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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Both have their merits, really. There's just something about those 2006 faces that don't seem quite right. It's really touched up using CG, moe-ified and rounded; It looks artificial in a way, just slightly off. 2002's faces aren't proportionate at times but that just increases its cuteness. Shiori's picture (third picture down) just emanates cute from that oddly proportioned derpy face. Mai (fourth picture down) also is absurdly cute in that picture, even though her face is slightly squashed.

I agree with this person.


Here is how cajun and frostbyte probably think:


"This is not cute enough. How do we make it cuter?!"




Yami has such a great OP song.
Shame that the show that follows it is so utterly fucked up.
Although its definitely enjoyable to watch.


Here is how cajun and frostbyte probably think:

"This is not cute enough. How do we make it cuter?!"



I can't deny how [REDACTED] the picture is. Other than the fact that the left side of her face has two parts but hey, I'm okay with that! Everyone has their flaws.


I never said the GUY looked ok, just that the girls had the typical gigantic squid eyes look with tiny mouths. thats not all that uncommon or weird in anime. especially not 90s.
The guy looked absolutely silly.


The eyes of KyoAni's Kanon girls also look lifeless and desolate. Toei's captures more personality and spirit into them.

This is true. The ones KyoAni draws look like dolls or something. There's just something about the art that looks superficial and bland. I mean, I enjoyyed Air, Kanon 2006, and Clannad and purchased all of them, but the art was definitely NOT the reason why. I have a pnechant for the dramatic in anime so these shows were exactly what I was looking for. but that art...


A Good Citizen
Man I can't believe that there are people that defend Kanon 2002. Total and complete failure of basic artistic groundrules do not make things "charming" I'm afraid.


Man I can't believe that there are people that defend Kanon 2002. Total and complete failure of basic artistic groundrules do not make things "charming" I'm afraid.

I like it better than Kanon 2006. that''s all I'm saying.
They both suffer from the uguuface which isn't all that attractive to the eye to begin with.


This Kanon conversation isn't really going anywhere and art is quite subjective anyway so I'd rather not go on.

I'll just say that, again, both have their merits and neither is superior to each other. Also, Kanon 2002 more closely mimics the original VN character designs and is more faithful an adaptation, design-wise.



This Kanon conversation isn't really going anywhere and art is quite subjective anyway so I'd rather not go on.

I'll just say that, again, both have their merits and neither is superior to each other. Also, Kanon 2002 more closely mimics the original VN character designs and is more faithful an adaptation, design-wise.


The middle ones are the cutest.


The middle ones are the cutest.

I can't believe a meaningful discussion like iM@S character rankings was usurped by a discussion on the merits of the artwork in Kanon '02!

I mean, isn't the correct answer that they're all kind of derpy? It's not exactly the first place I'm going to go for sound character design in any incarnation, at least not when AKB0048 exists, anyway.


Maturity, bitches.
Bootylicious Space Pirates 17

Well now I understand what all the excitement was about. Guess I can retire my goggles.


Fate/Zero speculation

More Fate/Zero stuff
Surely they have some plot armor laying around somewhere!

I knew my laughing at others getting snuffed would come back to bite me in the ass sooner or later! Lord Rider...

Let me live in my fantasy where the inevitable doesn't happen...


This Kanon conversation isn't really going anywhere and art is quite subjective anyway so I'd rather not go on.

I'll just say that, again, both have their merits and neither is superior to each other. Also, Kanon 2002 more closely mimics the original VN character designs and is more faithful an adaptation, design-wise.


I really couldn't pick between the two.

As they're all terrible.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Space Brother 5

Another great episode.

Just as expected, the dynamic between Mutta and Hibito brings in delicious scenes and conversations. And the simple fact that Apo is there makes everything better by itself.

Next week...
That guy really called JAXA to tell them about the headbutt? Yeah, ok. That's definitely something I'd expect from Materazzi.


Sorry, I still choose 2002. The 2006 style is just...boring. Its a pretty style overall but its just so boring. The 2002 faces are all derpy but they have a charming look to them. I don't really care that 2006 was drawn better. To me it looks worse and it just reminds me too much of the look of visual novels. Thats what its supposed to look like and thats probably why I dontl ike it.
The Kanon 2002 faces are definitely cuter than the 2006 faces.
The 2006 style is just CGed to death and looks stupid.
Both have their merits, really. There's just something about those 2006 faces that don't seem quite right. It's really touched up using CG, moe-ified and rounded; It looks artificial in a way, just slightly off. 2002's faces aren't proportionate at times but that just increases its cuteness. Shiori's picture (third picture down) just emanates cute from that oddly proportioned derpy face. Mai (fourth picture down) also is absurdly cute in that picture, even though her face is slightly squashed.
why are people defending Kanon 2002? why????????
my god animegaf
Dude you can't just post that much Kanon 2002. We could go blind.
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