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Squatty Potty. Yay or Nay?


I've tried one, although I didn't find my bowels vacated any faster or easier with it - it felt more awkward than anything.

You want a life-changing toilet accessory, though? Add a bidet.

I'm going to guess from the following picture that it doesn't really put you in a squatting position because you are still seated (relaxed muscles). If you were squatting it would affect your muscles including the sphincter which means your shit would go down fast. (Just assuming here)

If you were sitting on the toilet normally, I'd suggest leaning forward, not sitting up.

With regards to shitting faster/easier, you'd still need a good diet regardless because a lack of fibre can still make things difficult.



My roommate got one but I've always squatted over the seat anyway. People often remark on how fast I poop.

I shit you not.

No really, I am serious.
Lol Asians are changing towards Western comode and Westerners are using Squatty potty. The circle is complete.
After years of squatting, I switched to sitting style around 8 years ago and it's heavenly. Never ever going back to squatting.


I picked one up when they were $9.99 on Amazon (you had to order using Alexa to get that price). I don't usually need it but it has helped facilitate things a few times. No regerts.


They work. You have to be able and willing to actually do a squat and hold that for as long as necessary but it works as advertised. I guess anything about that height and sturdy would as well but they go on sale often enough.


That's not the point. The point is that our bodies didn't evolve to push out stool from a sitting position. It's better for your organs to do so from a natural, squatting position

I don't really get this argument. Our bodies didn't evolve to sleep in comfy beds with comfy pillows either. Should we just sleep on the floor instead?


This is the first I've heard about them, I'm good though thanks, I want my toilet accessory count kept to a minimum.


I don't have a Squatty Potty, but after I saw the ad for one I decided to try a step stool that was about the same height. I was a little backed up, I grabbed the step stool and put my legs on it, and then everything started to flow. I keep the stool in the bathroom now, I don't use it all the time, but it does the trick when I'm backed up.

Appreciate the response but the thing is I don't want to poop faster, I like my toilet time just want my legs to not go out. So it's a catch 22 I guess since if this thing makes my legs better but poo quicker then what's the point?
(For the record I try not to go poo when I need to but when I want to.)


I'm going to guess from the following picture that it doesn't really put you in a squatting position because you are still seated (relaxed muscles). If you were squatting it would affect your muscles including the sphincter which means your shit would go down fast. (Just assuming here)

If you were sitting on the toilet normally, I'd suggest leaning forward, not sitting up.

With regards to shitting faster/easier, you'd still need a good diet regardless because a lack of fibre can still make things difficult.
The plastic squat potty does essentially nothing.

The problem is most people would fall over and injure themselves since they are old/overweight/lack of balance if they tried to squat.

Most people just read the brochure snd assume they are getting some kind of benefit
I'm not sure what's better - the instruction pamphlet that comes with it or the fact that no one that has used my bathroom has acknowledged it to me yet.


I think it's fantastic. Angel wipes for days.
Lul, no

Davey Cakes

I don't have a squatty potty but I do use a stool or a box to create a better squatting position on the toilet.

Honestly? It works. Squatting is the way to go. Feels like I'm really getting everything out.
I don't really get this argument. Our bodies didn't evolve to sleep in comfy beds with comfy pillows either. Should we just sleep on the floor instead?

You really don't see the difference?

Your digestive system is incredibly complicated, and the pressures and positions you put on this system when your sitting is different than when you are squatting. This system evolved over the course of millions of years to push stool out from the squatting position, not the sitting position. If you think there isn't a difference, go ahead and try squatting for 5 minutes and see how it feels.

Sitting feels more comfortable, yet we know scientifically it can be bad for us. Think of all the time you spend sitting on the toilet. People saying they don't find squatting "more comfortable" are missing the point entirely.

It's an investment in your long-term health, not comfortability.
What is your evidence for this? Have there been any scientific studies on the supposed benefits? Or is this just a case of stands-to-reasonism?

Ever had hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids may be brought on by pregnancy, obesity, and receiving anal sex. But the main cause is straining during bowel movement. Straining increases the pressure in your abdomen, causing the veins that line your anus to swell. In hemorrhoid patients, those veins stay swollen and sometimes bleed. In theory, squatting might stave off hemorrhoids by making defecation easier, reducing the need to strain and decreasing abdominal pressure.

An Israeli doctor named Dov Sikirov tested this idea for a 2003 study published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences. He had several dozen patients defecate in each of three positions: sitting on a 16-inch-high toilet, sitting on a 12-inch-high toilet, and squatting over a plastic container. He asked his subjects to record how long each bowel movement took and rate the effort required on a four-point scale ranging from effortless to difficult. Sikirov found that, when squatting, subjects averaged a mere 51 seconds to move their bowels, versus 130 seconds when sitting on a high toilet. And as they moved from a sit to a squat, subjects were more likely to rate the experience as easier.

Then last year, a group of Japanese doctors extended Sikirov's findings by looking at what happens inside the body while people squat and sit. For a study published in the medical journal Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, six subjects had their rectums filled with a contrast solution and then released the fluid from a squatting or a sitting position while being filmed with X-ray video. Image analysis showed that the anorectal angle increased from 100 degrees to 126 degrees as the subjects moved from a sit to a squat. The researchers also recorded abdominal pressure, and found that the subjects were straining less when they squatted.



My friend got one for me as a Christmas present and claimed it would change my life.

Using it feels exactly the same as not using it. I suspect claims about it being somehow "better for you" are pseudoscience nonsense, but if it makes going to the bathroom easier for some people then I'm glad those people found something that works for them.


No. Do not get that lol. That's a waste of money. I guarantee you have something around the house you can use for free.
You lose all of the actual squatting position by using the plastic squatty potty

A squat poo should be literally like this for optimal results.

The problem being that 99% of the US population can't do this squat position.
Squatting is better, but if you don't have the proper balance you can spend $50 for a plastic chair and get zero benefits.

thats why I bought the extra tall 9" one, it gets me closer to the perfect position
Ever had hemorrhoids?

No, but if I had I'd want to know whether this product would work. I've noticed that despite its name, Squatty Potty's marketing material as shown here doesn't seem to be promoting the use of the squatting at all, but rather the use of a raised footrest that brings the feet near crotch level. Would that be a reasonable characterisation of the intended use of this item? How could it be used during squatting?
Never even heard of this till now. I kind of want to try it without actually buying it. Maybe I'll just stack a bunch of books in front of my shitter .


What is your evidence for this? Have there been any scientific studies on the supposed benefits? Or is this just a case of stands-to-reasonism?
Squatting reduces occurrence of hernias so far as I'm aware so I'd presume that's the main angle health wise.


Squatting reduces occurrence of hernias so far as I'm aware so I'd presume that's the main angle health wise.

It reduces both the incidence of hernias and hemorrhoids, so anyone who finds themselves with hemorrhoids can also use something like a squatty potty for benefit.

Protip: any small stool works just as well as the squatty potty for this purpose.
I do think squatting may well be more healthy than sitting. The issue here is that I can't see any evidence that Squatty Potty is designed to facilitate squatting. Unless the idea is that the squatter should piss and shit on the floor in front of the toilet, which is where it will end up if they actually use this device for squatting.
Having a child going through potty training, we have a stool she can use to get up on the toilet. I use that for squatting. Best shits of my life.


Sonic handles my blue balls
The plastic squat potty does essentially nothing.

The problem is most people would fall over and injure themselves since they are old/overweight/lack of balance if they tried to squat.

Most people just read the brochure snd assume they are getting some kind of benefit

Lul, no
Comparison of straining during defecation in three positions: results and implications for human health.
In conclusion, the present study confirmed that sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying in sitting defecation posture necessitates excessive expulsive effort compared to the squatting posture.

If you owned one you'd probably be more chill.


One of my best investments ever.

I'm used to being constipated almost all the time, my weekly avg was 3-5!
now It comes in a consent and regular time everyday (unless I have a big diet change)

It is amazing, also helped me being more flexible.

Buy the bigger size one!
Comparison of straining during defecation in three positions: results and implications for human health.

This paper actually seems to be saying that squatting (really squatting) is superior to sitting, even sitting with the kind of low relief you'd get with a Squatty Potty.

Again, how would I actually use Squatty Potty to squat? If the device is in front of the toilet I just don't see how I could use it to squat and not just end up with a very wet and messy floor.
I've randomly wanted to get a Squatty Potty for the past two days, but not sure if I really should get it / need it.
I've heard from some of my friends who got it that they love theirs, but it takes getting used to.

What are your thoughts on it?
Do you have one? If so, what's it like?
If you don't, are you curious to know if it'll help your movements?
There's not much to get used to. You just put your feet on it, instead of the floor.

I've been using mine for more than a year. Definitely made my time in the bathroom shorter and made for healthier stools like type 3 (along with drinking enough water, of course).

My wife got one. I’m either just too tall for it or our toilets are too low for me to use it without extreme discomfort. I can’t stand it personally.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I think the standard height is suitable for 5'8 and under where as the higher step is for taller people.


I do this. Squatty Potty inspired me though.

It does actually feel more comfortable.

...this probably explains why there are foot prints on the toilets after the construction guy used the bathroom at work. Yikes.
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