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South Park Creators backing off Trump.. "Satire has become reality"

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It's not surprising that they're backing off Trump.

For years, the show has operated under the assumption that critique of absolutely everything was the only way to achieve neutrality In a lot of cases, it made them revolutionaries. But in recent years, it's led to them falling on the shit side of history. They mocked Al Gore for trying to alert people about climate change. Distilled Caitlyn Jenner's complex relationship with media & the trans community into a one-line meme that made it impossible to discuss the subject in online circles. And worst of all, pushed the idea that Clinton & Trump were equally unpleasant options. I hold them more responsible for millennial voter apathy in 2016 than any other show on TV. For all their achievements, history will not look fondly on South Park.

This is becuase their notion of equalateral shittalk only works when every contributed idea is of some merit. Trying to satirize a fascist only makes people think the fascist has ideas worthy of critique and discussion.


So we all just stopped satirizing Bush from 2000-2008 because he was too hard to parody, right? That's how this works?

Are you actively not trying to read the article and responses, or are you actually equivocating the Bush and Trump administrations so far?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
huh, i wasn't expecting the responses i'm reading in here

People here either haven't seen the show at all recently or like to make up stuff.

South Park had episodes showing how inept Garrison/Trump would be. The whole bit where Garrison was trying to get his supporters to drop him by saying the worst shit possible was pointing squarely at voters that weren't listening to what he was actually saying and would excuse his personal actions. At most they showed that Clinton was unlikable.


Unconfirmed Member
huh, i wasn't expecting the responses i'm reading in here

Yeah its weird everyone thinks they're being cowards or placating or something.

They basically just said Trump is the biggest joke America had ever had and they can't make it any funnier.
South Park is the Jontron of TV shows. Once entertaining, now pandering to "anti-PC" channer bullshit.
You would think that between these two events people would eventually realize that "both sides are the same! I'm just here for the comedy!" bullshit is what directly leads into conservative fascism, but


Are you actively not trying to read the article and responses, or are you actually equivocating the Bush and Trump administrations so far?
Trump is far beyond what Bush was, but they were both buffoons. SP didn't have any problem mocking him for years.


I sort of understand where they are coming from. Its hard to make Trump's actions into comedy because everything he does sounds like a bad joke. "For every new regulation, we get rid of 2!" sounds like a mockery of a small government conservative, instead of an actual honest to God Executive Order.

Same here, I also kind of understand. It's basically sounding like they can't make fun of him anymore because there's a very real possibility one of their jokes is actually going to end up becoming a Trump Executive order.

Still I don't think that means they should stop.


It's not surprising that they're backing off Trump.

For years, the show has operated under the assumption that critique of absolutely everything was the only way to achieve neutrality In a lot of cases, it made them revolutionaries. But in recent years, it's led to them falling on the shit side of history. They mocked Al Gore for trying to alert people about climate change. Distilled Caitlyn Jenner's complex relationship with media & the trans community into a one-line meme that made it impossible to discuss the subject in online circles. And worst of all, pushed the idea that Clinton & Trump were equally unpleasant options. I hold them more responsible for millennial voter apathy in 2016 than any other show on TV. For all their achievements, history will not look fondly on South Park.

This is becuase their notion of equalateral shittalk only works when every contributed idea is of some merit. Trying to satirize a fascist only makes people think the fascist has ideas worthy of critique and discussion.
You weren't paying attention last season.


seriously though, last season was trash. I hope next season has 0 continuity. No berries, no president Garrison.


It's not surprising that they're backing off Trump.

For years, the show has operated under the assumption that critique of absolutely everything was the only way to achieve neutrality In a lot of cases, it made them revolutionaries. But in recent years, it's led to them falling on the shit side of history. They mocked Al Gore for trying to alert people about climate change. Distilled Caitlyn Jenner's complex relationship with media & the trans community into a one-line meme that made it impossible to discuss the subject in online circles. And worst of all, pushed the idea that Clinton & Trump were equally unpleasant options. I hold them more responsible for millennial voter apathy in 2016 than any other show on TV. For all their achievements, history will not look fondly on South Park.

This is becuase their notion of equalateral shittalk only works when every contributed idea is of some merit. Trying to satirize a fascist only makes people think the fascist has ideas worthy of critique and discussion.
They did no such thing.
They got old. They used to be the young bucks with the hot takes everyone wanted to hear, now they're middle-aged millionaires ranting about safe spaces and shit.

Yeah. I won't call them cowards, I can see that reality is getting a bit fucking weird with how satirical it is. But it would be nice if they re-evaluated the way they were approaching certain subjects. I mean hell, I'm gay and I loved the Mr. Slave bits because they were so outrageous, but with the safe space and PC business, it just looks like they're dipping a toe in Lake Erie and saying "oh yeah, this is 70 degrees!" when it's 30. They're misjudging the target and misreading the temperature.


Soth Park's creators probably don't want to criticize Trump because they adore him and align with him ideologically.

Say what you will about the show, but this is patently untrue.

Yeah. I won't call them cowards, I can see that reality is getting a bit fucking weird with how satirical it is. But it would be nice if they re-evaluated the way they were approaching certain subjects. I mean hell, I'm gay and I loved the Mr. Slave bits because they were so outrageous, but with the safe space and PC business, it just looks like they're dipping a toe in Lake Erie and saying "oh yeah, this is 70 degrees!" when it's 30. They're misjudging the target and misreading the temperature.

They have always been raving anti-PC nuts. Still rather puzzled that people are surprised that about their positions on safe spaces and the like.


This, from the same show that went out of their way to crap on Osama bin Laden Looney Tunes-style, not long after 9/11?

Yeah, something's up.

Yeah, people commenting on the show without watching it or have any idea what they're talking about is what's up. They made fun of Trump a ton.
So we all just stopped satirizing Bush from 2000-2008 because he was too hard to parody, right? That's how this works?

Come on now.

Bush was AWFUL.

But Trump is... something else entirely.

Bush was dumb, easily influenced, etc... but he as hard as it is to say, still had *some* morals, and wasn't a fascist.

Cheeto Hitler and the Neo Nazis are beyond satire. This shit's scary. That is what SPs creators are saying.

South Park doesn't want to anger their alt-right fanbase

smart tactic


do almost none of yall remember mr. garrison, the wall, him raping trump to death, then him becoming trump, and the ENTIRE time espousing how he had no clue what the fuck he was doing? what more do you want from them?


Trump is far beyond what Bush was, but they were both buffoons. SP didn't have any problem mocking him for years.

How exactly are you reconciling any of your logic whatsoever? Either you think they're equally bad in which case the 'difficulty' of parody shouldn't be an issue for them or that Trump is worse and then follow their statements.
I'm glad. Maybe others enjoy it, but as of a few days ago I can't find any comedy related to Trump and what is going on amusing anymore. It just pisses me off. I don't want to laugh about him, even if it is at his own expense. I'm just fired up and ready to fucking break something...metaphorically speaking. Maybe that's weird of me.
Kinda agree with Matt&Trey. How could you even make a satire out of Trump administration when the reality is as absurd as it is? I certainly can't think of one.


So we all just stopped satirizing Bush from 2000-2008 because he was too hard to parody, right? That's how this works?

Maybe it's not a show that focuses on the president every episode? Bush was made fun of here and there. So was Trump. I don't get what you're saying, should the president be a main character or something?
It's not surprising that they're backing off Trump.

For years, the show has operated under the assumption that critique of absolutely everything was the only way to achieve neutrality In a lot of cases, it made them revolutionaries. But in recent years, it's led to them falling on the shit side of history. They mocked Al Gore for trying to alert people about climate change. Distilled Caitlyn Jenner's complex relationship with media & the trans community into a one-line meme that made it impossible to discuss the subject in online circles. And worst of all, pushed the idea that Clinton & Trump were equally unpleasant options. I hold them more responsible for millennial voter apathy in 2016 than any other show on TV. For all their achievements, history will not look fondly on South Park.

This is becuase their notion of equalateral shittalk only works when every contributed idea is of some merit. Trying to satirize a fascist only makes people think the fascist has ideas worthy of critique and discussion.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head there. I don't think they meant to do what they've done, though. It's kind of tragic in some ways.

I hope Matt and Trey can change gears and fix the cultural problem they've inadvertently contributed to.


It's not surprising that they're backing off Trump.

For years, the show has operated under the assumption that critique of absolutely everything was the only way to achieve neutrality In a lot of cases, it made them revolutionaries. But in recent years, it's led to them falling on the shit side of history. They mocked Al Gore for trying to alert people about climate change. Distilled Caitlyn Jenner's complex relationship with media & the trans community into a one-line meme that made it impossible to discuss the subject in online circles. And worst of all, pushed the idea that Clinton & Trump were equally unpleasant options. I hold them more responsible for millennial voter apathy in 2016 than any other show on TV. For all their achievements, history will not look fondly on South Park.

This is becuase their notion of equalateral shittalk only works when every contributed idea is of some merit. Trying to satirize a fascist only makes people think the fascist has ideas worthy of critique and discussion.
You missed the entire goddamn point of them drudging up Turd Sandwich/Giant Douche - they were pointing out it wasn't true here.

They very much did not want Trump winning.


The article quotes them as saying why it was difficult to satirize an already absurd event for that season. That's it. The concept of them "backing off" as a future direction is entirely on the article writer.

This is why fake news is proliferating, people just can't make it past the headline.


That is Parker LITERALLY saying "So we decided to kind of back off"

You can hear it coming from his mouth at 0:38 here

Unless this article is "fake news" there is nothing else you can interpret from that quote


They are just saying he's enough of a joke without them pointing it out. The outrage in this thread is hilarious.
I kind of get what they mean. You can't really satirise somebody who feels like they satirise themselves every day. Also, it's their show and the whole appeal of South Park is that they can do whatever the fuck they want. They just simply don't find Trump funny any more.
Kinda agree with Matt&Trey. How could you even make a satire out of Trump administration when the reality is as absurd as it is? I certainly can't think of one.


They could make an episode of him wiping his ass with the Constitution and pissing on the Lincoln Memorial and it still wouldn't match up with reality.

Maybe have Emperor Palpatine as Stephen Bannon? What more could be done?


Trump is a worse buffoon, but still a buffoon.

Now you're not arguing anything anyone is positing at all. The issue at hand is parody and its worth in regards to something already absurd. It's easier to throw shit at someone and make it stick when they're not already rolling their administration around in it, there was less dissonance with Bush because he closer resembled a politician.


Same... Where is the vitriol even coming from?...

South Park makes fun of everything. Some people can't handle being part of a group that gets made fun of.

PC Principal wasn't even presenting as a bad guy. He was Mr Garrison/Trump's counter. The same Garrison character that said he wanted to fuck all minorities to death.

I mean, holy shit, these are some embarrassing posts.

South Park is the Jontron of TV shows. Once entertaining, now pandering to "anti-PC" channer bullshit.
I can't believe I was ever into this show. Cowardly fucks. Fuck them and that godawful pc principal meme.


I didn't watch most of last season, but I'm pretty sure there was a long speech by Garrison/Trump begging the American people not to vote for him and to please vote for Clinton.


The problem with making fun of Trump is that there is very little you can do that is not being soundly outdone by reality.

I am sure Trump's administration or decisions and their repercussions will be satirized as appropriate.

I think they are signaling that the massive focus he had last season will no longer continue. That seems like a good call. Maybe this season won't fall apart near the end.



That is Parker LITERALLY saying "So we decided to kind of back off"

Unless this article is "fake news" there is nothing else you can interpret from that quote
And if you watched the last season, them trying to be super-hyper-topical and political didn't work. (i.e., the show sucked.) The previous season was serialized and politically relevant to stuff like "Fake News", but it wasn't trying to make fun of the past 5 days.


They were always much more conservative than they made themselves out to be. Things have become too black and white.
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