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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

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Bring Ewan McGregor back as Obi-wan, dammit. He was great in the PT.
It's happening. I don't know when but it's happening. There's no way in hell Kathy isn't aware of the demand for it.

My bet is still on it being planned as a Saga fill-in, released sometime between IX and the next trilogy.


TPM's art and costume designs are gorgeous, what are you talking about
A lot of it looks terrible. In comparison to the OT a lot of those designs look horrible now. The haircuts/braids look like something out of s 90s SW commercial to me.

The way the designs were utilized in the films themselves didn't do the art behind them justice.


It's happening. I don't know when but it's happening. There's no way in hell Kathy isn't aware of the demand for it.

My bet is still on it being planned as a Saga fill-in, released sometime between IX and the next trilogy.

What about Force ghosts in VIII/IX? Surely Luke will talk to at least one ghost in VIII?


A lot if it looks terrible. In comparison to the OT a lot of those designs look horrible now. The haircuts/braids look like something out of s 90s SW commercial to me.

And Luke and Han have 70s/80s hair, big whoop.

I was disappointed that Jyn didn't have big 70s Farah Fawcett hair.
What about Force ghosts in VIII/IX? Surely Luke will talk to at least one ghost in VIII?
It's possible, but I'd be willing to bet they'd keep it to a small, voice-only cameo if anything. Like in TFA, but lengthier. Same for Yoda.

If anyone has a shot at actually appearing on screen as a ghost, it's probably just Hayden Anakin, given that they considered it for VII and the continued narrative significance of Vader to the trilogy.


And Luke and Han have 70s/80s hair, big whoop.

I was disappointed that Jyn didn't have big 70s Farah Fawcett hair.
There's something about the combination of some of the designs and they way they're implemented in the films themselves. I can't quite put my finger on it. Everything looks so clean and overproduced to me. And the cgi ruins so much of the work put into creating the concept art.
No, but real talk: Who is Noah Segan playing in this movie?!

After googling who that is...

Perhaps a character in relation to the blood desert battle? Like maybe the leader of some local bandits who currently operate out of the old Rebel base or something.


I think the whole Father, Daughter and Son thing in TCW was a little much. Too on the nose and it took away some of the mysticism.

Ah man, I loved that simply because of how batshit absurd it was. It's been awhile since I've seen it, but I remember coming away from it thinking that no one really had any idea what they actually knew about the force. Like everything they thought they knew, was just wrong.



Watch Rogue One. Prequel characters played by their prequel actors and prequel planets.

Also in TFA: Lor San Tekka brought up the chosen one/balance of the force prophecy and Hux mentioned the Clone Army.

The first scene in The Force Awakens mentions the balance of the Force, an idea introduced (in the movies) in The Phantom Menace.

You realize they point blank bring up the central element of the chosen one prophecy in the trailer right? The Balance of the Force. That is what the entire prophecy is about, the one to bring balance to the Force. Rey says she senses it in the trailer.

Oh and you are ignoring the fact they brought back prequel actors to reprise their roles in Rogue One. Not to mention two prequel planets were in Rogue One.

Balance of the Force is a pure prequel concept never mentioned once in the OT. And it is right there in the TLJ trailer.

The entire thread that goes through the entire saga films is desiring to bring balance to the Force. The Jedi believed Anakin would in the prequels. Yoda & Obi-Wan believed Luke would do it in the OT. And now from what we can see in the trailer the hope rests with Rey.

Yeah, obviously time will tell how much the Prequels will affect the new trilogy. I think there's a good chance "The Chosen One" will be sad in this movie. I doubt we're going to ever hear midichlorian again.

hmm..,also thinking a bit...was one of the planets blown up by Star Killer in the Prequels? I thought at least one of the planets were.

Like, you can't even commit to fully owning your troll. Everything about this schtick is half-assed..

And yet, you continue to respond. Evidently, I don't even have to fully commit for that.


The Mortis Arc and the Force Ghost arc are my favourite episodes in The Clone Wars to be honest. I love it when the series delves deeper into the mystical side of the Force, and the re introduction of Darth Bane(voiced by Mark Hamill no less) back into canon made it even better.

Now we just need Revan.
Yup, I'm a huge fan of the Mortis arc as well, though I do understand why people may take issue with it. It has fairly huge implications and extends the universe further into the more fantastical elements that a lot of people may be comfortable with, but that's kind of exactly why I like it. I would totally be okay with it being officially revealed to have not been a literal event though, and I think that would mitigate a lot of people's issues with it.


The Mortis Arc and the Force Ghost arc are my favourite episodes in The Clone Wars to be honest. I love it when the series delves deeper into the mystical side of the Force, and the re introduction of Darth Bane(voiced by Mark Hamill no less) back into canon made it even better.

Now we just need Revan.

Agreed, we really need more mysticism in the movies, especially after Lucas took away a lot of it with the midichlorian shit.
Yeah, obviously time will tell how much the Prequels will affect the new trilogy. I think there's a good chance "The Chosen One" will be sad in this movie. I doubt we're going to ever hear midichlorian again.

hmm..,also thinking a bit...was one of the planets blown up by Star Killer in the Prequels? I thought at least one of the planets were.

I doubt midichlorians will ever pop up in a movie again either, but that's because there's not really any reason for them to. The thing about midichlorians is they're literally completely useless. The only purpose they served in the entire trilogy was to give Anakin a literal numerical power level to compare to Yoda ("The reading's off the chart...over twenty thousand [...] Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!"), and they could have accomplished that scene's purpose so much more elegantly without it by just saying Qui-Gon "senses a potential greater than Yoda" or something. You could literally just drop every other instance of midichlorians in the trilogy and nothing changes. So unless a writer/director just happens to really like midichlorians and really wants to work them in, they're likely gone from the big screen. Random comics or novels, maybe they'll pop up from time to time.

And no, that was the introduction of the Hosnian System, "Journey to Force Awakens" media aside.
Agreed, we really need more mysticism in the movies, especially after Lucas took away a lot of it with the midichlorian shit.

Midichlorians are a life form that are in all cells in the SW universe and don't really explain anything about the Force other than how in-tune one might be with the Force. They're separate entities so it never bothered me, and we're still able to have discussion about the Force. Had the Midichlorians truly ruined the mysticism, there'd be no need for that stuff in Clone Wars or the ongoing discussion about how a Jedi order should/shouldn't be constructed, what "balance" of the Force truly means... I mean there's so much shit about the Force and Midichlorians are only a measure of potential.


I like what they're doing with the PT thus far in the new trilogy. Literally the opening lines of TFA are a direct continuation of what's established in the prequels (a balance in the force and how the Jedi maintain that). They're taking the big ideas from those three films and discarding the shitty specific details (ie midichlorians).

I think they're handling it perfectly thus far. I hope they continue to go in that direction and forge their own path based on what's already been established. In a sense, you wouldn't even need to have seen the PT in order to understand what's happening in EP7-EP9.

But if you love the PT and enjoy what was done there, you can appreciate LucasFilm incorporating those elements. Win win, I think.

It's almost as if the prequels happened in just the way you wanted them to..

I doubt midichlorians will ever pop up in a movie again either, but that's because there's not really any reason to. The thing about midichlorians is they're literally completely useless. The only purpose they served in the entire trilogy was to give Anakin a literal numerical power level to compare to Yoda ("The reading's off the chart...over twenty thousand [...] Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!"), and they could have accomplished that scene's purpose so much more elegantly without it by just saying Qui-Gon "senses a potential greater than Yoda" or something. You could literally just drop every other instance of midichlorians in the trilogy and nothing changes. So unless a writer/director just happens to really like midichlorians and really wants to work them in, they're likely gone from the big screen. Random comics or novels, maybe they'll pop up from time to time.

And no, that was the introduction of the Hosnian System, "Journey to Force Awakens" media aside.

If Lucas had been smart, he could have played it as a particular sign of how the Jedi Order has lost its way - literally relying on science to try and determine the force potential of living creatures, rather than encouraging growth of that potential, no matter the starting point.

The misstep in that regard is to have Qui-Gon - the 'renegade' of his era - explain the concept without any particular nod to a notion of a flaw in its approach, in part because it's used to have him bring Anakin along as well.

I guess in a way, if anything, it might have been something that would have worked better (like many things on Tatooine arguably would have) if it had been Obi-Wan who left the ship. A stickler for protocol and procedure who at the first sign of seeing force potential, goes with the Jedi approved method of discerning it by requesting his master do the midichlorian count back on the ship. So you could have had Obi-Wan, who's not meant to yet be as wise as his master, blindly believing in the numbers, while Qui-Gon's various bits of encouragement could have been to stress that Anakin being a Jedi will be about effort, not just a number.
From the B.O. Thread:

Star Wars finally got bumped from the all-time Top 10 domestic chart yesterday. Beauty and the Beast beat it yesterday.

It was losing its slot this year regardless.


If Lucas had been smart, he could have played it as a particular sign of how the Jedi Order has lost its way - literally relying on science to try and determine the force potential of living creatures, rather than encouraging growth of that potential, no matter the starting point.

The misstep in that regard is to have Qui-Gon - the 'renegade' of his era - explain the concept without any particular nod to a notion of a flaw in its approach, in part because it's used to have him bring Anakin along as well.

I guess in a way, if anything, it might have been something that would have worked better (like many things on Tatooine arguably would have) if it had been Obi-Wan who left the ship. A stickler for protocol and procedure who at the first sign of seeing force potential, goes with the Jedi approved method of discerning it by requesting his master do the midichlorian count back on the ship. So you could have had Obi-Wan, who's not meant to yet be as wise as his master, blindly believing in the numbers, while Qui-Gon's various bits of encouragement could have been to stress that Anakin being a Jedi will be about effort, not just a number.

That at least would have been a step up from the one dimensional shit we got.
That at least would have been a step up from the one dimensional shit we got.

It would fit too if you extended the idea into it being Obi-Wan who gets hung up on the idea of the Chosen One, rather than the wise Jedi master who is supposed to be correct, but well, kinda has the destruction of the entire Jedi order on his shoulders because of it. Obi-Wan would go for decades wondering if he was too easily looking for what he wanted to see, versus the prophecy actually being true. It would even fit with his characterisation from Rebels, where he has shifted his belief to thinking it's Luke who's the real Chosen One.

Admittedly, one useful thing with the prequels - whatever their failings - is that they're an easy way of thinking about writing, through the lens of a popular work with known issues.


I kinda do want the prequels to get remade but the damage is already done. Though The Phantom Menace is the only one I can't get into at all.

That's a touchy subject around these parts but.. I agree. Anakin's story has so much fucking potential that's straight up squandered. Can they just.. reuse JW's score? :p

For better or worse I believe it's happening in our lifetimes.


Just watched Rogue One (again). Man, some of the dialogue in that film is really sketchy. Especially that scene where Jyn meets K2-SO in the spaceship, that felt really stilted.


Just watched Rogue One. Man, some of the dialogue in that film is really sketchy. Especially that scene where Jyn meets K2-SO in the spaceship, that felt really stilted.

Forget Bail, Mon, or any other shenanigans... The stilted dialog was the true PT/OT gap bridger.


I never get emotional about Star Wars, but that ending legit hits my emotions in ways I don't consciously understand. I got really teary-eyed at my first showing and every viewing since. There's just something about that final crescendo.

It's the music and the visuals. They fucking nailed it.


Just watched Rogue One (again). Man, some of the dialogue in that film is really sketchy. Especially that scene where Jyn meets K2-SO in the spaceship, that felt really stilted.

I honestly didn't feel like it was ever really bad (or sketchy), just ranging from average to pretty good. What in particular are you referring to?
They could actually just get Ewan and Christensen back considering how big the gap is between OT and PT and how young Christensen still looks.
Just get Christiansen some good acting lessons
You could even get McDirmind back too
Looks like everyone saying The Last Jedi will be a copy of Empire was right.


It's a write-off.
Let's fix everything: The Obi Wan trilogy is a retelling of the prequels from his perspective.

So much changes if you operate under the assumption the prequel trilogy should have been his trilogy. Aside of Ewan McGregor just being an underutilised actor, it seems far easier to anchor a narrative out of the broad strokes of the prequel to Obi-Wan's perspective, including in terms of the shit he's not meant to have noticed - like Anakin's issues.


Well, it's generally not very good lol. I don't know what else to say, it comes across as tremendously awkward.

You mentioned that the dialogue was sketchy.. but don't have any examples? I'm just confused, trying to understand what it is you're referring to..

As far as costumes go, I think the disco-era bell-bottom jumpsuits in ESB show their age more than anything else in the series.

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