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Strike Back - S3 of the explosive action series - Returns for a final season on 7/31

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- Internet radio interview with Philip Winchester
Leeann Tweeden and Dana Commandatore talk about whatever they want with whomever they want in this weekly 1-hour conversation between two friends.

This week, the Tomboys get to know Philip Winchester, lead actor in their favorite show Cinemax's Strike Back. Listen in as they chat about about everything from Montana to London.

EDIT: The stuff with Winchester starts about 16min in. Unfortunately the quality on his end is pretty bad.
Minor spoiler from Sepinwall:
Sepinwall said:
There is a very serious flashback in an upcoming "Strike Back" ep that's unfortunately undercut by period sideburns and cell phone tech.
I'm guessing
it's a Locke/IRA flashback?


I just realized this show has never won or even been nominated for an Emmy for stunt work. But don't worry, shit like Blue Bloods get nominated though.

So this proves it, once and for all. The Emmys are completely worthless bullshit.

Funky Papa

I just realized this show has never won or even been nominated for an Emmy for stunt work. But don't worry, shit like Blue Bloods get nominated though.

So this proves it, once and for all. The Emmys are completely worthless bullshit.
I didn't even know there were awards for stunts in TV shows.

Even more baffling, Blue Bloods bests SB in them. Maybe Dexter should present the kid-in-a-threadmill scene for their consideration while they are at it.
New episode tonight:
Episode 25

While recovering from a shocking turn of events, Section 20 faces a different threat: a new enemy joining forces with an old one. Locke draws Kamali in closer to the team. Scott looks for an old friend, while Stonebridge gets closer to a new one.


Wow, that was pretty intense. Stonebridge is in bad shape, I'm glad he didn't take that shot at the end. The ole "I need to go to the bathroom" trick :p
The plot was solid but it felt pretty cliche. Secret Irish ex-agent past, the mark keeps on dying, the airport scene felt really off to me.

The airport scene felt like it could come from a dozen other shows, set in a nondescript location with some signs to make it seem like an airport. Strike Back usually does so good in setting their action set pieces in interesting places and if it's just average you notice it. The scenes in Beirut, the airfield in Lebanon and Colombia were all much larger in scope and visually more interesting.

Having visited Budapest airport it's also unlikely anyone would get out, there are a LOT of soldiers there with AK's, not just a few cops who were just there to get shot and provide weapons to the main cast.


The plot was solid but it felt pretty cliche. Secret Irish ex-agent past, the mark keeps on dying, the airport scene felt really off to me.

How are any of these things plot holes though?

Like last time, pretty cheap way to have the lads fuck up yet again. But solid action and the flirty interaction between the women and the guys is pretty cool.
How are any of these things plot holes though?

Like last time, pretty cheap way to have the lads fuck up yet again. But solid action and the flirty interaction between the women and the guys is pretty cool.

I guess it's not really plot holes but me not really feeling this episode.
I thought they were uncharacteristically sloppy in the bathroom scene. Not sure why they'd leave her in there by herself. Poor Stonebridge is falling apart. :(

- Promo for next week's episode *SPOILERS* (please spoiler tag any discussion)

New episode tonight:
Episode 26

Section 20 is torn between devoting their resources to the mission or saving one of their own. Stonebridge's health continues to affect him in the field. Al-Zuhari's network moves forward quickly, striking close. Kamali explains why yet another threat is emerging.

Funky Papa

I stand corrected on the bad location work, they did shoot at an actual airport, just the old Soviet bloc architecture part of it no longer in use.

I was thinking that it was probably a secondary/regional airport. The one at my home city used to be about as big and well equiped as a bus station, yet it handled plenty of transoceanic flights (cargo and private jets, mostly).
Two sneak peek vids from tonight's episode:

- #1
- #2

These might overlap with the ones I've already posted. I don't watch them, so I haven't checked.


Amazing episode.

Missed the last 5? minutes due to heavy rain and my DBS system :(
I'll catch the ending later tonight or tomorrow.

Can't wait to read all the chatter! Thankfully Stonebridge made that shot
lol love the Stonebridge and Scott "your fuck" scene

this episode was wasn't as exciting as last week but it did had it moment.\
I'm do however find it suspicious that Kamali kill that one chick right about she was going to spill the bean on who hire the hit

Can't wait for next week episode though, look like it going to involve a prison somehow.


Hunky Nostradamus
I feel like the past two episodes have comprised the weakest arc the show has done in quite some time. There was virtually no tension this week, with Locke's capture. You knew nothing was going to happen to him so soon after Dalton's death and he hasn't been on the show long enough, or done anything cool/smart enough, for us to care about him or his family, so all those scenes just fell flat.

I did like when the missiles hit the building though. The effects were nice.

Funky Papa


I loved it. Super tight and full of terrific action (with some awesome brobanter in between), even if it didn't really advance the plot in any seeming way. Call it fluff if you like, but so many shows would kill to have filler episodes anywhere as good.

I get the impression that this was the middle point of this season's storyline. Onwards from here is just bat country.

Edit: I also loved the little details such as the vans catching fire after firing the rockets. In most movies the terrorists would have just gotten inside them and drive away like no thang, ignoring the effects of the backblast.

Edit 2: These jiffs...


I'm going to run them until they break.


It was good, but the flashback was unneeded, and slowly, the lack of a compelling and charismatic uber-villain like Charles Dance is really felt. I don't even remember what Al-Zahari (or however you spell it) looks like. Wouldn't be such a big problem if the show didn't dispatch the smaller baddies so often but oh well.

I agree it's the weakest arc so far, but I think our standards are also rising because we're now used to the show setting the bar for action in every single episode that we're starting to demand a little more in terms of plot. In a way I miss S2's more independent arcs because they allowed for tighter mini stories whereas here it's as if they have to make everything interconnected and emotionally charged and it just ends up a little bit messier.
Am I the only one getting the feeling that Kamali is going to end up being revealed as a really bad baddie before season's end? This is the second time he's been involved in a shooting that just didn't feel right the way it was shot/edited.


Am I the only one getting the feeling that Kamali is going to end up being revealed as a really bad baddie before season's end? This is the second time he's been involved in a shooting that just didn't feel right the way it was shot/edited.
I just don't know anymore if Kamali is fucking with section 20 or if the show runners are fucking with us

but yes, his hand suddenly doesn't need that thingy anymore (sorry don't know the english word -.-), he gets a gun without anyone telling him to get a gun and he shoots the irish girl, but has a perfectly reasonable explanation, she did have a gun, but quite sure she also had a phone, so...

I think he might have been the bomber that killed Lockes kid
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