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Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | The Official Thread


Batteries the CRISIS!
I'm surprised people aren't switching over to Decimator-Soontir. Soontir can take Autothrusters and cares little about stress.

When my cousin heard of the nerf he was obviously annoyed but when he tried the new rules, said that he likes them because it means at the start of the turn, you have to have confidence in your ability and just go for it.

Sounds like something straight out of an anime =P


I'm surprised people aren't switching over to Decimator-Soontir. Soontir can take Autothrusters and cares little about stress.

I got my first proper win against my cousin using Fel, my favourite ship.

Sounds like something straight out of an anime =P

Ha, yeah it does, but it's true, before the nerf you had 4 choices every turn:

1) decloak left
2) decloak right
3) decloak forward
4) don't decloak

and you could make that choice every turn after everyone had moved and capitalise on the state of the field and it made phantoms near untouchable. With this new rule, it means you make your move first and you make it with the planning in mind that every player has when they make their move. You set your dial with your enemy in mind, where you think they'll move and this just adds to it, you make your mind up at the start of the round believing you know what move your opponent will make. It just adds to the intensity and strategy of the game, I love it.


Picked up the Armada core set. My biggest gripe is how much higher the Star Destroyer is over the rest of the figures. I may end up modifying the stand to bring it lower.


Gold Member
Bought 2 core sets... can't give it a try with a friend till next week...

He may also buy another core set in the comming weeks, and then we'll decide who goes with the empire and who with the rebels... to focus our purchases.
I just broke down and bought another core set. It made for a much better set of games with my friend. I still can't wait for my damn wave 1 ships to show up.


This weekend I won one of the raffled small ships on the tournament I played (I finished 3rd btw, my best result so far, flying Fel-Jax with AT and PTL and a BH with Recon), and as I already have most of the small ships I really want, I decided to "upgrade" it to a second Firespray.

And because using two Slave I is boring, I decided to ruin repaint it. So goodbye second Slave, hello Kath Scarlet.


Keep in mind is the first time I fully paint a model/miniature. The closest thing I've done in the past is half applying a couple base colors to a few 40k terminators, or the red marks on the wing panels of my TIE Fighters.


Gold Member
Bought 2 core sets... can't give it a try with a friend till next week...

He may also buy another core set in the comming weeks, and then we'll decide who goes with the empire and who with the rebels... to focus our purchases.

Just added a Millenium Falcon, a Tie Advanced, Tie Bomber and Tie Interceptor


Just added a Millenium Falcon, a Tie Advanced, Tie Bomber and Tie Interceptor

Great purchases. The advanced isnt up to much right now, but it will be soon enough. The interceptor is the best damn small ship in the game. The falcon is an essential purchase. Enjoy engine upgrade.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Just added a Millenium Falcon, a Tie Advanced, Tie Bomber and Tie Interceptor

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Interceptor: Imperial Aces (for Push the Limit and the Royal Guard title, as well as more Interceptor pilots), StarViper (for Autothrusters) and either the M3-A Interceptor or Slave I (for Stealth Device).

Essential purchases to enhance your Millennium Falcon: Slave I or YT-2400 (for Gunner), Tantive IV (for C-3PO and R2-D2 crew) and some Z-95 Headhunters (great escorts for a YT-1300).

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Bomber: wait for Wave 7 bombers to be released; also, Proximity Mines are only found in the Slave I and IG-2000. Other ordnance you don't have ... Ion Torpedoes (StarViper and Decimator), Flechette Torpedoes (E-Wing and Rebel Transport), Homing Missiles (A-Wing and Slave I), Ion Pulse Missiles (TIE Defender and Z-95 Headhunter) and Proton Rockets (Rebel Aces and YT-2400).

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Advanced: wait for the Imperial Raider to be released


Tabletop is great for many, many games, but I don't see it for X-wing. Is like playing the game with just one hand, something not exactly comfortable.

Vassal, on the other hand, is amazing. It may be not as fancy as Tabletop (although I personally love how it looks), but is much more easier to play due the gazillion automated mechanics and hotkeys for each and every thing. Also, it's free and, more importantly, it uses blank cards on text/numbers to don't mess with FFG business and avoid problems with them.


(zoomed area)

You can also watch replays or join a live game as observer, which is always awesome. There are a couple of great tutorials on how to set up and play the thing here and here. It may seem a bit complicated at the start, but you will get how it works very quickly. The weirdest part is the saving/loading squads.
I like Vassal a lot. It's very easy once you learn the hotkeys and how it works, but it's not very user friendly when it comes to it explaining anything at all.

Once you get the hang of it though it's an awesome way to get games in with people if you have no one to physically play with.
I've been meaning to get into the vassal X-wing for an age now, but the relative weirdness of the program when I've tried other boardgame mods on it has scared me off for now. I might have a look through those tutorial this weekend.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Man I love Warthog Y-Wings (which use the BTL-A4 title). I ran two of them (the PS2 Syndicate Thugs) in a Scum squad with Ion Cannon Turrets and Unhinged Astromechs (which really open up the Y-Wing's dial). They did some work.

I ran them with a naked Binyare Pirate (the PS2 Z-95 Headhunter) and Guri, who had the Virago title, Inertial Dampeners, Accuracy Corrector, Autothrusters and Push the Limit. Didn't lose a single ship to a double IG-88 (B and C, each with Autothrusters and Hot Shot Blaster) squad. Pretty fun list, although Guri's Inertial Dampeners and Autothrusters never came into play.


Thanks to the wonderful OP I finally went to buy one starter set yesterday. My GF and I had a boat trip ahead of us and we the most fun playing it with just the starter set. My question what I should get from here in addition to another starter set? I really like the outrider but if there are any other exp sets with more value I might get those first, any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance!
Thanks to the wonderful OP I finally went to buy one starter set yesterday. My GF and I had a boat trip ahead of us and we the most fun playing it with just the starter set. My question what I should get from here in addition to another starter set? I really like the outrider but if there are any other exp sets with more value I might get those first, any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance!

Outrider sounds like a good call, two Xs and him would make a very formidable Rebel list. If you like the Outrider it is worth checking out a way of getting the Mangler Canon too, that gun works super well on it (I think it is in some of the Scum ships). For the Imperial, you are gonna have four Fighters so getting the Tie Fighter expansion would give you access to Howlrunner which would let you swam with them (which is fun). Or you could go Decimator if you wanted to get a ship that could really duel with the Outrider.

This weekend I won one of the raffled small ships on the tournament I played (I finished 3rd btw, my best result so far, flying Fel-Jax with AT and PTL and a BH with Recon), and as I already have most of the small ships I really want, I decided to "upgrade" it to a second Firespray.

Good man for you taking Carnor, he has this weirdly negative rep among my local group but I always knew he was a champ.
Good man for you taking Carnor, he has this weirdly negative rep among my local group but I always knew he was a champ.

Jax prevents enemies in Range 1 from taking Focus/Evade actions AND from spending those tokens, right?

Cause if so, I have a friend that always plays that dude and I hate him so much. Carnor, not my friend.
Jax prevents enemies in Range 1 from taking Focus/Evade actions AND from spending those tokens, right?

Cause if so, I have a friend that always plays that dude and I hate him so much. Carnor, not my friend.

That's the guy, he can be an absolute nightmare for certain builds. A recent game I was in was me as Imperial and my friend as Scum, I can't quite remember the exact lists but I had Carnor on my side while my opponent was rocking 2 Y-wings, one a Syndicate Thug and the other was Kavil. Both were armed with Blaster Turrets which you had to spend a focus token to even use. It was a dicey game for a bit but the odds turned in my favour when his Thug accidentally moved within 1 of Carnor, making him unable to focus and thus unable to basically attack this round and then I moved Carnor to within 1 of Kavil, making him unable to shoot his Blaster Turret, shutting down both Ys in one turn. Both could technically attack with their primary, but I don't think either had a shot (Kavil especially since you never want to head anyone face on with him). It was good times for the Imperial.

Oh, and I've just remembered that in that same game the Scum faction had the Scyk Interceptor pilot that can gain evade tokens if he evades all damage in an attack. Carnor was pretty effective at shutting that power down too.


Outrider sounds like a good call, two Xs and him would make a very formidable Rebel list. If you like the Outrider it is worth checking out a way of getting the Mangler Canon too, that gun works super well on it (I think it is in some of the Scum ships). For the Imperial, you are gonna have four Fighters so getting the Tie Fighter expansion would give you access to Howlrunner which would let you swam with them (which is fun). Or you could go Decimator if you wanted to get a ship that could really duel with the Outrider.

Thank you very much for the info. Went to my local store and they didn't have any starter sets left, so I went to purchase a YT-2400, X-Wing exp for Wedge, the Tie Fighter exp for Howlrunner as you suggested and a Tie Defender to buff my imperial side a bit (don't know if that was a good call). Got some extra dices too. Love all the new cards and options, still very much a noob but really enjoy my games so far.

Just one question? Do you know the ship that has that upgrade card or is there a site where I can find it? Thanks in advance again!
Thank you very much for the info. Went to my local store and they didn't have any starter sets left, so I went to purchase a YT-2400, X-Wing exp for Wedge, the Tie Fighter exp for Howlrunner as you suggested and a Tie Defender to buff my imperial side a bit (don't know if that was a good call). Got some extra dices too. Love all the new cards and options, still very much a noob but really enjoy my games so far.

Just one question? Do you know the ship that has that upgrade card or is there a site where I can find it? Thanks in advance again!

I really like the Tie Defender, although it gets a lot of criticism. It is a very weird ship to fly, you have to kinda unlearn a lot of flying tricks that you've picked up from other ships. Once you get it though it can be deadly, also it is currently the only source for the Predator elite skill which is still probably one of the best elites in the game so it is worth getting for sure.

As for the Mangler Canon, it is currently only available in the IG-88 Agressor or the Scyk Interceptor, both Scum ships. For reference about this I use the squad build site:
you can use it to build lists and if you read the description for any of the upgrade cards then it lists all the expansion packs that that card is included in.


Carnor is one of those pilots you don't fully understand how nasty can he be until you face it. He is also the perfect wingman for Soontir, as makes Fel's ability to stack tokens even more valuable.

In other news, I've decided to magnetize all my ships, as it looks cool as hell and makes the ships much easier to dismount while preventing accidents. Now I just need some bigger magnets/balls for the Firesprays and Aggressors.



So I got a local tourney on Monday and I'm torn between two lists. Deadline to get the lists in is tonight. So I'm after some help, opinions and advice.

My 2 lists are


100 points


Ten Numb (40)
B-Wing (31), Fire-Control System (2), “Mangler” Cannon (4), B-Wing/E2 (1), Tactician (2)

Bandit Squadron Pilot (12) x 5



Click to change squadron details

100 points


Blue Squadron Pilot (25) x 4
B-Wing (22), Accuracy Corrector (3)

I flew a modification of the first list last night (had marksmanship, which I never used) against Chewie + 2 Y Wings and lost 76-0 because I was an idiot and thought a 4 dice range 1 attack would be better than trying for the guaranteed crit (the crit wouldve got the kill and won me the game, I was annoyed but also found it hilarious), so I know the list can work and the guaranteed crit will be great against phantoms and Soontir.

But the second list is your classic 4 B's but with AC I'm rolling 2 hits each ship which at range 2-3 is at least 66% hits and 50% at range 1, which are good odds, but probably a bit naff against autothrusters.

So, anyone got any advice or modifications*? Thanks.

*By 'modifications' I mean slight changes to the list, not 'yeah fly imperial lol'
I would go with Ten and his Z-bros. He sounds fairly deadly and the Zs will provide good blocking and shot absorbing potential. Also I don't really see the benefit of adding Accuracy Corrector to a Bwing so that throws the 2nd list out of the window for me.


I would go with Ten and his Z-bros. He sounds fairly deadly and the Zs will provide good blocking and shot absorbing potential. Also I don't really see the benefit of adding Accuracy Corrector to a Bwing so that throws the 2nd list out of the window for me.

The thinking behind AC on a B is that I wont have to worry as much about what action I do, nor do I worry about stress because I'm not using a focus to modify attack dice, I'm scoring 2 hits if I cold roll.

I'm already having second thoughts about tactician on Ten, because range 2 is very specific for just 1 ship to get in to. I can see it working for panic attack but for this list it's like a 3 point maybe.

Maybe I should go back to Marksmanship for him.


I'm playing a game with a friend tonight and I need help coming up with a very basic squadron.

I've played twice before and I've always tended towards just picking in as many TIE Fighters as possible. Here is what I have to work with among his Imperial ships:

4 TIE Fighters (Core set only, so not all pilots are available)
3 TIE Interceptors (2 from Imperial Aces, 1 from the standalone)
1 TIE Defender

This is what I'm leaning towards:

4 TIE Fighters, 1 TIE Interceptor, and 1 TIE Defender gets me to 99. This is with all of them having the most basic pilots and no upgrades (1 Obsidian Squadron Pilot puts me at 100).

First question: Can I use 3 Academy Pilots? If I have to upgrade any of them to different pilots I will have to change things other things as well.

Any advice on upgrades or different pilots?


Batteries the CRISIS!
I'm playing a game with a friend tonight and I need help coming up with a very basic squadron.

I've played twice before and I've always tended towards just picking in as many TIE Fighters as possible. Here is what I have to work with among his Imperial ships:

4 TIE Fighters (Core set only, so not all pilots are available)
3 TIE Interceptors (2 from Imperial Aces, 1 from the standalone)
1 TIE Defender

This is what I'm leaning towards:

4 TIE Fighters, 1 TIE Interceptor, and 1 TIE Defender gets me to 99. This is with all of them having the most basic pilots and no upgrades (1 Obsidian Squadron Pilot puts me at 100).

First question: Can I use 3 Academy Pilots? If I have to upgrade any of them to different pilots I will have to change things other things as well.

Any advice on upgrades or different pilots?

Yes, you may use as many copies of a generic pilot as you want. They don't have the dot to the left of their name signifying that they're unique (you'll find that next to, say, Night Beast's name on his pilot card).

One idea is to run four Academy Pilots, an Alpha Squadron Pilot and Soontir Fel (with Push the Limit and Hull Upgrade).

Here's one way to play that squad: Fly them together in a block of two rows of three ships, with the Alpha Squadron front and center and Soontir at the rear closer to the inside of the play area (pick a corner to initially set up the squadron in). Have Soontir lag back a little from the rest of the squad for the first couple turns of movement, (ex. have Soontir go 2 straight while the rest of the squad goes 3 straight,) then break him off to flank the enemy. If your opponent focuses on the swarm, he gets chewed up by a flanking Soontir; if he turns his attention toward Soontir, a five-ship swarm led by a three-dice-attack TIE Interceptor will eat him alive.

Another idea:
Colonel Vessery w/ Marksmanship, Cluster Missiles, Munitions Failsafe, Ion Cannon
Night Beast w/ Targeting Computer
Soontir Fel w/ Push the Limit, Royal Guard TIE, Hull Upgrade, Targeting Computer

Use Night Beast and Soontir Fel to get target locks on an enemy, giving Vessery a free target lock, freeing him to use Marksmanship for his action on the turn he's going to spend Cluster Missiles (Marksmanship's effect lasts for the entire round, which means it can be used for both of Cluster Missile's attacks). Munitions Failsafe helps in case you inexplicably miss with both Cluster Missile shots, but I'd really rather give him Engine Upgrade instead to dovetail off his white K-turns — you don't have that upgrade card, though. Munitions Failsafe and Ion Cannon can be dropped for Engine Upgrade once you gain access to it. Note that Marksmanship kinda sucks as an action unless you're doing two attacks in the same turn, like with Cluster Missiles or Corran Horn's pilot ability, so with this squad you probably only want to use it when you plan on firing Clusters. After that, just use Vessery's free target locks to help his regular attacks or your attacks with his Ion Cannon, which could be nice control while Soontir and Night Beast flank. Note that Night Beast is a nice fit for Targeting Computer because he can get a free focus for doing a green maneuver, freeing up his regular action to be used on target lock. You don't necessarily have to fly these guys in formation — you could fan them out — but you could if you want.


I really like the Tie Defender, although it gets a lot of criticism. It is a very weird ship to fly, you have to kinda unlearn a lot of flying tricks that you've picked up from other ships. Once you get it though it can be deadly, also it is currently the only source for the Predator elite skill which is still probably one of the best elites in the game so it is worth getting for sure.

As for the Mangler Canon, it is currently only available in the IG-88 Agressor or the Scyk Interceptor, both Scum ships. For reference about this I use the squad build site:
you can use it to build lists and if you read the description for any of the upgrade cards then it lists all the expansion packs that that card is included in.

Once again many thanks. Went out and got myself a Scyk Intereptor (not sure when i'm going to get more Scum ships) and like you previously suggested a Decimator.

Thanks also for the squad builder and I feel better now about my Tie Defender purchase. Are there any other must have packs that you would suggest? I know have 3 Tie Fighters, Tie Defender and Decimator for the imperials. 2 X-wings and a YT-2400 for the rebels, and a Interceptor for the Scums.


y'all should be ashamed
Carnor is one of those pilots you don't fully understand how nasty can he be until you face it. He is also the perfect wingman for Soontir, as makes Fel's ability to stack tokens even more valuable.

In other news, I've decided to magnetize all my ships, as it looks cool as hell and makes the ships much easier to dismount while preventing accidents. Now I just need some bigger magnets/balls for the Firesprays and Aggressors.

whaaa that's amazing. I need to look into this.


So I got a local tourney on Monday and I'm torn between two lists. Deadline to get the lists in is tonight. So I'm after some help, opinions and advice.

My 2 lists are


I flew a modification of the first list last night (had marksmanship, which I never used) against Chewie + 2 Y Wings and lost 76-0 because I was an idiot and thought a 4 dice range 1 attack would be better than trying for the guaranteed crit (the crit wouldve got the kill and won me the game, I was annoyed but also found it hilarious), so I know the list can work and the guaranteed crit will be great against phantoms and Soontir.

But the second list is your classic 4 B's but with AC I'm rolling 2 hits each ship which at range 2-3 is at least 66% hits and 50% at range 1, which are good odds, but probably a bit naff against autothrusters.

So, anyone got any advice or modifications*? Thanks.

I'm not really a fan of Z swarms, but it's probably just my Imperial soul crying with the lack of 1-turns and barrel rolls. Ten Numb is nasty, but it's just a B and shouldn't be specially hard to neutralize with one good or two decent rounds of shooting.

On the B list I don't like all the AC either. If you want better odds on pewpewing, just slap at them Fire Control System. It will be more useful overall, and you will have 4 extra points to upgrade two to Daggers or something.

If you want to keep AC, I would go with the first list.
So I got a local tourney on Monday and I'm torn between two lists. Deadline to get the lists in is tonight. So I'm after some help, opinions and advice.

My 2 lists are


I flew a modification of the first list last night (had marksmanship, which I never used) against Chewie + 2 Y Wings and lost 76-0 because I was an idiot and thought a 4 dice range 1 attack would be better than trying for the guaranteed crit (the crit wouldve got the kill and won me the game, I was annoyed but also found it hilarious), so I know the list can work and the guaranteed crit will be great against phantoms and Soontir.

But the second list is your classic 4 B's but with AC I'm rolling 2 hits each ship which at range 2-3 is at least 66% hits and 50% at range 1, which are good odds, but probably a bit naff against autothrusters.

So, anyone got any advice or modifications*? Thanks.

*By 'modifications' I mean slight changes to the list, not 'yeah fly imperial lol'

I would go with the B-Wings. It's an easy list to fly, tough and durable and with accuracy corrector you don't even need to worry about dice. Also recommended is fire control system. Either upgrade is fine


Yes, you may use as many copies of a generic pilot as you want. They don't have the dot to the left of their name signifying that they're unique (you'll find that next to, say, Night Beast's name on his pilot card).

One idea is to run four Academy Pilots, an Alpha Squadron Pilot and Soontir Fel (with Push the Limit and Hull Upgrade).

Here's one way to play that squad: Fly them together in a block of two rows of three ships, with the Alpha Squadron front and center and Soontir at the rear closer to the inside of the play area (pick a corner to initially set up the squadron in). Have Soontir lag back a little from the rest of the squad for the first couple turns of movement, (ex. have Soontir go 2 straight while the rest of the squad goes 3 straight,) then break him off to flank the enemy. If your opponent focuses on the swarm, he gets chewed up by a flanking Soontir; if he turns his attention toward Soontir, a five-ship swarm led by a three-dice-attack TIE Interceptor will eat him alive.

Another idea:
Colonel Vessery w/ Marksmanship, Cluster Missiles, Munitions Failsafe, Ion Cannon
Night Beast w/ Targeting Computer
Soontir Fel w/ Push the Limit, Royal Guard TIE, Hull Upgrade, Targeting Computer

Use Night Beast and Soontir Fel to get target locks on an enemy, giving Vessery a free target lock, freeing him to use Marksmanship for his action on the turn he's going to spend Cluster Missiles (Marksmanship's effect lasts for the entire round, which means it can be used for both of Cluster Missile's attacks). Munitions Failsafe helps in case you inexplicably miss with both Cluster Missile shots, but I'd really rather give him Engine Upgrade instead to dovetail off his white K-turns — you don't have that upgrade card, though. Munitions Failsafe and Ion Cannon can be dropped for Engine Upgrade once you gain access to it. Note that Marksmanship kinda sucks as an action unless you're doing two attacks in the same turn, like with Cluster Missiles or Corran Horn's pilot ability, so with this squad you probably only want to use it when you plan on firing Clusters. After that, just use Vessery's free target locks to help his regular attacks or your attacks with his Ion Cannon, which could be nice control while Soontir and Night Beast flank. Note that Night Beast is a nice fit for Targeting Computer because he can get a free focus for doing a green maneuver, freeing up his regular action to be used on target lock. You don't necessarily have to fly these guys in formation — you could fan them out — but you could if you want.
Thanks so much for this!

The first squadron / strategy looks like a great fit for my ability. I'll give it a go tonight.
The thinking behind AC on a B is that I wont have to worry as much about what action I do, nor do I worry about stress because I'm not using a focus to modify attack dice, I'm scoring 2 hits if I cold roll.

I'm already having second thoughts about tactician on Ten, because range 2 is very specific for just 1 ship to get in to. I can see it working for panic attack but for this list it's like a 3 point maybe.

Maybe I should go back to Marksmanship for him.

I do see the benefit of the AC you say, but I just don't see as being worth 3 points on a ship that has a native 3 dice attack. The Bwing is gonna be doing on average 1.5 damage any attack without actions factored in anyway, (in fact slightly more damage then that due to the kaboom chance increase but it is virtually impossible to calculate the benefits of kabooming without a computer doing the maths.) So the AC is only adding >0.5 damage every attack. If the Bs had a better agility roll so it was worth saving the focus for it or if they were of a higher pilot skill so it was worth letting them barrel roll often then I could see the benefit more, but personally I don't think it is worth the 3 points given that you can give them all advanced sensors for the same price or get a bandit squad member for 12


I've sent the list for my Regional, to play on next saturday. Nothing specially fancy or min/maxed, I just wanted to play Interceptors but a pure INT list is too much with my "I'LL MAKE A BIG MISTAKE ONCE PER BATTLE" habit.

Soontir Fel: 32

Carnor Jax: 31

Bounty Hunter: 36
99 points

My goal is to finish on the top-64 to get that sexy Boba Fett card. From there, I'll be happy with whatever thing I may do. Being a 6-round + Top-8 championship on a single day, I will probably be a zombie by the end of the swiss.


Just to ask for some small advice but i've been toying with the squadron builder and I was wondering would this be a good list:

Or would you be better off ditching one of the Z-95's and upgrade the x-wing a bit. I basically would use Jan Ors to feed Biggs evade tokens and have the outrider hang back a bit with the other three flying in formation.


I don't have too much of a collection so far, just the core set, expansion TIE fighter and Falcon, but I was thinking of grabbing a couple of small expansions in tomorrow's (NZ) May 4th sale.

I was contemplating just grabbing the Y-Wing and B-Wing because they're personal favourites from Star Wars, but am I missing a trick with some of the other expansions? I've seen the TIE Interceptor mentioned, but I'm not that deep into the game that I know any better!


Bought the Armada starter kit yesterday and did a practice game. Those models are really nice. Shame there're no expansions available in England yet.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I don't have too much of a collection so far, just the core set, expansion TIE fighter and Falcon, but I was thinking of grabbing a couple of small expansions in tomorrow's (NZ) May 4th sale.

I was contemplating just grabbing the Y-Wing and B-Wing because they're personal favourites from Star Wars, but am I missing a trick with some of the other expansions? I've seen the TIE Interceptor mentioned, but I'm not that deep into the game that I know any better!

Every expansion has useful stuff in it, so get whatever you want. At least one of everything gives you every option. There are some expansions that synergize with each other, though, so you might want to buy certain groups as you build your collection..

Here's a post I made earlier in this thread talking about some of those groups:

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Interceptor: Imperial Aces (for Push the Limit and the Royal Guard title, as well as more Interceptor pilots), StarViper (for Autothrusters) and either the M3-A Interceptor or Slave I (for Stealth Device).

Essential purchases to enhance your Millennium Falcon: Slave I or YT-2400 (for Gunner), Tantive IV (for C-3PO and R2-D2 crew) and some Z-95 Headhunters (great escorts for a YT-1300).

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Bomber: wait for Wave 7 bombers to be released; also, Proximity Mines are only found in the Slave I and IG-2000. Other ordnance you don't have ... Ion Torpedoes (StarViper and Decimator), Flechette Torpedoes (E-Wing and Rebel Transport), Homing Missiles (A-Wing and Slave I), Ion Pulse Missiles (TIE Defender and Z-95 Headhunter) and Proton Rockets (Rebel Aces and YT-2400).

Essential purchases to enhance your TIE Advanced: wait for the Imperial Raider to be released

For your situation, Kryten, I would consider buying a second Core Set. It gets you three more ships for less than the cost of buying them individually, plus more dice (which you need) and a spare set of templates. And more TIE Fighters are useful.

Another thing to consider is an X-Wing expansion to gain access to Wedge (one of the best pilots in the game) and Garven.

If you buy a Y-Wing, it's fine on its own when you equip it with an Ion Cannon Turret and maybe an R2 Astromech or R2-D2. But there are two expansions that add things to the Y-Wing's game: the Most Wanted set, which has Bomb Loadout, Autoblaster Turret and the BTL-A4 title; and the Rebel Transport, which has R4-D6 and R3-A2. They both come with Flechette Torpedoes, too, which are cheap enough to be useful. (If you want to use the Bomb Loadout that comes with Most Wanted, you'll have to buy a ship that comes with bombs, like the Slave I or the TIE Bomber.) The other turret in the game, Blaster Turret, is underwhelming but if you want it you'll have to buy a HWK-290, which at least comes with the useful Recon Specialist crew and another copy of Ion Cannon Turret.

Keep in mind that while Most Wanted is a Scum faction box, its models and dials can be used for other factions. So buying it gets you another Y-Wing and two Z-95s, although to legally fly them, you still need the pilot cards and cardboard bases from the Rebel Y-Wing and Z-95 Headhunter expansions.

As for the B-Wing, it has obvious synergy with the Rebel Aces pack, which comes with new B-Wing pilots, the E2 title that enables the ship to have a crew upgrade, and a couple useful crew cards (Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn). A lot of people like running Tactician on the B-Wing, and that comes with the TIE Phantom. Possibly the best system upgrade for the B-Wing is Advanced Sensors, which can be found in the E-Wing (which also comes with a couple useful astromechs) and the Lambda Shuttle (which also comes with Heavy Laser Cannon, several useful crew cards and Sensor Jammer).
Just to ask for some small advice but i've been toying with the squadron builder and I was wondering would this be a good list:

Or would you be better off ditching one of the Z-95's and upgrade the x-wing a bit. I basically would use Jan Ors to feed Biggs evade tokens and have the outrider hang back a bit with the other three flying in formation.

That's a strong list. Personally I would drop Expert Handling off Leebo and probably replace it with Determination or Lone Wolf, but other then that I can't really see any problems.


Gold Member
A new FAQ has been released, and the madness arrived at FFG forums. Along the Scum things, there is a Phantom nerf. Now, they decloak before any ship moves.


I actually love the change, either to use it or to face it. The ship will still be awesome on what it should (glass-cannon with great defense against lower PS), but its stupid mobility won't be insulting to the rival. You will need to think more when using them, and it opens some interesting things. Hell, they will be even able to block other ships and then move to hunt others... Echo should be excellent on this. Sadly it won't go in effect until April 15th. I was looking forward to saturdays tournament :(*

*At the end we only had time for one test game, but the list worked great. Clear victory against a Farlander-B-B-X list, losing only Kavil after a bad move by my part. N'Dru and his missiles are hilarious.

I don't get it... So you now decloack before anyone starts moving, or you decloack before anyone choose their move maneuver in their dial making easier for other ppl to read the phantom movements like any other ship?
I don't get it... So you now decloack before anyone starts moving, or you decloack before anyone choose their move maneuver in their dial making easier for other ppl to read the phantom movements like any other ship?

You decloak after everyone chose their maneuver but before any other ship reveals their maneuver, so you can't decide on what direction your decloak is based on the end state of the board, meaning you have to choose your decloak/movement as a Phantom pilot more carefully than before since you can't use the decloak as a reactive measure.

While you definitely have to fly them more carefully due to this change, Phantoms have also arguably become the best blockers in the game.


Just got back from a tourney, it wasnt long but it was the best turnout the store got, to the point that they want to host more events, which is great.

Only thing is, I swear I played a guy who cheated. Friend of mine warned me that he'd played him before and swore at one point he changed his move. So when we're playing, every turn, as I'd be moving my third ship, his dial would be in his hand, and I cant prove it, but the way he held it looked like he could easily be shifting it with his thumb. Every move.
Then I spoke to someone else about it and they said he pulled a similar stunt with them.

Calling him out if I ever play him again. Was really annoying.
Just got back from a tourney, it wasnt long but it was the best turnout the store got, to the point that they want to host more events, which is great.

Only thing is, I swear I played a guy who cheated. Friend of mine warned me that he'd played him before and swore at one point he changed his move. So when we're playing, every turn, as I'd be moving my third ship, his dial would be in his hand, and I cant prove it, but the way he held it looked like he could easily be shifting it with his thumb. Every move.
Then I spoke to someone else about it and they said he pulled a similar stunt with them.

Calling him out if I ever play him again. Was really annoying.

Lol, what a bastard.

I straight up would have been like "Do you mind placing the dials next to each ship and leaving them there until you move?"
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