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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser

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Honestly watching the movie it seemed like Chewie stuck with Finn because he was worried about Finn. Am I the only one who didn't think that was out of the question? Didn't stand out to me at all.
I think either they shoulda cropped Chewie out of the shot (it would have been easy) or they shoulda slowed down a little to establish the moments with Finn & Chewie a little more during the film proper so that notion is a little more obvious by the end.

Basically, the editing on that movie is a little slipshod/ramshackle once they get on Takodana, and while Kasdan said they wanted the thing to "move like a sonofabitch" they were coming in way too hot, and the movie is moving way too fast, and key moments/beats kinda get lost in the sauce on the way to that finish line.

Chewie & Finn helping fix each other coulda been a pair of moments much more meaningful, but that stuff got shaved off.

The series? As in, like, the whole series? The fuck?

I swear to God you've seen me say it before. It's not a new opinion of mine.
Honestly watching the movie it seemed like Chewie stuck with Finn because he was worried about Finn. Am I the only one who didn't think that was out of the question? Didn't stand out to me at all.

I would have preferred if Leia and Chewie embraced, but I interpreted it like you as well and I didn't really have a problem with it. Certainly overblown.

Chewie & Finn helping fix each other coulda been a pair of moments much more meaningful, but that stuff got shaved off.

I definitely think Chewie caring for Finn at the end was a "call-back" to Finn attempting to help Chewie after the Rathtars, but with a scene tying it together that didn't make it into the movie.

She'll have way better moments in the upcoming films.

I like your style, Kyo

More of Mark complaining about dialogue and his disagreement over the direction of the movie. Seems like there was a ton of disagreement on the set:


Yours too, Stein.



Are there some people still not over Rey getting the saber in the forest? It's her story now. It's Finn's story now. It's Poe's story now. The old guard don't matter as much anymore
It wasn't Luke's movie. His story ended in 1983. Hamill said he was wrong after seeing the completed film. He doesn't think it's a wasted opportunity.

That's like thinking Yoda should have rushed to the Death Star and watch Obi-Wan get killed by Vader because of his history and friendship with Obi-Wan.

Yeah but some of us have been kinda waiting 30 years to Luke again.


Rey catching the saber isn't just the moment of the movie, for me it's one of two moments where it really dawned on me: Holy Shit. Episode VII is real and I am watching it right now.

Like, Episode VII. That long-rumored, mythical sequel that was batted around in so many different fanfic interpretations, from site to site, for years, was real and happening right in front of my eyes. And Rey grabbing Luke's saber out of the snow and flicking it on was the thing I realized I had been waiting to see ever since I was a kid and first wondered what the hell could come after ROTJ.


I said this back when TFA released and Mark seems to share the same thought - It would have been awesome for the saber to fly into Luke's hands in the forest fight scene.
Taking away the biggest moment of the film from the new protagonist. The scene was perfect, one of the best moments in all seven movies, I get goosebumps every time.
Yeah but some of us have been kinda waiting 30 years to Luke again.

Episode VIII is out in December!

You guys are overcomplicating this. Rey is the new protagonist so the story belongs to her, but this new trilogy was also a good opportunity to actually close out the main three from the originals. It's why Han had so much time in VII, it sounds like Leia has a pretty beefy role in VIII as well as Luke. They're really strong, important supporting characters here.

Had they did these and not factor in the original cast that are still alive, people would have been upset. But at the same time, not having a new protagonist and new supporting characters wouldn't have been smart either. It's a new story but one that incorporates and provides closure for the older characters.
Fair point, but people treat Like like he is the end-all, be-all Jedi.

It's going to be like the prequels in that regard. People thought the Jedi would be these perfect, all-powerful characters in the prequels, but their code was fucked and they were egotistical to the point where they would take people in, train them, but deny they have relationships or be with their families.

As far as I'm concerned I had little sympathy for them, like they couldn't have let Anakin go see his mom from time to time? But anyway, I think it's going to be like that in this regard where we have this image of Luke, just as we had this image of the Jedi, but then when the storytellers opt to do something more interesting and different that's where the controversy comes in.

.....................and then they'll say that it didn't take risks lol
I'm sorry, but I feel like Luke grabbing the saber at the end would have, if nothing else, completely undermined the female empowerment of this film.

A young girl, the first in the franchise to be fully empowered, ultimately has to be saved by a stronger male figure? Nah. Not working with the story that's being told here.

Sure she'll be mentored by Luke to some degree and helped in the future. But there needed to be a moment of self sufficiency and independence. That was the point of that scene (which was hinted at earlier with the "stop trying to hold my hand" thing with Finn).
I'm still annoyed JJ cut out Kylo's little scene on the Falcon.

That scene was okay, honestly when I heard about it I was upset because it sounded great, but when I saw it in the deleted scenes, I was okay with it being cut.

My only issue with Force Awakens was that I felt like once Rey is taken to Starkiller Base that it moves way too fast to get to the climax. I would have liked more scenes on Starkiller, and they cut an entire action scene (the snowspeeder chase) that I think would have helped. I dunno. I think the end of Force Awakens is awesome, but I could have used a bit more between the Falcon landing and the Han/Kylo encounter.

Maybe an extended cut someday. It's not like Star Wars doesn't have a history of tweaks :p

Do you go by your mom's last name in anything?

So because society deemed the wife would take the name of the husband, a child is only blood-related to the father?


He was joking of course, but when Hamill said he read TFA's script and was thinking when the saber started to shake in the snow and flew away that it was heading to Luke....I don't care if it wouldn't work thematically or narratively as it did with Rey catching it, that would have been a cool as hell first appearance of Luke in 30 years. Instead we got him skulking around a cliff.
The climatic lightsaber fight in TFA is probably one of the best in the whole series. It's visually stunning but also has weighty choreography and emotional elements. Only ESB and RotJ really combine those elements just as well.


No, He is a Solo. His mom was a Skywalker. Do you go by your mom's last name in anything?

Some people definitely do.

But in the case of Kylo, he doesn't exactly call himself Kylo Solo. He calls himself Kylo Ren.

And even that isn't the point - he is (as far as we know) the youngest offspring of the Skywalker bloodline. Doesn't matter what he calls himself. Leia is his mother, Luke is his uncle, Vader is his grandfather. That makes him a Skywalker.

Darth Vader was still a Skywalker, even though, in his mind, Anakin Skywalker was dead and he called himself Mr. Vader on his tax returns.


Man if you think about it, the Skywalkers have done more harm then good.
Luke will set that right!

The climatic lightsaber fight in TFA is probably one of the best in the whole series. It's visually stunning but also has weighty choreography and emotional elements. Only ESB and RotJ really combine those elements just as well.

Agreed, perfect balance of weight and spectacle, mixed with alot of emotion.

I'm a fan of the PT fights and think Obi, QuiGon vs Maul was phenomenal, but TFA took that and slowed it down a little, brought it closer to the OT and it all worked.


The climatic lightsaber fight in TFA is probably one of the best in the whole series. It's visually stunning but also has weighty choreography and emotional elements. Only ESB and RotJ really combine those elements just as well.

Yep. The lightsaber fight at the end of TFA is the best lightsaber fight in the franchise that doesn't involve Luke and Vader

If I'd rank the lightsaber fights it would be ;

Luke/Vader 1 = Luke/Vader 2 > Kylo/Rey > Maul/Jin/Kenobi > Kenobi/Anakin > Kenobi/Vader > Anything with Dooku
He was joking of course, but when Hamill said he read TFA's script and was thinking when the saber started to shake in the snow and flew away that it was heading to Luke....I don't care if it wouldn't work thematically or narratively as it did with Rey catching it, that would have been a cool as hell first appearance of Luke in 30 years. Instead we got him skulking around a cliff.

It would have been cool, but not the right decision. That's a big reason why I respect it. If Abrams went with that, it would've caused one, or more, or all of these reactions:

1. Abrams is a fanboy and chose the most obvious thing anyone else would have, it's fan fiction!
2. Rey isn't a strong enough lead so Luke had to take over
3. Well, Rey was a strong, empowering female character but they fucked all that when the saber went to the MANNNNN
4. Abrams is a sexist pig

On top of all this, had it went to Luke, we probably wouldn't have gotten that amazeballs lightsaber duel, and a big point of the duel was Rey showing up Kylo who went into the fight unafraid of either Rey or Finn, and got beaten by someone that by all accounts shouldn't have been the victor. That's much more satisfying than the easy, obvious route that any other fan would have went with-- it would have been cool, but it's not the story they're telling. It's called "The Force Awakens" and the saber going to Rey and her downloading the Force leading to her wrecking Kylo is what the title refers to (at least partially).


Also Rey catching the saber is the best moment in the movie*, but in the series? I don't want any of what you guys are smoking there. I doesn't have any of the emotional heft of Vader's redemption or any other of a number of scenes. Hell, it doesn't have any heft period. It's just a supremely cool visual/audio moment.

*credit goes to John Williams and the DoP.


Well I mean, that's if they go that way.

I think the point is there's a LOT of routes they could take to not only make her journey feel as grand as previous Skywalkers', but even surpass them in both scope and importance.

Her being a Skywalker doesn't change any of that, and in a way, puts an exclamation mark at the end (?) of their family history.


The climatic lightsaber fight in TFA is probably one of the best in the whole series. It's visually stunning but also has weighty choreography and emotional elements. Only ESB and RotJ really combine those elements just as well.

Yeah. Jedi has the edge in emotional heft since the entire trilogy comes to a head there. But the choreography, even for what they were going for, is not great. I'd put the duels in TFA up there with Empire, though. They get the emotional conflicts right, but also have some nice narratives running through them. Each fight is a story until itself, not just swinging swords until something important happens, as in the prequels.


Maybe I'm crazy/alone on this, but I didn't buy for a second that Rey had developed a true affinity for Han in their short time together, thus the battle with Kylo didn't really hit any feels.
Hell, it doesn't have any heft period. It's just a supremely cool visual/audio moment.

This is where the disagreement lies, I imagine. Maybe it didn't do as much for you, maybe you don't care about Rey as much as others... you know, this shit is subjective. I'm not saying it's the best moment in the entire series. I said that for me it's up there with the better moments in the series, and with more context, once we see the bigger picture, how Rey's arc unfolds... it could be that we look back on that moment even more fondly.

It is a great visual/audio moment, but it's also very atmospheric and meaningful to the characters. It's Kylo thinking "what the hell?" and just a flurry of thoughts and feelings that Driver was able to display with his performance without saying anything and Rey being shocked that she did that (despite her using the Force at different times prior, this is the first big thing that she does).

It also sets the stage for what's for me the best or second best lightsaber duel in the series as well as giving more conflict to Rey and Kylo. I can talk about it a lot more than just "well it looked cool and had good music."

Maybe I'm crazy/alone on this, but I didn't buy for a second that Rey had developed a true affinity for Han in their short time together, thus the battle with Kylo didn't really hit any feels.

They had plenty of time together, and a share of really nice personal moments like when they land on Takodana for example. Rey really liked him and knew that he was just playing "tough to be friends with" and could see past the bullshit when he offered to become a part of the Falcon crew. He told her it was just because she knows her way around the ship, but you also got the sense that he was just really taken with her period.

You got the sense that had Han not died, that they would've been a hell of a crew which for me makes it pretty tragic.
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