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Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People

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It's always important to consider the intersectionality of privilege and oppression. Individuals face oppression based on some characteristics and privilege thanks to others all the time, and we should be mindful of that.

Sometimes being blunt and reductive in an article title can help with that mindfulness, but I'm not sure this one hits the mark.


Felium Defensor
If you have an issue with white people and the negative effects of their dominance on society go fucking speak to them!!

The internet literally cannot blame everything on Black Men. Y'all are gonna go '404...' while trying
The article highlights the male privilege even within the black community. Which is true in ANY community. Do you disagree with this fact?


If you have an issue with white people and the negative effects of their dominance on society go fucking speak to them!!

The internet literally cannot blame everything on Black Men. Y'all are gonna go '404...' while trying

You heard it here first. 'The Root' is an anti black site.
Talk to any black woman organizer you can find and ask them how many black men show up when a black woman is murdered or assualted or sexually assaulted by the police for a demonstration or a vigil.


And let's talk about how on a live radio channel a black man said he would kill a black trans person if she tricked him and black men flocked to his defense saying, "That's just his opinion. You all are too PC."



Black Canada Mafia
If you have an issue with white people and the negative effects of their dominance on society go fucking speak to them!!

The internet literally cannot blame everything on Black Men. Y'all are gonna go '404...' while trying

I can appreciate that 1. This articles title (and to an extent some of it's content) is really disagreeable and 2. That black men get blamed for a LOT

BUT, I think there's value in considering... Maybe not the blame to place on black men here, but the challenges other subsets of black people feel that are unique to them. I always think about gay black men, and how they have to deal with a WHOLE bunch of shit I never will, or straight black women and having to deal with being so ignored by society at large. Not to say that you personally are a part of that operation, but you probably appreciate on some level they have to deal with shit you never will, right?
Talk to any black woman organizer you can find and ask them how many black men show up when a black woman is murdered or assualted or sexually assaulted by the police for a demonstration or a vigil.

I continue to surprise and shame myself for not knowing a lot of black women that were important throughout history.
Talk to any black woman organizer you can find and ask them how many black men show up when a black woman is murdered or assualted or sexually assaulted by the police for a demonstration or a vigil.

I'll help get you started: http://theculture.forharriet.com/2015/04/no-one-showed-up-to-rally-for-rekia.html?m=1


And let's talk about how on a live radio channel a black man said he would kill a black trans person if she tricked him and black men flocked to his defense saying, "That's just his opinion. You all are too PC."


Do you two have actual data supporting anything, or have you been brainwashed by the propaganda?


Oh fuck off with this. Being hetero doesn't make it easier to get a job when they throw your resume in the trash when they see your name.


Rod and Karen are treasures, but he would hate to be called woke. Since there is woke black twitter and then there is "woke " black twitter. But that is a different conversation

I would never call Rod an activist or "Woke" with a capital W but Rod/Karen are definitely in that sweet spot in between full on woke yet still being able to laugh at problematic stuff.


Do you two have actual data supporting anything, or have you been brainwashed by the propaganda?
"Propaganda" sure man. All the organizers out here in the streets are lying on us poor black men about how we don't show support when that kinda violence happens to black women!
Do you two have actual data supporting anything, or have you been brainwashed by the propaganda?

Who is pushing this propaganda?

Ah I guess the stories of black women and black trans individuals don't mean much right? I guess you can't go look up the social media accounts of the person that said they would kill a trans woman and see the responses they received?
Who's propaganda?

"Propaganda" sure man. All the organizers out here in the streets are lying on us poor black men about how we don't show support when that kinda violence happens to black women!

I don't care about your useless anecdata. Do you have anything quantifiable that shows black women are worse off than black men? This article itself is propaganda. Baseless claims, provocative title, and guess what, no actual evidence supporting its conclusion. Propaganda.

Darryl M R said:
Who is pushing this propaganda? Answer this before I respond to your question about data.

The article itself is propaganda.

Are people so stupid now that they believe anything they read with zero evidence? Jesus.


I would never call Rod an activist or "Woke" with a capital W but Rod/Karen are definitely in that sweet spot in between full on woke yet still being able to laugh at problematic stuff.

World would be a better place if more people were in that spot


I don't care about your useless anecdata. Do you have anything quantifiable that shows black women are worse off than black men? This article itself is propaganda. Baseless claims, provocative title, and guess what, no actual evidence supporting its conclusion. Propaganda.
Were done here.
Divide and Conquer still working wonders on our community.
Saying that black men needs to hold ourselves responsible in our own communities is not a divide and conquer tactic. We are often the perpretors of domestic abuse against black women as well as transphobia and homophobia.
But when black women share that we pose the same existential and literal danger to them that whiteness does to us; and when black women ask us to give them the benefit of the doubt about street harassment and sexual assault and other forms of harassment and violence we might not personally witness; and when black women tell us that allowing our cousins and brothers and co-workers and niggas to use misogynistic language propagates that culture of danger; and when black women admit how scary it can be to get followed and approached by a man while waiting for a bus or walking home from work; and when black women articulate how hurtful it is for our reactions to domestic abuse and their rapes and murders to be “what women need to do differently to prevent this from happening to them” instead of “what we (men) need to do differently to prevent us from doing this to them,” their words are met with resistance and outright pushback. After demanding from white people that we’re listened to and believed and that our livelihoods are considered, our ears shut off and hearts shut down when black women are pleading with us.

So by and large, BM are actively ignoring BW. *rollseyes*

Can the internet please stop. God damn.

Black Male bashing has to end.

Show me active forums and councils of BM hating and oppressing BW that would equate to White Supremacy.
I don't care about your useless anecdata. Do you have anything quantifiable that shows black women are worse off than black men? This article itself is propaganda. Baseless claims, provocative title, and guess what, no actual evidence supporting its conclusion. Propaganda.

The article itself is propaganda.

Are people so stupid now that they believe anything they read with zero evidence? Jesus.

Come on now. First of all, I didn't offer any anecdotes.
Secondly, propaganda has a purpose. It benefits someone in power.
Who is behind this propaganda? That was and remains my question to you.
Come on now. First of all, I didn't offer any anecdotes.
Secondly, propaganda has a purpose. It benefits someone in power.
Who is behind this propaganda? That was and remains my question to you.

The propaganda is the false conclusion purported by the article. The author and/or the publisher are behind it, obviously.
This is a poorly titled article and is about male privilege in general.
Sure, anecdotally. However, if you look at actual data, e.g. income, debt, prison rates, educational attainment, etc. Black women stomp on the men. It's really no contest. There is no way to quantify "hardship" and taking "more shit". Black men are killed way more than the women, so I'd argue black men have more hardship, unless you think being killed isn't a big deal.

The only reason it sucks to be a black women is ironically because of the lack of good black men (too many of them are in prison or don't have good jobs).
Only? This downplays the hell out of sexism. Not all Black men are under threat of police death, gang violence, incarceration etc... Even if these things might befall on me as a Black male, I can't with a straight face say Black men generally have worse lives then Black women. Black women are also subject to State sanctioned violence and their victimization is nearly erased from the national discourse.
The propaganda is the false conclusion purported by the article. The author and/or the publisher are behind it, obviously.

Don't be obtuse. I'm asking who this propaganda is working for. Not who wrote it.
You sound like one of those people handwaving away climate change as a conspiracy just because it's uncomfortable to admit it exists.
This is a poorly titled article and is about male privilege in general.

Only? This downplays the hell out of sexism. Not all Black men are under threat of police death, gang violence, incarceration etc... Even if these things might befall on me as a Black male, I can't with a straight face say Black men generally have worse lives then Black women. Black women are also subject to State sanctioned violence and their victimization is nearly erased from the national discourse.
You have any data to support your conclusion? I posted some and yeah, it's not even close. The vast majority of violence towards blacks are on its men. Try again.

Don't be obtuse. I'm asking who this propaganda is working for. Not who wrote it.
You sound like one of those people handwaving away climate change as a conspiracy just because it's uncomfortable to admit it exists.
Sounds like you don't have any data. Sad. Funny you bring up climate change, since that's based on facts. Where are yours?
Yeah, no. (Straight) black men also have the highest chance of being killed because of gang violence, going to prison, poor educational attainment, etc. In fact, black [women] are pretty much better of or equal in every measurable metric.

A better article would be that light-skinned blacks are the white people of black people, which is literally true.

In short, what a dumb article. If you look at the entire demographic and not ridiculous exceptions, like entertainers and sports people, black women are way better off than black men. There are more black men in prison than in college.

I don't think you understand the article.


AND, notice how black women want black men, once again the backbone of the community.

Yeah, no. (Straight) black men also have the highest chance of being killed because of gang violence, going to prison, poor educational attainment, etc. In fact, black [women] are pretty much better of or equal in every measurable metric.

A better article would be that light-skinned blacks are the white people of black people, which is literally true.

In short, what a dumb article. If you look at the entire demographic and not ridiculous exceptions, like entertainers and sports people, black women are way better off than black men. There are more black men in prison than in college.

This article is addressing black dynamics within black communities.

Do you want to read it?
You have any data to support your conclusion? I posted some and yeah, it's not even close. The vast majority of violence towards blacks are on its men. Try again.

Sounds like you don't have any data. Sad. Funny you bring up climate change, since that's based on facts. Where are yours?

You know what? I may start answering questions when you do.
I'm still wondering who is pulling the strings. Who is trying to manipulate people into thinking black men have privilege, and for what reason.
Is it black women? Is it white people?
Why can't ya'll read the article before asking for recepits? People are going off about incarceration rates, lol. It almost feels like we're in a race thread, in this damn thread.
Why can't ya'll read the article before asking for recepits? People are going off about incarceration rates, lol. It almost feels like we're in a race thread, in this damn thread.

It is a race thread. Author is clearly shitting on BM for no reason.

That's all Black Feminism is anyway.
It is a race thread. Author is clearly shitting on BM for no reason.

That's all Black Feminism is anyway.

False. Black women definitely have challenges. Black feminism is also not just 'shitting on BM for no reason." For example, black women had to pick between women's suffrage (feminism) and getting rid of slavery (racism). A circumstance basically no other demographic has ever had to be in.
It is a race thread. Author is clearly shitting on BM for no reason.

That's all Black Feminism is anyway.

Bless your heart. That last sentence was just pure basura. Black feminism tries to tackle the societal pillars that oppress all people including black men.

#NotAllBlackMen /s

Doesn't the graph show that more black men respond to black women (16.4%) than vice versa (9.3%)?

Also I don't consider this some systematic oppression

The 16.4% is the lowest response rate meaning that was the ethnicity black men preferred the least, you need to compare the top row not the bottom.
It is a race thread. Author is clearly shitting on BM for no reason.

That's all Black Feminism is anyway.

In a white supremacy thread, you are the dude saying that it doesn't exist, huh? This is you as the black dude who doesnt care about black female causes even though they support yours asking nothing in return.


Junior Member
Yeah, no. (Straight) black men also have the highest chance of being killed because of gang violence, going to prison, poor educational attainment, etc. In fact, black [women] are pretty much better of or equal in every measurable metric.

A better article would be that light-skinned blacks are the white people of black people, which is literally true.

In short, what a dumb article. If you look at the entire demographic and not ridiculous exceptions, like entertainers and sports people, black women are way better off than black men. There are more black men in prison than in college.

Apart from
Dating I guess ? I remeber reading somewhere black women have it the worst when it comes to any subsection on dating ? Or dunno maybe it was a post on gaf ... Can't remember
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