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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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Found this interesting...

Abrams discusses the fact that The Force Awakens has always been an origin story for Kylo Ren as a new villain as much as it’s about the evolution of Rey and Finn:
Long before we had this title, the idea of The Force Awakens was that this would become the evolution of not just a hero, but a villain. And not a villain who was the finished, ready-made villain, but someone who was in process.

Star Wars had the greatest villain in cinema history. So, how you bring a new villain into that world is a very tricky thing. We knew we needed to do something fucking bold. The only reason why Kylo Ren has any hope of being a worthy successor is because we lose one of the most beloved characters.
I think that is a given, in a philosophical way, after him killing his real father the next psychotic step is him killing Snoke.

He will kill Snoke at the end of episode 9 and being the greatest villain of the trilogy with en final battle between him and Rey and it's gonna be awesome.

It's gonna be awesome. I'm so hyped about that conflict between Rey and Kylo , the chemistery between them like "pure bad evil guy" vs "pure good woman" without the "I don't want to kill you father".

It's really like the battle between light and dark side now and it's really promising for 8 and 9. I have the feeling that the final battle in SW7 raise the bar for the intensity of what's to come.
Am I the only one who is extremely worried about how episode 8 and episode 9 will turn out, when, -from the looks of it- it seems these movies will be made by completely different people in key roles?

Cinematographer is different, director is different, writer is different...

Who is there as a common denominator to keep things glued together and have a consistent vision?

I know the OT used different persons also in key positions, but Lucas as well as other people were involved in all 3 films to ensure that things will turn out like they are supposed to.
So Star Wars will be the Mission Impossible series for sci-fi movies. Each movie with a new director and possibly tone (Brian De Palma, John Woo, J. J. Abrams, Brad Bird, Christopher McQuarrie)
Kylo and Zuko have completely different motivations plus Kylo is irredeemable right now. Zuko didn't pull any of the shit Kylo did.

Well, yes and no.

He was directly responsible for a lot of imprisonments and the burning of resistant villages.

The main difference is Zuko always had a postive role model (Iroh) to look out for him. Kylo doesn't seem to have that.
About the soundtrack, I just thought it was very well implemented. Kylo's theme is catchy.

And after rewatching the film, the first half is awesome, the second half gets a little slower with Han and Leia, but it still has its stuff.

The way the force and Kylo's scenes were presented created a great atmosphere. Adam Driver was great both with and without mask.
Poe = Legolas

i'm fine with that. tbh legolas never bothered me in the lotr movies. it was always a nice show-offy scene of his skills in each film.

it just got really ridiculous in the hobbit when he started hopping on shit in mid-air...became a videogame.

poe has his aim in an x-wing for sure.


I'm looking forward to seeing this a second and third time. I feel like I'll enjoy it a lot more. Upon first viewing and having some time to let it marinate, I'd probably give this movie a 7.5/10. With a repeat viewing, I could see that climb a bit after already being familiar with the plot points and being able to pick up on more of the plot structures, foreshadowing, etc.


Did anyone else come away with the impression that Finn was a toned down human version of Jar Jar?
Nah he's goofy a bit but not on thst level
I think he`ll get a version of the Han Solo 'I dont want to get involved' storyline. He needs to find his 'cause to fight for', I'm sure that will be a the theme for him.
Well see I think they will try a han solo like arc for him maybe. Phasma is definitely hunting him next movie so that will be a thing.


I really want Luke to have spiritual meetings with all known Force Ghosts, something like this:



Star Wars Ranking:

ESB > TFA = ANH > ROTJ > ROTS > TPM > Holiday Special > AOTC

AOTC is hot garbage, it's impossible for me to re-watch it because it's just so cringe-inducing.

This is how I feel about the whole thing.

TFA was great, maybe marginally below A New Hope because it was striving to set up a new trilogy with the baggage of the old trilogy. And of course it's not Empire Strikes back, the GOAT.

But it was definitely better than RotJ, and of course better than all the NT.

One reason TFA is my favorite Star Wars film is due to the fact that its treatment of its female characters is lightyears ahead of all other films.

It is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

It makes me so happy for the future of film. And it's selling like hotcakes at box office right?

So just like how I felt about TFA.

People acting like that 3rd act of TFA was original filmmaking!

Of course it wasn't original. But it was setting up a context for Episode 8.

IMO it's more important they make an OK plot, slightly overdone just to set up a great sequel than to make a great plot which would lead onto a more mundane sequel.

Also remember that TFA is basically a love letter to the original trilogy. The whole things rings of it - and that is intentional. Episode 8 is going to be the one that pushes the envelope in any kind of way, I think.
Well, yes and no.

He was directly responsible for a lot of imprisonments and the burning of resistant villages.

The main difference is Zuko always had a postive role model (Iroh) to look out for him. Kylo doesn't seem to have that.
Yeah, but Kylo is part of an organisation that destroys multiple planets, man. Then he goes and kills his dad.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I think they just needed to emphasize the fact that Poe would actually introduce a FO deserter to THE leader of the Resistance Army (Leia). They HAD to be bro'ed out, less it wouldn't make sense.

He says "You're a good man Finn", then Finn says "Poe, I need your help". Cut to Leia applauding Finn, and him explaining the Starkiller base.

Some thought that they were too friendly, too early, and others are suggesting some sort of intimacy, I think it was just JJ plot-trickery to keep the story moving as quickly as possible.

It helps that Poe's characterization seems closest to Luke's ANH mannerisms. He's got that wide-eyed enthusiasm about him, so sure he'll be quick to buddy-up.
There's three sides to the Force. The Light side. The Dark side. The Bro side. Finn and Poe are powerful in the Bro side, just like Chewie, Han, and Lando before them. They can't throw boxes around or read people's minds, but when the time is right, they can move mountains by being in the right place at the right time.


I'm looking forward to seeing this a second and third time. I feel like I'll enjoy it a lot more. Upon first viewing and having some time to let it marinate, I'd probably give this movie a 7.5/10. With a repeat viewing, I could see that climb a bit after already being familiar with the plot points and being able to pick up on more of the plot structures, foreshadowing, etc.

Totally will.

"While there is light, we still have a chance" is the best piece of foreshadowing in the movie. - which can be applied to the "I'm being torn apart" scene

as well as Maz Kanata's instructions "close your eyes, let the force guide you" - which is exactly what Rey does when Ren has her pushed with her back against the gorge.


So Star Wars will be the Mission Impossible series for sci-fi movies. Each movie with a new director and possibly tone (Brian De Palma, John Woo, J. J. Abrams, Brad Bird, Christopher McQuarrie)

Well that worries me. Cause this is not like Mission Impossible, it is a direct sequel. Not a standalone film.

Also, imo, they hit gold with cinematography and the entire look / direction they went with this entry is amazing. So i'd like some consistency on that part and not each and every director/cinematographer/writer/whatnot doing whatever he wants.
Did anyone else come away with the impression that Finn was a toned down human version of Jar Jar?

When I think of Jar Jar I think of someone who has no idea what is going on. Someone uses his slapstick comedy to devastate enemy forces, and makes jokes directly at younger audiences regarding subject matter like poop.

Finn has no slapstick.
Finn makes no low brow jokes.
Well that worries me. Cause this is not like Mission Impossible, it is a direct sequel. Not a standalone film.

Also, imo, they hit gold with cinematography and the entire look / direction they went with this entry is amazing. So i'd like some consistency on that part and not each and every director/cinematographer/writer/whatnot doing whatever he wants.

Star Wars have so many code of storytelling and filmmaling that directors can't change a lot the things. After all the original trilogy had three different filmmakers too.


Well that worries me. Cause this is not like Mission Impossible, it is a direct sequel. Not a standalone film.

Also, imo, they hit gold with cinematography and the entire look / direction they went with this entry is amazing. So i'd like some consistency on that part and not each and every director/cinematographer/writer/whatnot doing whatever he wants.

Empire had a different director, RotJ had a different director.
Finn's problem is that he's kind of a third wheel of the group. Poe is an exceptional pilot, Rey is clearly a pastiche of luke and han as pilot/mechanic/jedi/chewie's bff, but finn? Finn was just a clumsy ex-stormtropper who has a crush on rey and knew a couple of things that weren't the most important of details.

I hope they do a better job developing Finn because even with him being a chump in TFA Boyega's charm still makes you want to cheer for that character. He's just kinda not really adding much to the whole thing
Yeah, but Kylo is part of an organisation that destroys multiple planets, man. Then he goes and kills his dad.

Well obviously you have to think about the context of the scenario. Zuko doesn't live on a world where they can leave their planet.

Avatar is also a show aimed a younger audiences and thus they try to avoid actually killing people in the show (whatever happened to Jet?)

Zuko was part of an organization that committed Genocide on the entire air nation. And began an attempt to do the same thing to the Earth Kingdoms.


Found this interesting...

Abrams discusses the fact that The Force Awakens has always been an origin story for Kylo Ren as a new villain as much as it’s about the evolution of Rey and Finn:


Outside of Luke, Kylo Ren is probably my favorite character in the Star Wars saga. The mask, voice, hood, his history, his internal struggles, his raw power with the Force...I love everything about this character.
Well that worries me. Cause this is not like Mission Impossible, it is a direct sequel. Not a standalone film.

Also, imo, they hit gold with cinematography and the entire look / direction they went with this entry is amazing. So i'd like some consistency on that part and not each and every director/cinematographer/writer/whatnot doing whatever he wants.

I wouldn't worry too much, the OT had three different directors and three different cinematographers too. There seems to be a great team who are guiding the works and playing the role of Lucas.
Hope they do a directors cut for the bluray release. Still super butt hurt that they took out the shot with the xwings flying over the water. Was literally like the coolest thing I've ever seen. Should have shaved a few seconds off one of Kylo's spaz sessions to get it in.

Bro were you knocked out during the movie? The X Wings did fly over the water.
It can be Ben as a child, Luke telling him about the Force.
Maybe when he was teaching the Force to him?
Didn´t Leia send Ben because he was being a troubled teenager? It does not make sense that they sent him to Luke without telling him about their family.
i don't think the Line is meant to say "we're related"
it could be very well meant to say "your granpa was a jedi, your uncle's a jedi, your mom's somewhat of a jedi ... so guess what ... "

The explicit information of that sentence is "you have that power" not "we are related".

Just because Luke used it as a *nudge nudge* to inform Leia she's his sister doesn't mean he'll always be using that indirect way of speaking.
Yes it does, because there is a history of it. Luke was the last Jedi, who else was there? No, the explicit info is that the force run in families through generations, which was highlighted during the sequels and this movie with Ben.
It doesn't make sense that Luke says it to anyone, other than Leia, whom he already said it too. They just played around with the conversation with Leia in ROTJ; it would have been silly to have Luke repeat that speech to someone else.
Yes it does make sense for the sake of the continuity of the force awakened within few individuals that happen to be blood related. There is no way that some nobody has more Force than a Skywalker. Ben was defeated by someone who does not know that they have the force. Someone who barely used the force. Also, if she is not related she would not have visions when she was close too Luke´s light saber. Her Force awakened, as far as i am concerned, when she was close to the light saber. She started to have visions, and use the force after she opened the box of Luke´s light saber. That was clear indication of blood calling to each other, and not some random yahoo having her powers awakened just because.


Can StormTrooper amour only take one blaster shot? I mean shouldn't it be able to handle more then that

The plastoid-composite armor is great at taking glancing blaster bolts, but direct shots are still fatal.

They're still decent against ballistic weaponry like slug throwers, though.
Can StormTrooper amour only take one blaster shot? I mean shouldn't it be able to handle more then that

I've always been under the impression the white parts work like body armor. Like, they'll still take a hit like it's a blunt object, but it wont let the blaster shot piece the skin and do massive internal damage.

This also means that non-direct hits will likely not take a trooper out of combat, as the blast shot would just throw off the troopers balance or maybe dislocated their shoulder.
Does anyone wants to buy Star wars Battlefront after this movie? Because i hesitate now... and i think that if Dice release a Rey DLC character i will definitely pick this game...


Finn was nearly vomiting from the trough water and gets smacked by the space boar. He's also getting beat up by Chewie trying to fix him, gets yanked around by the tentacle monster. Finn has plenty of slapstick.
The water thing and tentacle sealed it for me then

"Yea....he's about to take L's all through this movie"
Well see how they handle it next go around


Finn's problem is that he's kind of a third wheel of the group. Poe is an exceptional pilot, Rey is clearly a pastiche of luke and han as pilot/mechanic/jedi/chewie's bff, but finn? Finn was just a clumsy ex-stormtropper who has a crush on rey and knew a couple of things that weren't the most important of details.

I hope they do a better job developing Finn because even with him being a chump in TFA Boyega's charm still makes you want to cheer for that character. He's just kinda not really adding much to the whole thing

I have to admit, upon repeated viewings, this asymmetry is very odd to watch. Finn really is quite useless in terms of his skills, and has to be repeatedly rescued throughout the film. Rey has to save him from the Rathtars, Han saves him from the Stormtrooper, Rey saves him again from Kylo...

On top of that, he has no real skill set - he's not a pilot or a mechanic. He can't speak any other languages (that we've seen). His melee skills are weak. He doesn't appear to be Force sensitive.

I feel he will take on a Han Solo type role from here on out, but I hope the writers give this character a bit more competency in some of the things he does.
Finn was nearly vomiting from the trough water and gets smacked by the space boar. He's also getting beat up by Chewie trying to fix him, gets yanked around by the tentacle monster. Finn has plenty of slapstick.

Slapstick - comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events.

Nothing about the things you listed above were deliberately clumsy.

Consider Jar Jar who deliberatly tried to hide under an ammunition cart, only to clumsily release all the ammo, and destroy a large portion of the droid army.

Would you consider Luke Slapstick for being shot by his training orb, or when the monster in the garbage shoot pulled him under?
Finn's problem is that he's kind of a third wheel of the group. Poe is an exceptional pilot, Rey is clearly a pastiche of luke and han as pilot/mechanic/jedi/chewie's bff, but finn? Finn was just a clumsy ex-stormtropper who has a crush on rey and knew a couple of things that weren't the most important of details.

I hope they do a better job developing Finn because even with him being a chump in TFA Boyega's charm still makes you want to cheer for that character. He's just kinda not really adding much to the whole thing

To me, Finn was the most relatable character. He was scared, but brave. Human and made mistakes, young and brash. He could recognize good and bad without being swept up in its politics or religion.

I do hope, and expect that they'll expand on the characters strengths but for this flick i think he fit in perfectly and added something that the narrative would have been weaker without.


Gold Member
Found this interesting...

Abrams discusses the fact that The Force Awakens has always been an origin story for Kylo Ren as a new villain as much as it’s about the evolution of Rey and Finn:

I mean, if you couldn't tell this from the movie...then I don't know what to tell ya! HAHA.

I would point to this to all people that are have a problem with Kylo (and him not being Vader 2.0)...I think (if they execute on it) we will see a very real development of this guys descent into the dark side...Rey's assent into the Light... Finn and Poe for jokes.

Im really...really looking forward to VIII. That is poised to be the best Star Wars movie maybe ever if they execute and deal with real subject matter (and allegory) of the light and dark side.
Bro were you knocked out during the movie? The X Wings did fly over the water.

I do think the shot he was refereeing too was missing. I've only seen the movie once and will watch for it the second time. Though i'd rather have a character building shot if given the choice of the two that d1rtn4p was talking about.

My only complaint with the flick was that a lot of the scenes felt very rushed and the pace was almost a little too quick at the start of the final act, but its a long movie and i'm sure a lot of little touches were left on the floor to keep the run time down and the pace high.


Finn is the fish out of water (shut up) in this movie. But yes, one of my main gripes with the movie is that Poe, Finn, and Rey all feel disconnected from one another and like they're all kind of doing their own thing but never feeling like a cohesive unit or group or travelers. Poe just feels like a random guy plopped into scenes because he's needed to move the story forward, while Finn feels like a red herring. (shut up) They lack the camaraderie that you felt with Luke, Han, Chewie, Ben, and Leia in the original Star Wars. To me, this is a plot structure problem. Maybe it will be addressed in the future films. We'll see.
Can StormTrooper amour only take one blaster shot? I mean shouldn't it be able to handle more then that

Plot armor, only works when needed. Like in the clone wars series, where clones get killed in one shot too, yet in some eps blaster bolts don't suddenly penetrate or takes multiple shots to do anything to a star clone character. The comics/novels have been same, with trooper armor stopping blasters when convenient.
Slapstick - comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events.

Nothing about the things you listed above were deliberately clumsy.

Consider Jar Jar who deliberatly tried to hide under an ammunition cart, only to clumsily release all the ammo, and destroy a large portion of the droid army.

The water drinking was exactly that. The shot has him looking for water and it pans slowly on the trough with the boar for comedic effect. Then the pause as he comes up and recoils only to drink again. Same with Chewie beating him up trying to get bandaged.

Doing stuff clumsily was all he was doing during the Jakku escape. Holding Rey's hand to flailing around in the Falcon's turret.

Hell, his outing as a space janitor fills the poo-joke quota too.
Finn is the fish out of water (shut up) in this movie. But yes, one of my main gripes with the movie is that Poe, Finn, and Rey all feel disconnected from one another and like they're all kind of doing their own thing but never feeling like a cohesive unit or group or travelers. Poe just feels like a random guy plopped into scenes because he's needed to move the story forward, while Finn feels like a red herring. (shut up) They lack the camaraderie that you felt with Luke, Han, Chewie, Ben, and Leia in the original Star Wars. To me, this is a plot structure problem. Maybe it will be addressed in the future films. We'll see.

Rey and Finn are definitely comrades that go through a lot together. Poe not quite as much.


Hope they do a directors cut for the bluray release. Still super butt hurt that they took out the shot with the xwings flying over the water. Was literally like the coolest thing I've ever seen. Should have shaved a few seconds off one of Kylo's spaz sessions to get it in.


This the scene you're referring to? I just got back from my fourth viewing; the x-wings flying over the water is definitely in the movie, although now that I look at it the shot in the trailer might be a little different, actually.
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