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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

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Looks like everyone saying The Last Jedi will be a copy of Empire was right.


It's a write-off.
This is amazing. I love Rian.

Right now, yeah, but they'll probably wait on it too long and there goes half the roster.

I'd be so hyped for a prequel trilogy remake.

I mean, it's not happening for decades anyway, if ever, so talking about ANY cast now doesn't really make sense. :p

And I still doubt they'll ever do a full reboot/remake of the series, and I'm about positive nothing will be remade while the current incarnation of the series continues.
Man, Harloff is on point. I really like the Collider dudes, most anyway. I saw him and Campea at the TLJ panel, Harloff recorded the side of the audience I was on before it started and have been wondering if he put it online anywhere.


At some point mainline star wars will be laid to rest for a while. Maybe spin-offs too. Then ten years of radio silence. Then BAM full remakes with a new cast for the children of the children of the fans who grew up alongside the OT. Starve em, then rake in the dough.

these tales come from an ass, far far away...
A retelling from Obi Wan's perspective whilst ignoring TPM would actually be clever as fuck

At the very least, you could probably do the 'Obi-Wan film', if not between the two trilogies, then between Episodes II and III. Have Anakin off screen, a figure that Obi-Wan references and gets references about. Thus you get purely his perspective of how his former padawan is developing, and perhaps a rare opportunity for some honesty of Obi-Wan's own views owing to... whatever encounter he has in the story.
Don't think it would be between 2 and 3 because that's what the Clone Wars series is for.

Just a heads up, people seem to think Obi-Wan was on Tatooine the entire two decades between 3 and 4. I don't think this to be the case.
Don't think it would be between 2 and 3 because that's what the Clone Wars series is for.

Just a heads up, people seem to think Obi-Wan was on Tatooine the entire two decades between 3 and 4. I don't think this to be the case.

Well, that's kind part of my idea really. Could filter through some of the details expanded on and revealed in Clone Wars to a wider audience through a film set in that era. Wouldn't take much to say, talk about a siege of Mandalore, and imply something once existed between Obi-Wan and a certain Duchess.
Well, that's kind part of my idea really. Could filter through some of the details expanded on and revealed in Clone Wars to a wider audience through a film set in that era. Wouldn't take much to say, talk about a siege of Mandalore, and imply something once existed between Obi-Wan and a certain Duchess.

I feel like there's so much material there already, and where Ewan has aged some, it's far more sensible to set it later. You have six seasons of Clone Wars but only books between 3 and 4. Going back that far after Ewan has aged 15 years doesn't make any sense to me :p

I just think I'm good on the Clone Wars era. Three films, six seasons of a TV series... it's been ringed out pretty well I think.
I feel like there's so much material there already, and where Ewan has aged some, it's far more sensible to set it later. You have six seasons of Clone Wars but only books between 3 and 4. Going back that far after Ewan has aged 15 years doesn't make any sense to me :p

The power of makeup!

Though while I put that idea out there as mostly a point of how one could touch on the PT era again, I do actually agree that the idea of a story set between 3 and 4 is better. Even if they didn't leave Tatooine - which they easily could, he can drop his watch of Luke for a week or two - I'm pretty sure you could just cook up whatever storyline one wanted with an entire planet (even a desert one) to play around with.
Man, Harloff is on point.

I guess I gotta check out the previous page to see what miracle caused this reality to exist

edit: I didn't find anything that would prompt that statement, but I did find someone from Altered Beast calling The Force Awakens "cowardly," so hey..

edit edit: Oh, the tweet was in response to two other tweets. The first one was Harloff saying "I'm gonna trust Rian Johnson's writing over Mark Hamill's."

Yeah. That's a good call.
I got your Obi-Wan movie:

55 minutes of Obi-Wan tracking and observing the Krayt dragon from ANH
5 minutes of Obi-Wan fighting and killing the Krayt dragon
55 minutes of Obi-Wan practicing his Krayt scream
5 minute recreation of Obi-Wan going off to save Luke from the sand people

cut me a check Kathy, cuz this shit is gold


I guess I gotta check out the previous page to see what miracle caused this reality to exist

edit: I didn't find anything that would prompt that statement, but I did find someone from Altered Beast calling The Force Awakens "cowardly," so hey..

edit edit: Oh, the tweet was in response to two other tweets. The first one was Harloff saying "I'm gonna trust Rian Johnson's writing over Mark Hamill's."

Yeah. That's a good call.
I think some people get offended quickly when George Lucas is criticized in any real capacity


I got your Obi-Wan movie:

55 minutes of Obi-Wan tacking and observing the Krayt dragon from ANH
5 minutes of Obi-Wan fighting and killing the Krayt dragon
55 minutes of Obi-Wan practicing his Krayt scream
5 minute recreation of Obi-Wan going off to save Luke from the sand people

cut me a check Kathy, cuz this shit is gold

I would watch that.


People will, probably, at some point, come to recognize (likely right before everything gets rebooted in 2037, heh) that it's all just Star Wars, and not Star Wars + Those Movies Over There That A Generation of Grown Men Are Psychologically Incapable of Putting Behind Them In Any Sort of Rational Manner.

Like, this fictional universe is liberally sampling design elements, story beats, designs, from all eras of the fiction that have been deemed canon. It's just "Star Wars" to the people making it. The fact three of the movies aren't very good movies doesn't mean their elements are somehow tainted and unsalvageable in new stories.

A whole bunch of your favorite aspects of superhero storytelling are sourced directly to some of the fucking dogshittiest writing you've ever clapped eyes on. Doesn't mean the ideas that got coughed up aren't worthy of reclaiming/polishing/re-use.

Nobody at Lucasfilm is ducking the prequels, and if things from those films don't get a lot of mention in the sequel trilogy, it's likely due to the fact these movies are set almost a whole century beyond them, with an entire galactic civil war between them, and a new one currently breaking out.

Like, how often did you hear people bringing up World War I during Vietnam, right?

So I disagree with the contention that I have to accept the prequels. I strongly believe that the prequels are extremely damaging to the character of Darth Vader and my caring about his redemption. He's a child murderer who was apparently tricked into becoming someone on the dark side. This makes the originals less palatable to me, so I would rather not consider them while watching the originals. I find that wholly rational.

I don't care if the prequels are technically canon or if they pull "the good bits" from the prequels though.

Also, I personally think the references to the originals are kept very light on purpose. In Rogue One and TFA, they are more like nods to fans of the prequels rather than expectations the audience should have to understand the movie. I can't prove this, it's just my personal read on it from the way they are presented.
So I disagree with the contention that I have to accept the prequels. I strongly believe that the prequels are extremely damaging to the character of Darth Vader and my caring about his redemption. He's a child murderer who was apparently tricked into becoming someone on the dark side. This makes the originals less palatable to me, so I would rather not consider them while watching the originals. I find that wholly rational.

I mean, I think the next sentence, you're basically agreeing with the premise that the events of those movies did happen, that the universe did look and sound like that, and those things having happened in that fictional universe will be referenced and acknowledged in the fiction itself. So you're accepting of that, correct?

But to the above, Its just bad movies, man. That's all they are. I'm not like, begging anyone to accept that they're good when they don't believe that to be the case, or even asking people to acknowledge others differing opinions. But it shouldn't even really be a question of "acceptance" at all. It's not like we're dealing with some high stakes shit here. It's just some bad movies. It's really easy to accept a reality in which bad movies exist.

The extent to which you let that badness negatively affect the quality of good movies you like? That's entirely on you, man. That's a you thing, not a Star Wars thing.
Not really though.

Logan spoilers
Logan is the end of the Wolverine story, Kenobi wouldn't be the end of Obi-wan's story...because we already saw the end in ANH

In addition, we are most likely getting the Star Wars equivalent of Logan on December 15th this year.


I mean, I think the next sentence, you're basically agreeing with the premise that the events of those movies did happen, that the universe did look and sound like that, and those things having happened in that fictional universe will be referenced and acknowledged in the fiction itself. So you're accepting of that, correct?

But to the above, Its just bad movies, man. That's all they are. I'm not like, begging anyone to accept that they're good when they don't believe that to be the case, or even asking people to acknowledge others differing opinions. But it shouldn't even really be a question of "acceptance" at all. It's not like we're dealing with some high stakes shit here. It's just some bad movies. It's really easy to accept a reality in which bad movies exist.

The extent to which you let that badness negatively affect the quality of good movies you like? That's entirely on you, man. That's a you thing, not a Star Wars thing.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I enjoy the originals in their own context, and I don't like the context the prequels attempted to add. So, going forward, for me personally, I prefer it when the context of the prequels is mostly ignored in the movies. In my opinion that is what they are doing, but I have the bias to prefer it be that way, so it may just that bias.

Yeah, I know that part of the universe exists, but it's something that I hope is mostly ignored


I doubt midichlorians will ever pop up in a movie again either, but that's because there's not really any reason for them to. The thing about midichlorians is they're literally completely useless. The only purpose they served in the entire trilogy was to give Anakin a literal numerical power level to compare to Yoda ("The reading's off the chart...over twenty thousand [...] Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!"), and they could have accomplished that scene's purpose so much more elegantly without it by just saying Qui-Gon "senses a potential greater than Yoda" or something. You could literally just drop every other instance of midichlorians in the trilogy and nothing changes. So unless a writer/director just happens to really like midichlorians and really wants to work them in, they're likely gone from the big screen. Random comics or novels, maybe they'll pop up from time to time.

And no, that was the introduction of the Hosnian System, "Journey to Force Awakens" media aside.



I think midichlorians were a mistake. But I'd also love for them to be mentioned once in the new trilogy just for laughs. Horrible idea by Lucas.

No bueno.

Spoilers. But I wonder if this movie will follow the trend and have Rey lose an appendage


Watched TFA again last night and ROTS again. ROTS is better movie.

Nope. ROTS is way worse than TFA.

ROTS has bad characters , bad dialogues , no sense story , boring and unnecessary long fight , CGI galore ... There are few good scenes like Padme and Anakin looking at the windows or Palpatine going full evil but yeah nothing special.


Sailor Stevenson
Don't think it would be between 2 and 3 because that's what the Clone Wars series is for.

Just a heads up, people seem to think Obi-Wan was on Tatooine the entire two decades between 3 and 4. I don't think this to be the case.

I disagree. I don't think Obi-Wan was very far from Luke at all. His sole mission was to protect him. Leaving could've been disastrous.
I disagree. I don't think Obi-Wan was very far from Luke at all. His sole mission was to protect him. Leaving could've been disastrous.

He was also on Tatooine to hide from the Empire and communicate with Qui-Gon and Yoda. I just don't think it would be out of bounds for him to not be there the entire time.

Creative writing prevails. If they want to do a movie where Obi-Wan leaves for a bit, I don't have a problem with that. Hell, part of the story could be that he's conflicted about leaving at all, but has to for some reason.
So I disagree with the contention that I have to accept the prequels. I strongly believe that the prequels are extremely damaging to the character of Darth Vader and my caring about his redemption. He's a child murderer who was apparently tricked into becoming someone on the dark side. This makes the originals less palatable to me, so I would rather not consider them while watching the originals. I find that wholly rational.

I don't care if the prequels are technically canon or if they pull "the good bits" from the prequels though.

Also, I personally think the references to the originals are kept very light on purpose. In Rogue One and TFA, they are more like nods to fans of the prequels rather than expectations the audience should have to understand the movie. I can't prove this, it's just my personal read on it from the way they are presented.
I'm not sure why it was hard for you to care more about Vader's redemption after seeing him slaughter children. In ANH, you saw him slaughter a whole planet of people. In the grand scheme of things, slaughtering children wasn't all that much more.

Vader wasn't redeemed by the end of RotJ. He had a redemptive act, though.


I'm not sure why it was hard for you to care more about Vader's redemption after seeing him slaughter children. In ANH, you saw him slaughter a whole planet of people. In the grand scheme of things, slaughtering children wasn't all that much more.

Vader wasn't redeemed by the end of RotJ. He had a redemptive act, though.

Very true. How many kids lived on Alderaan? Probably hundred thousands more than the ones he killed in the Academy.

Though on the other hand I kind of understand the feeling. Seeing a kitten getting kicked to death feels much worse than hearing PETA killed 2000 cats, even though rationally the latter is much worse. In this case Stalin comes to mind: If you kill one it is a tragedy, if you kill a million it is a statistic.
Things from TFA I find interesting:
-Luke seems difinitively to be The Last Jedi
-Rey has her "awakening" prior to meeting Kylo Ren
-Luke feels responsible for Kylo Ren's actions
Things from TFA related material:
-Knights of Ren have seemingly been around for decades
-Snoke has had multiple apprentices
-You could make the argument that it's only been about 6 years from the destruction of the academy to TFA
Reading all these Mark Hamill things does have me worried a bit.

It's only worrisome if you want Luke to be the same. If you want no surprises? I think?

I want to be surprised. I want something new. I'll take Luke breaking out a rap sequence while he trains Rey if that's what it takes to get something new.


I'm not sure why it was hard for you to care more about Vader's redemption after seeing him slaughter children. In ANH, you saw him slaughter a whole planet of people. In the grand scheme of things, slaughtering children wasn't all that much more.

Vader wasn't redeemed by the end of RotJ. He had a redemptive act, though.

Well, in the context of that film, Vader isn't really in the decision making chain for destroying the planet. In fact, he's just "the muscle" character.

However, by Empire they quickly promoted Vader to the number 2 beside the Emperor, so let's say that's applicable to the first movie. Even so, there's a big difference between being the general who ordered the Enola Gay to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and the lieutenant overseeing the My Lai massacre. Not trying to justify any war atrocities, but there is a difference to me.

But that isn't the only part of the ruining of the Vader character I object to. It's just really bad storytelling that leads him to "choose the dark side". It turns an awesomely bad character into an idiot. And I don't care for that.


Watched TFA again last night and ROTS again. ROTS is better movie.
Things from TFA I find interesting:
-Luke seems difinitively to be The Last Jedi
-Rey has her "awakening" prior to meeting Kylo Ren
-Luke feels responsible for Kylo Ren's actions
Things from TFA related material:
-Knights of Ren have seemingly been around for decades
-Snoke has had multiple apprentices
-You could make the argument that it's only been about 6 years from the destruction of the academy to TFA
TFA and the OT both stand as pretty solid evidence that he's the last Jedi. This is outright stated multiple times, and in the crawl of TFA


Nope. ROTS is way worse than TFA.

ROTS has bad characters , bad dialogues , no sense story , boring and unnecessary long fight , CGI galore ... There are few good scenes like Padme and Anakin looking at the windows or Palpatine going full evil but yeah nothing special.

TFA is the better film but RotS is much more fun to watch, at least for me.
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