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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

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Hearing Luke's voice again was amazing.

Great teaser too. Really made me interested in the film (well it's Star Wars, I would have seen it regardless). Hope Finn still has a large role though at least by the halfway point, since he's supposed to be out for some of the film. Hype!


I'm starting to think the last line isn't Luke saying that, it's Snoke. If you listen close, it has that reverb in the voice.

Also I need that fucking poster. Holy shit.

It's Luke. This is going to be the same as last time where people start reading something into nothing and get it all hilariously wrong.


I love this shot



I hope the movie takes an unexpected turn somewhere, because at this point I feel like I can just imagine the rest of the trilogy.


Yeah ESB is all about the jedi needing to end. Cant believe this is such a copy and paste job AGAIN!


Jesus some of y'all are touchy.

Saying "same beats" is not equivalent to saying " a copy/paste job."

Though TFA was a copy/paste job.


It'd be interesting if Luke has been talking to his dad all these years and beard about the history of the Jedi, deciding there needs to be an end to Sith and Jedi.

Especially if said extremes makes it easier to sway people like Anakin and Kylo. Luke would want to put an end to that.
It's the second movie in the trilogy. Someone gets some training. Um. There are some ships in it.

Clearly they're just remaking Empire.
Honestly I think the "TFA is just a remake of ANH" is kinda bullshit anyway. I can see where people are coming from with it, but it just doesn't really hold any weight or importance to me as an argument.

But this shit... this is a bridge too far.
Part of me wants Luke to have his green saber, but I think he's going to have moved beyond them. I want him and Snoke to have a full on Force battle.
Emperor Palpatine using the dark side to cloud the Force and throw the galaxy into chaos isn't balance.

People living in harmony with the Force would be balance.

You don't necessarily need to say that "harmony with the Force" means "equality between light and dark." You could say that harmony with the Force is light and dominion over the Force is dark.

I get why Star Wars wants to go with the former (yin and yang), but what I don't get is how they're supposed to reconcile that with the latter, which is the model they've used throughout the rest of the series.

Unless they find a convincing way to say that model is incorrect, or that the dark side isn't actually about people wielding selfish influence over the Force. (Even though it continues to be so in TFA.) But I'm very skeptical of that.

Maybe the best way to bring balance is to get rid of both sides.


Yall are the ones who defended TFA when it really was just OK. Not some high gem to be put in a display case.

Rouge One was better than TFA

Fight me.

TFA was good. Like most people will say that. It's why we are so hyped for this too. I don't care which movie is better than the last. I want them all to be great. And visually this looks good too.

That said this looks nothing like Empire and people who continue to say that are just looking to troll.


Thats the point though - I didn't pick it up. And I'd represent more of the casual SW fan perspective. If a casual fan can't place the theme, it's not iconic. Like, any person on earth knows the Imperial March. It's embedded in pop culture. I doubt many aside from SW afficianodos know Rey's theme. I sure don't.

That's fair. Bear in mind that those original themes have been soaking into society for 40 years though. Rey's has only had 2. Give it and Jedi Steps another listen, they're excellent :)


I hope it doesn't follow the same beats as Empire i.e one of the main characters is Rey's parent etc. Rey could just be a random orphan scavenger for all I care.


Hot take on the poster. So as is being discussed, this is definitely headed toward grey Jedi. The poster has both Kylo and Luke in a sea of red. Rey is stuck as the bright light in the middle. All this and the light going from blue to red makes me think she is going to really struggle between the two.

Luke said its time for the Jedi to end. And he IS The Last Jedi. She's going to be all over the force spectrum.


Yall are the ones who defended TFA when it really was just OK. Not some high gem to be put in a display case.

Rouge One was better than TFA

Fight me.

No one wants to fight you. But its obvious that if you think TFA was just "ok", that you wouldnt like this one either. So im not sure what you were expecting here.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Yeah, having the hero character of the old trilogy in 'Return of the Jedi' saying the Jedi should end reeks of playing it safe and taking no risks.

No, but it does risk turning off a bunch of people who grew up with Luke and the OT unless it's played really, really carefully.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Lol yep.


There's a strong and rather bizarre desire amongst the SW fan base to draw 1:1 parallels with the OT and this new trilogy. That's all I'm taking note of. Like, why does TLJ have to be the ESB of this trilogy? Why can't it be whatever the hell it's gonna be?

When I say "The Empire Strikes Back" of this trilogy, what I really mean is a darker, better, more nuanced middle chapter with a downer ending. That's not really a Star Wars thing, so much as a "dramatic structure" thing. Empire is only the reference point (for me, anyways) because it's also a Star Wars flick, and likely a source of inspiration for the filmmakers. More than willing to amend my statement to "The Godfather Part 2", "The Dark Knight", or "The Wrath of Khan", if that makes the comparison less contentious.
Honestly I think the "TFA is just a remake of ANH" is kinda bullshit anyway. I can see where people are coming from with it, but it just doesn't really hold any weight or importance to me as an argument.

But this shit... this is a bridge too far.

I think there are actual parallels between ANH and TFA, but I'm hoping it's just a starting point and TLJ and Episode 9 will be completely different in style/tone/pacing from ESB and RotJ.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
It's the option I would hope for most. Luke evidently got big on Jedi history to at least some extent or another, so I would at least understand if perhaps he took the wrong lessons from such, and when things went back to shit, that gave him a crisis of faith.

However, the fandom has long been big on the idea of 'Grey Jedi' - look at how the term gets tossed around in this thread - wherein no assumption of a moral good is made, while nevertheless tying 'the light side' explicitly to the Jedi Order, rather than viewing the Jedi merely as one variant on possible adherents.

So this guy

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