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Stellaris - Paradox Dev Studios new sci-fi grand strategy game


Not read much been keeping dark but you can still murder your kids and wife in space right?

Unlike CKII the emphasis is on your empire and it's population, not in following particular dynasties. So while leaders can be elected, or assigned, rule for a few years or for life, etc, you're never relaly concerned with their families and getting them married, etc.
Best place to start CKII for beginners is Ireland, aka Tutorial Island. It is known. You get decent exposure to most or all of the mechanics without it being overwhelming, and managing your domain is easy because it's tiny. Figuring out the marriage, warfare, and economic systems from there is very straightforward.

Or, you can do what I did and jump straight into playing Jewish Ethiopia.

EU4 is trickier, but if you want to ease into things playing as either Castille or some minor power in a distant corner of the world isn't a bad idea. I've gotten a lot of fun playing the Iroquois.
I'm excited for the game, but not as hyped as I was a few weeks ago.

What's wrong with me :(

Your soul is being sucked out by a Chupacabra, aka goatsucker. It thinks you're a goat. You need to do some deliberately un-goatlike things, like try and climb a mountain and fail, or not faint when shocked, or watch Let's Plays. Goats are notoriously not big on Youtube.


Unlike CKII the emphasis is on your empire and it's population, not in following particular dynasties. So while leaders can be elected, or assigned, rule for a few years or for life, etc, you're never relaly concerned with their families and getting them married, etc.

You can purge and enslave your population, so kinda.

Ahhh right sounds great I enjoy learning game while playing why not read much info about it. Least I can be a space marine empire and purge the galaxy of people I view unclean
I'm excited for the game, but not as hyped as I was a few weeks ago.

What's wrong with me :(

Same thing happened to me with Fallout 4, was excited as hell until the night before it released then suddenly it all evaporated and wasn't excited anymore. I think I just burnt myself out. Thankfully about 15 minutes before release it all came rushing back and the next few days were great.


EU4 as one of Japan daimos isn't too bad actually (pick more powerful one). No 3rd party interference and you get to try lots of different systems.


Best place to start CKII for beginners is Ireland, aka Tutorial Island. It is known. You get decent exposure to most or all of the mechanics without it being overwhelming, and managing your domain is easy because it's tiny. Figuring out the marriage, warfare, and economic systems from there is very straightforward.

Or, you can do what I did and jump straight into playing Jewish Ethiopia.

EU4 is trickier, but if you want to ease into things playing as either Castille or some minor power in a distant corner of the world isn't a bad idea. I've gotten a lot of fun playing the Iroquois.

It's a bit old, but this instructional LP of CK2 is a really good starting point for newcomers:


There isn't one for EU4 yet I think, but there's one for EU3 that's also pretty good.


Watched the Scott Manley videos and the interface for this seems to be the most user friendly UI they've done which is excellent.

Can't wait.

Yeah. It also looks very good visually. Easily the best UI they have done.

I've been watching some streams and quill's lets play and damn the game is looking good. Now I just hope that my laptop can handle a 1000 star systems game decently with those massive fleet battles going on.
Personally one of my favourite matches of CK2 was when I went to form the Russian Empire, starting with Rostov and forming de jure Kingdom of Rus, Ruthenia, etc. I'd say it requires *intermediate* understanding of the game... well until the Golden Horde shows up where it gets quite challenging.

Watched the Scott Manley videos and the interface for this seems to be the most user friendly UI they've done which is excellent.

Can't wait.
Yeah it's also evident in their new Hearts of Iron game which is out in June which I'm very excited for. Stellaris and HoI4 AFAIK are running on the latest iteration of their Clausewitz engine, which if I remember correctly also had a lot of new UI implementations that designers can use.


Anyone find any particularly interesting Lets Plays going up? I'll watch Quill and Marbozir, but wouldn't mind others if they have a particularly cool theme going or run into neat events.
Anyone find any particularly interesting Lets Plays going up? I'll watch Quill and Marbozir, but wouldn't mind others if they have a particularly cool theme going or run into neat events.

I started watching Pinstar a little over an hour ago. Pretty cool so far. He goes over all of the different portraits during his empire creation bit, including some we haven't seen before

I think I'm in love.


Thus really did sneak up on me, the more I'm seeing the more I'm looking forward to playing.

YouTube needs a 0.8x speed just so I can keep up with quill talking lol.

Will be watching a lot more of his, the blorg and some others over my next week of shifts before my triumphant return home to play!

Anyone have any thoughts on where they might settle RE spacetravel mechanics? I like the idea of hyperspace lanes as key bottlenecks, black holes for exploring quite fast like quill is doing and warp for being unrestricted. Argghhhhh.


It's a bit old, but this instructional LP of CK2 is a really good starting point for newcomers:


There isn't one for EU4 yet I think, but there's one for EU3 that's also pretty good.

I have this bookmarked and am going to get into it soon as work allows me. I think it's a few patches behind as you say but should give me a good idea of things I reckon. Even just taking over Ireland will be a start.


I started watching Pinstar a little over an hour ago. Pretty cool so far. He goes over all of the different portraits during his empire creation bit, including some we haven't seen before
I think I'm in love.

Looks awesome. I'm assuming these are the pre-order portraits.

91 portraits in total now. Old one had ~80

Full roster here: http://imgur.com/a/qxktk

Hmm. The first reptile portrait on the second row now has horns when it didn't in the older pic on the wiki. I wonder if this is just an updated portrait or if its a different look they can have like a gender difference or something.

I'm getting hyped for this game, might preorder it!
Played only a bit of CK2 and liked it. I know this isn't the same thing, but is there something like spies and assassinations? Like building a "shady" empire?
Another thing I don't understand is if there's only the objective of "be the biggest empire" or if there's something like "being the most tech-advanced" and stuff


Won't stop picking the right nation
Watching Shen's stream, I wonder if that fallen empire would ever declare war on him as he keeps enslaving other species.


Watching Shen's stream, I wonder if that fallen empire would ever declare war on him as he keeps enslaving other species.

Is it a fanatical xenophile? I believe that type would attempt to liberate nearby slave populations after you piss them off enough.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Is it a fanatical xenophile? I believe that type would attempt to liberate nearby slave populations after you piss them off enough.
I think so, but they have a positive opinion of him. They got a big opinion boost with him for their xenophile trait, and that seemed to easily cancel out all the negatives, even before he sent an embassy to them.


The asymmetrical starts and real world grounding are the biggest appeals of the older series tbh. I don't think Pdox is big enough to work on CK, EU, Vic, HoI, Stellaris and also add new historical 4x games to the mix while supporting them, and I'd rather they didn't try personally. After Stellaris, Victoria 3 is a no brainer.

Yeah, as much as I disliked the transition from EU3->4 I think Victoria is the game that will most benefit from the new direction they have been moving in since CK2. Also Vic 2 is a game with many more fundamental problems than EU3 that need to be addressed, especially optimal factory picks. I've never played HoI so I can't comment on that series.


I started watching Pinstar a little over an hour ago. Pretty cool so far. He goes over all of the different portraits during his empire creation bit, including some we haven't seen before

I think I'm in love.

So we can all agree this is a Shadow from Babylon 5 right? ;-)
Watching Shen's stream, I wonder if that fallen empire would ever declare war on him as he keeps enslaving other species.

I believe Fallen Empires are 100% passive, even with stuff like slavery. If he colonizes next to them and infringes on their territory, they might get pissy and also liberate enslaved species, but as long as he stays outta their business, they generally don't give an airborne intercourse.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I believe Fallen Empires are 100% passive, even with stuff like slavery. If he colonizes next to them and infringes on their territory, they might get pissy and also liberate enslaved species, but as long as he stays outta their business, they generally don't give an airborne intercourse.
They seemed fairly aggressive during the multiplayer stream, when one fallen empire went out of its way to protect a holy world. I thought the xenophiles would work in a similar way.
They seemed fairly aggressive during the multiplayer stream, when one fallen empire went out of its way to protect a holy world. I thought the xenophiles would work in a similar way.

During the MP stream, Arumba rivaled the Fallen Empire he was next to, which is why they whooped his ass the first time. And they do protect their Holy Worlds, yes. It's as if he had colonized in their direct vicinity.


I believe Fallen Empires are 100% passive, even with stuff like slavery. If he colonizes next to them and infringes on their territory, they might get pissy and also liberate enslaved species, but as long as he stays outta their business, they generally don't give an airborne intercourse.

They each have different behaviors (from the wiki):

Keepers of Knowledge - Fanatic Materialists - The Fallen Empire dedicates itself to the hoarding of technologies that it believes should be kept out of the hands of young and irresponsible races. Pursuing dangerous lines of research will draw their ire.

Enigmatic Observers - Fanatic Xenophiles - Empires that use slaves, or purge populations may suffer the wrath of the Observers.

Holy Guardians - Fanatic Spiritualists - This fallen empire dedicates itself to the preservation and defense of its holy sites. Colonizing systems that they consider sacred is likely to incur their ire.

Militant Isolationists - Fanatic Xenophobe - Get off my lawn. (Responds very negatively to border friction).


do you have to create your race every time?

That's half the fun!

There are predefined races to choose from if you want though, in case you just want to push into a game. I believe humans are part of that roster.

You can always save your own creations though and replay as them in future games (you can also download races as mods - the Blorg, for exmaple will be available as a mod), or even play against them. You cna choose whether a race in the roster has a chance of spawning in a game as another civ, will definitley spawn as a civ, or won't ever spawn as a civ in a game.


That's half the fun!

There are predefined races to choose from if you want though, in case you just want to push into a game. I believe humans are part of that roster.

You can always save your own creations though and replay as them in future games (you can also download races as mods - the Blorg, for exmaple will be available as a mod), or even play against them. You cna choose whether a race in the roster has a chance of spawning in a game as another civ, will definitley spawn as a civ, or won't ever spawn as a civ in a game.

I think I will just ahve fun seeing what people come up with.
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