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He does so many punishable moves at such timing and spacing it just makes all of them seem like safe moves.

Pretty much. Everything's safe if it all hits. And then on the occasions it doesn't hit often even the person blocking it is surprised.


NuckleDu tho
Hasn't he been using multiple characters?
Thats like taking credit away from Infiltration , apart from him and nuckledu most majors didnt have any other Nash in top 32. While having multiple Necallis,Chuns and Mikas. People know the Nash matchup , but Infil is just a really strong player right now.

Anyway back on topic , his V-reversal of all things is far from OP. His HP Sonic boom tho , is going to see nerfs for sure.
Bullshit - this takes nothing away from them. Joe/Infiltration get enormous credit for picking up the character early. They picked up on something w/ Nash and made it work. Part of being a good player in Fighting Games is figuring out who the actual "top tier" is in order to leverage that to your advantage.

Joe's played nothing but Nash this whole time, he put in the time and experience on what's probably the best character in the game, and it paid off big. Same w/ Yukadon, same w/ Infiltration.


Bullshit - this takes nothing away from them. Joe/Infiltration get enormous credit for picking up the character early. They picked up on something w/ Nash and made it work. Part of being a good player in Fighting Games is figuring out who the actual "top tier" is in order to leverage that to your advantage.

Then why have only so few player made Nash work? If he was such an easy and OP Character. You would think CEO,NCR..etc Top 32/64 would be filled with Nashes if he was so OP. Yet its only the same faces again and again. Infil , Nuckledu. LiJoe wasnt doing all that well after winter brawl up until EVO.

Either the Evo 3 Nash is skewing your opinion or you always hated him for some reason. Despite all this , you dont hear top players say Nash is the best. Like Tokido,Daigo..etc.


Then why have only so few player made Nash work? If he was such an easy and OP Character. You would think CEO Top 32/64 would be filled with Nashes if he was so OP. Yet its only the same faces again and again. Infil , Nuckledu. LiJoe wasnt doing all that well until EVO.
Nash is weirdly unpopular despite being super good. The CW w/ the game has been all about Ryu/Chun as top 2 w/ people just crediting the success to Infiltration alone. (I've been adamant about that not being the case for months.)

I expect you're going to see people swap now leading up to Capcom Cup.


Nash is weirdly unpopular despite being super good. The CW w/ the game has been all about Ryu/Chun as top 2 w/ people just crediting the success to Infiltration alone. (I've been adamant about that not being the case for months.)

I expect you're going to see people swap now leading up to Capcom Cup.

Weirdly unpopular?

He is the 3rd most played character after Ryu and Ken. As stated by Capcom at the EVO Panel. But I get that not many "pros" are picking him up. Perhaps because they dont like his weaknesses and prefer their own character. You need to have super solid defense to play Nash.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
LiJoe wasnt doing all that well after winter brawl up until EVO.

LI Joe has been to 3 tournaments this year.

Winter Brawl - 1st
Combo Breaker - 9th
Evo - 5th

Yea, he sure wasn't doing well...

EDIT: He's also done very well at all the NLBC's he went to.


Weirdly unpopular?

He is the 3rd most played character after Ryu and Ken. As stated by Capcom at the EVO Panel. But I get your point that not many "pros" are picking him up. Perhaps because they dont like his weaknesses and prefer their own character.
In pro play, not in casual play.
LI Joe doesn't seem to travel much outside of the east coast area. Considering there are 3 major ranking tournaments occurring on the East Coast in the next 2 months or so (one at the final weekend of July, mind you), I am hoping we see more of him & he gets more points in order to ensure his CPT spot.

There are also several online tournament ranking events that Capcom hasn't detailed yet that should be occurring in the Sept - Nov period. If Joe can place well in those events & attends the NA CPT regional tournament, then I think he'll secure his spot.

The big challenge for Joe is going to be his transition to Urien. He's already made it well known he's switching to the character when he launches. I know he's worked on getting some practice in with him, but he's gonna need some actual match up data to make him viable. At least he'll have more practice time with Urien than most players got with Ibuki & Balrog going into EVO.


LI Joe doesn't seem to travel much outside of the east coast area. Considering there are 3 major ranking tournaments occurring on the East Coast in the next 2 months or so (one at the final weekend of July, mind you), I am hoping we see more of him & he gets more points in order to ensure his CPT spot.

There are also several online tournament ranking events that Capcom hasn't detailed yet that should be occurring in the Sept - Nov period. If Joe can place well in those events & attends the NA CPT regional tournament, then I think he'll secure his spot.

The big challenge for Joe is going to be his transition to Urien. He's already made it well known he's switching to the character when he launches. I know he's worked on getting some practice in with him, but he's gonna need some actual match up data to make him viable. At least he'll have more practice time with Urien than most players got with Ibuki & Balrog going into EVO.
Joe has a FT job and can't get time off easily. Things are about to change for him for sure there since he's super-sponsorable now.

I worry that Urien will torpedo Joe, lol.


New player here i have a question for all the pad users. Do you use the D-pad or the analog stick for inputs? Ive been using the dpad but its really wearing on my thumb but the analog seems so unnatural to me


New player here i have a question for all the pad users. Do you use the D-pad or the analog stick for inputs? Ive been using the dpad but its really wearing on my thumb but the analog seems so unnatural to me

D-pad forever. Can't stand using the analog. But a few here use it sucessfully so use what you like best, as always.
New player here i have a question for all the pad users. Do you use the D-pad or the analog stick for inputs? Ive been using the dpad but its really wearing on my thumb but the analog seems so unnatural to me

I believe some pad players switch between the two on the fly.
I prefer d-pad myself if using a controller. If you keep playing, you'll get calluses and be fine... :p


Joe has a FT job and can't get time off easily. Things are about to change for him for sure there since he's super-sponsorable now.

I worry that Urien will torpedo Joe, lol.

Does he wanna quit his job to be sponsored and go full time, though? It's a fair question.

Personally, I think him not being sponsored and getting Top 8 is a better story for him. It's probably not sustainable, but it's basically made him the most popular FGC player in the US.
I for one actively avoid all SFV threads but this one.

Smart move. I do the same. In fact, this is one of 3 threads that I usually stick to checking and by far the most often when things are actually happening with the game. There was a dead period there when capcom screwed up the May update and didn't deliver anything new until the end of June.


Does he wanna quit his job to be sponsored and go full time, though? It's a fair question.

Personally, I think him not being sponsored and getting Top 8 is a better story for him. It's probably not sustainable, but it's basically made him the most popular FGC player in the US.
Getting sponsored would let him put more energy into the TO side.


After watching both I think the twitch broadcast was better. Having the other commentators coming through in the background really made the audio mix shitty, and Mike and seths commentary was just too ham fisted and generalized for my taste a lot of times. I think it's cool that ESPN is getting more into esports, but I really hate their strategy of trying to make their broadcasts proprietary..... Like yea, they gotta do it that way, I get it, but it still rubs me the wrong way.... It just gives off this air of them not actually giving a shit about games and the community, they're just in it for the money (duh). But compared to twitch, which is all about the games and community, ESPNs approach is just super shitty and transparent by comparison. I've said it before in other threads, but cable tv is a dinosaur on its way to extinction and twitch/YouTube/just online streaming in general is the future. Esports will be relevant without a doubt, ESPN needs Esports as a growth market more then esports needs ESPN for anything.

I can't wait for the mentality to change from: evo gets to be on ESPN, to: ESPN gets to broadcast evo.
I hope someone sponsors him soon so he can go to more.

He won like 50k dollars in vegas + some of the prize money from top 8, I don't think expenses are going to keep him from going to majors now.

Are the Alt Normal Stages? (I don't know, haven't touched em)

There are no npcs on alt stages

New player here i have a question for all the pad users. Do you use the D-pad or the analog stick for inputs? Ive been using the dpad but its really wearing on my thumb but the analog seems so unnatural to me

Grew up with SF2 on the snes, so dpad all the way, I have this strip of callus on my thumb from long sessions with the dreamcast dpad on cvs2 ;P.
I for one actively avoid all SFV threads but this one.

Yeah, Gaming side SFV threads are almost all poison. I get it, there are a bunch of people soured on the game & Capcom is going to have to work to get some of them back - others won't be coming back no matter what they do. However, Capcom has made it well known that support for this game is going to continue & they are going to continue supporting it for years to come. The fact that we keep having certain users creating threads trying to cast doubt on this is just ridiculous to me.


Good games guys. Wierd you got DCed. Dartastic please have mercy on my soul ;_;
Ha, no worries man. GGs. Work on your anti-air's and your awareness of crossups though, you kept getting cross you up and jump in all day. I know it's an area I need to improve on also.


He said on best of III last night that he thinks Urien as he stands is pretty weak and he won't play him unless the final version of Urien is better.
Smart man.

It seems that like Alex he's a pretty straight port of his 3S incarnation, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him have similar issues.
Since Windows Store is being dumb and won't download my Killer Instinct updates, I guess I'm stuck playing SFV with you mooks.

Up for some games later tonight. Show me how bad my Balrog is.


Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
They will be, but they also won't be that different, they're pretty close to complete.

Moves wise, yeah. But altering move properties will have a huge impact on how they are played. Ibuki, on the flipside of things, looked like she got nerfed from the videos (or at least, that was what was discussed on other forums. I'm not an Ibuki player so I don't know).

Hopefully people can really explore him when he drops, so whatever buffs need to happen can happen at the end of the year.
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