullshit
4. No apparent unique advantages for gaming. (yet...) Devs say different and ill believe them over you
5. Does nothing for SD set owners.

1. Well documented erratic behavior. That doesnt happen to everyone
2. Too light. Opinion
3. No rumble. No, but motion sensing has been good so far

1. Brings nothing new to the table currently. Devs say different
2. Demands different types of programming that will likely occur in the later future. In the mean time, don't expect much changes from what we can get from the 360.
3. No guarantee that the technology will even give us a good leap. Most of the SPEs are weak.

Playstation Store
1. Not unique enough to set aside from competitors.
2. Cases of slow DL speeds. Also cases of great speed
3. No movie downloads. And?
4. Lack of content. (for now) Lets see, 5 ps1 games, 5 or so playable demos, about 12 videos all in two weeks with SnK confirmed , GT-HD confirmed and Tekken DR Hi Def fconfirmed?

Free online - don't see how this can be disputed as a good thing. However...
1. No microphone stinks. My headset works, dont know about yours

Web browser
1. Largely useless since we're using the clunky controller interface. Or keyboard and mouse?
2. Doesn't replace a computer. (Since it isn't portable, I fail to see what this brings to the table.) It brings the fact that you do not have to get off of the couch to check movie times, cheat FAQs and other things

1. Not included for the 499. This response fails. No, but it is free why force it on people who dont want it installed? Your respose fails
2. Less widely supported OS makes it more of a novelty. LOL nice answer

That said, the PS3 is a good console that's quiet and great looking. I enjoy the graphics and the price alone justified the quality Blu-ray player for me. But each person has different needs and as a gaming system, the PS3, at the moment is a failure. Spewing all of these meaningless and unrealized "features" won't change that. It also looks like a desperate attempt to ignore flaws that Sony should be addressing.



Gold Member
Rancid Mildew said:
To be fair, most of those "good things" are highly debatable.

Blu-ray, which I absolutely adore -
1. Most titles still inferior to HD-DVD in PQ quality.
So you're saying that having BD is not a good thing because there is a "better" format? Would you prefer DVD?

2. Increased game prices.

Last time I checked BD PS3 games are 59.99, same as DVD X360 ones.

3. More easily scratched.

Compared to what?

4. No apparent unique advantages for gaming. (yet...)

Resistance is 16GB....

5. Does nothing for SD set owners.

Except preventing disk swapping.

1. Well documented erratic behavior.
2. Too light.
3. No rumble.

I give you no rumble. Too light is subjective, and erratic behavior is probably a hardware or software defect that can be fixed. I never experienced it BTW.

1. Bring nothing new to the table currently.

I disagree. It's a very powerful architecture that allows physics and rendering effects previously impossible. Games like Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword and Warhawk clearly show the Cell potential.

2. Demands different types of programming that will likely occur in the later future. In the mean time, don't expect much changes from what we can get from the 360.

So did the PS2. The achievement of Konami, Square, Polyphony etc. clearly demonstrate the superiority of this approach over a standard architecture.

3. No guarantee that the technology will even give us a good leap. Most of the SPEs are weak.

"Most" are weak? Which one? The 7 enabled ones are FP monsters. But I give you that the one disabled is pretty weak...

Playstation Store
1. Not unique enough to set aside from competitors.

How is this bad?

2. Cases of slow DL speeds.

Ok. Hopefully it will be fixed.

3. No movie downloads.

For now.

4. Lack of content. (for now)

For being less than a month from launch, there is plenty of stuff.

Free online - don't see how this can be disputed as a good thing.
I'm sure you'll find something


Told ya!

1. No microphone stinks.


Web browser
1. Largely useless since we're using the clunky controller interface.

Mouse+KB is your friend

2. Doesn't replace a computer. (Since it isn't portable, I fail to see what this brings to the table.)

Doesn't replace a car either. Does it means is useless?

1. Not included for the 499. This response fails.

You can download it for free and install it on both SKUs. The fact that you can install alternate OS is what Sony got right.

2. Less widely supported OS makes it more of a novelty.

Again, how is this bad? being able to run emulators, media center etc. is better than having no OS.

That said, the PS3 is a good console that's quiet and great looking. I enjoy the graphics and the price alone justified the quality Blu-ray player for me. But each person has different needs and as a gaming system,the PS3, at the moment is a failure. Spewing all of these meaningless and unrealized "features" won't change that. It also looks like a desperate attempt to ignore flaws that Sony should be addressing.

mrklaw said:
why does all this matter? Do you really think any 'normal' person is going to compare wii/PS3/360 side by side, bullet point by bullet point?

They'll just buy based on what they know or have heard. To the millions of people who have a PS2 already, the playstation brand will simply mean they want a PS3 (assuming the right point in the cycle for that consumer). Doesn't matter how many or what games it has now. Doesn't matter to them if you can do background downloading or custom soundtracks.

What matters is it has 'playstation' written on it.

Some of you may not like that. Some of you would prefer a 30 minute discussion with each potential customer with a fully educated game store employee. But it doesn't happen.

Blind purchases based on brand don't really happen. But blind purchases based on a good memory of a previous purchase from the same brand *do* happen.

:damn, I can't believe I'm actually posting in this damn thread:

While waiting in line today at the Times Square TRU (for a goddamned replacement AC Adaptor for an "old" DS of all things). I noticed that your "average" consumer, thanks probably to the media treating the hardcore gaming community the way mainstream journalists treat bloggers, is actually clued into and considering all those "bullet points". I heard people talking about the Wii TV breaker stories you see on HoDakTu, about waiting a year to get a newly console until "the glitches are all sorted out". And these were all moms, all buying stuff for their kids. It also made me realize that these kinds of conversations are moot to the point of idiocy, because more times than I could count I heard moms (it was nearly all moms) talking about price, and how even the Wii was a bit too pricey for their tastes. I saw tons of people with DS Lites, tons of people with PSPs (I know, right?) and tons of people with PS2s. And with stacks of games for all three. No Xboxes or Gamecubes, no 360s. Also, in terms of savviness, there was one great moment I'll paraphrase for you here.

"My son wanted a PS3. $600! Can you believe that? <b>But he wanted to play it on a 13 inch TV</b>. There's no way I'm getting him a PS3 to play on a 13 inch TV."

I had to laugh. The mainstream consumer is a lot more aware of these things than you think. But, more importantly, this is a non-issue deluxe until Next Gen comes down in price.


Going to TRU Times Square during the day is all kinds of :lol :lol :lol . The videogame area is filled with high school kids cutting school. I was there a week ago doing some shopping and I took a stroll over to the game section. A bunch of kids were huddled around the PS3 playing NBA, they were really impressed with the system but this one kid had my falling out with one comment he made.

"600 dollars?!? N**** I can buy a new coat with that shit. F*** it I'll get it when it's $400." And the crowd in unison said "word."


LJ11 said:
Going to TRU Times Square during the day is all kinds of :lol :lol :lol . The videogame area is filled with high school kids cutting school. I was there a week ago doing some shopping and I took a stroll over to the game section. A bunch of kids were huddled around the PS3 playing NBA, they were really impressed with the system but this one kid had my falling out with one comment he made.

"600 dollars?!? N**** I can buy a new coat with that shit. F*** it I'll get it when it's $400." And the crowd in unison said "word."
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Post of The Day.

also: I hope this doesn't offend those I know who have 1080i-only sets, but I'll be honest - I actually don't feel that bad for you. Allow me to explain. It was common knowledge at the time the 360 launched that the system would render games natively at 720p. However, it was still a mystery as to whether or not the system had the ability to scale to 1080i, let alone scale anything at all. With this in mind, I set out to buy an HDTV. Knowing that the system rendered games at 720p, I knew I had to buy something that was either 720p native or could actually do the scaling itself.

Flat panel LCDs were just coming to market en masse, but I really didn't like the PQ they provided. I also couldn't do DLP, 'cause of the rainbows and I don't believe Sony had released a commercially-priced SXRD. The sets that produced the best image at the most affordable price (for me) were the Sony XBR 960 CRTs. Sony was also the only CRT manufacturer at the time (other than Samsung, apparently, which I hated) that made sets that could display a 720p image. So taking all this into account, I bought an XBR 960 and I never looked back. I also remember reading dozens of threads on AVS about this very issue. Basically, it was a POSSIBLE issue over a year ago that A LOT of people were concerned about and one they factored into their buying decision. I knew over a year ago that buying a set that couldn't do 720p was a big mistake. How long ago did you guys buy your 1080i-only RP CRTs/direct-view CRTs?
LJ11 said:
Going to TRU Times Square during the day is all kinds of :lol :lol :lol . The videogame area is filled with high school kids cutting school. I was there a week ago doing some shopping and I took a stroll over to the game section. A bunch of kids were huddled around the PS3 playing NBA, they were really impressed with the system but this one kid had my falling out with one comment he made.

"600 dollars?!? N**** I can buy a new coat with that shit. F*** it I'll get it when it's $400." And the crowd in unison said "word."

I'll see your "new coat" with a "used car" I heard today.

I never (NEVER!!!!!) would have set foot in there in December during the day but you have no idea how hard it is to find an adaptor for the DSHeavi.
LJ11 said:
Going to TRU Times Square during the day is all kinds of :lol :lol :lol . The videogame area is filled with high school kids cutting school. I was there a week ago doing some shopping and I took a stroll over to the game section. A bunch of kids were huddled around the PS3 playing NBA, they were really impressed with the system but this one kid had my falling out with one comment he made.

"600 dollars?!? N**** I can buy a new coat with that shit. F*** it I'll get it when it's $400." And the crowd in unison said "word."

That's messed up :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
shantyman said:
You know what would make this thread a success? If someone could actually tell me where to buy a PS3.
Heh, if you want to pay more than MSRP, I know a place around here that has two 60gb units in stock right now. Of course, I wouldn't do that myself, but it's only fair if I throw the information out there in case you don't mind.


OokieSpookie said:
4. Lack of content. (for now) Lets see, 5 ps1 games, 5 or so playable demos, about 12 videos all in two weeks with SnK confirmed , GT-HD confirmed and Tekken DR Hi Def fconfirmed?
I thought GT-HD was officially cancelled now?

I could care less about this argument. Buying something now with the hope it will become better seems dumb to me. Same reason people are buying the Zune. It's not cool now, but they're hoping in 6 months it will be, and they don't want to waste money on an iPod that they think won't. Seems retarded to me, but hey, buy whatever the hell you want.


Ajax said:
Sony spin is annoying but damn the xbots spin is even worse. You know 360 has big problems too. Huge defect rate, didn't have a killer app for one whole year, no online browser, no HDMI and low sales but you don't see PS fans repeating it in every ****ing post of every ****ing thread. Stop being concerned so much about PS3 and start dealing with your console's problems.

And let's not forget that 360 had worse distribution problems.

The number of defects sucked huge, but the rest of the list I can't agree on.

1. GRAW and Oblivion were killer for me
2. Online browser. Don't ****ing care.
3. HDMI. Don't ****ing care.
4. Low sales. Don't really care. Just care about the games.

I don't get this comment either

Stop being concerned so much about PS3 and start dealing with your console's problems.

I find that humorous and ridiculous at the same time. We don't have to deal with the issues. That's up to the manufacturer.

Many of us have complained over time and MS has added functionality and fixed things. Hopefully Sony will do the same.


dark10x said:
Heh, if you want to pay more than MSRP, I know a place around here that has two 60gb units in stock right now. Of course, I wouldn't do that myself, but it's only fair if I throw the information out there in case you don't mind.

I can't bring myself to do it. I would buy a Sam's or Costco bundle, but I won't pay ezxtra. Thanks for the heads up though man.

:( I just found out about some expensive house repairs that are going to cost 10 60 gig systems.


EDIT: How much more over MSRP, if I may ask?


pcostabel said:
Playstation Store
Free online
no brick
web browser

Well, you said they did alot "right"...not "good".

Bluray - reason for shitty launch. hardly done right.
sixaxis - no rumble and no excuse not to have it. not done right imo
cell - way too early to say this is "done right"
Store - good start....on the right track.
free onlne - its free...but hardly "done right"...perhaps in time.
no brick - done right
web browser - nice addition..can post on gaf instead of playing games frm your console. bonus pts. hehe
linux - alowing other OS on system, done right.

ok, you named some things, I think we can all agree they could/should have done alot better than they have so far. Using the fact others ****ed up doesnt excuse this fact.
BenjaminBirdie said:
"My son wanted a PS3. $600! Can you believe that? <b>But he wanted to play it on a 13 inch TV</b>. There's no way I'm getting him a PS3 to play on a 13 inch TV."

I had to laugh. The mainstream consumer is a lot more aware of these things than you think. But, more importantly, this is a non-issue deluxe until Next Gen comes down in price.
While "than you think" is a vague qualifier, this statement is false. The average consumer doesn't know anything. The average consumer thinks widescreen shows less of the picture because it cuts off the top and bottom from 4:3. The average consumer will try another device's power adapter if the plug happens to be the same size, regardless of voltage requirements. The average consumer thinks a good DVD picture is HD. The average consumer doesn't know about HDMI. ad nauseum
Battersea Power Station said:
While "than you think" is a vague qualifier, this statement is false. The average consumer doesn't know anything. The average consumer thinks widescreen shows less of the picture because it cuts off the top and bottom from 4:3. The average consumer will try another device's power adapter if the plug happens to be the same size, regardless of voltage requirements. The average consumer thinks a good DVD picture is HD. The average consumer doesn't know about HDMI. ad nauseum

So, I was stuck in line for a half hour with the thirty moms on Earth who think about this stuff? Fair enough.
OokieSpookie said:
As bad as fanboys are, you anti sony pricks are far more pathetic.
Seriously, get over the stupid bashing crap.
They are f'ing video games, you people act like Sony raped your grandmother and pissed in your formula when you were growing up.

:lol Man, seriously, best post of the thread.
I have to admit I still can't get over the loss of rumble. It just feels ... wrong. Blu-Ray is cool, but Sony themselves need to take better initiative to release bigger titles now and use better compression on disc. HD-DVD titles should not be better looking with 1/2 the storage space.


1. Well documented erratic behavior. That doesnt happen to everyone - but it does happen to quite a few!
2. Too light. Opinion
3. No rumble. No, but motion sensing has been good so far - really?! in which game? to date, only the motorstorm demo seems to use it to an okay level, so i'm not sure 'good' is the right word

1. Brings nothing new to the table currently. Devs say different games (so far) say different ?
2. Demands different types of programming that will likely occur in the later future. In the mean time, don't expect much changes from what we can get from the 360.
3. No guarantee that the technology will even give us a good leap. Most of the SPEs are weak.

Playstation Store
1. Not unique enough to set aside from competitors.
2. Cases of slow DL speeds. Also cases of great speed
3. No movie downloads. And?
4. Lack of content. (for now) Lets see, 5 ps1 games, 5 or so playable demos, about 12 videos all in two weeks with SnK confirmed , GT-HD confirmed and Tekken DR Hi Def fconfirmed? confirmed doesn't mean it's out there now - we are a month into PS3 launch and the rollout is slow.

Free online - don't see how this can be disputed as a good thing. However...
1. No microphone stinks. My headset works, dont know about yours can we all borrow yours when we all play? this is quite a big pain - very very few people are using voice chat. With a no standard headset thrown in people aren't bothering to get one it would seem

Web browser
1. Largely useless since we're using the clunky controller interface. Or keyboard and mouse?keyboard drops you into the virtual keyboard which feels clunky and horrible
2. Doesn't replace a computer. (Since it isn't portable, I fail to see what this brings to the table.) It brings the fact that you do not have to get off of the couch to check movie times, cheat FAQs and other things yes "i'm stuck in this game - hold on, i'll just quit all the way out, go back into the dash, enter the clunky browser, find the cheat, then reload the game over again.... :/" only when this is fully integrated will this really be a big value thing

1. Not included for the 499. This response fails. No, but it is free why force it on people who dont want it installed? Your respose fails
2. Less widely supported OS makes it more of a novelty. LOL nice answer[/QUOTE]

hmm.. this could go on forever...
Mojovonio said:
Please provide any evidence you could come by to support the claim that I am an Xbot.

They need to start going to "Xbots'" houses, Room Raiders style if they really want to keep calling people out like this. It's ridiculous bullshit the way they just assume shit about people's gaming history or current proclivities just because they point out the boneheadedness of one company or another.

Sad, pathetic, and founded on no hard evidence of any kind.
I think the CELL is overblown too. The SNES-Genesis had a bigger hardware difference on screen than what I see between the PS3-360.

They would have been better off just using a good regular IBM CPU like MS did, and then putting in 1GB of RAM in there.


BenjaminBirdie said:
They need to start going to "Xbots'" houses, Room Raiders style if they really want to keep calling people out like this. It's ridiculous bullshit they way they just assume shit about people's gaming history or current proclivities just because they point out the boneheadedness of one company or another.

Sad, pathetic, and founded on no hard evidence of any kind.

to go back to one of my previous posts, fanboys live by a "if you're not with us, you're against us mentality." Therefore, if you aren't balls out in love with the PS3 enough to defend it even when Sony blatantly messes up, uhmmmm, you're an xbot.
Mojovonio said:
to go back to one of my previous posts, fanboys live by a "if you're not with us, you're against us mentality." Therefore, if you aren't balls out in love with the PS3 enough to defend it even when Sony blatantly messes up, uhmmmm, you're an xbot.

Exactly. At which point I wondered aloud to Ajax what exactly it would take to convince people that I have a valid interest in any system that provides good games. His silence was a more potent answer than anything he could've typed up.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Exactly. At which point I wondered aloud to Ajax what exactly it would take to convince people that I have a valid interest in any system that provides good games. His silence was a more potent answer than anything he could've typed up.

To them, there is no such thing. You have to invest yourself totally into one company, or none at all.
So what the **** happened to this hread :lol :lol :lol

More PS3's = Good times(so anyone actually can buy it)

More sales of PSP = Good times(so we get to see the next PSP sometime, Sony's vision with it is pretty interesting)

But noooooo, let's do a Sony vs. Ms vs. Nintendo instead. FFS
DCharlie said:
1. Well documented erratic behavior. That doesnt happen to everyone - but it does happen to quite a few!
2. Too light. Opinion
3. No rumble. No, but motion sensing has been good so far - really?! in which game? to date, only the motorstorm demo seems to use it to an okay level, so i'm not sure 'good' is the right word

1. Brings nothing new to the table currently. Devs say different games (so far) say different ?
2. Demands different types of programming that will likely occur in the later future. In the mean time, don't expect much changes from what we can get from the 360.
3. No guarantee that the technology will even give us a good leap. Most of the SPEs are weak.

Playstation Store
1. Not unique enough to set aside from competitors.
2. Cases of slow DL speeds. Also cases of great speed
3. No movie downloads. And?
4. Lack of content. (for now) Lets see, 5 ps1 games, 5 or so playable demos, about 12 videos all in two weeks with SnK confirmed , GT-HD confirmed and Tekken DR Hi Def fconfirmed? confirmed doesn't mean it's out there now - we are a month into PS3 launch and the rollout is slow.

Free online - don't see how this can be disputed as a good thing. However...
1. No microphone stinks. My headset works, dont know about yours can we all borrow yours when we all play? this is quite a big pain - very very few people are using voice chat. With a no standard headset thrown in people aren't bothering to get one it would seem

Web browser
1. Largely useless since we're using the clunky controller interface. Or keyboard and mouse?keyboard drops you into the virtual keyboard which feels clunky and horrible
2. Doesn't replace a computer. (Since it isn't portable, I fail to see what this brings to the table.) It brings the fact that you do not have to get off of the couch to check movie times, cheat FAQs and other things yes "i'm stuck in this game - hold on, i'll just quit all the way out, go back into the dash, enter the clunky browser, find the cheat, then reload the game over again.... :/" only when this is fully integrated will this really be a big value thing

1. Not included for the 499. This response fails. No, but it is free why force it on people who dont want it installed? Your respose fails
2. Less widely supported OS makes it more of a novelty. LOL nice answer

hmm.. this could go on forever...[/QUOTE]

There are a world of differences between your views and those that I originally responded to. Yours are realistic and show that you are pretty neutral in it all and I completely respect that.
Nobody is saying things are perfect, but it is far from horrible and IMO shows great potential.


jakershaker said:
So what the **** happened to this hread :lol :lol :lol

More PS3's = Good times(so anyone actually can buy it)

More sales of PSP = Good times(so we get to see the next PSP sometime, Sony's vision with it is pretty interesting)

But noooooo, let's do a Sony vs. Ms vs. Nintendo instead. FFS
Nah, it's just another Sony bashing thread. There's like 3 on the first page.
:lol God I love these discussions between xbox fans where they always agree with each other about "fanboys". Last time I remember that kind of fake discussion was between Ghaleon and Mojonovio (about "sony fanboys" again) now it's between the same guy and BenjaminBirdie. And they call others sad and pathetic... You're transparent as hell, please stop hiding behind your finger trying to look objective. Noone believes you.

edit: Someone PMed some quotes of Mojonovio defending MattXG. Hilarious. Well I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this guy is a hypocrite.
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