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Stephen's Sausage Roll - 'The Dark Souls of puzzle games'

Aaron D.

I'm sorry, but this game needs to be on mobile, STAT.

If these discrete puzzles don't scream on-the-go / pick-up-&-play, I don't know what does.

A 30 minute daily commute on DC Metro twice a day with SSR & my current podcast rotation sounds simply glorious.

Exhibit A: English Country Tune is already on mobile.

Exhibit B: Stephen's Sausage Roll is a 45 MB download (before save files).

Make it happen, Stephen!

I'm ready to double-dip.
I'm sorry, but this game needs to be on mobile, STAT.

If these discrete puzzles don't scream on-the-go / pick-up-&-play, I don't know what does.

A 30 minute daily commute on DC Metro twice a day with SSR & my current podcast rotation sounds simply glorious.

Exhibit A: English Country Tune is already on mobile.

Exhibit B: Stephen's Sausage Roll is a 45 MB download (before save files).

Make it happen, Stephen!

I'm ready to double-dip.
Asked him on Twitter, got an answer of "Possibly eventually"

Aaron D.

Asked him on Twitter, got an answer of "Possibly eventually"

That's an exciting possibility.

The controls seem like a natural fit. The hardware can easily present 1:1. The only elephant in the room is the price tag, which admittedly I don't have an answer for.

Man, this game could easily rock GOTY accolades on mobile.
That's an exciting possibility.

The controls seem like a natural fit. The hardware can easily present 1:1. The only elephant in the room is the price tag, which admittedly I don't have an answer for.

Man, this game could easily rock GOTY accolades on mobile.
Probably $4.99, $7.99, or $9.99 on iOS, you know how mobile pricing is


For people who like this, the DROD games have a similar "pole that you rotate" mechanism. Stephen Lavelle has commented on the official DROD forums so he's played them. The games are on GOG. Start with 1+2+3.


Damn these last few puzzles I have left on world 3 are really stumping me. I'm not getting the trick to Cold Ladder at all even after coming back to it a couple times, it looks so simple too.


For people who like this, the DROD games have a similar "pole that you rotate" mechanism. Stephen Lavelle has commented on the official DROD forums so he's played them. The games are on GOG. Start with 1+2+3.

Start with 4, since that's supposed to be a tutorial for new players.
Then 1+2+3, then 5.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Finished area 2. I think the most annoying/frustrating puzzle so far was of course
The Great Tower. That puzzle just throws like three new ideas at you - walking atop sausages to roll them, multi-tiered levels, and dealing with stacked sausages, all at once...and I feel it's the only one so far that felt like a chore to solve. The other puzzles felt like fun experimentation, while this one was more of "do these things in this order to solve" and you had to keep walking between both ladders.

this is an old post, but for what it's worth, you only ever need to climb up one ladder and down another exactly once. :p

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
After finally beating Cold Frustration, I steam rolled through worlds 3 and 4. I've just started world five, and it's finally bringing a mechanic I'd accidentally stumbled upon in other worlds into the forefront. Excellent.


After finally beating Cold Frustration, I steam rolled through worlds 3 and 4. I've just started world five, and it's finally bringing a mechanic I'd accidentally stumbled upon in other worlds into the forefront. Excellent.
World 5 is a marvel. Enjoy it. And especially the Crater/Dead End.

Aaron D.

Holy Toledo, Twisty Farm in World 2 is kicking my ass.

Been stuck for like 45 minutes. And by 45 minutes I mean 1+ hours.

Bah. I refuse to look up the solution, but I feel like I'm just not seeing something.


Holy Toledo, Twisty Farm in World 2 is kicking my ass.

Been stuck for like 45 minutes. And by 45 minutes I mean 1+ hours.

Bah. I refuse to look up the solution, but I feel like I'm just not seeing something.
Twisty Farm is the first "beautiful" solution in the game, I feel. *Definitely* don't look it up. = D

Aaron D.

Actually nailed it right after taking a break!

Boy that had me stumped forever.

Now, on to the final World 2 puzzle.



Wow I have everything in world 3 beat...except Cold Ladder. I don't know why this one is giving me so much trouble, I can get all the sausages near the grill but not in the right positions. The take a break and come back approach isn't working for it, I think I'm just gonna have to beat my head against it for a half hour or more until I get it.

Anyone else have trouble with that one? I feel like it should be one of the easier ones of the area. edt: Annnndd I just got it lol. It's definitely supposed to be easy (at least compared to the others in this area).


Blazed through world 4 in a little over an hour. Definitely figured out all the tricks to that one previously. The key to Wretch's Retreat is clever but I had been anticipating one that uses that kind of solution so it wasn't hard.

When you find yourself saying "man I bet the developer could make me do something like this later", the this being a thought of how he could twist the solution into something else, that's no coincidence; you will come across a puzzle that requires doing that thought exactly. I'm not even talking about new or surprise mechanics, but simple ideas that could hit you early on, like
having to cook a vertical sausage on a grill designed for horizontal ones and vice versa
. I pretty much prepare for that scenario every level after it popped into my head (I might have even had to do it earlier in world 1 or something). My advice is to make a mental note when that thought crosses your head and think back to those situations, or make it a rule to look for that possibility in every level going forward.

Also I'm tired and had to edit this a billion times. Gonna hit the hay and head into world 5 tomorrow.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
World 5 is a marvel. Enjoy it. And especially the Crater/Dead End.

Crater was great; Dead End actually made me gasp. I can't believe how surprising this game can be. Onto world six!

Edit: I can't believe Folklore worked.
I cleared out most of the 5th area over the weekend and solved a few puzzles in the 6th, and I'm kind of stunned by how the puzzle design just keeps getting better and more interesting. To echo what everyone else is saying: Crater was brilliant, and then Dead End had my jaw on the floor.

I think this may be the best puzzle game I've ever played. If you had told me the Witness would be outdone in just a couple of months, I'd have called you a liar, but SSR is just too good.


Add me to the list of people stuck on Twisty Farm. Last world 2 level, been at it in 30 minute chunks for a while. Ugh. Not gonna look it up but ugh.


Finally got back to sausage rolling. Ancient Dam took me over two hours, the longest puzzle yet.

26 hours in, 174 sausages now.


Twisty Farm deserves to be in a museum holy shit

Twisty Farm seriously baffled me for two hours. It was only when I reconsidered the mechanics of the game that I realized what to do to solve the "problem" in that puzzle.

Stephen is a genius, and so far, this is the best puzzle I've solved.


cool, never would've heard of this game if i had never seen this thread.

i'll probably buy it when it's on sale


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I feel like this would be a near-perfect Vita game for me, as far as accessibility and the come-back-to-it nature of the game. I guess this is such a small production that this will never happen, but boy would it be a nice fit.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I've been stuck on Split Face for days now :(

EDIT: I want the record to show I finally did. I did it. Me.


I've been stuck on Split Face for days now :(

EDIT: I want the record to show I finally did. I did it. Me.

This where I last stopped. Gonna make an attempt now, wish me luck.

So up until Dead End my mind hadn't really been blown, but I gotta admit from then on things have been undeniably impressive. If it doesn't get any crazier from here I'd still be satisfied.


This where I last stopped. Gonna make an attempt now, wish me luck.

So up until Dead End my mind hadn't really been blown, but I gotta admit from then on things have been undeniably impressive. If it doesn't get any crazier from here I'd still be satisfied.
It gets crazier!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Uh -- this game just... it just keeps going. I'm up to The Nursery.

Edit: And I just finished it. If you've been reading this thread and haven't bought the game for some reason, please do so. I must have spent a good twenty to thirty hours on it -- the Steam counter is off because I left it idling in the background a lot. (And, you know, I adored the game.)


Beat it. Great game, I can see why it's regarded so highly by other devs. World 6, which happens to compose a huge chunk of the game, was utterly brilliant. Outside of maybe like 2 or 3 puzzles, I thought everything was fantastically designed. One thing I appreciated was I felt there practically no red herrings (purposeful or not). It never felt like I was being unfairly tricked despite being constantly prepared for it. And speaking of fairness, despite this games difficulty Stephen could've made this game way, way harder if he wanted to and still have it be beatable. But he keeps things simple in respect for the player and their time and sanity. I kinda didn't think it was gonna go that route after world 1 and the tower in world 2, but it does.

For those who haven't played it, I highly recommend the game if you're looking for a puzzler. Take note though, world 1 is far and away the hardest thing in the game and it plays quite differently from the other puzzles and areas. The feeling of stumbling in the dark goes away quickly after it (mostly), and by world 3 you pretty much always feel like you have a direction of what to do immediately upon entering a level. So try and push through it, because the game gets better and better and ends up stabilizing at an easier level of difficulty while managing to teach you cool new stuff.


I'm having a lot more trouble with The Great Tower than I did with Twisty Farm. Is there something wrong with me?

I should play this more often. SO MANY GAMES
I'm having a lot more trouble with The Great Tower than I did with Twisty Farm. Is there something wrong with me?

I should play this more often. SO MANY GAMES
Ha, same. I was in a groove with this, and then I put aside for a bit, and then Shadow Complex, and got back into Alien: Isolation, and now Stellaris, and then...


I'm having a lot more trouble with The Great Tower than I did with Twisty Farm. Is there something wrong with me?

I should play this more often. SO MANY GAMES

Naw, The Great Tower is a straight bitch. One of the hardest puzzles (at least it is when you come across it) and I'm not a big fan of it. It throws a ton of new stuff at you at once rather than spread them out over a world. You could get somewhat lucky and beat it quickly, or end up running into the ridiculous amount of nuances that the new concepts there entail. Afterwards it's mostly smooth sailing for awhile, though there are a couple in world 3 that are some of the hardest imo.

And yeah I beat it today to put it away before Uncharted comes out. Too many games this month/every month


I just heard about this game and there is nothing more I wanna do but play this. I am more interested in this than uncharted!!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The Tower is the ultimate "look at the level, consider what the final solution MUST look like, then work backwards" level. If you can't picture the final state of the puzzle, then you're in trouble ;)


Just beat it, 31 hours.

Pretty incredible stuff, though I do think World 6 went on just a touch too long. Many of the concepts
especially the 3x3 rafts
were used a bit much, I think.

World 5 is GOAT.


Wow, I've beaten one puzzle. How the fuck do you guys figure this out? :,(

Edit: ok two puzzles

Edit: ok three puzzles. getting easier


Finally got it. It's everything I wanted it to be. Just reached The Great Tower and I'm gonna call it a day. More sausages in the next days.


I've been playing this on and off since launch, and I've usually been able to make at least a little progress in any given play session. But I've been stonewalled at Cold Frustration and Cold Cliff in World 3. Some revelation is escaping me.

I'm sure I'll have a breakthrough eventually.
Wow I completely missed the release for this one. I can see how it flew under the radar. The only reason I found out about this game was that I was watching a video with Jonathan Blow talking about it. I'm through the second area except for
The Great Tower
. Son of a bitch. I can't wait to see what the next area has. Having just played through The Witness I really am interested in games with this type of design philosophy where you just kind of explore and learn without the game really telling you anything, and you can get these really cool moments of discovery that feel special.

The puzzle design is pretty good so far, most of the puzzles have been really tight and simple looking, but each one feels like a new challenge, like you are not just using techniques you already know.

The game really tosses you in the deep end, and initially it is kind of jarring. The very first puzzles you do feel really tough and the control scheme is kind of weird. After you solve a few things feel more comfy.


I finally had the breakthrough I was hoping for with Cold Cliff. I was in the bathroom with the puzzle in the back of my mind, and suddenly the whole solution hit me. I booted up the game as soon as I could, and it worked as perfectly as I thought it would.

Now to figure out what I'm even supposed to do in Cold Frustration...

Aaron D.

But I've been stonewalled at Cold Frustration and Cold Cliff in World 3. Some revelation is escaping me.

I'm sure I'll have a breakthrough eventually.

I've hit a brick wall with World 3 for some reason. Like there's a new concept that I'm not comprehending.

I tried a few W3 puzzles where you
roll yourself on top of sausages
, but I can't seem to make the mental leap to find success with this dynamic.

I'm down but not out. I'm actually enjoying the "noodling through the solution" process. All I really need is an overstuffed chair, a fireplace and a brandy snifter and I'd be golden.

Damn this game is amazing.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Cold Frustration is one of the hardest puzzles in the game, by far. Stick with it! Restart the puzzle from the initial state a few times if you find yourself completely stuck.
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