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Stella has been removed from FFXV; Itamuro writing game; Demo 2 June 9; FFXV not @ E3


Stella was real, and strong, and my friend.

RIP Stella.

And yet her smile showed tragedy and despair. She was the one person whom we all thought would never betray our prince. And yet in a 5 second clip, our Romeo and Juliet grew up as mortal enemies. Because reasons. /fanfiction


Yes, for months now.
This wasn't the only skeleton in Tabata's closet either. I wonder if he'll ever share the rest.
As I said before this game is the gift that keeps on giving, can't wait to see what else await us...

RIP Stella

Yes, for months now.
This wasn't the only skeleton in Tabata's closet either. I wonder if he'll ever share the rest.


I just want him to clarify basically everything. It sucks that we have to wait for Gamescom now. I just hope it puts the final nail in the coffin for Versus, since it is getting a bit annoying to see people still referencing the old trailers =/
Is the game seriously not showing at E3, or is the title just a mod joke?

Because wow if true.
It was revealed that they did had a plan for E3. Basically they were going to show more of the same footage i.e nothing major in term of reveal and the western partners said no to it. So they had no choice but to drop this plan. They already wanted to go all out at Gamescom so except big reveal at Gamescom.
Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*

Ray Down

Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*

They probably need a bit more time to cook something up, plus attendance wise and shit Gamescom is bigger.


Junior Member
Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*

Yeah this doesn't make sense to me. What can they possibly do in 2 months' time that makes it not ideal to show at E3?


Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*
They probably want to kick off promotion later because the game is not close to finished just yet. These 2 months will help them get to where they want to be before going all out. Plus, if they kick off promotion at E3, they would have to show at Gamescom as well, and they may not have enough fleshed out for both events just yet. Just wild guesses though, could be wrong.
Not at E3? God damn it.

Also, I haven't been to gaming side in a hell of a while, anyone want give me a quick run down why Stella was removed entirely?
Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*
E3 is not the major media showcase anymore. Gamescom is far bigger (in term of attendance) and then we have Paris Game Week, TGS and then platform events like PSX. Not to mention they have their own ATR now.

It sucks that it will skip E3 but it is reassuring to know that the marketing is finally going to start at Gamescom leading into a late 2016 release. Hopefully.

Not at E3? God damn it.

Also, I haven't been to gaming side in a hell of a while, anyone want give me a quick run down why Stella was removed entirely?

Basically the whole transcript of what Tabata said regarding the removal.

Some time has passed since announcing Final Fantasy XV, and Episode Duscae was a turning point in development. With all the demo feedback, Square Enix has set its sights on what to do during the mastering phase and what everyone is enthusiastic about. After last year’s Tokyo Game Show and leading up to the release of Episode Duscae, information released about the game was limited to the game system—what direction gameplay was taking. Tabata says he understand that fans are interested in information on the characters and story.

After the switch from Versus XIII to XV, the first decision Square Enix made was to make sure XV would have a complete and coherent story in one game. In deciding which elements would fit into XV from Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the team went through everything in detail and tried to keep as many elements from the original story in as possible. The team considered what what would fit and what was essential for the story to be containefd in a single title. They decided to be as faithful to Nojima’s original Versus XIII story as possible, so they created a narrative that utilized the original story as much as possible.

But there were changes:

Stella – Presented as the heroine to play opposite Noctis in Versus XIII. The team wanted to keep her as a heroine and pursued ways to tie her into Final Fantasy XV‘s design, but we found it difficult to make sense of her character and role within the new game. So then they thought, “Do we want to recreate Stella in a different role and image, or do we want to start over with a new heroine?” After a lot of consideration, the team decided not to include Stella and go with a new heroine named Luna, who has a different role in the story.

Crown City of Insomnia – Shown in the trailer as the opening for Versus XIII. There was a scene of a party taking place in the castle within the city. And there was a sequence of scenes right after the party where the city is attacked by the enemy forces of Niflheim. This sequences has been deleted from the game. The reason is because scenes like those had to be regressed because of a very critical factor. Now the sequence is: Noctis and his crew leave Insomnia, then the Niflheim army attacks the crown city. The reason behind this is extremely important, but is considered a spoiler.

Tabata (paraphrased): ‘As we make these major changes, there are other characters that we introduced, like a woman with dark hair, and a female dragoon, that are still in the game with their own important roles within the story.’

Nojima (scenario) statement: “This is Nojima. As director Tabata just announced, the plot that was developed during the Versus era has served as the basis for the Final Fantasy XV story. I’m sure the story will make many changes as they adapt my draft into a more detailed script, but I believe that the important things I wanted to express will be taken to another level by the XV team. As I express my support, I will be waiting for XV to be completed just like everyone else.”

Tabata summed up by saying, in short, that Final Fantasy XV, while based on Versus XIII, is a different game.

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2015/06/final-fa...-duscae-2-0-slated-june-9#URPj2xeKo7BRDhGY.99


Wouldn't it make more sense to show off the game at E3 than Gamescom? E3 has a bigger media presence. Or maybe they are afraid of being overshadowed by other games? *shrug*

You would think any major new Japanese game would be a big deal at E3 right? Who knows why the push on Gamescom instead (bigger event at this point, right?). They got plenty of other games to show and E3 is in the same week with the Early Access launch of Heavensward. I say give Yoshi-P the spotlight because the man is the lifeblood of SE right now.
The Last Guardian is gonna be out before this game at this rate.

Watch, if they ever do announce a release date they're gonna need to delay the game a few times to change the outfits so the fashions keep up with the new decade in 2020.
Yes, for months now.
This wasn't the only skeleton in Tabata's closet either. I wonder if he'll ever share the rest.

I know there's other cut content from the game. It was obvious that the shit Nomura said about "not scaling down the scope of the game" was out the window the moment SE said he was off the project along with character switching.
Well, as a character I'd argue we didn't know a whole lot about Stella, outside of a very few sparse trailers etc.
Luna is probably just Stella's character but reworked - new scenarios etc.
I think if they were discarding the original concepts completely then why not just re-design her entirely? (Character design and all) The rebranding to FFXV would have been a perfect opportunity to do so, afterall. So basically, I'm not really bothered about her 'removal', because there was barely a character there in the first place - we all know how early Versus was back then (barely existing).


They were willing to change this much about the game from Nomura's original vision, from the heroine (childhood friend implied to become formidable antagonist through circumstance around Vs. XIII --> damsel in distress as of the end of the XV demo) to the scenario (including having someone who wrote not particularly well for an FF fighting game take over for the script), and yet they still insisted that the main party had to be the Backstreet Boys on a road trip.

I'm actually rather surprised that my opinion of SE can still become lower than what it already was. Finding out more about what Tabata hasn't been telling us seems like it'll be more interesting than what this game will end up being.


Yes, this is the first thing I thought of as well.

But I think that's a skeleton he most certainly wouldn't let out of the closet, would he?

Sometimes I wish this industry was more open to this sort of stuff. Just imagine what the Gooch and Suzuki would have to say about Wada & co. Damn.
Yes, for months now.
This wasn't the only skeleton in Tabata's closet either. I wonder if he'll ever share the rest.

No magic included?
No sequel?
Summons battles scrapped?
Summons relegated to cut scenes?

i dont know what else can he possibly hide.


Yes, for months now.
This wasn't the only skeleton in Tabata's closet either. I wonder if he'll ever share the rest.

What's the point of even saying this?

Are you trying to lower our expectations? Is the demo misleading us in some way?
Considering Hiroki Touchi was originally cast as the VA for Noctis's chauffeur (a character we haven't seen since) and then changed to Cor, this is not the first time they've changed/cut character roles during the long development.
This game has had such a tortured development, can't say I am looking forward to it any more. So many concerning changes over the years.

Please be good.
Look on the bright side, if Square Enix has learnt their lesson, they won't be unveiling Final Fantasy XVI until it's about 80% complete or so.

That's a pretty big "if" though admittedly.
Now that is intriguing. Bad relationship with Nomura maybe? Or with his team?

Tabata:"Hey Nomura, want to see something cool?"

Nomura stops cleaning the floor

Nomura:"Sure! then I can give you some ideas I had while cleaning the president office!"

Tabata is scribbling something on a notebook

Nomura:"Hey...what are you doing?"

Tabata:"Oh, I've been scribbling off Stella name and dialogue from the script"


Tabata:"Because she dosn't exists anymore!....MUAHAHAHAHA!"

Nomura:"Nooo!! you told me that you wouldn't do it!!"

Tabata:"I LIED!! Now go design another character, her name will be Luna, now go, I have work to do!"

Tabata keeps scrbbling off stella from the notebook while humming

Another SE staff:"Why do you hate Nomura so much, Mr Tabata?"

Tabata:"Hate? I love him with so much that makes my soul burn with rage!"

Another SE staff:"Ok....?" *leaves quietly from the office while Tabata keeps killing Stella with a grin on his face*


and yet they still insisted that the main party had to be the Backstreet Boys on a road trip.

Why is Backstreet Boys on a road trip so devastating for some people?

I say well done on not having another high school or high fantasy setting which has been done in the past.


Announced in 2006. Still scrambling and changing things around with no solid release date in sight.

Way to fuck up a franchise Square-Enix. You too, Nomura.
This game has had such a tortured development, can't say I am looking forward to it any more. So many concerning changes over the years.

Please be good.

The way they've been handling it recently though has been great with their demo and the updates they're making to it. While we don't know much about the writing/story, the characters themselves are incredibly charming and it seems like a much more laid back game than a normal final fantasy story. I'd say the game looks much more promising then it ever has before.
Look on the bright side, if Square Enix has learnt their lesson, they won't be unveiling Final Fantasy XVI until it's about 80% complete or so.

I'm HOPING that they have already done quite a lot of preproduction on it, and that by the time they announce it (which I do not expect until after XV is released), they will already have years of work logged on it.

Maybe that's expecting too much, I dunno.
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