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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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Ok I'm not getting the love this movie is receiving.
Like it's basically episode 4: the Disney remake.
How did it review so well!?
Seriously someone who loves this movie please explain it to me.

By making it similar to Episode 4 in some ways, the differences stand out. For some people Star Wars was about character and tone, not plot. Personally, I think if you break them down to their beats, the stories in all the Star Wars movies are pretty pedestrian. And that's fine, one of the advantages of modeling your story after a bunch of Joseph Campbell myth archetypes is that the audience is instantly familiar with the plot so you don't need to waste much time or effort into it. Allowing you to spend more time and effort on character, world building and pacing. That's the essence of the Star Wars formula.

For the people that enjoyed the film, what we have here is a lot of interesting new characters presented with energy and enthusiasm. We have a movie that nails it's look and tone. We have a villain that is an interesting meta commentary on the dark side of Star Wars superfandom. We basically got a rejuvenated and vibrant universe that is ready to host a ton of new stories. It's fun, it's exciting, it's great for kids, it's Star Wars.


Was getting caught part of your plan?


This is kind of depressing from 3PO's POV though


Just got out of the theatre. Overall a great time but Luke's absence for 99.9% of it was really, really disappointing.

I think I would've felt this way before watching it, but having seen it (twice) now, it does feel like having Luke in this movie in any meaningful way would've totally overshadowed everyone else.

JJ very nicely pulled off the balance of Rey, Finn and Han (maybe to the detriment of Poe), tossing in Luke would've squeezed out the new leads and maybe even reduced Han's character a little more -- he becomes much less of an impressive legacy character if Luke is in any way part of the story imo.


Saw it a few days ago and LOVED it. Will be seeing it today again at the same IMAX (IMAX with Laser, new projectors and stuff, the screen was built last month or so).

Can't wait!!!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well we did have that one scene where they had super speed in episode 1. Not to mention the powers were used way more liberally. The EU got way too ridiculous with the force powers imho. Had people phasing through walls and Jacen Solo commanding entire armies with just his mind. I mean what?
Don't get me started on that shit. Holy fuck, have you ever been writing a story, for like a writing class or whatever, and realize that you accidentally trapped your main character and don't want to restructure the whole paragraph? That is that. "Then they super speed run away." The mere concept that Jedi can do this and do not take advantage of this ability constantly, easily completing nearly every "action" objective placed in front of them by the plot is unforgivable under even tiny amounts of scrutiny. Basically Jedi have the ability to close the distance between themselves and another point in a straight line much more quickly than a normal running human, and yet constantly get into situations such as

a) letting someone get away from them on foot
b) failing to catch up to a ship before it takes off
c) staying in a defensive position with a lightsaber while deflecting blaster bolts when they could easily run up to their target without getting hit
d) having to run quickly to warn people about something but moving at normal speed
e) letting their mentors get ahead of them and then becoming separated by red holo-doors a few dozen feet in front of them resulting in disembowelment

Especially with how many force jumps we see in the prequels, it should've been all over the place.

but whatever, if that is incorporated more I'm fine with it, done.. better. I can imagine out of the sheer volume of stuff alone in the EU resulted in ridiculous power creep to keep the force relevant, but just some new and unusual concepts would be great. I'm not necessarily even talking about combat or movement.

I think revealing that high-level force users that also have some technical aptitude can interface with technology directly and Luke can just "talk" to R2 and program him with the force would be pretty neat.

The way Yoda talks to Luke about the Force, it's like he's saying, lifting up your ship, balancing rocks and using a lightsaber is like scratching the surface of the Force, and truly advanced mastery of it (that we hadn't really seen outside the emperor- which was of course only the dark side) would look nothing like the stuff we had seen yet. That's why I always loved the emperor not having a lightsaber... sigh
By making it similar to Episode 4 in some ways, the differences stand out. For some people Star Wars was about character and tone, not plot. Personally, I think if you break them down to their beats, the stories in all the Star Wars movies are pretty pedestrian. And that's fine, one of the advantages of modeling your story after a bunch of Joseph Campbell myth archetypes is that the audience is instantly familiar with the plot so you don't need to waste much time or effort into it. Allowing you to spend more time and effort on character, world building and pacing. That's the essence of the Star Wars formula.

For the people that enjoyed the film, what we have here is a lot of interesting new characters presented with energy and enthusiasm. We have a movie that nails it's look and tone. We have a villain that is an interesting meta commentary on the dark side of Star Wars superfandom. We basically got a rejuvenated and vibrant universe that is ready to host a ton of new stories. It's fun, it's exciting, it's great for kids, it's Star Wars.
This post gets it. I can't find myself disagreeing with any points made here.

This Sunday--- 4th viewing. Going to see it in IMAX 3D finally. Wish I could watch without 3D, but oh well.
So are we assuming Ren called his ship and got out before the planet blew up? No way any stormtroopers found him in the forest. There couldn't have been enough time for that.
What if he's dead?


Isn't 3PO's arm gold again at the very end? When they're waving off the Falcon.

So are we assuming Ren called his ship and got out before the planet blew up? No way any stormtroopers found him in the forest. There couldn't have been enough time for that.
What if he's dead?

Hux retrieves him, off screen.
Don't get me started on that shit. Holy fuck, have you ever been writing a story, for like a writing class or whatever, and realize that you accidentally trapped your main character and don't want to restructure the whole paragraph? That is that. "Then they super speed run away." The mere concept that Jedi can do this and do not take advantage of this ability constantly, easily completing nearly every "action" objective placed in front of them by the plot is unforgivable under even tiny amounts of scrutiny. Basically Jedi have the ability to close the distance between themselves and another point in a straight line much more quickly than a normal running human, and yet constantly get into situations such as

a) letting someone get away from them on foot
b) failing to catch up to a ship before it takes off
c) staying in a defensive position with a lightsaber while deflecting blaster bolts when they could easily run up to their target without getting hit
d) having to run quickly to warn people about something but moving at normal speed
e) letting their mentors get ahead of them and then becoming separated by red holo-doors a few dozen feet in front of them resulting in disembowelment

Especially with how many force jumps we see in the prequels, it should've been all over the place.

but whatever, if that is incorporated more I'm fine with it, done.. better. I can imagine out of the sheer volume of stuff alone in the EU resulted in ridiculous power creep to keep the force relevant, but just some new and unusual concepts would be great. I'm not necessarily even talking about combat or movement.

I think revealing that high-level force users that also have some technical aptitude can interface with technology directly and Luke can just "talk" to R2 and program him with the force would be pretty neat.

The way Yoda talks to Luke about the Force, it's like he's saying, lifting up your ship, balancing rocks and using a lightsaber is like scratching the surface of the Force, and truly advanced mastery of it (that we hadn't really seen outside the emperor- which was of course only the dark side) would look nothing like the stuff we had seen yet. That's why I always loved the emperor not having a lightsaber... sigh
As far as I'm concerned, or ever was, the expanded universe is all fan fiction. Nothing made me happier than Disney wiping the EU.


The Cryptarch's Bane
As far as I'm concerned, or ever was, the expanded universe is all fan fiction. Nothing made me happier than Disney wiping the EU.
Yeah. I mean, just the weight of the continuity alone was impossible to maintain with such a ridiculously well-known universe. It's a perfect framework for fan fiction and I'm not surprised those books and so on were popular, but considering it all "non-canon" for the purpose of making new feature films was definitely the right call.

Sadly, super speed running Jedi are somehow canonical.

Maybe it's like that one laser beam sword attack in Iron Man 2. They just get one and then they have to recharge for a few days.


So what is the back story of First Order being able to build this giant death planet and nobody bothered to stop them until they obliterated the republic? I didn't read up on anything before going to see this so was it explained somewhere that I missed?


So what is the back story of First Order being able to build this giant death planet and nobody bothered to stop them until they obliterated the republic? I didn't read up on anything before going to see this so was it explained somewhere that I missed?

Outer rim, large galaxy, peace treaty.
Came back from the cinema a few minutes ago. Great movie, I had huge expectations and it totally delivered on them. It's just so well done... everything works! It has heartfelt moments, funny moments, the action sequences are great and the character work in this is amazing. I'm impressed by how much I liked all the new characters and how much I want to see them again and see where they go next. Such a huge departure from the prequel trilogy... I need to see it again. And I'll probably take my mom with me, this time.


So what is the back story of First Order being able to build this giant death planet and nobody bothered to stop them until they obliterated the republic? I didn't read up on anything before going to see this so was it explained somewhere that I missed?

You would think the sheer scope of building that thing and what they had to do to the planet would have taken more time than the gap between episode 6 and this one. We're talking what? 30-35 years?


I took that as a sign of Hammil's bad acting skills. I mean that seriously as I was sitting there trying to figure out what emotion he was trying to convey.

At first he seemed almost shocked.

Then when he saw his father's lightsaber you can see him begin to subtly break down. His eyes watered up a bit, and his mouth opened and quivered.

I thought he was great, for basically having 20 seconds of screentime with no dialog.
You would think the sheer scope of building that thing and what they had to do to the planet would have taken more time than the gap between episode 6 and this one. We're talking what? 30-35 years?

Im more sad that we get 10 second footage of what appears to be a futuristic city get blown up.

Thus the only scenes we get of cities are in the prequels.
You would think the sheer scope of building that thing and what they had to do to the planet would have taken more time than the gap between episode 6 and this one. We're talking what? 30-35 years?

It's parallel to the rise of the Nazis and arming of Germany. I think the republic knew but chose to do nothing to avoid more civil war.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Don't get me started on that shit. Holy fuck, have you ever been writing a story, for like a writing class or whatever, and realize that you accidentally trapped your main character and don't want to restructure the whole paragraph? That is that. "Then they super speed run away." The mere concept that Jedi can do this and do not take advantage of this ability constantly, easily completing nearly every "action" objective placed in front of them by the plot is unforgivable under even tiny amounts of scrutiny. Basically Jedi have the ability to close the distance between themselves and another point in a straight line much more quickly than a normal running human, and yet constantly get into situations such as

a) letting someone get away from them on foot
b) failing to catch up to a ship before it takes off
c) staying in a defensive position with a lightsaber while deflecting blaster bolts when they could easily run up to their target without getting hit
d) having to run quickly to warn people about something but moving at normal speed
e) letting their mentors get ahead of them and then becoming separated by red holo-doors a few dozen feet in front of them resulting in disembowelment

Especially with how many force jumps we see in the prequels, it should've been all over the place.

but whatever, if that is incorporated more I'm fine with it, done.. better. I can imagine out of the sheer volume of stuff alone in the EU resulted in ridiculous power creep to keep the force relevant, but just some new and unusual concepts would be great. I'm not necessarily even talking about combat or movement.

I think revealing that high-level force users that also have some technical aptitude can interface with technology directly and Luke can just "talk" to R2 and program him with the force would be pretty neat.

The way Yoda talks to Luke about the Force, it's like he's saying, lifting up your ship, balancing rocks and using a lightsaber is like scratching the surface of the Force, and truly advanced mastery of it (that we hadn't really seen outside the emperor- which was of course only the dark side) would look nothing like the stuff we had seen yet. That's why I always loved the emperor not having a lightsaber... sigh
Yea it was a ridiculous power. Was used often in the clone wars 2d show to good effect. In the EU it got so ridiculous, like jedi could:

phase through walls

heal people.

turn invisible

Oh and Jacen Solo went super saiyan.


It was good, but I was slighlty disapponted by the lack of diversity in the First Order. Yeah, Finn was a stormtrooper but he's effectively a hero in the movie who isnt ever really portrayed as having done anything bad. Meanwhile, white men (and one male hologram alien I guess) are exclusively portrayed as villains throughout. It's really not okay to do that anymore.
It was good, but I was slighlty disapponted by the lack of diversity in the First Order. Yeah, Finn was a stormtrooper but he's effectively a hero in the movie who isnt ever really portrayed as having done anything bad. Meanwhile, white men (and one male hologram alien I guess) are exclusively portrayed as villains throughout. It's really not okay to do that anymore.

There was like a bunch of multiethnic officers shown during the big boom thing

Im pretty sure Kylo Ren is something


It was good, but I was slighlty disapponted by the lack of diversity in the First Order. Yeah, Finn was a stormtrooper but he's effectively a hero in the movie who isnt ever really portrayed as having done anything bad. Meanwhile, white men (and one male hologram alien I guess) are exclusively portrayed as villains throughout. It's really not okay to do that anymore.

It is pretty odd, but I guess that's just Hollywood's lack of diversity working against itself in a way. At least it's mitigated by the fact most of the good guys are white men as well, though I will say it feels a little strange now that the Resistance seems so much more diverse than the First Order.

For what it's worth there were some minorities on the First Order side when they fired Starkiller to destroy Hosnian Prime and a bunch of other planets. Also VIII will have Benicio Del Torro in a villainous role.

The only way they can one up that is if they add someone like Ejiofor to the mix as a bad guy. He'd be pretty awesome and he's been in a film with Boyega before, plus he's down with Disney since he's doing Doctor Strange. I can see something happening there if they're interested in adding more colour on the baddies' side, no doubt.
There was like a bunch of multiethnic officers shown during the big boom thing

Im pretty sure Kylo Ren is something

Kylo Ren is the product of Han and Leia. Very white.

Having said that, the fact that Han and Luke are main characters and Poe destroying the base disproves the whole argument that white men are only villains here.
It was good, but I was slighlty disapponted by the lack of diversity in the First Order. Yeah, Finn was a stormtrooper but he's effectively a hero in the movie who isnt ever really portrayed as having done anything bad. Meanwhile, white men (and one male hologram alien I guess) are exclusively portrayed as villains throughout. It's really not okay to do that anymore.

Is this going too far? I can't tell anymore.
I really wish people would spend more time talking about the characters and the writing instead of trying to make sure the people in charge of the movie have checked all the boxes on the Politically Correct All Inclusive Can't Risk Offending Anyone Checklist&#8482;.

EDIT: To be fair, most people do, it's just a small vocal minority (*cough* Tumblr crowd *cough*) who seem to be offended by anything and everything.


It is pretty old, but I guess that's just Hollywood's lack of diversity working against itself in a way. At least it's mitigated by the fact most of the good guys are white men as well now too, though I will tell it feels a little odd now that the Resistance seems so much more diverse than the First Order.

For what it's worth there were some minorities on the First Order side when they fired Starkiller to destroy Hosnian Prime and a bunch of other planets. Also VIII will have Benicio Del Torro in a villainous role.

The only way they can one up that is if they add someone like Ejiofor to the mix as a bad guy. He'd be pretty awesome and he's been in films with Boyega before, plus he's down with Disney since he's doing Doctor Strange. I can see something happening there if they're interested in adding more colour on the baddies' side, no doubt.

I think that's the problem. It just feels incongruous now that they've diversified the protagonists but left the villains as homogeneous as they were in the 70s. Yes, they're space fascists so we expect some degree of uniformity among their ranks, but there isn't really any in universe explanation as to why white men are so prevalent. They somehow managed to stumble into a situation where they're doubly racist, to white men are the only ones capable of being villains, and to non-white actors who are denied the opportunity to fill roles as villains.


I really wish people would spend more time talking about the characters and the writing instead of trying to make sure the people in charge of the movie have checked all the boxes on the Politically Correct All Inclusive Can't Risk Offending Anyone Checklist™.

EDIT: To be fair, most people do, it's just a small vocal minority (*cough* Tumblr crowd *cough*) who seem to be offended by anything and everything.

There is no reason we can't do both.

I take the mick out of the tumblr crowd now and then for taking innocuous things and blowing them out of proportion, but race and gender representation are not unimportant subjects.

I think that's the problem. It just feels incongruous now that they've diversified the protagonists but left the villains as homogeneous as they were in the 70s. Yes, they're space fascists so we expect some degree of uniformity among their ranks, but there isn't really any in universe explanation as to why white men are so prevalent. They somehow managed to stumble into a situation where they're doubly racist, to white men are the only ones capable of being villains, and to non-white actors who are denied the opportunity to fill roles as villains.

I'll cut them some slack for TFA, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it especially in VIII.
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