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State your Hardware Biases - Round II (now with poll!)

What's your Hardware Bias?

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Amir0x said:
oh good thing there's no World War in Resistance, and in fact World War II never even happened. In fact, an alternate history version of the late 1940s and early 50s with an alien invasion is extremely unique - please, feel free to point me to another game that tackles such a scenario! but yeah i guess hero moments are not really NEW, it's just saving your teammates so they help you later on.

Metroid Prime 3 does NOTHING new. It's the same ****ing game with waggle control. Sorry, your criteria - not mine.

From Wikipedia (though I can always get the same thing from another source, if you'd prefer):

"The plot revolves around the last ditch effort of the US and Britain to fight the Chimera across a war-ravaged British landscape."

So... a European war in the mid 1900s? WWII might not have happened in this timeline, but there's something awfully familiar about that premise... oh wait, every war-based FPS in creation, that's right. Fictional or not, it retains the same feel, with the only difference being the melding of sci-fi suspense in the form of invading aliens, which as I said is nothing new or inventive for an FPS storyline either. They just took the 2 most common FPS scenarios and cobbled them together, which if I'm not mistaken has already been done with the Wolfenstein franchise. I'll reserve my judgement about how that works out for the game, but to say that it's something fresh instead of two absurdly common things put together is just as much a fallacy as saying that Metroid Prime does nothing new (which, BTW, I never said it did, so you can kindly stop putting words in my mouth) when people have ripped on and complained about how different it is since its creation. Calling out Prime 3 as unimaginative may be correct, but it's a sequel to an established franchise, what's Resistance's excuse?

amir0x said:
Oh really. Man I really love all those other racing games where the longer the race is, the more muddy and difficult the track is to race through. And how the mud can actually get into your equipment and effect your cars physics.

yeah...really, it's doing nothing new except for the fact that this has never been done in any offroad game before, and in fact functionally effects the gameplay dramatically.
Mutable environments in a race course aren't some new concept, Wave Race has already achieved that... but I can see how there's something to this game now. I concede on this point and this point alone.

amir0x said:
You're hurting yourself now, seriously. Out of your league :lol
Oooo, big man, I feel so threatened. You can put your dick away, I'm not interested in a measuring contest, though I'm sure someone else who's insecure will want to have one with you.


Terrell said:
From Wikipedia (though I can always get the same thing from another source, if you'd prefer):

"The plot revolves around the last ditch effort of the US and Britain to fight the Chimera across a war-ravaged British landscape."

So... a European war in the mid 1900s? WWII might not have happened in this timeline, but there's something awfully familiar about that premise... oh wait, every war-based FPS in creation, that's right. Fictional or not, it retains the same feel, with the only difference being the melding of sci-fi suspense in the form of invading aliens, which as I said is nothing new or inventive for an FPS storyline either. They just took the 2 most common FPS scenarios and cobbled them together, which if I'm not mistaken has already been done with the Wolfenstein franchise. I'll reserve my judgement about how that works out for the game, but to say that it's something fresh instead of two absurdly common things put together is just as much a fallacy as saying that Metroid Prime does nothing new (which, BTW, I never said it did, so you can kindly stop putting words in my mouth) when people have ripped on and complained about how different it is since its creation. Calling out Prime 3 as unimaginative may be correct, but it's a sequel to an established franchise, what's Resistance's excuse?

Firstly, sometimes all you need to do is 'cobble' together two common themes to create a singular new ORIGINAL concept - which is precisely what Resistance did. If you simply call it unoriginal because it shares themes with other titles, then every game ever is some derivative of something else.

FYI, It's 1951, Britain and Asia were ravaged... no World War II occurred. The cimera have taken oven and ****ed up the world, and a mix of plausible and totally badically technology inhabits the world. Totally an alternate history universe. It's not the FRESHEST KATAMARI concept ever or something even close, but as far as FPS goes its concept is pretty alright. Devs say they want gamers to ask question "what if the US my grandparents knew simply didn't exist." I loved the alternate history in Freedom Fighters, for instance, so I don't know why I wouldn't dig it here if done alright.

Second, the single biggest focuses of Insomniac on Resistance is interesting and innovative weaponry. Since weapons are the biggest factor of any FPS, it stands to reason that if they hit that note correctly it'll be a huge part in contributing to its 'fresh' feeling. They have only revealed a tiny segment of what will be available, but the Bulls-Eye weapon for instance has three fire modes and one of which is pretty uncommon indeed.

And just as a fun sidebit, Resistance: Fall of Man WILL have tilt controls! Who know what ORIGINAL CONCEPTS are in the works for that (that's sarcasm, btw, wink) ;)

Terrell said:
but I can see how there's something to this game now. I concede on this point and this point alone.


Terrell said:
Oooo, big man, I feel so threatened. You can put your dick away, I'm not interested in a measuring contest, though I'm sure someone else who's insecure will want to have one with you.

You gotta stop sending mixed messages! I had the ruler all out and ready to go after you called me a "crybaby" :lol


Amir0x said:
You gotta stop sending mixed messages! I had the ruler all out and ready to go after you called me a "crybaby" :lol
I couldn't help myself, the response you made to my post really didn't leave me much else to say on the matter, since it was written as though you were lashing out irrationally like some sort of jilted uber-fanboy instead of a sensible man. But c'mon, this is GAF, nothing that any of us say should ever be taken too seriously, the environment that's been created here has assured me that is the case. :lol

*passes Amir0x the peace pipe*


dlobro1080 said:
Nintendo, always and forever. Always and forever. (though I may get an Xbox 360)

but your title suggests... :eek:

hahaha, in retrospect your comment seems like remarkable words of wisdom :lol
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