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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens


What might Landing Zones 2.0 mean?

The speculation is going crazy. It could be anything from letting us actually land on Arc Corp (automated probably), to more features when landing on stations, to parasite fighter docking and undocking (since the Argo is flight ready in this patch).

It's the 2.0 part that's making me hyped, but it could easily be something disappointing.

Items 2.0 is obviously going to be great regardless.


Disco Lando explained Landing Zones 2.0:

"Landing Zones 2.0" might otherwise be referred to as "Landing Pads 2.0." It has nothing to do with previously referred to "Landing Zones" like ArcCorp or Nyx. It's more a continuing refinement of how you can approach and land on the platforms throughout the Stanton System, like Kareah, CryAstro, Port Olisar, and the upcoming GrimHex.

I guess it was just adding more features to Landing on stations. Oh well...


No, I don't think so - I was going to suggest decoupled mode, but it doesn't apply to orientation. A script could probably be set up as a middle layer so your input gets treated that way. It's probably not worth the effort though - the end result would be like trying to control the cursor-based flight mode with joystick inputs mapped to relative mouse movements.

Yeah, that's the thing. I want decoupled mode to be like FA off in Elite. It's almost the same, except for rotation. I asked around last year and people said they were going to change/improve the flight model, but I haven't seen or noticed any difference. Emulating it sounds interesting.
Hello there sexy




Looks bad imho. Low effort, lots of aliasing, textures are really low res. To be expected of a scam like this though. Will gladly play Line of Defense instead, at least that game looks like the developers actually care about their game.


Perhaps you took a wrong turn somewhere ending up in a thread you had no interest making any contribution to


Looks bad imho. Low effort, lots of aliasing, textures are really low res. To be expected of a scam like this though. Will gladly play Line of Defense instead, at least that game looks like the developers actually care about their game.


Perhaps you took a wrong turn somewhere ending up in a thread you had no interest making any contribution to

I don't know whether it's funny or sad that we've gotten to the point where a statement like the one by Daedardus can be considered anything other than heavy sarcasm. Especially with a UEE avatar.

But yeah, to be certain, he's not being serious. At all. He's an old timer in the Star Citizen OTs and even part of the NEOGAF org management. =)


Maybe he had avatars disabled.

That's possible, or he just never looked at it. I can't say I pay much attention to a random member's avatar before replying to them. It's not until I start seeing them posting on a regular basis that I really look at it and start associating the image with them.

In this case it just made the situation all the more amusing though.


I'm still surprised no one got a Javelin. I mean, people who bought them are insane, but I'm still surprised.
Debated it; decided against it. Melting an Idris and a bunch of other ships isn't something you do without thinking long and hard about it. This was even more the case back before the current unmelt system. It'd be one thing if you could guarantee getting a Javelin, but you can't. You could do the melting and then come up empty on the F5 sale lottery. Then you're stuck with no Javelin, and nothing that you melted. That'd suck. A lot.

Even if the Javelin was a sure bet, or if you had enough spare funds to dump another couple thousand into the game without a second thought, there was the org logistics. It simply didn't make total sense to have a huge wreck of a ship right off the bat for an org of our size. Time and funds would be better spent getting the more practical ships upgraded. A couple of upgraded Idris in formation with their fighter/bomber wings would theoretically be more effective in most situations than a single (barely functional) Javelin.

Plus it gives a goal for the org to accomplish as a whole.


Debated it; decided against it. Melting an Idris and a bunch of other ships isn't something you do without thinking long and hard about it. This was even more the case back before the current unmelt system. It'd be one thing if you could guarantee getting a Javelin, but you can't. You could do the melting and then come up empty on the F5 sale lottery. Then you're stuck with no Javelin, and nothing that you melted. That'd suck. A lot.

Even if the Javelin was a sure bet, or if you had enough spare funds to dump another couple thousand into the game without a second thought, there was the org logistics. It simply didn't make total sense to have a huge wreck of a ship right off the bat for an org of our size. Time and funds would be better spent getting the more practical ships upgraded. A couple of upgraded Idris in formation with their fighter/bomber wings would theoretically be more effective in most situations than a single (barely functional) Javelin.

Plus it gives a goal for the org to accomplish as a whole.

Oh, I absolutely agree with everything you said. That's one of the reasons I think people who bought it are insane. I'm actually still hoping maybe we can pull together to make a real attempt at taking a Bengal after release to use as the mobile GAF Command Ship (I want to name it "EvilLore's Revenge"). But even if we can't, we still need a lot of Org support to run anything Idris-sized or bigger, so if we want a big ship, it seems like something everyone in GAF should contribute to getting.

Edit: More gifs!!! Those damage shaders are beautiful.



Taking a closer look at the roster, I'm actually surprised we only have a single Buccaneer. Actually thought there might be an issue with the spreadsheet, but nope. Just the one. That has to be the worst concept sale to ship additions for the org thus far. At least when prices and roles are factored in. It's not like we're talking about an expensive niche ship like the Genesis.


Seek victory, not fairness
Taking a closer look at the roster, I'm actually surprised we only have a single Buccaneer. Actually thought there might be an issue with the spreadsheet, but nope. Just the one. That has to be the worst concept sale to ship additions for the org thus far. At least when prices and roles are factored in. It's not like we're talking about an expensive niche ship like the Genesis.

Oh yeah, that is surprising. It seemed like a solid enough fighter. I just picked it up for LTI token and the weapon that was included in the package - it'll be CCU'd to something else later.
Taking a closer look at the roster, I'm actually surprised we only have a single Buccaneer. Actually thought there might be an issue with the spreadsheet, but nope. Just the one. That has to be the worst concept sale to ship additions for the org thus far. At least when prices and roles are factored in. It's not like we're talking about an expensive niche ship like the Genesis.

I have one. It looks like I didn't update mine correctly. Sorry. Fixed it now.



Perhaps you took a wrong turn somewhere ending up in a thread you had no interest making any contribution to

I wasn't serious at all, and I tried to go over the top so people hopefully had noticed. I can't say more than all those things really good and I hope they are in the game soon.

Haven't been much active too, in the last few weeks or month. It's funny that every time you think you have the free time to indulge in every news the game has to offer and play the latest update, priorities shift and it is more important for your future life to invest in other things. With Star Citizen, this is even more difficult if you consider the sheer amount of news that gets released on so many different platforms. I just can't keep up with it. What surprises me even more is the big critique CIG is getting for 'not making a game'. They clearly are putting all their best effort in game development. Yes, some things turn out to be more difficult to implement, but they aren't wasting all those pledge dollars on weed, booze and fast cars.

What you always have to keep in mind is that as the bank account grew, the schedule grew too. Instead of just cashing in and saying "we'll take those extra 80 million dollars please, thank you", they recalculated the planning and set out to make a bigger game. That's were most of the delays come from. If the game got $20 million, it was already released, but with less detail and a smaller scope, more akin to ED. They are all different games trying to do different things and I'm glad SC is willing to fill in the life in space simulator.

And I hope they finish the female models and hairstyles soon, would add a big deal to immersion. I hope they have them ready by the end of September.
Oh, I absolutely agree with everything you said. That's one of the reasons I think people who bought it are insane. I'm actually still hoping maybe we can pull together to make a real attempt at taking a Bengal after release to use as the mobile GAF Command Ship (I want to name it "EvilLore's Revenge"). But even if we can't, we still need a lot of Org support to run anything Idris-sized or bigger, so if we want a big ship, it seems like something everyone in GAF should contribute to getting.
EvilLore's Revenge is a hilarious name. I would be all for it.
Edit: More gifs!!! Those damage shaders are beautiful.

And to think nearly every game asset has that shader built into is (that is the blend shader for wear and tear). Ships... environmental props... :D

I think low reflective metals though show how much the game needs to go beyond the basic CE SSR. When SSR shows on such materials... it looks so blobby and terrible :( I hope they manage to get it to the Frostbite level of SSR before release.

Totally off-topic here, but I wish every hangar was as pretty as the VFG one in terms of lighting.


The fleet chart really drives home how many of us there actually are, just quietly waiting and killing time doing other stuff while they finish up.

Well aside from the few crazies with an extremely disproportionate ship to owner ratio. Skews the chart a bit. ;)

But yeah, assuming everybody remembers that they have an account when SC actually launches as 1.0, we'll be good to go for pretty much anything the game has to offer. Lots of members. Lots of ships, and a wide variety of them to boot. Especially when you consider the chart doesn't represent the entire org, but only the reporting members. The actual counts, whatever they are, will be higher.


Hey citizens, first post in this thread. I've applied for the GAF org on the RSI site, I have the same username over there if anyone can invite me, cheers :)

I have a few ships to bring with me, Freelancer DUR, Sabre and Vanguard Sentinel. I haven't really been following the game lately but I might check out the alpha again after the next big update.


Hey citizens, first post in this thread. I've applied for the GAF org on the RSI site, I have the same username over there if anyone can invite me, cheers :)

I have a few ships to bring with me, Freelancer DUR, Sabre and Vanguard Sentinel. I haven't really been following the game lately but I might check out the alpha again after the next big update.

Accepted. I've added you into the org sheet with the provided details, but you'll probably want to fill in the other blanks yourself. Link is found via quoting the first post in the email tag at the bottom.


So, from the RtV today, there's some good news and bad news.

Good news is every mission in SQ42 Ep.1 has at least enough progress for QA to test:

[Have you been able to play through a mission in SQ42 yet?] Disco has been able to, but has chosen not to. Tyler has played through every mission because he comes from QA, and it was his job to to so.

The bad news is CIG doesn't want anyone to get too hyped.

CaptainZyloh said:
I just want to curb some of the hype a little bit before this goes over 9000. I am not going to go into detail about this too much, but it is important to remember that QA tests the game at all stages of development, and the comment was not representative of Squadron 42 being complete right now. We are still heavily in development.


Oh yeah, that is surprising. It seemed like a solid enough fighter. I just picked it up for LTI token and the weapon that was included in the package - it'll be CCU'd to something else later.

I did the same got 4 of the "free" weapons. Not sure if I am going to keep the Buc, the no eject kind of kills it for me.


I guess "be carful what you wish for" is what I should be saying as this makes the wait for 2.7 a lot harder =/


Huge 2.7 Spoiler warning. It seems a magazine printed some gamescom stuff early.


more here:

Edit: There's so much information here, do you guys think it might be worth making another thread for it?

Here's a direct quote of the text information dump.
/u/blablablablabla78 said:
No misunderstanding, they actually played it. Chris and Erin were there as well. There's also a new screenshot of Mark Hamils face and the Onion Knight in uniform, faces definitly look better now than before.
2.6 will launch Star Marine as separate module just like Arena Commander, this was also played by staff of PC Games and they are saying it's much more polished on the FPS side and feels a lot better than current rudimentary FPS in the PTU. - Interesting side-note: they talked about map->s.
2.7 will bring procedural planets and you will be able to travel the whole stanton system and all planets and moons can be directly approached down to the surface.
  • They say the new lighting system as part of the procedural planets build looks much more natural.
  • They say that approaching the planet looks and technically feels better than with Elite Dangerous.
  • You can land anywhere manually, automatic landing gets you to fixed positions i.e. landing zones.
  • Microtech and Hurston come in follow-up patches after 2.7
  • They aim to have Stanton fully playable i.e. with all stations and landing zones (according to CR about 40 locations) by end of 2016
  • There will be more jobs and missions as well.
  • Trading will be in by then
  • Chris describing that missions accepted up in space stations could lead you eventually down to planet surfaces, not clear if this is going to be in with 2.7 but seemingly something SQ42 will benefit from.
  • Planets and moons are revolving around suns, with naturally simulated day and night cycles.
  • When flying over the ocean they were noticing that the horizon had a correctly simulated curve.
  • Trees and Animals seemingly are planned (edit: doesn't seem to be in with 2.7, sorry) - they have them seemingly setup in pre-made templates they call eco-systems - these can be brushed over the planet surface, some magic blends the transitions to make it look naturally and consistent.
  • Planetary surface and topograhy details are controlled by a dynamical LOD system.
  • Some pop-up was visible during the planetary approach but they described it as impressive regardless.
  • They were also impressed with the cloud system, which wasn't just a simple texture layer but seemingly is described what I assume is volumetric, i.e. they have deepth and height and impact visibility, leading to mountain crests piercing through clouds and valleys being covered.
  • They are writing that there isn't any artificially restricted view range, visibility is rather a result from the volumetric calculation of the athmosphere.
  • Parallax-Occlusion maps with dynamic tessellation is used for the surface details.
  • GTX 980 was used with 100 fps on the planetary surface, so performance seems to be pretty good already, sorry, that was just editor performance - in-game performance was 45fps :)
  • Some stuff about the subsumption-AI saying NPCs might have hobbies and a virtual mind, allowing them to remember the player or be influenced in his opinions by the player. To avoid performance issues, they seemingly control the update cycles for NPC AI based on player proximitiy i.e. update cycles go to 1hz instead of 60hz if no one is around.
They also wrote that they were positively surprised that all employees at Foundry 42 Frankfurt, of which they had a chance to talk with, seemed to be truthfuly grateful to be able to work on the project due to the challenge it represents. They specifically point out, that the enthusiasm didn't feel faked.
Edit: Thanks for the gold and apologies if I got some details wrong, feel free to post correction in reply - German / English translations aren't my forte!
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