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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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I don't know if there's going to be a formula where Nobunaga shows up at the end of each episode to "defeat" the character of the week or if the show is going to shift into srs plot business after several weeks of introductory episodes. Both sound equally bad, though I hope it's the former so we never have to see Melty-kun again.

I don't even understand how that would work. Or perhaps, I don't want to understand.


Maybe that will happen when we hit OT2 on Thursday.
I can't believe we're going to hit OT2 before not just one, but two of the shows this season have even aired their first episodes. Granted, they are both starting more than three weeks after the first shows premiered, but still.


Jormungand 2

was alright. Still a bit worried that I'm not going to be able to tell apart some of the supporting cast later on, but hopefully either it won't matter or they'll get their own focus eventually.


The Light of El Cantare
No, a Kyubey plush. The hnnng plate is actually a fine idea.


Make it happen.


The Light of El Cantare
I don't even understand how that would work. Or perhaps, I don't want to understand.

Cute as the characters look, they were kinda sorta all mortal enemies in real life. Not that I actually expect the Sengoku Collection characters' similarities to their historical counterparts to extend past their name or anything.


It's pretty amazing. This whole season is so stacked that it feels premature for me to even really wonder about which show is actually the best. There are just so many great shows airing at the moment (and a lot of stuff which could be amazing).

I think it's going to take a few weeks to work what shows simply had great starts and which shows can consistently deliver high quality episodes.


Tell me about it, after I saw Bible Black things just got weird.

I feel like I could only do it justice, Garzey's Wing that is, if I watched it with my friends. Maybe one day....

The background conversations in the dub are the cherries on top.

Also check out Mad Bull 34.
It is.....well I'm not going to say anything because it would spoil...ANYTHING.
I think it's going to take a few weeks to work what shows simply had great starts and which shows can consistently deliver high quality episodes.

Yeah, that's how I feel. There have been some pleasant surprises to the season so far, but I think it's going to take until mid-May before we can really start to say what's worthy of being mentioned in hallowed breath. We definitely have a lot of contenders in the current season.

There are certainly some shows that could fall apart very quickly if they don't maintain their standards.


You mean to tell me there's actually a name for putting anime character's on cars?


After learning that antenna hair actually had a name, I've learnt to assume everything anime related has a technical term.

There's probably an otaku dictionary out there.


After learning that antenna hair actually had a name, I've learnt to assume everything anime related has a technical term.

There's probably an otaku dictionary out there.

I will admit to not previously knowing what "antenna hair" is called despite loving it for a long time and drawing many character designs incorporating some form of it. I used to call it a "hair boner".
Responding to some older stuff.

Notpantssuit Pirates 14
I wish they'd compressed episodes 13 and 14 into one episode so we can get back to space adventures faster. 14 especially felt empty to me.

It's a joke because of Marika's image of wearing a uniform skirt as part of her pirate outfit, and the original novel is called Miniskirt Pirates.
"Captain Marika wearing pants!? Unthinkable!!"
Her mother wore pants, there's absolutely no in-universe reason why she can't too.

"But anime girls are supposed to wear skirts" is the only "defense", and it's a pretty bad one. (And yes, on that note, the title change for the anime was a quite good idea.)

Yeah, Shiro was awful. He was out and out told that she's one of the strongest servants out there, even Tohsaka Rin was bitching how she was looking to summon Saber and Shiro basically tells Saber to stay in the kitchen and break some eggs because she's a girl, while he goes off and gets cut in half.
Yeah, when even anime characters know you're being sexist, you know you have a big, big problem. Shirou's certainly one of the worst. He wants Saber to stay in the kitchen solely because of her gender and for no other reason, there's no better definition of atrocious sexism in that situation.

Well that concept of not having a woman fight your battles is still relatively engrained into society. Not to mention we don't know how exactly he would have handled a male servant. His personality seems to be that of the type of hating that anyone, regardless of sex, would suffer in his place instead.
So your defense for his sexism is that sexism is ingrained into society, so it's okay?

That is not a defense -- no matter if it's common, it's still very, very wrong! And even in Japan, a very sexist place even now, most people, and even most anime characters, know better than Shirou does.

Good thing it wasn't a male servant. I wouldn't have read a yaoi VN :p

Joking aside, yes, not having a woman fights your battles is an ideal relatively dominant in the mainly patriarchal society we have today. Shirou's 'chivalry' takes it to a whole another level though.

I'd agree that if he had a male servant, he would still not want the Servant to suffer a lot. Heavy F/SN spoilers:
His borrowed ideals to become a hero would obviously prevent him from letting others suffer in his place. In another timeline, Heroic Spirit Emiya did become a Counter Guardian to try and save the lives of others.
He would still want to protect everyone if he had a male servant, I'm sure, but I also fully expect that he'd be much, much more okay with the servant fighting. It's quite clear that his biggest problem with Saber fighting is her gender, not position.

I was just saying short since it's just one OVA for a sequel.

That sounds...rather light-hearted. I doubt I'm ever going to watch it if it's just that.
Yeah, it's far too light-hearted for the tone of the series. I liked some of the scenes, though, so I guess it was worth watching... but the series is better for sure.

How is that so hard to comprehend?

Makes sense.
It is a pretty strange plot twist, but once you accept that Kanon has mystical elements, it's as reasonable as anything else in the story (or Key works in general).

Kanon 2002 13 END

so if ayu was in a coma all this time then how in the fuck was she interacting with others earlier on in the show?????
i can't believe someone actually wrote this convoluted shit. thankfully there's only a special left so i can put this suffering behind me... until yami to boushi that is.
She was a spiritual projection of the real Ayu, who of course was in a coma... it was no cooincidence that she ran into the MC, or that she kept appearing where he was but never went to school or had a defined home or knew what she was looking for, or any of that stuff... it was all thought through well from the beginning, and if you rewatch it (or watch Kanon 2006) you'll see that stuff. It's more mystical stuff, three of the five girls have a major mystical element to their plot.

Kanon Kazahana

and so makoto magically makes a brief reappearance for some dumb reason.
whatever. i'm over this shit
Yeah, I was never clear on how she was able to come back either.

The part with Mai was better, though!

Yeah, totally agree. It just felt dragged out a lot of the time.
Absolutely, and as I've said, the strong moeification that 2006 added changed the story for the worse, I thought... but yeah, overall both versions are good, in my opinion.

Speaking of slower paced, I'm surprised how much people fawn over Ayu in Kanon 2006. She got waaaaay too much screen time given her backstory. But then, every girl who wasn't Makoto or Nayuki got waaaaay too much screen time in 2006.
Mai and Ayu are the best characters, though! :)

Let's not forget Air and Clannad. Air had one of the most bullshit "sad" endings ever.
Air's ending was pretty sad... cruel, but sad.

Moeretsu Pirates 14

Space colds must really suck. :(
It's just the standard Japanese health problems (how teenage anime characters need bed rest after getting the common cold, etc) taken to its logical extreme! :)

And yeah... Medaka box... needs more this.


It is indeed impressive how it goes through the helmet.

hmmm should I watch polar bear cafe eps2?


I guess... I should...
I still need to try this show...

The gratuitously rectangular desks are meant to contrast the non-euclidean nature of Nyaruko.

Hah... sure, why not? :) The desks are kind of ugly.

The more I think about it, though, the more I feel that the show's portrayal of Nyarlathotep really makes sense. I mean, that's the kind of shit that Nyarly probably does to blow off steam in between leading men to horrific destruction.
Unlikely, but technically possible...

Yurumates3Dei 2

rip ahoge. dat yoshinoya!

Haha, I actually haven't seen the show yet so I can't say, but frequently I find that kind of thing amusing.
I'm sure they'll mention it here and there later on, but that isn't what the series's really about, most of the time, and as I've said I do find it somewhat disturbing, so I like that it's absent from ep. 2.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1 re-watch

Was waiting to have all the BDs before doing a full rewatch for Madoka, but yesterday decided to pop the first BD and start watching. I didn't remember that first episode to look that beautiful, with all those nice, vibrant colors. Mami's powers looked so good too.
The thing that hit me the most though was the ED. I totally didn't remember the show having that one at the start, and that part is genius imho, since it lasts just 2 episodes.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica 1 re-watch

Was waiting to have all the BDs before doing a full rewatch for Madoka, but yesterday decided to pop the first BD and start watching. I didn't remember that first episode to look that beautiful, with all those nice, vibrant colors. Mami's powers looked so good too.
The thing that hit me the most though was the ED. I totally didn't remember the show having that one at the start, and that part is genius imho, since it lasts just 2 episodes.

I only have the first Bluray so far (keep forgetting to call rightstuf to have them send disc 2 instead of waiting for 3) but yeah the colors and visuals HAVE been vastly improved and its freaking obvious. Its pretty beautiful. Shaft at their best.


Mysterious Girlfriend X 1
Well, after I bashed the hell out of the voice acting in the trailer, I finally got around to watching the actual episode and it was...actually kinda OK? Not sure what happened there. Saw a couple other people commenting on the same impression, "almost didn't watch it because of the trailer," etc.

Since I posted this last time with NicoNico comments on the trailer:

I figure I'd better follow up with comments on the actual first episode:


Mysterious Girlfriend X 1
Well, after I bashed the hell out of the voice acting in the trailer, I finally got around to watching the actual episode and it was...actually kinda OK? Not sure what happened there. Saw a couple other people commenting on the same impression, "almost didn't watch it because of the trailer," etc.

Since I posted this last time with NicoNico comments on the trailer:

I figure I'd better follow up with comments on the actual first episode:

times like these I wish I understood Japanese. at least written :(

So I can better understand these crazy otaku people.


I still need to try this show...
you should, it's pretty damn good!

Mysterious Girlfriend X 1
Well, after I bashed the hell out of the voice acting in the trailer, I finally got around to watching the actual episode and it was...actually kinda OK? Not sure what happened there. Saw a couple other people commenting on the same impression, "almost didn't watch it because of the trailer," etc.

Since I posted this last time with NicoNico comments on the trailer:
I figure I'd better follow up with comments on the actual first episode:
at least the otaku are starting to come around...in the most awkward way imaginable


But Wakamoto!
The Japanese versions only saving grace.
You people and your Wakamoto.
The important thing about Bebop's Japanese cast is that Hayashibara is in it!

Her mother wore pants, there's absolutely no in-universe reason why she can't too.

"But anime girls are supposed to wear skirts" is the only "defense", and it's a pretty bad one. (And yes, on that note, the title change for the anime was a quite good idea.)
Not "anime girls." Marika. The pirate captain who's known for having a school uniform skirt on. You're right that it's silly "in-universe" though; it's more of a meta-joke for the audience.
Not "anime girls." Marika. The pirate captain who's known for having a school uniform skirt on. You're right that it's silly "in-universe" though; it's more of a meta-joke for the audience.
But that's not something that's ever been mentioned. I mean, she's always worn her uniform skirt with the pirate costume, but it's never been remarked on, so the joke really doesn't entirely make sense without outside knowledge of "anime girl = skirts only 99% of the time"...

you should, it's pretty damn good!
That gif is ridiculously cute, at least.
AnimeGAF, did ya know that Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is awesome? Well, did ya? Just finished it recently - first 39 episodes dubbed on Netflix, and the rest subbed via Funimation on YouTube. English VAs > Japanese VAs.

Also, Roy Mustang is great.



Sorry if I wasn't clear; Inu x Boku SS was the 4th most popular show on CR through the winter season. Obviously you can't beat the power of Naruto and Bleach.

Looking at the show which occupies a similar position right now, I can already see what one of the big sellers of this season is going to be:



Still in Top 20 @ Amazon Japan as well.


But that's not something that's ever been mentioned. I mean, she's always worn her uniform skirt with the pirate costume, but it's never been remarked on, so the joke really doesn't entirely make sense without outside knowledge of "anime girl = skirts only 99% of the time"...
I don't know where you're getting this "anime girls" thing from.
It's Marika herself, specifically. The "high school girl space pirate."
Gruier's line was, "It would be utterly beneath Captain Marika of the Bentenmaru to be seen in a suit and pants!"
The key words are "Captain Marika of the Bentenmaru"
The people she walks past at the space station even comment, "She really is a high school girl!"
Outside knowledge is relevant in as much as the original novel had skirts in the title, which hasn't come up in dialog in the TV series, but even still the idol-like image of a high school girl pirate stands on its own.


AnimeGAF, did ya know that Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is awesome? Well, did ya? Just finished it recently - first 39 episodes dubbed on Netflix, and the rest subbed via Funimation on YouTube. English VAs > Japanese VAs.

Also, Roy Mustang is great.


Mustang is far and away the best thing on the show. He's the epitome of a boss. The beatdown he gave Envy in the manga is legendary.


Wrath is a very close second though.


Do you really have to post a huge gif with the wrong proportions as a reply to... a smaller and more efficient version of the same gif? :(
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