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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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Isn't it a bit strange that Unkar Plutt just kept the creatures in the Falcon there, presumably feeding them for months/years, but not selling them? They seemed like they'd be worth a lot of money.
Which creatures do you mean?

The ones that attacked them all while the two groups confronted Han were not in the Falcon. They were captured by Han to sell again. That was aboard that freighter, not the Falcon.
Yeah, the 3D in the movie was hot garbage. D-Box wasn't that much better. But those aren't really things to hold against the movie.
Saw it, loved it. Only two main issues, which have been repeated a million times:

1 - Lame that there's yet another super weapon that needs destroyed. I feel like this has been done a million times in a million movies.

2 - lightsaber combat. Maybe my view here is "tainted" by the expanded universe books, but there's just no way either Finn or Rey could compete against someone who has been trained in lightsaber combat, even if Kylo still needs training. Why wouldn't Kylo force push/choke either of them during their duels?

Anyway, these are minor annoyances in an otherwise great movie, and a worthy reboot of the franchise. Wish it had more Luke though!

Only reason I was forgiving of Kylo and Rey's fight is the dude was extremely injured I mean he took a bowcaster shot to the abdomen. During the whole fight he is having to redirect his focus on not dying and sustaining his ability to attack with rage which eventually starts to ebb on him. He doesn't have a mastery over his emotions and can't stay calm through the fight which taxes his body greatly. Rey never does anything that shows she all of a sudden has mastered lightsaber fencing she just continues to retreat and absorb his blows until he is exhausted and she can tap into the force to give her the energy to attack with everything she has. Which at that point Kylo is to weak to fend off.
There's a difference between "mystery to be solved later" and "thing that should have been dealt with". Rey's heritage, Snoke's identity and goals, and what caused Ben to turn to the dark side are the former, what the political state of the galaxy is and how Maz got Anakin's lightsaber are the latter (unless there's some big mystery attached to that, which I doubt).

My vibe too. It felt like something they could have explained with 5-6 lines. Hux's speech could have even included some information about who the Resistance were in relation to the Republic, and likewise with the First Order. Still, it's a relatively minor complaint. My wife, who has never watched a Star Wars film, cared nothing about that stuff and LOVED the movie.

So... What is the back story? I know in Aftermath its mentioned that the Rebel fleet gets decommissioned down to 10% of its then-strength. However that doesn't explain why the Resistance only seems to have 30 or X-Wings.


Isn't it a bit strange that Unkar Plutt just kept the creatures in the Falcon there, presumably feeding them for months/years, but not selling them? They seemed like they'd be worth a lot of money.

The Ranthars? They were on the freighter Han and Chewie piloted that intercepted the Falcon. That whole action sequence takes place on the freighter, not the Falcon.


I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.


Was anyone else sorely disappointed with captain plasma? Not only did she do jack shit, but she's the sole reason why her base and people were vaporized, lol.


I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.
Mark Hamill was part of the discussions for this movie from the very beginning; the idea of where Luke Skywalker is and what has happened to him between ROTJ and now is what hooked JJ into doing this story. There's absolutely no doubt in mind that there was never a version of this movie that didn't include Luke at all.
It ought to be extremely important though and that's the problem. This is Star Wars and wars have consequences. I disagree with this whole notion that SW should skip over politics. The OT could get away with that because of the simple set up - Rebels vs. Empire - but the situation is more complex than that now and that needs to be addressed. The prequels were right to bring politics more into the mix.

As for the lightsaber, I guess it just comes down to opinion. For me it's more fun to know at least the basic details. Han winning the Falcon from Lando in a game of sabacc is more interesting that "He stole it, that's all you need to know!" for example. I was greatly relieved when they at least gave a very brief explanation of how it got on Jakku and how Han found it since that was something we all pondered over for months due to the shot list not containing dialogue.

Anyway, I noticed two things that Kylo said on my second viewing that I hadn't noticed the first time around. First thing was that when he's talking to the Vader helmet he says "Show me again the power of the darkness", which implies he believes he has communicated with Vader before. Since Vader is obviously now Anakin, is Snoke somehow manipulating him into believing he has experienced something else? I know some of the concept art showed Hayden phasing in and out of Anakin and Vader, so maybe it's a leftover from that?

Also when he's interrogating Rey, there's very blatant foreshadowing that she is having dreams of Luke that I didn't pick up before. "At night...when you're desperate to sleep. You dream of an ocean. I see the island."

I don't think politics have ever been something important about Star Wars. As much as Lucas has tried to rob Asimov of his Foundation novels of the galactic battle stuff, the films have always been character driven. Seeing as none of the characters in the film really have any stake in the galactic politics of the era, it seems to be irrelevant. What matters more is the character interaction.

As far as the lightsaber, I think explaining where it came from would have distracted from the main plot which was always to find Luke Skywalker. It would have muddied the waters.


Isn't it a bit strange that Unkar Plutt just kept the creatures in the Falcon there, presumably feeding them for months/years, but not selling them? They seemed like they'd be worth a lot of money.

I think they weren't on the Falcon, they were on the freighter that Han and Chewie were on that tractor-beamed in the Falcon with Rey and Finn.


Neo Member
Great film. Caught a 9:45 showing this morning (uk) and was shocked it was packed out.

The whole family loved it--including my wife who previously had zero interest in the film. And when Han was killed... I turned to my son (nearly 7) and he was in tears. I comforted him but was tearing up myself. Han Solo was one of my movie heroes as a kid and seeing my son react in the same way as me was powerful stuff.

Kylo Ren/Ben is a great villain and not just a Vader wannabe like I feared. Plus Rey was awesome. The jedi mind trick scene was really well done, like she was trying out the powers she'd heard about in the stories of Luke Skywalker and the jedi Knights.


I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.

The studio didn't force them to have Luke in, the writers pushed him to the end because every time they introduced him earlier he just took over the film. I also think that considering they're doing more shooting on that island soon, that it might pick right up right where TFA left off.
Saw the movie for the second time, and ended up enjoying it even a bit more. I was less distracted by dumb shit like this super evil bad guy being called Snoke and Han looking so old.

Rey grabbing the lightsaber is well on its way to my favourite moment in the series. Kylo's frustration at the time is great.

I still think ending the movie at the hyperspace jump would've been better.
Yeah, the 3D in the movie was hot garbage. D-Box wasn't that much better. But those aren't really things to hold against the movie.
There was one scene with a Star Destroyer that I was like "oh cool". For the most part it was just distracting. I saw it in AVGX3D, picture quality was fantatic though.


I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.

The quest of the movie was to find Luke -- they needed to complete that quest to move onto the next phase. And, I don't think there has to be a time skip ... in the movie, the hyperspace jump was like instantaneous. You can actually go back to before that jump to show things like Finn waking up, maybe a followup attack on the Resistance base, etc. So, I wouldn't assume anything at this point.
I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

Its going to open with Rey giving him a haircut.
The rathtars? They weren't on the Falcon, they were on Han and Chewie's freighter, the Eravana.

Which creatures do you mean?

The ones that attacked them all while the two groups confronted Han were not in the Falcon. They were captured by Han to sell again. That was aboard that freighter, not the Falcon.

Oh shit you're right lol. The worst thing is I do remember being utterly confused when we saw the Falcon in the freighter again, because I thought that whole rathtar sequence was still in the Falcon up to that point lol



I don't feel that way. There were just as many mysteries in the original film that weren't answered till later.

Only thing you listed that I felt should have been clarified is the political state of the galaxy.

There were things in ANH that were left unsaid, sure, but they were mostly used either for worldbuilding (like the Clone Wars) or to give you a sense that you were jumping into the middle of the story (like what exactly the Rebels and Empire were, the dissolution of the Senate, etc.), Nothing felt like it was left out for the sake of speeding along the story though, which is what a couple of things in TFA feel like, namely the lightsaber and Poe getting off Jakku. Do you need to know the answers to these things? Ultimately, no. But that doesn't really matter unless your entire conception of storytelling revolves around "You only should know what you need to know and anything else that's extraneous can be cut". Sometimes it's just more helpful to know. These aren't big mysteries, they're just things that stick out as obvious moments where JJ and Kasdan wanted to move along and not bother thinking about it.

It's just a matter of preference I suppose.


The studio didn't force them to have Luke in, the writers pushed him to the end because every time they introduced him earlier he just took over the film. I also think that considering they're doing more shooting on that island soon, that it might pick right up right where TFA left off.

Doubt it, they would still be there probably for some time, but I don't see how you can do a text crawl without a time skip. Otherwise the crawl would just be a recap of the previous movie. It's not impossible, seems like it should pick up right where it ended, but that would be a first.

Par Score

I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.

Yeah, with any sequel speculation, you've gotta remember there's a rough average of 3 in-universe years between each film within the trilogies so far, so a lot of shit could go down in the intervening years.

The studio didn't force them to have Luke in, the writers pushed him to the end because every time they introduced him earlier he just took over the film. I also think that considering they're doing more shooting on that island soon, that it might pick right up right where TFA left off.

The quest of the movie was to find Luke -- they needed to complete that quest to move onto the next phase. And, I don't think there has to be a time skip ... in the movie, the hyperspace jump was like instantaneous. You can actually go back to before that jump to show things like Finn waking up, maybe a followup attack on the Resistance base, etc. So, I wouldn't assume anything at this point.

No way is there anything less than a year of in-universe time passing before the next movie, and I'd guess closer to two.

Absolutely zero chance that the next movie picks up right where this one left off, or indeed before it finished, that's just madness.


Further viewings of the film really make you appreciate the score a lot more.

I love how #22

"Farewell and the Trip" at 3:40++ starts merging various 'classic' bits and pieces of the OT's soundtrack and then transistions into Rey's Theme / The Scavenger. Thereby also having a musical 'passing of the torch' / musically embracing Rey as the new heroine of the Saga.

There were things in ANH that were left unsaid, sure, but they were mostly used either for worldbuilding (like the Clone Wars) or to give you a sense that you were jumping into the middle of the story (like what exactly the Rebels and Empire were, the dissolution of the Senate, etc.), Nothing felt like it was left out for the sake of speeding along the story though, which is what a couple of things in TFA feel like, namely the lightsaber and Poe getting off Jakku. Do you need to know the answers to these things? Ultimately, no. But that doesn't really matter unless your entire conception of storytelling revolves around "You only should know what you need to know and anything else that's extraneous can be cut". Sometimes it's just more helpful to know. These aren't big mysteries, they're just things that stick out as obvious moments where JJ and Kasdan wanted to move along and not bother thinking about it.

It's just a matter of preference I suppose.

There's plenty of stuff like that in ANH.
How did Lando infiltrate Jabba's guards?
So luke built a new Lightsaber? Where the hell would he learn that from? Why doesn't anyone (like Han) ask him "dude, what's up with that new lightsaber? and why are you wearing that weird black glove?"

Many of the flaws people are seeing in TFA - which i do not say aren't flaws - were similar in scale and frequency as flaws in the OT.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I see some people complaining about the thermal oscillator. Remember though, not only did they have to take out the shields just to get an attack on it, which doing so required entering atmosphere from hyperspeed AND getting inside to do it, but as well then needed Ham and Chewie to (luckily) blow a hole inside the structure for Poe to enter through as apparently the plating and structure were strong enough to withstand an attack from the outside.

So it really wasn't "they built another weak spot??!?" I mean they needed like 3-4 major things to line up just to get that shot. Including entering a landing approach from hyperspeed.


So, I'm not one to harp on logic problems and shit with a Star Wars film, but one thing in particular seems a bit egregious to me: Starkiller pretty much wipes out a sun to charge it's weapon. What then? Does it move somehow to another system to use another sun?

Further viewings of the film really make you appreciate the score a lot more.

I love how #22

"Farewell and the Trip" at 3:40++ starts merging various 'classic' bits and pieces of the OT's soundtrack and then transistions into Rey's Theme / The Scavenger. Thereby also having a musical 'passing of the torch' / musically embracing Rey as the new heroine of the Saga.

That and the finale are really magnificent, for precisely the reasons you mentioned. Loved it.
So, I'm not one to harp on logic problems and shit with a Star Wars film, but one thing in particular seems a bit egregious to me: Starkiller pretty much wipes out a sun to charge it's weapon. What then? Does it move somehow to another system to use another sun?
Obviously it's out of ammo and then they have to build another one, duh.


I don't think politics have ever been something important about Star Wars. As much as Lucas has tried to rob Asimov of his Foundation novels of the galactic battle stuff, the films have always been character driven. Seeing as none of the characters in the film really have any stake in the galactic politics of the era, it seems to be irrelevant. What matters more is the character interaction.

Leia doesn't have a stake in galactic politics? Snoke, Kylo Ren, and Hux don't have a stake in galactic politics?

I'm not saying that Rey and Finn needed to have a political discussion but there are things that are important to the foundation of the conflict that need to be explained. Thankfully the novelization takes care of that. Leia and Kor Sella (that lady who dies on Hosnian Prime) had an entire subplot cut about Leia trying to get aid from the Republic Senate but not wanting to go there herself because there are elements who would want to assassinate her for her militaristic stance against the First Order. The visual dictionary talks about how the FO is creating the Finalizer in violation of a treaty that they have signed with the Republic. Had any of this stuff been included - just a few lines of dialogue - the scope and stakes of the conflict would have been more obvious. As it is, we have tons of people in this thread and elsewhere complaining that they don't understand what's going on.


I see some people complaining about the thermal oscillator. Remember though, not only did they have to take out the shields just to get an attack on it, which doing so required entering atmosphere from hyperspeed AND getting inside to do it, but as well then needed Ham and Chewie to (luckily) blow a hole inside the structure for Poe to enter through as apparently the plating and structure were strong enough to withstand an attack from the outside.

So it really wasn't "they built another weak spot??!?" I mean they needed like 3-4 major things to line up just to get that shot. Including entering a landing approach from hyperspeed.

How did the falcon breach their shields?
So, I'm not one to harp on logic problems and shit with a Star Wars film, but one thing in particular seems a bit egregious to me: Starkiller pretty much wipes out a sun to charge it's weapon. What then? Does it move somehow to another system to use another sun?

And how come it was daytime when they fired it the first time.
Oh shit you're right lol. The worst thing is I do remember being utterly confused when we saw the Falcon in the freighter again, because I thought that whole rathtar sequence was still in the Falcon up to that point lol


It's Millennium Falcons all the way down.
And how come it was daytime when they fired it the first time.
They had the battery charged already. Then they had to charge it again for the second shot.


What's a Finalizer?

Man, so many names and locations and terms that never come through in the film....all included in other official canon elements like the novel and Visual Dictionary I guess.


I really wish there had been non 3d imax showings. 3d was more distracting than immersive.

Yeah, I went with 3D because that was the only IMAX showing available to me. Apart from that one shot of the cruiser slowing coming towards the screen it was nothing good. Hurt my eyes a little during the introduction of Rey savaging around that downed star destroyer.


I'm really curious how the next movie will start. There has to be a text crawl, which implies a time skip. That means we won't see what happened when Luke meets Rey. Also means we don't see him reunite with R2, Chewie, and the falcon. Also means we don't see him react to Han's death (even if he probably felt it), etc.

The movie should have just ended on the falcon going into hyperspace. I wonder if that was the original ending and the studio forced them to have Luke in.

Don't be so sure of that.

Ep. VIII possible spoilers:
That last shot was on Skellig Michael off the coast of Ireland. Mark Hamil had to go back and shoot some scenes there for Episode VIII last month before principal photography begins next month. Apparently the island can be harsh and not fit for shooting certain times of the year because of the weather. There were twitter rumors that he almost fell off the steps to his death. There were also twitter photos of Hamil in Ireland right after this and he had shaved off all of his beard so that he could have a month off without it before Ep. VIII shooting picks up again in January.

No word on whether Daisey Ridley was there or not but we do know that there will be scenes shot in that same location with Hamil


I see some people complaining about the thermal oscillator. Remember though, not only did they have to take out the shields just to get an attack on it, which doing so required entering atmosphere from hyperspeed AND getting inside to do it, but as well then needed Ham and Chewie to (luckily) blow a hole inside the structure for Poe to enter through as apparently the plating and structure were strong enough to withstand an attack from the outside.

So it really wasn't "they built another weak spot??!?" I mean they needed like 3-4 major things to line up just to get that shot. Including entering a landing approach from hyperspeed.

it's as much as a weak spot as if i were to say: "so, if i were to sneak up onto your WW2 tank and mount some sticky bombs to it's chains and then were to throw a pipe bomb into it's exhaust. lol, what a silly weak spot"

everything has a "weak spot". If i shove a screwdriver into your GPU's cooling fan, your GPU will die or your PC will shut off.
If i take a fucking FORK and shove it into your wall outlets, it'll flip your breaker switch.


So if Ren turns good someday are they going to have him "fix" his lightsaber so it's steady instead of all crazy

I'm assuming that in his quest for more power, he's just gonna make it even more broken and unstable as the series progresses. If he turns good, he'll probably end up with Luke's saber, but I cannot see him turning good after killing Han


For the final fight between rey and klyo I think it would have been better if kylo beat fuck out of rey and only stop because the force ghost of Vader distracted him allowing rey and Finn to escape.


One thing absent from the movie that was in the early trailers was where Luke is heard saying something to the effect of, "My father had it, I have it...you have it."

And I'm guessing the idea of Kylo and Rey being twins is out the window, since there's no mention by Han or Leia of a second child. Guessing Rey will turn out to be Luke's kid, then?
One thing absent from the movie that was in the early trailers was where Luke is heard saying something to the effect of, "My father had it, I have it...you have it."

And I'm guessing the idea of Kylo and Rey being twins is out the window, since there's no mention by Han or Leia of a second child. Guessing Rey will turn out to be Luke's kid, then?

The voiceover from Return of the Jedi was only ever intended for the trailer.

And yeah it could be. There's a few other possibilities though.


So if Ren turns good someday are they going to have him "fix" his lightsaber so it's steady instead of all crazy

I don't think he'll turn good. Honestly I don't think he dies this trilogy. I think they are going to make him as powerful and menacing as Darth Vader, end with him living and set him up for the next trilogy or spin off movie.
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