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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #2) - One Thumb Up

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To be fair, 98% of the First Order are wearing uniforms that conceal their faces. So while we can clearly see the Asian female and black male fighter pilots for the Resistance, that becomes a bit harder to tell apart the rank and file for the FO.

On the female front, they're leaps and bounds ahead of where the Empire was in the Original Trilogy. We have Phasma as a main, who will probably see her role greatly increased over the next two movies, we saw plenty of female officers in the bridge scenes, and even had a regular stormtrooper who was female (she talks to Kylo after Rey escapes about an alarm going off in a hanger).

On the whiteness front...yeah still work to do there.


There is no reason we can't do both.

I take the mick out of the tumblr crowd now and then for taking innocuous things and blowing them out of proportion, but race and gender representation are not unimportant subjects.

I'll cut them some slack for TFA, but I'll be keeping an eye out for it especially in VIII.

They're absolutely important subjects. But I do think that TFA is to be largely commended for the diversity of it's main cast.

If I had a daughter, I'd be thrilled for her to watch that movie and see Rey. Finn also being such a forefront and instantly loveable character is an amazing thing for the franchise.


I forget which dogfight it was but there was a shot from inside the cockpit of an X wing in a first person view where the pilot dodged a missile coming at him. I thought that was so awesome.
I really wish people would spend more time talking about the characters and the writing instead of trying to make sure the people in charge of the movie have checked all the boxes on the Politically Correct All Inclusive Can't Risk Offending Anyone Checklist™.

EDIT: To be fair, most people do, it's just a small vocal minority (*cough* Tumblr crowd *cough*) who seem to be offended by anything and everything.

You first.

I mean you're not even talking about the movie in this post at all soooo....


That's what I watched most of the time. Little bit OP hahaha.

Haha I loved it, I think you were supposed to be watching that the whole time. With that many enemies in the sky I don't think its so unrealistic a good pilot with that maneuverable of a fighter could line up some enemies in a row with some quick moves. It's almost more baffling in scenes in movies when 30 fighters cross 30 enemies and only one or two get taken out.
Daisy Ridley's energy and screen presence reminded me of a young Sigourney Weaver in Alien and Aliens.

Physically, she reminds me of River Tam from Firefly (Summer Glau), Christing Ricci, and a younger Hayley Atwell.

She definitely has the strong female presence that Sigourney, Uma, Charlize, Milla, and more recently, Emily Blunt all share.

Inspired casting choice.
It is pretty odd, but I guess that's just Hollywood's lack of diversity working against itself in a way. At least it's mitigated by the fact most of the good guys are white men as well, though I will say it feels a little strange now that the Resistance seems so much more diverse than the First Order.

For what it's worth there were some minorities on the First Order side when they fired Starkiller to destroy Hosnian Prime and a bunch of other planets. Also VIII will have Benicio Del Torro in a villainous role.

The only way they can one up that is if they add someone like Ejiofor to the mix as a bad guy. He'd be pretty awesome and he's been in a film with Boyega before, plus he's down with Disney since he's doing Doctor Strange. I can see something happening there if they're interested in adding more colour on the baddies' side, no doubt.

I'm still feeling like that rumored female role might be a villain.

Some are guessing romance for Finn...but I don't think he's giving up on Rey.

I would love to see Chiwetel in this though. He was great in Serenity.


Just got back from seeing it a third time. Saw it with my parents, and usually my dad doesn't get too into it and my mom doesn't even pay attention, but they were both hooked. My mom was so upset when Han died, and even more when Chewie howled right after.

Point is, my mom really doesn't love Star Wars, but she did TFA. And even after three times in a week, I'm not tired of it. This movie is fucking magical.
Yea it was a ridiculous power. Was used often in the clone wars 2d show to good effect. In the EU it got so ridiculous, like jedi could:

phase through walls

heal people.

turn invisible

Oh and Jacen Solo went super saiyan.

I feel like this stuff works great for animation/comics, but would be silly in a live action.

I did like Kylo's powers though. Most were struck by him stopping a blaster shot, but I actually loved how he was able to just put Rey to sleep, and freeze people.
Something I've noticed on my third viewing, Leia said "I know, that's why I wanted him to train with Luke, I should've never send him away", so did Ben actually trained with Luke, was the rogue Jedi apprentice someone else, Snoke maybe?
To be fair to Phasma, Chewie only seems cute and cuddly to the characters that know him and viewers that love him.

He's a terrifying monster to everyone else.
What if, instead of Finn, he becomes her nemesis in future movies.


Just got back from my 3rd viewing.

I have come to the conclusion in the last fight Rey was definitely channeling darkside energy. Maybe not intentionally but imo there is no way she wasn't

She was scared, angry and at that point hated Ren. All those emotions feed into the darkside. Then look at how she's fighting in the 2nd half of that fight. She's swinging wildly. Although that could just be her not having any training with the weapon. But the that part kinda made me think of Jedi. When Luke was tempted at the end. He starts swinging wildly. Overpowering Vader. Much like Rey does to Ren.

The look on her face as well. The only thing stopping Rey from killing Ren at that point is the planet separating the two.
Let's talk about the mechanics behind stopping a blaster shot in mid air

Now that's overpowered.

Saw it again today with my mom, and while that scene was badass, I thought it was a great illustration of Kylo's overall character. Flashy with not a ton of confidence or substance behind him.

On the subject of Driver's performance, when he yells "TRAITOR!!" at Finn near the end, that might be one of my favorite line readings in the entire film. So fucking angry, it was great.
Saw it again today with my mom, and while that scene was badass, I thought it was a great illustration of Kylo's overall character. Flashy with not a ton of confidence or substance behind him.

On the subject of Driver's performance, when he yells "TRAITOR!!" at Finn near the end, that might be one of my favorite line readings in the entire film. So fucking angry, it was great.

That line was pretty great. He screamed at a man who took everything away from him, and he screamed like he meant it.


Just got back from my 3rd viewing.

I have come to the conclusion in the last fight Rey was definitely channeling darkside energy. Maybe not intentionally but imo there is no way she wasn't

She was scared, angry and at that point hated Ren. All those emotions feed into the darkside. Then look at how she's fighting in the 2nd half of that fight. She's swinging wildly. Although that could just be her not having any training with the weapon. But the that part kinda made me think of Jedi. When Luke was tempted at the end. He starts swinging wildly. Overpowering Vader. Much like Rey does to Ren.

The look on her face as well. The only thing stopping Rey from killing Ren at that point is the planet separating the two.

I can see your interpretation of that.

You have to remember though that she has no training, she doesn't know what the dark side and the light side of the force really are and what they mean. She's heard of them, but its always been a myth to her. I think she was more in survival mode than anything at that point. Even if she had killed Kylo, I don't necessarily think that would mean she was a dark side character. Light side Jedi have killed many of their opponents in battle before. Its kill or be killed. Mace Windu decapitated Jango Fett and would have killed Palpatine if not for Anakin's intervention. Obi-Wan killed General Grievous and many others in the Clone Wars.
That line was pretty great. He screamed at a man who took everything away from him, and he screamed like he meant it.

Yep and from Kylo's point of view it was some random jerk-off Stormtrooper. A number, not even a person, that caused his plans to go to shit, and on some level, a number that forced him to kill his father. Finn was his outlet for all the hate he had for himself after he killed Han.
Just got back from my 3rd viewing.

I have come to the conclusion in the last fight Rey was definitely channeling darkside energy. Maybe not intentionally but imo there is no way she wasn't

She was scared, angry and at that point hated Ren. All those emotions feed into the darkside. Then look at how she's fighting in the 2nd half of that fight. She's swinging wildly. Although that could just be her not having any training with the weapon. But the that part kinda made me think of Jedi. When Luke was tempted at the end. He starts swinging wildly. Overpowering Vader. Much like Rey does to Ren.

The look on her face as well. The only thing stopping Rey from killing Ren at that point is the planet separating the two.

The book says this :

Slowly she shook her head. “The Force?” That was what this was about? Instead of moving to defend herself, Rey closed her eyes. Ren hesitated, confused by her actions. A long moment passed, in which Ren sensed a change in the air, a change in her. Then she opened her eyes and attacked, viciously, in a way she didn’t know she was capable of, striking again and again as Ren was slowly driven back. The flaring energy from the interacting lightsabers was more pronounced than ever in the flurry of her attack. And—Ren went down.

He was up again in an instant, but not in time to fully deflect a following blow from Rey’s weapon. He succeeded in blocking it, but he still took the full force of thestrike against the haft of his own lightsaber. The weapon went flying into the snow. Unarmed, he raised a hand and utilized the Force to fend off one slashing blow after another, until finally her fury penetrated his remaining defenses. Taking a glancing blow to the head and chest, he went down, a prominent burn slashed across his face. Weakened, he reached out toward his lightsaber, trying to draw it to him.

One downward cut, she saw. One quick, final strike, and she could kill him. The landing lights of a shuttle appeared in the distance, coming over the trees in her direction. She had to make a decision, now.

Kill him, a voice inside her head said. It was amorphous, unidentifiable, raw. Pure vengeful emotion. So easy, she told herself. So quick.

She recoiled from it. From the dark side.

The world shook beneath her as the ground began to split. Turning away from the injured figure, she ran back to where Finn lay badly wounded. A deep gully formed, separating her from General Hux and the arriving troopers. Utilizing the tiny position sensor emplaced in Ren’s belt, Hux had tracked him to this spot. He would have taken Rey and Finn, as well, if not for the command that had been issued by the Supreme Leader. That took precedence over everything. There was simply no time left.

I realize that there has been some discrepency's between the movie and the book, but, this still might help understand what exactly happened there.


I can see your interpretation of that.

You have to remember though that she has no training, she doesn't know what the dark side and the light side of the force really are and what they mean. She's heard of them, but its always been a myth to her. I think she was more in survival mode than anything at that point. Even if she had killed Kylo, I don't necessarily think that would mean she was a dark side character. Light side Jedi have killed many of their opponents in battle before. Its kill or be killed. Mace Windu decapitated Jango Fett and would have killed Palpatine if not for Anakin's intervention. Obi-Wan killed General Grievous and many others in the Clone Wars.

You are right. She doesn't know the difference between the two sides, but it could potentially be easier for her to fall since she doesn't know that difference.

I agree with you she was in survival mode as well, but imo her actions were predicated on fear, anger and hate even with the Force guiding her. Not saying killing Ren makes her bad but her actions were fueled by those same emotions as well.
On the subject of Driver's performance, when he yells "TRAITOR!!" at Finn near the end, that might be one of my favorite line readings in the entire film. So fucking angry, it was great.

This is why I kinda feel (And hope) this isn't their last interaction. They made a point to show that Kylo knows who he is, and is even kinda hurt/frustrated by the fact that he turned against the FO.


Hey guys, I found an interesting conversation between Pablo Hidalgo and a twitter user thanks to TFN that I think will shake up how we think of Rey and Kylo's histories.


Basically, we shouldnt be calling Luke's organization an 'academy', implying it was small or not at a certain location, and the attack happened relatively recently in terms of its relation to the film. This almost certainly means Rey was dropped off on Jakku BEFORE the attack.

Also, in other Pablo confirmations, Kylo says 'It is you!' to Rey in the novel (and was going to in the movie but the line was cut) not bc he knows her but bc he realizes the awakening he felt is in her. So the emphasis is probably on 'you' and not 'is'.

ALSO TFA was originally called 'Shadow of the Empire' (not shadows).

Lastly, here's an excerpt from the novel of Han and Leia talking about Snoke and Kylo, giving a bit more detail. I think this implies we'll get to know Snoke shortly after RotJ since kylo wouldve been born around the time of the Battle of Jakku.

“He’s gone, Leia. He was always drawn to the dark side. There was nothing we could’ve done to stop it. No matter how hard we tried.” His final words were the hardest to get out. “There was too much Vader in him.”

“That’s why I wanted him to train with Luke,” Leia said. “I just never should have sent him away. That’s when I lost him. That’s when I lost you both.

Han dipped his head. “We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever good at.”

“We both did.”

He met her eyes steadily. “We’ve lost our son forever.”

Leia bit her lip, refusing to concede. “No, it was Snoke.”

Han drew back steadily. “Snoke?”

“He knew our child would be strong with the Force. That he was born with equal potential for good or evil.”

“You knew this from the beginning? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She sighed. “Many reasons. I was hoping that I was wrong, that it wasn’t true. I hoped I could sway him, turn him from the dark side, without having to involve you. You had—you have wonderful qualities, Han, but patience and understanding were never among them. I was afraid your reactions would only drive him further to the dark side. I thought I could shield him from Snoke’s influence and you from what was happening.” Her voice dropped. “It’s clear now that I was wrong. Whether your involvement would have made a difference, we’ll never know.”

He had trouble believing what he was hearing. “So Snoke was watching our son.”

“Always, from the shadows, even before I realized what was happening, he was manipulating everything, pulling our son toward the dark side.”
This is why I kinda feel (And hope) this isn't their last interaction. They made a point to show that Kylo knows who he is, and is even kinda hurt/frustrated by the fact that he turned against the FO.
I want Finn to become a person who could fight force users with wit and experiences.
Hey guys, I found an interesting conversation between Pablo Hidalgo and a twitter user thanks to TFN that I think will shake up how we think of Rey and Kylo's histories.


Basically, we shouldnt be calling Luke's organization an 'academy', implying it was small or not at a certain location, and the attack happened relatively recently in terms of its relation to the film. This almost certainly means Rey was dropped off on Jakku BEFORE the attack.

Also, in other Pablo confirmations, Kylo says 'It is you!' to Rey in the novel (and was going to in the movie but the line was cut) not bc he knows her but bc he realizes the awakening he felt is in her. So the emphasis is probably on 'you' and not 'is'.

ALSO TFA was originally called 'Shadow of the Empire' (not shadows).

Lastly, here's an excerpt from the novel of Han and Leia talking about Snoke and Kylo, giving a bit more detail. I think this implies we'll get to know Snoke shortly after RotJ since kylo wouldve been born around the time of the Battle of Jakku.

Ugh, I want to know more about Snoke.
Sorry if it's been asked before but who exactly is Supreme Leader Snoke by the way? I don't recall it being explained, unless I missed it...


Yeah and storm troopers deflect them with their heads

Stopping it in mid air though? That's pretty ridiculous.

Is it really? You're talking about the Force. Something that can mind control people, force push them and even move objects. It can even manifest lightning out of your hands. Is it hard to believe it can also stop a laser blast?
Is it really? You're talking about the Force. Something that can mind control people, force push them and even move objects. It can even manifest lightning out of your hands. Is it hard to believe it can also stop a laser blast?

If we're talking about power creep. If Force Running is completely ridiculous and breaks things, then stopping blasts is just as ridiculous. Like if Snoke really wanted to, him and Kylo could've stopped all the X-wings blasts from hitting the planet, and then like, deflected them away towards them.

It gives precedent to that, stopping blasts in mid air.


Just getting out of the cinema and writing this from inside my car.

HOLY SHIT¡¡¡ What a shit movie

This wasn't. I can't really complaint for anything. Will watch again several times nore


I want Finn to become a person who could fight force users with wit and experienced.

Me too and badly. I want one of three things:

1. He has no Force powers but develops them through sheer spirit and hard word. This would be a huge paradigm shift away from the Force being limited to "special" people with high midichlorians and from certain bloodlines.

2. Similar to above, he has very subtle Force sensitivity that would never get him detected and selected for Jedi training... but he grows his power anyway, opening up the door to the fact that many more people in the universe than suspected can develop Force powers, not just obvious prodigies.

3. He has no Force ability but discovers the Force isn't all powerful and a lone person of strong will, intelligence and ingenuity can resist and overcome a Force user under the right circumstances. Jango Fett sort of demonstrated this against random Jedi but not really when you consider the quick Mace Windu confrontation. Jabba is also immune to Force mind control. Then stormtrooper had a weapon that could easily counter a lightsaber. Chewie landed a clean shot on Kylo. Someone needs to bring all the elements together to show that Jedi aren't near-invincible superheroes.


I finally got out to see it again with my family today. Was lovely going with them. My mom certainly isn't a Star Wars "fan" like me but she did see all the movies in theatre and was excited for this one. She ate Harrison Ford up and really liked all the new kids. My college-age younger sister only ever saw A New Hope and only this week; she loved the Finn / Poe chemistry and rolled eyes super hard at the map, she thought it was really stupid and contrived. My brother's been making "thermal oscillator" jokes all night.

A couple observations I didn't have until this second viewing:

1) It's really funny how Finn knows about Han and Luke despite having been raised exclusively in a system of non-conformity-quashing indoctrination. Like did they teach "War of Northern Aggression"-style classes about the hated Republic War Criminals to their six-year-old recruits?

2) The vision is still frustratingly vague. The first time I hadn't caught "These are the first steps" mixed low as she's coming to. Also: when she's left on Jakku, who speaks and what do they say?

3) It's actually not clear if Kylo killed Luke's students? The phrase is like "Kylo betrayed Luke and destroyed it all", which definitely doesn't require murdering the students. The Knights of Ren scene in the rain, there are a bunch of corpses around but those weren't obviously Jedi-in-training to me?

Anyone can clarify 2 or 3?


I wanted Finn and Rey to happen.

But now I want Finn and Poe to happen too.

I'm so conflicted.


Note Oscar Isaac's answer.
I finally got out to see it again with my family today. Was lovely going with them. My mom certainly isn't a Star Wars "fan" like me but she did see all the movies in theatre and was excited for this one. She ate Harrison Ford up and really liked all the new kids. My college-age younger sister only ever saw A New Hope and only this week; she loved the Finn / Poe chemistry and rolled eyes super hard at the map, she thought it was really stupid and contrived. My brother's been making "thermal oscillator" jokes all night.

A couple observations I didn't have until this second viewing:

1) It's really funny how Finn knows about Han and Luke despite having been raised exclusively in a system of non-conformity-quashing indoctrination. Like did they teach "War of Northern Aggression"-style classes about the hated Republic War Criminals to their six-year-old recruits?

2) The vision is still frustratingly vague. The first time I hadn't caught "These are the first steps" mixed low as she's coming to. Also: when she's left on Jakku, who speaks and what do they say?

3) It's actually not clear if Kylo killed Luke's students? The phrase is like "Kylo betrayed Luke and destroyed it all", which definitely doesn't require murdering the students. The Knights of Ren scene in the rain, there are a bunch of corpses around but those weren't obviously Jedi-in-training to me?

Anyone can clarify 2 or 3?

For #2, it's the junkyard owner, the guy behind the counter giving out portions. #3 does seem ambiguous, but I just took it as Han not wanting to say it was his kid that did it.


Me too and badly. I want one of three things:

1. He has no Force powers but develops them through sheer spirit and hard word. This would be a huge paradigm shift away from the Force being limited to "special" people with high midichlorians and from certain bloodlines.

2. Similar to above, he has very subtle Force sensitivity that would never get him detected and selected for Jedi training... but he grows his power anyway, opening up the door to the fact that many more power in the universe than suspected can develop Force powers, not just obvious prodigies.

3. He has no Force ability but discovers the Force isn't all powerful and a lone person of strong will, intelligence and ingenuity can resist and overcome a Force user under the right circumstances. Jango Fett sort of demonstrated this against random Jedi but not really when you consider the quick Mace Windu confrontation. Jabba is also immune to Force mind control. Then stormtrooper had a weapon that could easily counter a lightsaber. Chewie landed a clean shot on Kylo. Someone needs to bring all the elements together to show that Jedi aren't near-invincible superheroes.

Watto in TPM is immune to Jedi mind control as well.


The only thing stopping Rey from killing Ren at that point is the planet separating the two.

I really wanted that to be the thing but I'm just not sure if it played on screen. After Kylo goes down, Rey doesn't step toward him or even raise her saber again.


An idea on how Kylo Ren may have been aware of Rey.

Think back on Rey's vision when she touched the lightsaber: She saw Kylo Ren in her future, in the forest.

Is it possible that Kylo Ren had a similarly styled vision, incorporating Rey, a battle between them, and possibly a desert planet? I would imagine that he too could have force visions.

Also, as an aside, her name better not eventually be used in conjunction with light or the light side of the force, like, a 'ray of light' or something. Would be mad cheesy lol
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