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Stella has been removed from FFXV; Itamuro writing game; Demo 2 June 9; FFXV not @ E3

You mean the character that hasn't been shown since the game was called Versus 13? I am confused why people are mad about that, we know little about that character as well.

"But she is so pretty!"


Dissidia writer is writing the plot though? What.
Don't mean to sound dismissive, but why were people so invested in a character from a game that didn't even exist yet in the first place? Just character design? There seems to be so much controversy surrounding this Stella/Luna stuff and I'm confused why
Beats me. Thread should be really just about the writing at this point. Maybe it's the people who were writing fanfictions about the characters since the reveal of FFVersus13 or something.
Dissidia scriptwriter announcement is the death knell for FFXV as far as I'm concerned. A mainline FF that has been years in the making and you hand the main script writing responsibility over to a guy who wrote the "script" and "dialogue" for a fighting game featuring Final Fantasy characters?

Lord Sakaguchi-san, have mercy on us all!

Gal, not guy.
Were people expecting the story to be good? I love Nomura's KH games but his stories are just lol. Also I thought they just renamed Stella, I mean we know just as much about her as we do Luna so I can't say I cared.

I guess my interest in this FF was always low when I saw the entire cast were dudes.


Don't mean to sound dismissive, but why were people so invested in a character from a game that didn't even exist yet in the first place? Just character design? There seems to be so much controversy surrounding this Stella/Luna stuff and I'm confused why
I think it has more to do with how the overall direction of the plot and characters. Removing Stella from the game is likely a huge indication that they are significantly altering the overall focus of the story on to something else... which is being handled by someone who is largely regarded as an inexperienced and lame writer.




So FFXV is basically about an all male cast travelling around in their car fighting monsters and any female characters are seemingly only a minor, disposable element of the story?

Must be a lot of Supernatural fans at Square-Enix :p


Not sure why people are shitting on Dissidia's writing. It did what it need to do and wasn't anything close to horrendous or even bad. I guess it's fun to just dump on anything Final Fantasy related these days.

Considering that we don't even have a super clear understanding of what the story is like in XV, I can't really chalk up Stella's removal as a harbinger of doom.

Oh wait. I'm posting in a Final Fantasy XV thread. Uhh. Hmm.

hurr durr boyband hurr durr car game derp Nomura y u do dis were is lighjtening-sama


I always thought the girl from the lastest trailer was Stella. First time I've heard about this Lunafreija girl.


This was supposed to be another Nojima written FF like 7/8, now it's no better than FF13 where he was just credited with the concept. Call those games all you want, I still take those over the garbage we've been getting all this time, it was really exciting for him to be back for one more game. His stories had a lot of details and foreshadowing, and if they were bad they were not boring. Really disappointing. This thing happens every damn time now, FF12 story like that, now this, it's so frustrating.
Considering she was nothing more than a design to us, it's hard to pretend like we're missing out on much. It's probably harder to swallow for all those people that had been writing VersusXIII fanfics in the past decade, but they were jumping the gun to a parody-like degree to begin with.

Can't really find much on the new writer, other than the credits in the Dissidia games. It's not the most graceful CV entry for a writer, but the concept doesn't really give you a lot to work with. Anyone prodding Nojima away from a writer's chair is fine in my book Here's hoping she can prove herself in a more traditional game storytelling framework.


WTF the Dissidia scriptwriter? How could they think that's a good idea? Just get the voice director from there too why don't you?
Stella looked cool from the trailers.

I don't necessarily have a problem with Luna. Other than the fact that I don't think she's a suitable replacement for Stella.

The sparse footage of Luna that we've seen gives me the impression that her role in the game is going to be small in terms of agency, and will likely be someone Noctis needs to rescue mostly.

Compared to Stella, who had her own sword powers like Noctis and looked to be his equal/rival in combat, which looked a lot better to me than someone who just sits in a chair clutching her chest..

I may be trivializing a bit but I honestly don't see what Luna adds over Stella. At least to me it seems an interesting character was replaced with one that doesn't inspire any confidence as to whether she will do more than say some things and possibly get rescued by Noctis and co.

We've only seen a small part of the game so this could change in the final product but Luna's design and demeanor in the trailer doesn't inspire confidence towards this.


I liked the fact that it looked like Stella was going to play a more active role in the story in Versus XIII, possibly even be a party member. Now I bet this Luna chick will just be a damsel in distress with little other defining traits.

I wonder if the original version of Versus XIII will ever be leaked somehow. I'd love to see how Nomura and Nojima originally intended this game to be, gameplay and storywise.
Sounds like sequels are out, for one. They want to do a complete story in one game.

This is the greatest news ever related to FFXV... enough with the sequels we wants a stand alone FF game like they used to be before FFX-2.


Oh, Stella and Luna were both blonde. I honestly thought they were both the same character.

The Dissidia writer doesn't give me much faith in the games story. Hopefully the gameplay will be good.


Haven't really followed any of the demo talk or FFXV talk in general lately, but the last time I did everyone was super duper hyped and now I'm seeing a lot of concerns. What happened?


Stella looked cool from the trailers.

I don't necessarily have a problem with Luna. Other than the fact that I don't think she's a suitable replacement for Stella.

The sparse footage of Luna that we've seen gives me the impression that her role in the game is going to be small in terms of agency, and will likely be someone Noctis needs to rescue mostly.

Compared to Stella, who had her own sword powers like Noctis and looked to be his equal/rival in combat, which looked a lot better to me than someone who just sits in a chair clutching her chest..

I may be trivializing a bit but I honestly don't see what Luna adds over Stella. At least to me it seems an interesting character was replaced with one that doesn't inspire any confidence as to whether she will do more than say some things and possibly get rescued by Noctis and co.

We've only seen a small part of the game so this could change in the final product but Luna's design and demeanor in the trailer doesn't inspire confidence towards this.

I feel the same way as you about Stella/Luna thing. Oh yeah "the world of Versus epic" is also dead.


Oh well... I have maintained for quite some time now that there's no way a game which has been stuck in PR and development hell since 2006 could EVER live up to all the hype it generated over the years, and this news just reaffirms my feelings. I've gone from excited to cautiously optimistic to realizing this project is a disaster. I'm prepared for the worst. The game will probably suck, but I'll play it if I have the opportunity
definitely not running out to buy a console for it, though.

That's because the game will be showed at Gamescom (in august) with complete new footage and story elements.
I think it's a smart choice, the game wouldn't get much attention at E3 with all the new announcements.
I think it would. At this point I see no harm in showing it at E3. "Just wait until ____, trust us" has been the story of this game's PR and it's just ridiculous at this point.


I liked Stella as her name better. Altho I guess Luna fits in more with their dumb names like Noctis.
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