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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Rinne no Lagrange - 22

Dude. Holy shit this episode. Not only was the story progression really awesome, but this episode really delivered on the entire audio/visual package. Dat art! Dat music! One of the more outstanding episodes in the series for me so far incorporating all those elements. Superb all around!

One thing I really love this season is that instead of trying to incorporate all the elements they wanted to in every single episode, they've taken way better care of separating the SoL and Action/Battle/Fuckawesome stuff, giving them each fair breath, and resulting in a lot less disjointedness on an episode-by-episode basis.

Good stuff all around this season, and I love robots fighting.

For what it's worth, I agree with you.


Space Bros 24

an episode featuring the world's best alarm clock and lawnmower metaphor is a damn good one


Setec Astronomer
I am not asking for people to accept my preference. I am asking that they realize that there is merit for the broadcast version, and not fall victim to those who say the animation is "bad" and write it off completely, unable to accept any opposing opinion or valid point for the original version, making fun of anybody who prefers it over the DVD version, which is what you do.
Allow me a moment to make myself clear.

There is only one reason I harp on Birdy s2: you. I never give anyone else grief over it. In fact, it's not even that big of a deal to me. I have my own opinion about it, of course, but that's not what gets me emotional. Rather, it's watching you post in this thread and talk in IRC with the most hardline of stances over art and then talk to everyone else as if they were beneath you. By this I mean your habit of simply going NO whenever somebody says something you disagree with and find to be "bad art"(among other things). You only actually talk things out when forced. Then you turn around and sing praises over Birdy s2 which to me has "bad art", and that strikes me as hypocrisy. You allow yourself an appreciation you deny others.

Furthermore, should anyone speak ill about you or talk to you unkindly, you immediately throw the largest fits while acting as if you were entirely innocent the whole time. You dish shit out but can never take it.

I don't usually get worked up over much, but you've managed to find the right way to consistently get under my skin. Indeed, I've acted badly as a result sometimes, and that's why I took steps to limit my exposure to you.


This is how the dark path always begins.

I am ok with that. Ive been there. It was kinda neat.

I can't recall if I've ever bought something from Sentai. Here's to hoping their pengu blu set doesn't suck too hard.

I'm also totes down for that Rose of Versailles set, in spite of never having seen it. I dig that Right Stuf has carved out this super classy, semi-old school niche that caters to me and my odd tastes.

Sentai stuff is ok. Its not bad quality, its just cheaply packaged.
Space Bros 24

It's mostly a set-up episode that introduces several new characters that will be important in the next arc. Mutta's energy and great reactions continue to make this show entertaining even when covering the most mundane stuff or devoting an episode to exposition.
I suppose Azuma will be the new main "antagonist."
The episode has some nice Apo action too.


Five Star Stories

Wow, plot was dense for the short time span and it effectively sets up something larger but that was cool as fuck. Classy mecha fights, some of the most fabulous anime hair I've ever seen, and space politics added up to something awesome.


The Five Star Stories


Soap-sama is so moe.

Mechs, androgynous gods, and some really fabulous hair. Pretty classy film though the plot was pretty weird. It feels like I really need to check out the manga to get the gist out of it. The whole set-up looks interesting but an ongoing series since the 80's seems like a fairly big investment. I might look into more from this series in the future though.


Subete no aware
Five Star Stories
I actually wonder where this pairing goes in the manga. lol


Space Bros 24

Ughhhh. Yeah, I know they can't have people in America speak actual English, but when you have some characters speaking English and some characters speaking Japanese, it just gets kind of silly.

I don't even know why it bothers me, but it just does. lol


So I begin my long-term anime watching project today: jman2050's 2012(-13?) SHAFTWATCH So I claim to be a Shaft fan but in actuality don't actually have much experience with their shows before SZS, and even some after or during that period. Well that's about to change, as I now set out to go through (almost) every single project Shaft has been prominently involved with since the turn of the millenium in chronological order, whether good, bad, or somewhere in between. Many of these shows I have either never seen or have only seen bits and pieces of, so I'll be going in completely blind for most of them.

And we begin with... Gainax?

(Dotto Koni-chan was actually before this according to wiki, but if I get to it it'll be at a later date. This is more interesting anyhow)

Yes, the first Shaft show is barely a Shaft show at all as far as I know! Instead I begin in the wonderful world of Gainax's back catalog. From the various rumblings I've heard on the interwebz, it seems that people are not terribly fond of the Gainax/Shaft collabs, which consist of Mahoromatic, This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, and He is my Master. I could be totally wrong on this of course, as I said I'm going in mostly blind on these. My knowledge of Mahoromatic consists of A) it's an ecchi romcom that, for its time period at least, pushed pretty far in the fanservice department, and B) its ending is a total kick in the nuts I think? Just for fun, I'm doing the first episode with Index-style a comment-in-real-time-as-you-watch summary. I will probably do this for every first episode and then default to quick impressions for the rest. I warn you though, I am not a particularly funny writer and this whole exercise is merely for my own amusement with the hopes of maybe getting a little bit of discussion on these shows going, so feel free to ignore if you just aren't interested.

Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden 1

- So we begin with what is actually some pretty impressive animation. Something something alien attack something something robot soldiers something. We see a girl in darkness fight and destroy a giant monster in the backdrop of a ruined city. Somehow I have a sneaking suspicion that the rest of the show will not resemble this action sequence in the least

- So this android girl named Mahoro has 398 days to live and do whatever she wants. Being vaguely familiar with the premise of this show means I have sort of an idea what to expect.

- And we're introduced to our protagonist, Suguru. He's hiring a live-in maid since his house is trash and he lives alone. He enters a bus on his way to interview his new maid and sees Mahoro in a maid costume. Since 2001 is before every anime was required to have a chaste pussified MC who hates the mere thought of a woman's nether-regions, we instead see Suguru imagining her as her maid and all the naughty things he'd do in that situation. Of course, surely he'd never get a catch like that...

- And suddenly... bus hijacking! Wait, what? So, two guys threaten everyone with a gun, they get the police on their tail, and threaten to kill the bus driver. Suguru can't bear to watch and provokes the criminals to aim at him instead. Mahoro intervenes and provokes the dudes herself and their attempts to shoot the high-powered combat android go about as well as you'd expect. With the dudes down for the count Suguru and Mahoro crash the bus together and hold each other in embrace as they are launched out the front.

- Suguru comes to and Mahoro tells him she's a combat android, which is why she owned the criminals so easily. With the police nearby she leaves immediately, leaving Suguru flustered and confused. He comes home and hears singing in his own backyard, which turns out to be Mahoro. Shock and awe, she's Suguru's new maid, and introduces herself politely as such.

- Halfway point: The presentation seems pretty subdued but the animation is very good so far. The director is Gainax founder Hiroyuki Yagami, who seems to be involved in some way with pretty much everything Gainax has done. Interestingly enough, the only other directing credits he has are for Wings of Honneamise and Magical Shopping Arcade Abenoboshi, of all things. This is very mucha Gainax show it seems, and maybe it's cheating starting with something like this as opposed to Shaft's more familiar solo acts, but hey, that's the way the ball bounces. I'll get to familiar Shinbo/Shaft antics soon enough.

- Mahoro explains her origins as a combat android and Suguru is rather intimidated by the whole deal. He worries about sharing a roof with what is essentially a high school girl (damnit, and you started so well too!) and considers turning her down. Since that would end the story right there, he decided to give it a go, if only temporarily.

- He shows her around the house, and, after a quick interlude showing that his parents are gone somehow, it becomes clear that his lifestyle would make Taiga's living accomodations look acceptable in comparison. The rooms get progressively worse until it culminates with Mahoro opening an overstuffed closet full of... roomfuls of... used... underwear? Kid, they make Dateline specials about people like you.

- Mahoro cleans the kitchen and starts to make dinner with Suguru's paltry foodstuffs and... oh hey, 16 minutes in and we finally get our first panty shot. I knew you wouldn't let us down Gainax! Anywho, dinner is ready, but Suguru feels uncomfortable eating while Mahoro just watches idly. Sigh, it seems like he's nestled himself pretty cleanly into the "flustered asexual male" role with haste.

- Suguru takes a bath, yes you can probably write the entire scene in your head and be roughly in the ballpark (this being Gainax, we have teh nipples). More flustering, Mahoro has the kid rest on her chest in the bath (I don't think this was in the contract...) and, remembering his mother, Suguru faints in the bathtub. Seriously, is fainting in the bathtub when you're older than five years old seriously a thing? Why does this happen? Was there some epidemic in Japan ala Korean fandeath that has the Japanese deathly afraid of hot water? Is it just some in-joke that everyone in the industry plays along with? Somebody help me!

- Suguru recovers and Mahoro is upset that she let him faint in the bathtub and starts the crying about being a combat android and not knowing what she's doing etc etc. Because he feels sorry for her and NOT because he's totally completely in love with her (that would just be silly) he agrees to contract her on a permanent basis, improving Mahoro's mood considerably. He talks about losing his parents early (JAPAN, THERE IS SUCH A THING AS CHILD SERVICES) and they come to an understanding. The next morning he leaves for school and Mahoro smiles as he departs with the show reminding us at the end that she ceases functioning in 390 days.

So the verdict? Honestly, I was pretty bored watching through this first episode as they went through all the requisite trappings and cliches that have defined his genre for what is now decades. This is the stuff that Nyaruko mercilessly parodied in its first few episodes. It's probably a symptom of the time period that they play it completely straight to start, and I do wonder if we'll start to see more interesting stuff as it goes along. Or it could just rotely go through every magical girlfriend beat in the book without much deviation, using the ticking time bomb plot device to maintain tension. That COULD work, but it'd take some real execution to pull that off. I mean, Abenoboshi didn't get good until the plot actually got going, so there's a precedent.

On the positive side, after the wholesale move to full digital composition and coloring over the past decade or so, it's always nice to see Gainax's talents at work. The animation (when it's needed) is good, the color scheme is easy on the eyes, and the minimalist watercolor background work is a real sight to behold, quite a contrast to the sterile, boring semi-realistic stuff that's pretty much everywhere nowadays, and that studios like KyoAni have perfected down to a science. The character designs are decent but nothing exceptional. The OP is forgettable but the ED is quite catchy.

Impressions for the rest of the show are gonna be of the somewhat quick short summary style I usually do.

EDIT - I should clarify this is for stuff that I haven't seen to completion, which admittedly is a lot of it. I'll point out shows and such I skip for this reason.


So I begin my long-term anime watching project today: jman2050's 2012(-13?) SHAFTWATCH So I claim to be a Shaft fan but in actuality don't actually have much experience with their shows before SZS, and even some after or during that period. Well that's about to change, as I now set out to go through (almost) every single project Shaft has been prominently involved with since the turn of the millenium in chronological order, whether good, bad, or somewhere in between. Many of these shows I have either never seen or have only seen bits and pieces of, so I'll be going in completely blind for most of them.

If you're going to do this, you should make sure to watch Shinbo's pre-SHAFT works as well, such as Le Portrait de Petit Cossette.
HXH 47


Why are
eye users
always OP in shounen?

Did he explain why he could handle the first punch?

Or does the contacts still allow him to use his mode?


Snore Art Online Episode 11


Well that was boring.

Yui was cute though and there was some nice background art at least.


[Five Star Stories] (1989)

A movie staring Soap:


For what is essentially a one hour film I'm pleasantly surprised that they managed to tell a complete story with a reasonable ending that doesn't free truncated or rushed. It basically felt like the first chapter of a far longer story, which I guess it basically is. It's actually a relatively simple story, it's just that the script is crammed to the nines with made up words and everyone's secretly in disguise as someone else. I feel like the characters are surprisingly well drawn, considering the short amount of time that we spent with them. It was a surprisingly satisfying piece.

Also, holy crap real teeth in an animation! Madness.

The selling point of the movie is, of course, the visuals, which are as spectacular as I imagined. It's not hard to see why this was only 60 minutes long, the character designs and mechanical designs and, well, everything is far, far too complicated to animate.

It's interesting to see a story borrow quite so obviously and so liberally from Western sci-fi works such as Dune and Star Wars, as well as the works that inspired those works. It's certainly refreshing to see compared to all the works which are obsessed with only boring from within anime.

I guess I assumed this movie would have a lot more mecha action than it did. In reality it's packed with bishounen's and bishoujo's tossing their hair around. Don't believe me? Just look at this. For those who love unnecessarily detailed 80's hair animation:

As an aside, this must be one of the only times that the animation designs for something actually match up with the concept art. Heck, the character designs are actually more elaborate:

In an earlier post I complained about 'scale' being done poorly in FMA:B 60. This movie really knows how to get it right:



Hidamari Sketch x365 3


Why is Miyako awesome?

Miyako and Yuno climb up many steps in order to sketch. I appreciated the mountain shrine locale. This is usually the case when I see them in anime.

Yoshinoya also gets chewed out more by Principal (which I also enjoy seeing)! Some chocolate is eaten and Natsume blushes again for Sae-like reasons.

The most contributing event in this episode would be Yuno getting approached by a
child for her drawing.
It surely did wonders for her self-confidence (at least for the day). "Art can put a smile on faces and an impact in the heart" is the lesson Yuno learned today.


Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Yoshinoya!

It's always great to watch more pleasant Hidamari.


Moyashimon - 08


I want to go drinking with Hasegawa...

And those chocolates...

There's so much to be gained in life with fermentation. The ladies of this show are great. The awkward situation guide is even better.

Hunter x Hunter 2011 47 (actual impressions)

So yeah, what is arguably the best event in the arc (and among the best in the series) was handled masterfully. They must have broke the bank on this episode because the animation and choreography was fantastic. Every attack had a real sense of impact and it was just a pleasure to watch.

It was also satisfying as hell. I think what separates Uvogin from the thousands of other "strong looking overconfident thugs that
get their asses kicked
" is that he actually is intimidating and a primary antagonist despite not having a ton of screentime
before his death.
It's just really good build up, and as I said in an earlier post, is one of the things that make the Spiders are really damn good villain group along with their treatment of other members.

Also, I don't remember
Kurapika being THIS broken against the Spider. The only significant damage was brushed off and healed in an instant.
Dude knows how to fuck shit up.
Could be he's just strong enough to handle the punch at 20% without the need for any kinds of enhancements. Or he had the chain wrapped around his body as protection, I don't know.

oh yeah, I kinda forgot that he was pretty baller during the test as well.

My prediction was that he already got the guy chained down and was secretly holding back his punches, to fuck with him.


it feels like nothing significant happened in sword art online in a long time. or rather, im surprised that its been 10 episodes so far and no mention of the GM or anything like that. not to mention the crazy time skips. 2 years already, damn. i really loved the first 4-5 episodes but now its getting kinda boring. is this going to be 24 episodes or 12?

for some reason i wanted to punish myself, i ended up marathoning all of ano natsu de matteru. i liked the onegai stuff when i was a kid and since people from those series were involved, i thought this series couldnt be that bad. holy shit this is one of the worst anime i have ever seen. i wish every single one of the main cast died. i originally started watching it late last night because i couldnt sleep but i ended up finishing it all, swearing all the way through.

Well... that's a unique opinion. The leads are pretty bland and uninteresting, I'll give you that.
The contacts don't actually supress his power, they just make it so others can't see the scarlet eyes. During the test part so much as a passing mention of the phantom troupe set him off so chances are being face to face with a member had him in that mode the entire time.
Space Bros 24

Team apo.

And man, those sitting lawn mowers always look like fun. Have to use the pushing type with a 'cruise control' that's way too fast, which requires me to jog behind it.


Family Art Online ep 11
I'm sorry Yamada, but your lookalike is much much cuter than you. I can't stand that sappy love shit in the beginning. Oh hey, I heard akarin's voice in the bunch of kids!
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