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Soul Edge / Soul Blade has my favourite world of any fighting game. Anyone else?

L Thammy


I guess you could extend that to the Soul Calibur series that followed, but I was never as engaged as with Soul Edge for some reason.

First off, you've got the early modern setting, which is interesting in itself. You've still got some of the trappings of medieval times, but chivalry and the chivalric romance are dead. The seeds of nationalism and colonialism are being sown, globalism is starting. While the game is about a sword, you've got wars in the background that are being fought with cannons and guns.

And I think that setting both serves well to excuse a bunch of globetrotting warriors from all over the world as well as to underscore the story. At least in the original Soul Edge, most of the characters have no idea that the sword they're searching for is an evil, bodysnatching cosmic horror in sword form. They're pursuing something like Excalibur or Durendal, but they instead find a Cthulhu.

I haven't read too much Berserk yet - just past the Eclipse - but I get the sense that Soul Edge was sort of supposed to be a Berserk Lite in a way.

Anyway. I feel like Mitsurugi and Siegfried best capture what I like about the game game world.

Mitsurugi's front row center in the Japanese arcade flyer and the Playstation covers. When the first player goes to the character select, Mitsurugi's the default choice. Like Ryu and Haohmaru, he's the guy who is on a lifelong search for strong opponents to fight.

It seems like the game's screaming out that he's the main character, but he isn't. Instead, he's kind of a useless fuck. Mitsurugi sets out to find the Soul Edge. He doesn't find it and gives up. He realizes that rifles are going to make swordsmen outdated and challenges a nameless rifleman to a duel. For his trouble, he gets shot.

The sense I get is that Mitsurugi missed the boat. He's got the skills to be a hero, but the age of heroism is over. He doesn't have the opportunity to really prove those skills; he just ends up being another mercenary.

Now, Siegfried. He's got a baby face and he's dressed like a knight in shining armor. I can't remember what I thought when I first saw him, but I can imagine someone thinking he's a vanilla hero if they picked him without reading up. His win quotes are arrogant, but that's as bad as they are, and he talks about wanting vengeance for his father which is a fairly standard goal.

But of course, it turns out that there was never actually anything heroic about him. He's a thief and a mercenary. He murdered his own father when he raided a group of crusade deserters. Even during Edge Master mode, he joins a nobleman's army and murders him just to steal his sword.

Siegfried is sympathetic to a degree; he's so shaken by the realization that he murdered his father that he dissociates from the fact and chases after another killer that doesn't actually exist, and when he finds the Soul Edge it traps his hand and he can't rip it off. But he's probably about as evil as the final boss despite that, he just feels some blowback from what he does and he's not a zombie so it's less obvious.

Anyway, that's me. Does Soul Edge have a special place in anyone else's heart?


Junior Member
Yeah, totally. I love Soul series to pieces and the world was majestic, I remember having fond memories of many scenarios; the dragon one, the one with a raft, the clock tower, the one with the dodos! I need a new one
I've been thinking for awhile now that I would like to see a prequel\remake of Soul Edge. Would love to see some of the designs to revert back from where SC5 went.


I've always wondered what years the games are meant to take place in - due to having Samurai, Knights, Pirates and all other manner of figures from throughout hundreds of years of history in the same place.

Even For Honor had an explanation for that.

L Thammy

I've always wondered what years the games are meant to take place in - due to having Samurai, Knights, Pirates and all other manner of figures from throughout hundreds of years of history in the same place.

Even For Honor had an explanation for that.

Soul Blade takes place in 1584, I think. Gimme a sec, I'll look it up.

1584 - Soul Edge
1587 - Soul Calibur
1591 - Soul Calibur II, III, IV
1607 or 1608 - Soul Calibur V
Soul Blade takes place in 1584, I think. Gimme a sec, I'll look it up.

Yes, somewhere around there. There are some historical clues and I think one of the guidebooks stated it outright.

Also, is it okay to link the scans I made from the art in one early Soul Edge fan book?
Soul Edge/Blade has a fantastical, colorful atmosphere that no other Soul game was able to fully replicate.

I'd say Soul Calibur 1 and 3 came close, but the rest of them sort of because darker and less memorable.

The soundtrack for Soul Blade was the absolute best in the entire series, which contributed heavily to our immersion into that world. And, the characters seemed the most well defined in this game more than in the games that followed.

This game was truly a wonderful surprise. If Soul Calibur 6 ever comes out, I hope it remembers what made Sol Edge/Blade so charming.

L Thammy

damn yoshimitsu is old as fuck

Apparently the original Yoshimitsu passed on his identity to the one in Soul Calibur V and it's not the same guy? I haven't played V. I'd guess that's inspired by Saika Magoichi.

Fascinating! I don't know much above the early games so those write ups really surprised me. Do more!

Thanks, but I didn't even put much effort into writing the OP, I think it's just Soul Edge that's fascinating.

I'll add that Voldo's another interesting one, though. It makes sense that he's the weird character of the game; he lives in a tomb on a desert island to murder anyone who tries to raid it on the order of his dead master. He's blind, mute, and possibly suffering from hallucinations after years of isolation. I think the bondage gear is supposed to underscore that he lives to serve his master.


Literally had no idea about any of these back stories, go on.

All I remember about Mitsurugi is you could press a button to dodge a bullet during his ending cinematic and change the way it plays out which I thought was bananas back then.

Had no idea about Siegfried and I've played like every game haha. I'm a terrible gamer


Soul Calibur definitely had potential when it came to lore, but I don't have faith in the Namco of today to do it justice.
I always loved the tone of the world and characters in Soul Calibur, I remember spending a ton of time reading the character bios in the bonus menus, and from what I remember even the weapons you could unlock had stories attached to them.
It's pretty awesome. I remember getting deeply invested in Soul Blade's story mode (Legend mode? I don't recall the exact name) when I was a kid.
The stories were always really compelling to me as a kid. Siegfried realising what's done and has become was always pretty compelling to me, Li-Long dying off leaving behind his wife and unborn kid (or was it born just then, I forget). I think they still managed to have decent follow ups in II, II and IV. V is what it is and I blame the budget, mostly. Oh, loved how Raphael went from normal guy in II to a vampire later on, adopting Amy (dope character).

We really need a new SC.

L Thammy

Literally had no idea about any of these back stories, go on.

I don't remember most of the others quite as well, but I'll copy their Edge Master mode intros from GameFAQs.


Note, Vercci is Voldo's deceased master.

He is a giant living on the Savannah of the New World.

He was born "Nathaniel William Adams" in England. He was nicknamed "Rock" because of his strength. His father ran a curio store specializing in rare weapons and was always taken with strange antiquities. He had a loving mother and with it, an idyllic childhood; until that fateful day...

"Rock, look at the "SoulEdge." Isn't it a beauty?"

His father's wish had finally been fulfilled. He showed his son the sword in the ship's cabin. "At last, "SoulEdge," the hero's sword..."

The storm that buffeted the ship scared young Rock to the point of tears. His Father was too excited to even notice. His mother, frustrated, led Rock to the hammock. Just then...

Cannon fire sounded and the ship rocked from a direct hit! Rock screamed in terror. His Father and Mother held him tight as the cries of the crew echoed: "Pirates!"

The Spanish pirate Cervantes, confederate of Vercci, the Italian "Merchant of Death," had started his attack. His goal was none other than "SoulEdge."

Father ran to the ship's storeroom to hide the"Soul Edge," After another explosion, Rock's Mother ran after to stop him.

"Rock, stay here until we return!"

His parents never did. Before they could, the ship sank.

Rock awoke on an unfamiliar shoreline, alone.

At first, Rock cried out, looking for his parents. Eventually he learned to live off the land to survive; discarding former habits and language.

It was at this point that he first came upon other living people, a tribe native to the area. Afraid of the "white giant," they would not approach him. The child Bangoo, an orphan of tribal warfare, was the sole consolation for Rock, who was now an adult.

From the natives, Rock re-learnt about the "people across the ocean." Faded memories of his parents and even "SoulEdge" returned.

He remembered having heard the words "SoulEdge." It was a word he had heard often as a child. At bedtime, mealtime, while being held in someone's arms ... a hazy image formed in his mind. If he could find the "SoulEdge," perhaps he could recover his own past. He might even find his parents!

With his giant ax in hand, Rock set out for the land across the sea.


Taki is a highly skilled ninja working as a demon hunter. As an orphan, she was brought up by a ninja master named Toki. She is an expert spy and a great schemer in this age of the Civil War. Many military commanders employed ninjas, but Taki works for herself.

Taki does not have a base of operations for she is one of a ninja clan now living in seclusion.

Among this ninja clan, many have extraordinary abilities that have been lost or forgotten by the general population.

Having been blessed with supernatural powers, Taki chose to travel throughout Japan to conquer the evil and vindictive demons who threaten ordinary people.

Taki forged her own weapons which she did with great love and care.

Among all her custom weapons, her favorite was "Rekkimaru" which held supernatural powers within.

However, "Rekkimaru's" power had began to weaken and about this time, rumors concerning an "Evil Sword" began spreading from southern countries.

The seal at the shrine which confined the ancient Fury demons was weakening. Taki was called to solve this problem.

The shrine was full of evil spirits, demons, and ghosts. "Look at them all! Nothing like a good challenge."

She drew her faithful "Rekkimaru" and sliced at the demon leader.

"What's happened here?"

The demon still stood before her. After several attacks, the spirit vanished. She was
extremely surprised.

"This can't be possible. I usually kill these things in one stroke!"

Her sword "Rekkimaru" was displaying an unusual loss of power.

After sealing the shrine, Taki began to think about what was happening. Something was affecting her beloved sword, but what could it be?

She knew there was no such thing in Japan.

"What of that rumor of the evil sword, 'SoulEdge'?"

"The sword must be close. There's no other explanation for this strange phenomenon."

Taki decided to investigate this evil sword.

"If there's even the slightest chance of saving my favorite sword "Rekkimaru", I would travel the world for it."


Greece, the birthplace of Cretaceous culture. The people's beliefs are starting to change to the new ways, but the ancient Gods live on in their arts and mythologies.

Sophitia is a tidy girl who works in a small bakery in Athens. She cherishes the mythical world of her ancestors.

She often prayed to the goddess Pallas Athena, guardian of her town and embodiment of wisdom and prudent warfare. Her prayer have not been ignored.

One morning, as she bathed in a forest spring, a dazzling light shined in front of her. The light formed the shape of a man.

As she stood amazed by the sight, the man told her that he was Hephaestus, the god of Forge. One of the twelve Olympian Gods.

"I'm only a mere mortal. What can I do for you? "

"Do not fear. I only want you to receive my oracle."

"Among all the weapons that mankind has created, one sword has grabbed the attention of the gods. The sword is true evil. It was forged blindly and now sucks up the hatred and pain of its victims. Many 'deceived' seek this wicked weapon."

"If any of them find it, disaster will surely follow. I will not let a creation of the forge such as this ruin my reputation. I want you to find that wicked sword before anybody else and destroy it."

The importance of this task was clear and she desired to undertake it, but still she was filled with self-doubt.

"But I'm just a mere mortal. Can I fulfill such a big task?"

"You are not as weak as you think. Obtain a mighty weapon and you can save your kind. I have heard of you from Pallas Athena. She says you still believe in the Olympians. That's why I chose you. No other except you can hear our oracles anymore."

"Do not worry. Come to my temple. I will grant you the best arms and Athena will always be with you."

Hephaestus then left. Silence returned to the spring.

Sophitia went home and equipped herself for the journey. She left home before the rosy-fingered dawn arose. May she have the protection of the Goddess of Victory, Nike.

Note, the invasions of Korea by Japan that happened in the late 1500s are still a sore spot in history as far as I know. Like, I'm pretty sure Samurai Warriors specifically avoids it.

Hwang was created to replace Mitsurugi in the original Korean release to avoid this sensitivity and then become his own character, then added into later versions.

Also note that Master Seung is Seung Mina's father.

Hwang Sung Kyung, was born in a poor, yet peaceful family. He grew up strong and healthy despite the warlike age.

His childhood memories of his parents were of brave people with a strong sense of justice. However, their righteousness was their downfall.

His parents' death was a painful experience to overcome.

Now, he is a man.

"I was protected by a lot of people. Now, it is time for me to protect others."

He enrolled himself into a dojo to learn the long blade.

He had an innate talent for it. He practiced as much as possible. It didn't take him too long to become the best student. At last, he could have a private lesson from the school's master, Seung Han Myong.

Master Seung was happy to have such a talented young student. He had a child who was still small yet very talented. However, one thing worried him about his child. It was a she, instead of a he.

Master Seung seemed to be seriously thinking of adopting Hwang as his son.

Master Seung didn't get a chance to talk with Hwang about it. The world was plunged into a dreadful situation. Among the Asian countries, Japan first settled its civil war and started invading the main land.

It is not too late! People rallied under the Sea Force admiral Le Shun Jin and prepared to defend their mother land against the coming invasion.

They started building fortresses along the coast lines. A Coast Guard was formed and Hwang was first to volunteer.

Those who were eager to devote their lives to the savior of their mother land, were fervently talking about the Legendary Patriot Sword, "SoulEdge," that they had heard of from the West.

When the rumor spread to every part of the country, Hwang was ordered to search for "SoulEdge." "It is time for me to save others."

Seung Mina

"Leave me alone Father! I am determined to find the sword."

Seung Mi Na struggled against her father's grip as she tried to leave his school at Chii mountain in Korea.

"Stupid girl! Get back inside now!"

"You treat me like a baby! I'm doing this for our country!"

Having been born into a strict family of martial arts teachers, Mi Na grew up surrounded by weapons.

She has excellent knowledge of martial arts and her horse- sword technique is superior to even her father's.

However, because of her cute looks, she had been teased by the neighberhood boys and treated like a girl.

"If you ever call me 'cutey' again, I'll beat you with something harder than this stick!"

There were a lot of beaten boys in Mi Na's neighborhood.

Her father, Hen Myong taught her to be well disciplined and always to be faithful and true.

She grew up healthy and strong.

Han Myong thought "She's strongwilled, but it's all right if she stays here and obeys me."

However, an independent girl has other thoughts on her mind.

The ever-changing political situation in Korea had become serious, too serious to be called peace. War and invasion was avoided only by the fact that other countries were embroiled in their own problems. However, neighboring Japan geared up for outward expansion and conquest.

In these troubled times, suppression was turned to as a means of control. Everyone living in that difficult period knew what that meant.

"You could be next..."

In preparation for invasion from neighboring countries, the patriotic people of Korea begin to build fortresses along their shores. Their leader is Le Shin Jin, the admiral of the coastal defense force.

Then a rumor emerges of the "Patriot Sword - SoulEdge". The rumor spreads faster than the blink of an eye and eventually reaches Mi Na's ears.

Mi Na has grown into a patriotic young maiden.

Barred from joining the coastal defense force because of her gender, she jumped at this opportunity.

"If I find this sword, I can save my country. I must look for it!"

After packing, she set out on her journey. But her father discovered what she was up to and caught her.

"Hwang has already been sent after the sword by government order. What if the rumors are false?"

Hwang Sung Kyung was the best student and swordsman at her father's school. He had already started his search for the weapon. There was a possibility that the rumor could be another scheme, but...

Mi Na had already decided to leave. "I am sorry, father!"

Li Long

After the death of the great Eirakutei, the Ming Dynasty suffered plundering by Southern Japanese pirates called the "Wakou."

The emperor finally took action and sent Li Long to assassinate the leader of the pirates. The secret mission also included an order to retrieve the valiant sword,

However, the assassin, Li Long, did not care about "SoulEdge." Taking advantage of war-torn Japan, he decided to not only target the Wakou leader, but also the Daimyo feudal lords.

This action was, of course, outside the limits of his mission, but he had no doubts as to his success. His iron will would see him through.

However, man is not made of iron. His attack on the head of a powerful family in Honshu went awry, leaving him badly wounded. Fortunately for him, he was rescued by a beautiful girl named Chie.

Chie was a daughter of the innkeeper Yahei. As a child, she was traumatized by her
mother's death and lost her ability to speak.

Even without words, Chie is capable of understanding people's sorrow. She devoted herself to the care of the wounded man.

Li Long gradually opened his heart to Chie and the two began to love each other. Li Long stayed with Chie even after his injuries healed.

But, destiny did not treat him kindly.

While he was away, a fight broke out at the inn. In the confusion, his lover was thought to have been killed. "Who! Who did this? Why?" The wounded Yahei told grief-stricken Li Long that a wandering swordsman had started it, then fled.

Eyewitnesses thought it might be the lone swordsman, Heishiro Mitsurugi. However, Mitsurugi was not the only swordsman wandering the land.

"When I find who did this, I will show no mercy!"

Remorse filled Li Long until he had a revelation. "I will not rest until I
have hunted down every single swordsman."

Li Long discovered that Heishiro Mitsurugi was searching for "SoulEdge," and decided to follow him.

If I find "SoulEdge," first, Mitsurugi will come to me and his death. If Mitsurugi is not Chie's murderer, I'll just continue hunting criminal swordsmen. I will also have the sword for Eirakutei.

Li Long started to pack up for a journey to trace Mitsurugi hoping to take
revenge for his dead lover Chie.


The mighty Spanish armada held supremecy over the Atlantic Ocean. But sometimes they were not enough. That is where the privateers came in.

Phillip Leon was one such privateer. He commanded a proud ship with a special commission from the Spanish King to loot in the name of Spain.

He once told his son, Cervantes:

"A sailor must always be strong and gentle."

Young Cervantes was proud of his father. He was devastated when his father died at sea. Phillip's ship had moved alongside an English ship in order to plunder it. Unbeknownst to him, it was a ruse; an English warship in disguise.

Their cannon shells shattered the Spanish galleon. wiping Captain Leon from history forever.

The young man received his father's hat,his only remains. He swore:

"This is where his allegiances to the crown have gotten him! I will be against all countries! I'll become a pirate!"

And thus, Captain Cervantes the pirate, was born. He started a reign of terror
across the Atlantic in his ship, the Adrian, showing no mercy to anyone, even those in the invincible armada.

One day, a messenger of the "Merchant of Death," Vercci, entered Cervantes' haunt, an inn called the Black Tail.

He told the pirate of Vercci's search for the legendary weapons, "SoulEdge."

"This Vercci wants my aid, does he?"

The messenger promised an exceptional reward for the recovery of the swords. But the pirate did not like the idea of working for anyone. What to do?...

Cervantes finally accepted the offer as a lark. For a year, he searched for Vercci. Finally, he came across some information.

At a secret antiques auction, an English man made a successful bid on a "strange article."

The ship carrying the man and the article was setting sail. Cervantes made plans to
intercept the ship.

There was no conclusive evidence that this was "SoulEdge," but then why should a pirate pass up such an oppurtnity?

The sea was stormy as the Adrian set sail after the passenger ship.

"Get ready, me hearties! There she blows! Helmsman, hard to port! Ready the cannons...fire!"

The boom of cannons echoed across the stormy sea. Columns of water surrounded the passenger ship.

The Adrian came along side. Cervantes raised his cutlass, rallying his bloodthirsty pirates.

"SoulEdge is our prize! All else goes to Hades!"

Mysteriously, the pirate Cervantes has neither been seen nor heard of since...
If the Soul series ever gets another game I hope they hew towards the Edge/Blade era. After the mess that was SCV, I wish the next one is a reboot of Soul Blade with the original cast with a few of the popular character from Soul Calibur.


My first introduction to this game was in the Arcade. I didn't think much of it, it was very easy, small roster, the cab was kind of beat up and the screen had very bad calibration. I bought it when it came out on PS1, regardless. As I bought most Namco ports.

But Soul Edge went to become my number one 3D fighter on PS1. Luckily my friends liked it as well so we played it a lot. The game was truly 3D unlike Tekken. Great story mode, some endings could be altered by doing some shit. Mitsurugi could actually beat the rifleman, it was a first person fight.

Then the soundtracks, the game had a whopping 3. And the PSX remix was extremely good as well. Just listen to Travel Diary and try not to chill out.

The intro, the edge master mode... I collected all swords. I believe you got a different main screen. Soul Edge could be unlocked by collecting everything, but was also time released I think. I still have the JP copy, and a PS1. But I'd like to see this game revisited.
I remember thinking the series of Soul Blade art pieces in the SoulCalibur gallery was the coolest thing. Definitely an awesome canon ending to a fighting game.


Not my favorite, but definitely enjoy it. Hoping SC 4 and 5 come to BC, but with Disney and the Star Wars license, I don't see SC4 coming unless it is remastered. Of course, a proper SC 6 would be nice as well.
Siegfried was really messed up in Soul Edge, that's what I remember most. I was obssessed with his lore back when the game came out (plus he was my main and I wrecked with him). Most emo 16 year old ever.

Mista Koo

It has a special place because it's my first game in the series and I barely played the original SoulCalibur (didn't have a Dreamcast). Also that I bought it blindly and now I'm a big fan of the series. However I think the only thing that holds up is the opening and maybe some of the costumes. SoulCalibur did most things better. Kilik, Maxi, and Astaroth are better than Seung Mina, Li Long, and Rock respectively.

I still thought of Mitsurugi as the hero since he destroys Soul Edge in his ending. Although making Siegfried's ending the canonical one was great since it gave us Nightmare, which I couldn't have guessed at the time.

Literally had no idea about any of these back stories, go on.

All I remember about Mitsurugi is you could press a button to dodge a bullet during his ending cinematic and change the way it plays out which I thought was bananas back then.

Had no idea about Siegfried and I've played like every game haha. I'm a terrible gamer
I never followed the stories either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for Mitsurugi's ending I only found out that you can dodge years later. I thought the point was that a sword could never beat a gun!


I loved the interactive endings, like you could change the outcome if you pressed a button at the right time.

L Thammy

I've always wondered what years the games are meant to take place in - due to having Samurai, Knights, Pirates and all other manner of figures from throughout hundreds of years of history in the same place.

Even For Honor had an explanation for that.

This post had me wondering how anachronistic Soul Edge is so I looked some stuff up. Again, not a historian or anything, but it seems like it was actually not all that bad? A couple of instances of number fudging, one glaring issue in a backstory, one anachronism with an excuse, but mostly all stuff that actually could make sense in the late 1500s.

Reminder, Soul Edge is 1584. I didn't bother looking into the rest of the series.

Rock's story is kind of ridiculous because it's really weird having a Tarzan plot without planes. Think of the logistics of that; you can't fall off a boat when you're over uncharted territory. Still, I guess you have a frame where there might be a reason for a ship to be in America while Rock can be raised by Native Americans. The Spanish had begun colonization in 1492, while the English didn't found Jamestown until 1607. Maybe they were sailing to the Spanish colony for trade purpose, and when Rock washed up after Cervantes sunk his ship, he found that he was unable to connect with England again because there weren't any settlers for him to connect with yet?

Sophitia's totally outdated, being very Ancient Greek, but there's at least a justification given. It's mentioned that Hephaestus picks her because she still believes in the old gods and he gives him weapons that he created himself. Sophitia would be in Ottoman Greece, so I guess Greek orthodoxy and Islam would be the main religions there at that point.

Mitsurugi, Hwang, Seung Mina operate on a highly linked timeline, putting them together. The Battle of Nagashino was in 1575, and was influential due to the successful employment of firearms tactics, so marking Japan's late shift from the samurai cavalry charge. Again, the game takes place in 1584. Hiideyoshi Toyotomi reunifies Japan in 1590, ending their civil war and leaving them with a huge combined military force and a restless warrior case with no war left to fight. Japan then invades Korea in 1592.

Mitsurugi is rightfully disturbed by the battle of Nagashino and fears the power of the musket, which inspires him to search for Souledge. It seems like it's a little late or Mitsurugi to search, but I guess he didn't have to go right after the battle. Meanwhile,

Hwang and Seung Mina's story is basically about fending off Japanese invasion, but the actual invasion hasn't happened yet when the game starts. It more specifically says specifically says they're concerned about an increase in Wokou pirate raids and view it as a prelude to invasion, but don't know if it's true that there was or could be an increase in Japanese piracy. Wokou pirates at this time were actually mostly ethnic Chinese; they had samurai allies but don't know if they could be controlled as part of an invasion. Korea also apparently had no idea that Japan's civil war had stopped, which meant they had no idea that they had a powerful military lying around, and assumed if an invasion happened it would just be more pirates raids. But I'm nitpicking; at least the events of Souledge are around the right time.

Siegfried matches our current image of noble knights, but might line up more with Landsknechte in reality; German mercenaries. Siegfried actually is a German mercenary and bandit in-story, not an actual knight. Siegfried's sword might be a few decades too late for standard use, but still had specialty use among Landsknechte. Full plate armour is more current to this period than it was in most of medieval times. It's effective defense against early firearms due to their weak penetration.

Siegfried's father is a knight, but I don't think knights had totally disappeared at this point, although infantry had eliminated their value. So I don't think that's anachronistic. There were also military orders around - Order of Saint Stephen was founded in 1561, for example - and its members might be called knights. The biggest anachronism issue I can see in this game is that Siegfried's father was crusading at this time. I think crusades had run their course by the mid-1400s, well before this game.

Li Long's story revolves around Wokou pirate raiders and samurai lords. These both happened at this time, so there's no problem here. I think there's a shaky assumption here that Wokou are Japanese because Li Long goes to japan to deal with them but I also don't know if they would have known their ethnic makeup at the time. I think they just assumed they were Japanese based on earlier raids.

Voldo's master is an arms merchant, can't find much about those. You had plenty of people selling war at the time so I guess people could sell weapons too. Vercci hides his treasure and sets Voldo to guard it due to the outbreak of the Italian Wars. The first Italian War started way back in 1494, which would mean Voldo would have to be like a hundred. But maybe it could be the last of the wars, which ran from 1551 to 1559. Voldo would still be sealed up for decades, but considering that he's physically and mentally deteriorated from the experience, that much works.

The game takes place a good half century before the Golden Age of Piracy, but piracy was already growing at this time. The big score seems to be Spanish ships carrying materials from their colonies back to the homeland. Cervantes' father is a privateer supplementing the Spanish armada, privateering being officially sanctioned piracy. He is killed by an English warship. The Spanish armada was actually defeated by the English and their privateers in 1588, so a few years after this game. I think the English and Dutch were much bigger on hiring privateers than the Spanish at the time, if the Spanish did it at all. The Spanish were already a top naval power, while the English and Dutch needed to hire privateers to compete.

My thinking is Cervantes is weird, but him being a pirate is totally appropriate for the time the obvious issue is that his father was a privateer for Spain, when Spain wasn't the big privateering country. The second issue is fitting in these events with how old Cervantes seems to be. Cervantes' father was sunk by an English warship when he was young, but the Anglo-Spanish War that sunk the Spanish armada starts the year after this game is set. What's more, Cervantes seems to be fairly old, and is immortal, having even been noted to have mysteriously disappeared for some time. I think it would make more sense if Cervantes wasn't contemporary, but someone from the early 1500s or late 1400s.

I still thought of Mitsurugi as the hero since he destroys Soul Edge in his ending. Although making Siegfried's ending the canonical one was great since it gave us Nightmare, which I couldn't have guessed at the time.

At the risk of making a lot post even longer, there were actually multiple canonical endings to Soul Edge. Mitsurugi doesn't find the sword but his bad ending is otherwise canon; he challenges a musket-wielding infantryman to a duel and loses. Siegfried's bad ending is canon, he becomes Nightmare. Li Long loses to Cervantes as in his bad ending, but doesn't die. Sophitia and Taki's endings are kind of weirdly fused so they both shatter one of Cervantes' swords, but Nightmare has the other half of Soul Edge.
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