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Street Fighter V |OT3| Frauds Among Us

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There's plenty of stuff to criticize Capcom on, but it doesn't mean we have to attack them on every single thing they do.

All that shows is that people complain just to complain instead of having some reasonable merit to their concerns.


There is plenty of good reason to give Capcom shit about SFV but not showing a character trailer during a CPT Premier is hardly one. Whats wrong with you people?


Impatient? Who releases a trailer for something hours before the thing comes out? C'mon son.

It is a release day trailer.
Has that key part - #Available Now.
Instead of making one that says "Coming soon" and then having to redo it to say "Available Now"

There was no shortage of Alex material out there. They had a nice preview with screens, people were excited and impatient, I get it. It happens.
But people really have seemed to lose their shit and lose their heads around this release which is just disturbing.


I'm glad you moved past Sean to find another idiotic hill to die on.

Ayyy wouldn't be a SF thread without some dickhead talking shit about other people's favourite characters to try and piss them off!

Fuck out of here with that schoolyard shit we're not 6 years old.


The point of releasing the trailer the day of is so the news outlets can create a news post saying "HERE'S THE TRAILER FOR ALEX, YOU CAN GO BUY HIM TODAY"

or in this case not buy him.

Ayyy wouldn't be a SF thread without some dickhead talking shit about other people's favourite characters to try and piss them off!

Fuck out of here with that schoolyard shit we're not 6 years old.

Why are you being so fucking hostile to everyone? Chill the fuck out.


There is plenty of good reason to give Capcom shit about SFV but not showing a character trailer during a CPT Premier is hardly one. Whats wrong with you people?

You guys really don't understand why people are anxious about Capcom's support and effort for this title considering how incomplete it launched and how low the sales are relative to expectations?

Especially when a trailer at a CPT premier is such no brainier, easy marketing, to build up hype and keep the spotlight on this game.

Edit: Also I'm fine with a release day trailer. Of course there should be a trailer on release day for a big patch.


It is a release day trailer.
Has that key part - #Available Now.
Instead of making one that says "Coming soon" and then having to redo it to say "Available Now"

There was no shortage of Alex material out there. They had a nice preview with screens, people were excited and impatient, I get it. It happens.
But people really have seemed to lose their shit and lose their heads around this release which is just disturbing.

Yup, pretty much. The idea that there was some massive failure for not putting out a trailer earlier for people who are following the game anyway and would have gotten day-one access to the character regardless is silly.

Now they know they just need to release it before the PC patch goes out if they want to make the first impression. That's all. The whole trailer nonsense was blown out of proportion.

Big Brett

OMG they didn't have a trailer for Alex before release? I'm new around the FGC but consider me outraged I'm moving to Tekken! I'm not even gonna play Alex but I'm furious!

/s hopefully not necessary


It's really hard defending them on this point, really.
They chose not to show this trailer during the two times when they had +90k people watching their pro tour event, and decided it would be better to wait for people to hack him out of the patch and spoil it all 2 days before, making their trailer absolutely useless.
It's a waste of time and resources, and I hope people who took this decision (probably all the way up at Capcom Japan) feel dumb enough today to not reiterate this mistake next month.

We will have to disagree.
The fact that people were asking and wanting an Alex trailer at the events means even more that having one was unnecessary.
"Oh you know who Alex is?"
"You are excited for him"
"Ok job done"

This trailer will now be out there for tv use to replace the trailer that has been going around for a while and be mixed in. #Value and #Effect

I understand again that people wanted it one way. That does not mean that is the best way.


It is a release day trailer.
Has that key part - #Available Now.
Instead of making one that says "Coming soon" and then having to redo it to say "Available Now"

There was no shortage of Alex material out there. They had a nice preview with screens, people were excited and impatient, I get it. It happens.
But people really have seemed to lose their shit and lose their heads around this release which is just disturbing.

Yeah I feel all the complaining would have made more sense if there was literally no details, screenshots, or anything right until the character release. I still think releasing a trailer during the tournaments would have been smarter, but that's just for the sake of Capcom's marketing more so than fan outcry.


There is plenty of good reason to give Capcom shit about SFV but not showing a character trailer during a CPT Premier is hardly one. Whats wrong with you people?

We will have to disagree.
The fact that people were asking and wanting an Alex trailer at the events means even more that having one was unnecessary.
"Oh you know who Alex is?"
"You are excited for him"
"Ok job done"

This trailer will now be out there for tv use to replace the trailer that has been going around for a while and be mixed in. #Value and #Effect

I understand again that people wanted it one way. That does not mean that is the best way.
It's not so much "giving Capcom shit" or "being impatient" as recognizing this was a very weak business decision they made.
They basically spent money to promote a character 2 days after it was hacked out of the latest patch, making this trailer moot and useless.
Also, this trailer is clearly not made to be shown on TV, and I would be very surprised if it aired. :)
Any tips on fighting Necalli in survival level 29? He's really aggressive. I've attempted with Bison, Rashid, and Cammy alt reaching that level, but failed.

For the most part, at least pre-monday patch (haven't tried on normal since), the cpu doesn't do well with you backing away and then jumping in for a knockdown/sweep. Also, moves that have inputs and results you would not associate together seem to be good for confusing it on wakeup (example: chun-li's df.mk overhead command normal; the cpu sees your down-forward+mk input and for some reason doesn't expect it to hit overhead).

Hmmm, any tips on Ryu's trials involving punch > shoryu > denjin? It's really easy to have hadoken's come out instead of shoryu's. The shortcut is so close together. =x

You need to hit punch a bit earlier, but if that doesn't work, you could always try using the SRK shortcut of df,df+punch instead of the SRK motion, then put in the qcfx2 (I think you'd have to do a full qcfx2 here, since you didn't start at down, if that makes sense).


Yeah, though their overuse of commas is a bit insane:

As each player sat down to fight for a spot in the finals at EVO 2015, the largest fighting game tournament in the world, held that year at a Paris-themed hotel, complete with miniature Eiffel Tower, in glittering Las Vegas, more than a hundred thousand people logged on to watch the fight.


I share the opinion that waiting until the day of release for the Alex trailer rather than at one of the major tourneys was a bad move, but this bad move has been amplified by the fact that Alex's files were included in Monday's patch. Of course the PC mod community is going to jump on that shit. It's happened before during the beta.

As a result, my first experience of seeing Alex in motion is a random player fighting a FANG, instead of a well-edited character introduction trailer.
I gotta learn these PDT/EST things. PDT is New York time?

PDT is west coast time, while EDT is east coast time.

The difference between PST/EST and EDT/PDT is that when it's EST/PST this is the name we use after the clock has moved back an hour, while EDT/PDT is the name we use when the clock has moved forward an hour, like it did a few weeks ago.


I share the opinion that waiting until the day of release for the Alex trailer rather than at one of the major tourneys was a bad move, but this bad move has been amplified by the fact that Alex's files were included in Monday's patch. Of course the PC mod community is going to jump on that shit. It's happened before during the beta.

As a result, my first experience of seeing Alex in motion is a random player fighting a FANG, instead of a well-edited character introduction trailer.
Yeah, that's my point.
Things wouldn't have been so bad if the patch only came out today.
1. I think the frustration with the whole Alex trailer thing is that, it just continues this overall feeling of silence coming from Capcom. We only get official word on thursdays through the capcom-unity blog, or a frustrating 'announcement of an announcement'. If it were up to Capcom, we'd have gone until today until we saw Alex in motion for the first time. Considering they are currently accepting cash for the character through the season pass, it goes without saying that people want to see what kind of support and content they should be expecting from Capcom going forward, whether its paid with real money or fight money.

I loved Garrett's trailer. Considering the resources at his disposal, he did an incredible job. We really got behind it cause it feels like we're sticking it to the man by going against this carefully crafted marketing plan that they are strictly adhering to. There are some ways in which Garrett's trailer is infinitely better - the trailer showcased other paid content, not just Alex (co-marketing paid content is a solid thing), and it used the original character theme. It would actually be smart of Capcom to, at one point, reintroduce classic character themes when available right into the game. We're just, and you guys cannot imagine how frustrating this must be to the US & UK Capcom community guys, all beholden to the will of Capcom JP's marketing team right now. I'm sure anything that gets said or announced is going through them first. Its supremely frustrating for the current userbase, as there are a plethora of features that we are waiting for and announcements we want to see made.

2. I don't see a reason to attack Capcom for releasing a trailer for a character on the day the character is actually available for use & sale. I'm not going to necessarily defend them either, since they've clearly made mistakes when it comes to SFV, but attacking them for not putting out a trailer at specific day or time is a bit absurd. If their reasoning was they wanted the marketing material for said character to be available the day the character goes on sale, then you can't really fault them for that. I mean, yesterday we were all concern-trolling Capcom in 'man, did the marketing budget just evaporate for SFV? Is that why they can't put out a trailer?'. A day later, we get some marketing-produced trailer complete with licensed music and its 'How dare Capcom not release the trailer before the character was out!'.

I'll sit here & criticize Capcom's marketing staff for not making proper use of a highly watched CPT event as a place to air an Alex trailer. I'll do that all day long. It's silly of them. But it's just a trailer - nothing to get worked up about. I mean, when they announced he would be out 2 days after the patch, you had people spouting concern at how far behind Alex was if they needed just that extra bit of polish time to get him in March. But he was clearly done in time. Capcom just has this really weird way that they are doing things that doesn't make much sense. But this is Capcom - if you've dealt with any of their major fighting game releases in the past, you would know not a whole lot of their decisions can make sense sometimes.


i always thought those character trailers were boring as fuck. hey look here's alex's moves. wow. and the editing where they zoom in for a second and then zoom out hurts to look at
Ayyy wouldn't be a SF thread without some dickhead talking shit about other people's favourite characters to try and piss them off!

Fuck out of here with that schoolyard shit we're not 6 years old.

Calling someone a dickhead is schoolyard shit though.

Who knew that a trailer for a game would make people feel some sort of way.
They really should've just given people 80k fight money as an apology, not these two costumes I'm not likely to ever use. I'd be singing a different tune if one of them was Ken's alpha/story alt, but y'know, I'd still think it was a hell of a lot more fair to do the 80k FM and then I'd just use 40k for the costume I want and bank the rest.

Yeah, people on March 1st were like "WHERE'S THE PATCH!?!?" It's like going to EB Games on January 1st and getting upset because a game with the release date "2016" isn't out yet.

Yeah, kinda.
Though when it hit March 15th with no patch and no release date/timeline or communication about it, that's a lot more justified, IMO. At that point the game had been out a month. By the time they tweeted to announce an announcement was coming, it was 5-6 weeks since release. People are antsy and rightfully so since the game launched in a very basic state and has a lot of issues.


They really should've just given people 80k fight money as an apology, not these two costumes I'm not likely to ever use. I'd be singing a different tune if one of them was Ken's alpha/story alt, but y'know, I'd still think it was a hell of a lot more fair to do the 80k FM and then I'd just use 40k for the costume I want and bank the rest.

Yeah it kinda sucks that I now have 2 alternate costumes for Chun Li, a character I have no intention of playing.
It's not so much "giving Capcom shit" or "being impatient" as recognizing this was a very weak business decision they made.
They basically spent money to promote a character 2 days after it was hacked out of the latest patch, making this trailer moot and useless.
Also, this trailer is clearly not made to be shown on TV, and I would be very surprised if it aired. :)
This is my opinion on the matter.

Capcom's trailer was always going to look similar to the one I made because I specifically tried to make it like I thought Capcom would. They used NY stage in their Alex screens so I used NY stage in my video. I looked at the Laura and Mika reveal trailers to see how they cut things together; how they started the video and how they ended it. My goal was to make a trailer as similar to theirs as I could.

But regardless of that, they should have released this trailer BEFORE they downloaded the content to everyone's computers/consoles. There is a reason why pretty much everyone else in the industry reveals DLC before they hand it over to consumers, and it's so that they have control over the initial impressions. Imagine, for example, a modder had released Alex gameplay that made him look fucking terrible. You'd have people nagging Capcom and saying how shit he was until some good footage came out. A situation like that could easily be avoided by Capcom releasing the trailer early.

They don't have an excuse. They saw EXACTLY what happened with the betas on PC - nothing was safe and everything leaked. They need to get on top of that and it wouldn't even be hard for them to do. Alex has been ready FOR CONSUMERS since Monday, so Capcom have had him in a working state for at least a few days prior to that.

This is not to shit on Capcom or the hard work their artists and programmers and designers do. Alex is fun as hell, his animations are fantastic (as we've all come to expect from characters in the base game), and my trailer nor any of the mods nor even this OT would exist without those individuals. They just need to get their PR team on top of things. :p


let's hope capcom will improve their communication with the players for the april update. if their monthly update release schedule is at the end of each month, please give us some news regarding the update at the beginning of the month.
So, I've compiled a small list of mods I want to do before the next patch:
  • Zero Suit Cammy for KingBroly
  • Alex fighting shorts
  • Hot Ken w/o beard
and I want to try and do something with Ken's face. I don't know which part of it is fucked up, honestly. The base model looks fine!
All the damage must be being done in the normal maps.
So, I've compiled a small list of mods I want to do before the next patch:
  • Zero Suit Cammy for KingBroly
  • Alex fighting shorts
  • Hot Ken w/o beard
and I want to try and do something with Ken's face. I don't know which part of it is fucked up, honestly. The base model looks fine!

All the damage must be being done in the normal maps.

My man!
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